コード例 #1
 function getConnexionBar()
     if (CASUser::checkAuth()) {
         $service = SITE_CAS_CONNEXIONBAR_URL;
         phpCAS::serviceWeb($service, $err_code, $output);
         $xml = simplexml_load_string($output);
         $result = $xml->xpath('/reportoutput/reportdata');
         return html_entity_decode($result[0]->asXML());
     } else {
         return "";
コード例 #2
ファイル: CASUser.php プロジェクト: andrewroth/c4c_intranet
 function getConnexionBar()
     if (CASUser::checkAuth()) {
         $service = SITE_CAS_CONNEXIONBAR_URL;
         phpCAS::serviceWeb($service, $err_code, $output);
         $xml = simplexml_load_string($output);
         $result = $xml->xpath('/reportoutput/reportdata');
         return str_replace("https://signin.mygcx.org/cas/logout", "https://intranet.campusforchrist.org/index.php?p_Mod=Logout", html_entity_decode($result[0]->asXML()));
     } else {
         return "";
コード例 #3
ファイル: Page.php プロジェクト: andrewroth/c4c_intranet
  * function start
  * Takes control of the application and displays the page.
  * <pre><code>
  *   Begin Output Buffering (? or keep in includes file)
  *   create a new viewer
  *   get requested PageContent Module Name
  *   if none provided then set default to PAGE_MODULE_DEFAULT
  *   if viewer is NOT authenticated then
  *      Store requested PageContent Module & QueryString info
  *      set current PageContent Module to Login    
  *   end if
  *   Load Module particulars from DB
  *   Create new instance of desired PageContent Module
  *   Setup any desired Module Parameters
  *   Load PageContent information
  *   Path to PageContent Module Root
  *       CSS Styles
  *       Javascripts
  *       Database Object
  *       Labels Object
  *       Viewer Object
  *   Call PageContent LoadData()
  *   Call PageContent ProcessData()
  *   Call PageContent PrepareDisplay()
  *   Get Page Content XML
  *   Open up Template
  *   Set PageContent information
  *   Get Template HTML
  *   display HTML
  *   flush Output Buffer
  * </code></pre>	
  * @return [void]
 function start($validate = true)
     // Begin Output Buffering (? or keep in includes file)
      *  Setup Site DB.
     // Create a new DB connection
     $this->db = new Database_Site(SITE_DB_NAME, SITE_DB_PATH, SITE_DB_USER, SITE_DB_PWORD);
      *  Setup viewer information.
     // create a new viewer
     $this->viewer = new Viewer();
     // if there was a Language Change requested on current page:
     if (isset($_REQUEST[Page::QS_LANGUAGE]) == true) {
         // store this in the user's session
     // if there is a current Language setting in the stored session info
     if (isset($_SESSION[Page::QS_LANGUAGE])) {
         // update viewer's desired language ID to given value.
      *  Setup Site Label data.
     // Create a new Label object
     $this->labels = new XMLObject_MultilingualManager($this->viewer->getLanguageID());
      *  Decide on which AppController Object to Load
     // get requested AppController Module Name
     // if none provided then set default to PAGE_MODULE_DEFAULT
     if (isset($_REQUEST[Page::QS_MODULE]) == true) {
         $this->moduleKey = $_REQUEST[Page::QS_MODULE];
     } else {
         $this->moduleKey = PAGE_MODULE_DEFAULT;
     if ($validate == true) {
         // if viewer is NOT authenticated then
         if (!$this->viewer->isAuthenticated()) {
             // if the requested page wasn't PAGE_MODULE_LOGIN then
             if ($this->moduleKey != PAGE_MODULE_LOGIN) {
                 // Store requested PageContent Module & QueryString info in Session CallBack
                 // NOTE: I use SERVER_ADDR + SCRIPT_URL instead of SCRIPT_URI
                 // since mac web servers tend to use rendezvous names which
                 // means nothing on Windows systems ...
