コード例 #1
$object_id = CValue::get("object_id");
$object_class = CValue::get("object_class");
$code = CValue::post("code");
$executant_id = CValue::post("executant_id");
// Chargement de l'object
/** @var CCodable $object */
$object = new $object_class();
// Chargement de ses actes NGAP
$praticien = CMediusers::get($executant_id);
$praticien->spec_cpam_id ? $spe_undefined = false : ($spe_undefined = true);
$praticien->spec_cpam_id ? $spe = $praticien->spec_cpam_id : ($spe = 1);
// Creation de la requete permettant de retourner tous les codes correspondants
if ($code) {
    $sql = "SELECT c.`code`, c.`libelle`, c.`lettre_cle`, t.`tarif`\r\n  FROM `codes_ngap` as c, `tarif_ngap` as t, `specialite_to_tarif_ngap` as s\r\n  WHERE c.`code` LIKE ?1 AND t.`code` = c.`code` AND t.`zone` = ?2 AND s.`specialite` = ?3 AND t.`tarif_ngap_id` = s.`tarif_id`";
    if (!$object->_count_actes) {
        $sql .= " AND c.`lettre_cle` = '1' ";
$sql = $ds->prepare($sql, addslashes($code) . '%', CActeNGAP::getZone($praticien->_ref_function), $spe);
$result = $ds->loadList($sql, null);
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->debugging = false;
$smarty->assign("code", $code);
$smarty->assign("result", $result);
$smarty->assign('spe_undefined', $spe_undefined);
$smarty->assign("nodebug", true);