$order->clean($options['parent']); } else { $options['position'] = $old_position; } // Work out level and root parent if ($options['parent'] != '0') { $options['level'] = CAT_Helper_Page::properties($options['parent'], 'level') + 1; } $options['root_parent'] = $options['level'] == 1 ? $options['parent'] : CAT_Helper_Page::getRootParent($options['parent']); // changes the values in the options array CAT_Helper_Page::sanitizeLink($options); CAT_Helper_Page::sanitizeTemplate($options); CAT_Helper_Page::sanitizeLanguage($options); // Check if page already exists; checks access file, directory, and database if ($options['link'] !== $old_link) { if (CAT_Helper_Page::exists($options['link'])) { $ajax = array('message' => $backend->lang()->translate('A page with the same or similar link exists'), 'success' => false); print json_encode($ajax); exit; } } // we use reset() to reload the page tree CAT_Helper_Page::reset(); // Get page trail $options['page_trail'] = CAT_Helper_Page::getPageTrail($options['parent']) . ',' . $page_id; if (substr($options['page_trail'], 0, 1) == 0) { $options['page_trail'] = str_replace('0,', '', $options['page_trail']); } // ================================================== // ! save page // ==================================================