                 $baseCallBack = $this->getBaseURL() . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
                 $_SESSION[SESSION_ID_CALLBACK] = $baseCallBack;
                 $this->debug('Viewer NOT Authenticated.<br>Storing baseCallBack=[' . $baseCallBack . ']<br>');
                 // set current PageContent Module to Login
                 $this->moduleKey = PAGE_MODULE_LOGIN;
             // end if moduleKey != PAGE_MODULE_LOGIN
         // end if
     $this->debug('moduleKey=[' . $this->moduleKey . ']<br>');
     // Load Module particulars from DB
     $this->moduleManager = new RowManager_siteModuleManager();
     if (!$this->moduleManager->isLoaded()) {
         // Couldn't find requested ModuleKey so load Default
      * Create new instance of desired Module's AppController Object
      * Note: the AppController is generating the Content for the page.
      *       it will be referred to as the pageContent variable.
     // 1) Get path and name of Module's include file
     $path = $this->moduleManager->getPath();
     $includeFile = $this->moduleManager->getIncludeFile();
     // 2) include the Module's Include file ( if it exists )
     $this->debug('moduleIncludeFile=[' . $path . $includeFile . ']<br>');
     if (file_exists($path . $includeFile)) {
         $this->includeFile($path . $includeFile);
     // 3) include the Module's Application File
     $moduleFile = $this->moduleManager->getApplicationFile();
     $this->includeFile($path . $moduleFile);
     // 4) create a new instance of the module application as $pageContent
     $moduleClassName = $this->moduleManager->getName();
     $pageContent = new $moduleClassName($this->db, $this->viewer, $this->labels);
     //         $this->debugDumpArray( $pageContent );
      * Setup any desired Module Parameters
      *   NOTE: the ModuleParameters should be in the form of:
      *         Key1=Val1;Key2=Val2;...;KeyN=ValN 
     $parameterList = $this->moduleManager->getParameters();
     if (!is_null($parameterList) && $parameterList != '') {
         // Break into array of KEY=VAL statements
         $parameterArray = explode(';', $parameterList);
         // for each set of KEY=VAL statements ...
         for ($paramIndx = 0; $paramIndx < count($parameterArray); $paramIndx++) {
             // Seperate the KEY and VALUE
             $paramKeyVal = explode('=', $parameterArray[$paramIndx]);
             // Store Key & Val in $_REQUEST array
             // $_REQUEST[ KEY ] = VALUE;
             $_REQUEST[$paramKeyVal[0]] = $paramKeyVal[1];
      *** Loading PageContent information
     //     Path to PageContent Module Root
      *     Save Page CallBack string.  This value is primarily used in
      *      the language Menu switching link.  Here we need to make sure
      *      the languageID link isn't included.
     $queryString = '';
     $rawQueryString = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
     // for each set of query string values
     $queryStringList = explode('&', $rawQueryString);
     for ($indx = 0; $indx < count($queryStringList); $indx++) {
         // if querystring is not the Language Switch Key
         $keyValue = explode('=', $queryStringList[$indx]);
         if ($keyValue[0] != Page::QS_LANGUAGE) {
             // add the query string entry
             if ($queryString != '') {
                 $queryString .= '&';
             $queryString .= $queryStringList[$indx];
     // put together the desired page call back
     $pageCallBack = $this->getBaseURL() . '?' . $queryString;
      *     Save Base CallBack string to return to this page/module.
      *     This value is used for the PageObject's getCallBack() function.
      *     NOTE: callBack=http://URL/here/base_page.php?p_Mod=[ModuleKey]
      *     NOTE: in the case of the Logout Module, we want the baseCallBack
      *     to be the Login module, not Logout module...
     $baseCallBack = $this->getBaseURL() . '?' . Page::QS_MODULE . '=' . $this->moduleKey;
     //     CSS Styles
     //         Adding default site css file
     //     Javascripts
     //        These are some of the standard scripts ...
     //$this->debug( $pageContent->getXML() );
     // Call PageContent LoadData()
     // Call PageContent ProcessData()
     // Call PageContent PrepareDisplay()
     // Now get the Template requested by the PageContent object
     $templateFile = $pageContent->getPageTemplate();
     // Open up Template
     $template = new Template($this->pageTemplatePath);
     // NOTE: early versions of the framework used XML as the data
     //       transfer medium to the templates. Newer versions pass
     //       the information using arrays
     // if this is a XMLObject then use XML method ...
     if (is_a($pageContent, 'XMLObject_PageContent')) {
         // Get Page Content XML
         $pageContentXML = $pageContent->getXML();
         // Set PageContent information
         $template->setXML('page', $pageContentXML);
     } else {
         // Get Page Content XML
         $pageContentData = $pageContent->getPageContent();
         // Set PageContent information
         $template->set('page', $pageContentData);
     $template->set('userID', $this->viewer->getUserID());
     // NEW CODE
     $template->set('GCX_ConnexionBar', CASUser::getConnexionBar());
     // END NEW CODE
     // Get Template HTML
     // display HTML
     echo $template->fetch($this->pageTemplate);
     // flush Output Buffer
コード例 #4
ファイル: Viewer.php プロジェクト: andrewroth/c4c_intranet
  * function __construct
  * This is the class constructor for Viewer class
  * Initialize a Viewer and determine if they are properly authenticated. 	
  * <pre><code>
  * Save the DB connection Info
  * If no session ID is set then
  *    set the Session ID to empty string
  * end if
  * Get current viewer ID from session ID
  * If viewer ID is empty then
  *    if isDestroySession is set then
  *        Destroy the Session
  *    end if
  *    initialize Empty UnAuthorized Viewer ID
  * else 
  *     User Credientials are valid so ...
  *	 Mark as Valid Authentication	
  *	 Prepare an SQL statement to lookup the viewer info from the DB
  *	 Now load the Data from the DB
  * end if
  * </pre>
  * @param $isDestroySession [BOOL] Should we destroy the session data if not authenticated?
  * @param $dbName [STRING] The name of the database the viewer info is stored in
  * @param $dbPath [STRING] The path of the database the viewer info is stored in
  * @param $dbUser [STRING] The login ID for the database the viewer info is stored in
  * @param $dbPassword [STRING] The password of the database the viewer info is stored in
 function __construct($isDestroySession = true, $dbName = SITE_DB_NAME, $dbPath = SITE_DB_PATH, $dbUser = SITE_DB_USER, $dbPassword = SITE_DB_PWORD)
     // if no session ID is set then
     if (!isset($_SESSION[SESSION_ID_ID])) {
         // set the Session ID to empty string
         $_SESSION[SESSION_ID_ID] = '';
     if ($_SESSION[SESSION_ID_ID] == '') {
         $_SESSION[SESSION_ID_ID] = 0;
     // Get current viewer ID from session ID
     $this->viewerID = $_SESSION[SESSION_ID_ID];
     // attempt to load a viewerManager object with current viewerID
     $this->viewerManager = new RowManager_ViewerManager($this->viewerID);
     if ($this->viewerManager->isLoaded()) {
         // Update current Session ID with current ViewerID
         $_SESSION[SESSION_ID_ID] = $this->viewerID;
         if ($this->viewerManager->isActive()) {
             $this->isAuthenticated = true;
         } else {
             $this->isAuthenticated = false;
     } else {
         // Info not stored in session, get from GCX
         $this->isAuthenticated = false;
         if (CASUser::checkAuth()) {
             if (!empty($_SESSION['phpCAS']['guid'])) {
                 if ($this->validateLogin($_SESSION['phpCAS']['guid'])) {
                     // a user with this GUID exists in our system
                     $this->isAuthenticated = true;
                 } else {
                     // code added by Russ September 11, 2009
                     // a user with this GUID does not exist in our system - create them
                     $guid = $_SESSION['phpCAS']['guid'];
                     // echo "The GUID[".$guid."]<br/>";
                     $gcxUsername = $_SESSION['phpCAS']['user'];
                     // echo "The gcxUsername[".$gcxUsername."]<br/>";
                     // the gcxUsername is (supposed to be) an email
                     // check to see if there is a cim_hrdb_person record with this email
                     // the comparison needs to be case insensitive (since mysql is insensitive by default, no special doctoring is needed)
                     // search for person record
                     $personManager = new RowManager_PersonManager();
                     $foundPerson = $personManager->loadByEmail($gcxUsername);
                     // get the personID of the person that was searched
                     $personID = $personManager->getID();
                     // if record does not exist
                     // create one
                     // update the personID
                     if (!$foundPerson) {
                         // create a new person record
                         $newpersonManager = new RowManager_PersonManager();
                         $personID = $newpersonManager->getID();
                     // link the personID to the GUID/viewer in the cim_hrdb_access table
                     // first, check to see if any entry already exists in the access table
                     // if foundPerson is true above, it's possible (may have been linked to old viewer/username but not promoted to GCX account yet)
                     $accessManager = new RowManager_AccessManager();
                     $accessEntryFound = $accessManager->loadByPersonID($personID);
                     $viewerID = -1;
                     $createNewViewer = true;
                     if ($accessEntryFound) {
                         $viewerID = $accessManager->getViewerID();
                         $viewerManager = new RowManager_ViewerManager($viewerID);
                         // double check to make sure the viewer referenced in the access table actually exists
                         $viewerAlreadyExists = $viewerManager->isLoaded();
                         if ($viewerAlreadyExists) {
                             // no need to create a new viewer
                             $createNewViewer = false;
                             // update the existing viewer with the GUID and gcxUsername
                         // viewerAlreadyExists
                     // accessEntryFound
                     if ($createNewViewer) {
                         // create new viewer (user)
                         $newviewerManager = new RowManager_ViewerManager();
                         // english
                         // TODO this value should not be hard-coded for the account group
                         // the 'unknown' group
                         $viewerID = $newviewerManager->getID();
                         // get the ID of the newly created viewer
                         if ($accessEntryFound) {
                             // update the access table to reference the newly created viewer for the persoa
                             // this is the case where an access table entry may have been orphaned due to the deletion of a viewer
                         } else {
                             // create an access table entry
                             $newaccessManager = new RowManager_AccessManager();
                     // put into the 'all' access group
                     $viewerAccessGroupManager = new RowManager_ViewerAccessGroupManager();
                     // add to the 'all' access group
                     // Debugging code added by Russ Martin
                     // echo "validate login failed<br/>";
                     // echo "<pre>".print_r($_SESSION,true)."</pre>";
                     // try again to see if everything updated correctly
                     if ($this->validateLogin($guid)) {
                         // a user/viewer with this GUID now exists in our system
                         $this->isAuthenticated = true;
                     } else {
                         echo "Something has gone wrong: gcxUsername[" . $gcxUsername . "], guid[" . $guid . "]<br/>";
             } else {
                 // Debugging code added by Russ Martin
                 // echo "session variable for storing GUID is empty<br/>";
         } else {
             // Debugging code added by Russ Martin
             // echo "CASUser::checkAuth() failed<br/>";
     // set hasSession
     $this->hasSession = $this->viewerID != '';
     // if no session
     if (!$this->hasSession) {
         // User Credentials are invalid so
         // if they want me to destroy the session then
         if ($isDestroySession == true) {
             // Remove session
             // session_destroy();
コード例 #5
ファイル: CASAuthentication.php プロジェクト: nncsang/Kurogo
  * Initializes the authority objects based on an associative array of arguments
  * @param array $args an associate array of arguments. The argument list is dependent on the authority
  * General - Required keys:
  *   TITLE => The human readable title of the AuthorityImage
  *   INDEX => The tag used to identify this authority @see AuthenticationAuthority::getAuthenticationAuthority
  * General - Optional keys:
  *   LOGGEDIN_IMAGE_URL => a url to an image/badge that is placed next to the user name when logged in
  * CAS - Required keys:
  *   CAS_PROTOCOL => The protocol to use. Should be equivalent to one of the phpCAS constants, e.g. "2.0":
  *                   CAS_VERSION_1_0 => '1.0', CAS_VERSION_2_0 => '2.0', SAML_VERSION_1_1 => 'S1'
  *   CAS_HOST => The host name of the CAS server, e.g. "cas.example.edu"
  *   CAS_PORT => The port the CAS server is listening on, e.g. "443"
  *   CAS_PATH => The path of the CAS application, e.g. "/cas/"
  *   CAS_CA_CERT => The filesystem path to a CA certificate that will be used to validate the authenticity
  *                  of the CAS server, e.g. "/etc/tls/pki/certs/my_ca_cert.crt". If empty, no certificate
  *                  validation will be performed (not recommended for production).
  * CAS - Optional keys:
  *   ATTRA_EMAIL => Attribute name for the user's email adress, e.g. "email". This only applies if your 
  *                  CAS server returns attributes in a SAML-1.1 or CAS-2.0 response.
  *   ATTRA_FIRST_NAME => Attribute name for the user's first name, e.g. "givename". This only applies if your 
  *                       CAS server returns attributes in a SAML-1.1 or CAS-2.0 response.
  *   ATTRA_LAST_NAME => Attribute name for the user's last name, e.g. "surname". This only applies if your 
  *                      CAS server returns attributes in a SAML-1.1 or CAS-2.0 response.
  *   ATTRA_FULL_NAME => Attribute name for the user's full name, e.g. "displayname". This only applies if your 
  *                      CAS server returns attributes in a SAML-1.1 or CAS-2.0 response.
  *   ATTRA_MEMBER_OF => Attribute name for the user's groups, e.g. "memberof". This only applies if your 
  *                      CAS server returns attributes in a SAML-1.1 or CAS-2.0 response.
  * NOTE: Any subclass MUST call parent::init($args) to ensure proper operation
 public function init($args)
     // include the PHPCAS library
     if (empty($args['CAS_PHPCAS_PATH'])) {
         require_once 'CAS.php';
     } else {
         require_once $args['CAS_PHPCAS_PATH'] . '/CAS.php';
     if (empty($args['CAS_PROTOCOL'])) {
         throw new KurogoConfigurationException('CAS_PROTOCOL value not set for ' . $this->AuthorityTitle);
     if (empty($args['CAS_HOST'])) {
         throw new KurogoConfigurationException('CAS_HOST value not set for ' . $this->AuthorityTitle);
     if (empty($args['CAS_PORT'])) {
         throw new KurogoConfigurationException('CAS_PORT value not set for ' . $this->AuthorityTitle);
     if (empty($args['CAS_PATH'])) {
         throw new KurogoConfigurationException('CAS_PATH value not set for ' . $this->AuthorityTitle);
     if (empty($args['CAS_PROXY_INIT'])) {
         phpCAS::client($args['CAS_PROTOCOL'], $args['CAS_HOST'], intval($args['CAS_PORT']), $args['CAS_PATH'], false);
     } else {
         phpCAS::proxy($args['CAS_PROTOCOL'], $args['CAS_HOST'], intval($args['CAS_PORT']), $args['CAS_PATH'], false);
         if (!empty($args['CAS_PROXY_TICKET_PATH'])) {
             phpCAS::setPGTStorageFile('', $args['CAS_PROXY_TICKET_PATH']);
         if (!empty($args['CAS_PROXY_FIXED_CALLBACK_URL'])) {
     if (empty($args['CAS_CA_CERT'])) {
     } else {
     // Record any attribute mapping configured.
     if (!empty($args['ATTRA_EMAIL'])) {
         CASUser::mapAttribute('Email', $args['ATTRA_EMAIL']);
     if (!empty($args['ATTRA_FIRST_NAME'])) {
         CASUser::mapAttribute('FirstName', $args['ATTRA_FIRST_NAME']);
     if (!empty($args['ATTRA_LAST_NAME'])) {
         CASUser::mapAttribute('LastName', $args['ATTRA_LAST_NAME']);
     if (!empty($args['ATTRA_FULL_NAME'])) {
         CASUser::mapAttribute('FullName', $args['ATTRA_FULL_NAME']);
     // Store an attribute for group membership if configured.
     if (!empty($args['ATTRA_MEMBER_OF'])) {
         CASUser::mapAttribute('MemberOf', $args['ATTRA_MEMBER_OF']);
コード例 #6
  * Initializes the authority objects based on an associative array of arguments
  * @param array $args an associate array of arguments. The argument list is dependent on the authority
  * General - Required keys:
  *   TITLE => The human readable title of the AuthorityImage
  *   INDEX => The tag used to identify this authority @see AuthenticationAuthority::getAuthenticationAuthority
  * General - Optional keys:
  *   LOGGEDIN_IMAGE_URL => a url to an image/badge that is placed next to the user name when logged in
  * CAS - Required keys:
  *   CAS_PROTOCOL => The protocol to use. Should be equivalent to one of the phpCAS constants, e.g. "2.0":
  *                   CAS_VERSION_1_0 => '1.0', CAS_VERSION_2_0 => '2.0', SAML_VERSION_1_1 => 'S1'
  *   CAS_HOST => The host name of the CAS server, e.g. "cas.example.edu"
  *   CAS_PORT => The port the CAS server is listening on, e.g. "443"
  *   CAS_PATH => The path of the CAS application, e.g. "/cas/"
  *   CAS_CA_CERT => The filesystem path to a CA certificate that will be used to validate the authenticity
  *                  of the CAS server, e.g. "/etc/tls/pki/certs/my_ca_cert.crt". If empty, no certificate
  *                  validation will be performed (not recommended for production).
  * CAS - Optional keys:
  *   ATTRA_EMAIL => Attribute name for the user's email adress, e.g. "email". This only applies if your 
  *                  CAS server returns attributes in a SAML-1.1 or CAS-2.0 response.
  *   ATTRA_FIRST_NAME => Attribute name for the user's first name, e.g. "givename". This only applies if your 
  *                       CAS server returns attributes in a SAML-1.1 or CAS-2.0 response.
  *   ATTRA_LAST_NAME => Attribute name for the user's last name, e.g. "surname". This only applies if your 
  *                      CAS server returns attributes in a SAML-1.1 or CAS-2.0 response.
  *   ATTRA_FULL_NAME => Attribute name for the user's full name, e.g. "displayname". This only applies if your 
  *                      CAS server returns attributes in a SAML-1.1 or CAS-2.0 response.
  *   ATTRA_MEMBER_OF => Attribute name for the user's groups, e.g. "memberof". This only applies if your 
  *                      CAS server returns attributes in a SAML-1.1 or CAS-2.0 response.
  * NOTE: Any subclass MUST call parent::init($args) to ensure proper operation
 public function init($args)
     // include the PHPCAS library
     if (empty($args['CAS_PHPCAS_PATH'])) {
         require_once 'CAS.php';
     } else {
         require_once $args['CAS_PHPCAS_PATH'] . '/CAS.php';
     if (!empty($args['CAS_DEBUG_LOG'])) {
     if (empty($args['CAS_PROTOCOL'])) {
         throw new KurogoConfigurationException('CAS_PROTOCOL value not set for ' . $this->AuthorityTitle);
     if (empty($args['CAS_HOST'])) {
         throw new KurogoConfigurationException('CAS_HOST value not set for ' . $this->AuthorityTitle);
     if (empty($args['CAS_PORT'])) {
         throw new KurogoConfigurationException('CAS_PORT value not set for ' . $this->AuthorityTitle);
     if (empty($args['CAS_PATH'])) {
         throw new KurogoConfigurationException('CAS_PATH value not set for ' . $this->AuthorityTitle);
     if (empty($args['CAS_PROXY_INIT'])) {
         phpCAS::client($args['CAS_PROTOCOL'], $args['CAS_HOST'], intval($args['CAS_PORT']), $args['CAS_PATH'], false);
     } else {
         phpCAS::proxy($args['CAS_PROTOCOL'], $args['CAS_HOST'], intval($args['CAS_PORT']), $args['CAS_PATH'], false);
         if (!empty($args['CAS_PROXY_TICKET_PATH']) && !empty($args['CAS_PROXY_TICKET_DB_DSN'])) {
             throw new KurogoConfigurationException('Only one of CAS_PROXY_TICKET_PATH or CAS_PROXY_TICKET_DB_DSN may be set for ' . $this->AuthorityTitle);
         if (!empty($args['CAS_PROXY_TICKET_PATH'])) {
             if (version_compare(PHPCAS_VERSION, '1.3', '>=')) {
             } else {
                 phpCAS::setPGTStorageFile('', $args['CAS_PROXY_TICKET_PATH']);
         if (!empty($args['CAS_PROXY_TICKET_DB_DSN'])) {
             $user = $pass = $table = $driver_opts = '';
             if (!empty($args['CAS_PROXY_TICKET_DB_USER'])) {
                 $user = $args['CAS_PROXY_TICKET_DB_USER'];
             if (!empty($args['CAS_PROXY_TICKET_DB_PASS'])) {
                 $pass = $args['CAS_PROXY_TICKET_DB_PASS'];
             if (!empty($args['CAS_PROXY_TICKET_DB_TABLE'])) {
                 $table = $args['CAS_PROXY_TICKET_DB_TABLE'];
             if (!empty($args['CAS_PROXY_TICKET_DB_DRIVER_OPTS'])) {
                 $driver_opts = $args['CAS_PROXY_TICKET_DB_DRIVER_OPTS'];
             phpCAS::setPGTStorageDb($args['CAS_PROXY_TICKET_DB_DSN'], $user, $pass, $table, $driver_opts);
         if (!empty($args['CAS_PROXY_FIXED_CALLBACK_URL'])) {
     if (empty($args['CAS_CA_CERT'])) {
     } else {
     // Record any attribute mapping configured.
     if (!empty($args['ATTRA_EMAIL'])) {
         CASUser::mapAttribute('Email', $args['ATTRA_EMAIL']);
     if (!empty($args['ATTRA_FIRST_NAME'])) {
         CASUser::mapAttribute('FirstName', $args['ATTRA_FIRST_NAME']);
     if (!empty($args['ATTRA_LAST_NAME'])) {
         CASUser::mapAttribute('LastName', $args['ATTRA_LAST_NAME']);
     if (!empty($args['ATTRA_FULL_NAME'])) {
         CASUser::mapAttribute('FullName', $args['ATTRA_FULL_NAME']);
     // Store an attribute for group membership if configured.
     if (!empty($args['ATTRA_MEMBER_OF'])) {
         CASUser::mapAttribute('MemberOf', $args['ATTRA_MEMBER_OF']);
コード例 #7
	<div id="whitebox">
		<img id="wcLogo" src="<?php 
echo $pageContent->pathToRoot;
../../Images/loggin_screen_wcLogo.gif" alt="Winter Conference Logo" />
		<span id="registerForWC">
			Register for <span id="WCBlue">Winter Conference:</span>
		<div id="gcxSection">
			<img id="gcxlogo" src="<?php 
echo $pageContent->pathToRoot;
../../Images/loggin_screen_GCXlogo.gif" alt="GCX" />
			<a id="loginWithGXC" href="<?php 
print CASUser::login_link();
">Log-in with GCX</a>		
			<span id="createGcxAccount">
				If you don't have an existing GCX identity: <a href="https://signin.mygcx.org/sso/selfservice/ssoSignup.jsp">Create an Account</a>
			<a id='whatisgcxlink' href='javascript:ShowWhatIsGCX();'>What is GCX login?</a>
			<div style='position: relative;'>
				<div id='whatisgcxlogin' class='NotShowed'>
					<div style="float:right"><a href='javascript:ShowWhatIsGCX();'>close</a></div><h2>What is GCX login?</h2>
					GCX is a single sign on login that authenticates you to use Campus for Christ web applications including:
						<li><a target='_blank' href='https://pulse.campusforchrist.org/'>Pulse</a></li>
						<li><a target='_blank' href='https://pat.powertochange.org/'>Project Application Tool</a></li>
						<li><a target='_blank' href='http://intranet.campusforchrist.org/'>Registration/Intranet</a></li>
						<li><a target='_blank' href='http://resources.campusforchrist.org/'>Resources</a></li>
コード例 #8

require "General/gen_Includes.php";
コード例 #9
ファイル: login_app.php プロジェクト: andrewroth/c4c_intranet
 function processData()
     switch ($this->mode) {
         case moduleLogin::MODE_SUBMIT:
             if ($this->viewer->validateLogin($this->userID, $this->passWord)) {
             } else {
                 $this->errorMessages = 'Invalid UserID & Password.';
         case moduleLogin::MODE_FORM:
             if ($this->viewer->isAuthenticated() == false) {
                 $this->mode = moduleLogin::MODE_DISPLAY;
         case moduleLogin::MODE_LOGOUT:
             // now redirect the page BACK to the LOGIN page
             header("Location:" . Page::getLoginURL());