public function getProfilesByAccount($aContentInfo, $iMaxVisible = 2) { $oProfilesQuery = BxDolProfileQuery::getInstance(); $aProfiles = $oProfilesQuery->getProfilesByAccount($aContentInfo['id']); $iProfiles = count($aProfiles); $aTmplVars = array('class_cnt' => '', 'bx_repeat:profiles' => array(), 'bx_if:profiles_more' => array('condition' => $iProfiles > $iMaxVisible, 'content' => array('html_id' => $this->_oConfig->getHtmlIds('profile_more_popup') . $aContentInfo['id'], 'more' => _t('_bx_accnt_txt_more', $iProfiles - $iMaxVisible), 'more_attr' => bx_html_attribute(_t('_bx_accnt_txt_see_more')), 'popup' => ''))); $aTmplVarsPopup = array('class_cnt' => ' bx-def-padding', 'bx_repeat:profiles' => array(), 'bx_if:profiles_more' => array('condition' => false, 'content' => array())); $i = 0; foreach ($aProfiles as $iProfileId => $aProfile) { $oProfile = BxDolProfile::getInstance($iProfileId); if (!$oProfile) { continue; } $sName = $oProfile->getDisplayName(); $aTmplVarsProfile = array('html_id' => $this->_oConfig->getHtmlIds('profile') . $aProfile['id'], 'id' => $oProfile->id(), 'url' => $oProfile->getUrl(), 'name' => $sName, 'name_attr' => bx_html_attribute($sName)); if ($i < $iMaxVisible) { $aTmplVars['bx_repeat:profiles'][] = $aTmplVarsProfile; } if ($i >= $iMaxVisible) { $aTmplVarsPopup['bx_repeat:profiles'][] = $aTmplVarsProfile; } ++$i; } if ($aTmplVarsPopup['bx_repeat:profiles']) { $aTmplVars['bx_if:profiles_more']['content']['popup'] = BxTemplFunctions::getInstance()->transBox('', $this->parseHtmlByName('profiles.html', $aTmplVarsPopup)); } return $this->parseHtmlByName('profiles.html', $aTmplVars); }
function getExpirationLetter($iProfileId, $sLevelName, $iLevelExpireDays) { $iProfileId = (int) $iProfileId; if (!$iProfileId) { return false; } $oProfileQuery = BxDolProfileQuery::getInstance(); $sProfileEmail = $oProfileQuery->getEmailById($iProfileId); $aPlus = array('membership_name' => $sLevelName, 'expire_days' => $iLevelExpireDays); $aTemplate = BxDolEmailTemplates::getInstance()->parseTemplate('t_MemExpiration', $aPlus, 0, $iProfileId); $iResult = $aTemplate && sendMail($sProfileEmail, $aTemplate['Subject'], $aTemplate['Body'], $iProfileId, $aPlus); return !empty($iResult); }
protected function actionProcessDeletedProfiles($sOperation) { if (!in_array($sOperation, array('install', 'uninstall', 'enable', 'disable'))) { return BX_DOL_STUDIO_INSTALLER_FAILED; } $o = BxDolProfileQuery::getInstance(); $o->processDeletedProfiles(); return BX_DOL_STUDIO_INSTALLER_SUCCESS; }
/** * Insert account and content id association. Also if currect profile id is not defined - it updates current profile id in account. * @param $iAccountId account id * @param $iContentId content id * @param $sStatus profile status * @param $sType profile content type * @return inserted profile's id */ public static function add($iAction, $iAccountId, $iContentId, $sStatus, $sType = 'system') { $oQuery = BxDolProfileQuery::getInstance(); if (!($iProfileId = $oQuery->insertProfile($iAccountId, $iContentId, $sStatus, $sType))) { return false; } bx_alert('profile', 'add', $iProfileId, 0, array('module' => $sType, 'content' => $iContentId, 'account' => $iAccountId, 'status' => $sStatus, 'action' => $iAction)); return $iProfileId; }
/** * Set class fields condition params and paginate array */ function setConditionParams() { $aWhere = array(); $aWhere[] = '1'; $sKeyword = bx_process_input(bx_get('keyword')); if ($sKeyword !== false) { $this->aCurrent['restriction']['keyword'] = array('value' => $sKeyword, 'field' => '', 'operator' => 'against'); } if (isset($_GET['ownerName'])) { $sName = bx_process_input($_GET['ownerName']); $iUser = (int) BxDolProfileQuery::getInstance()->getIdByNickname($sName); BxDolMenu::getInstance()->setCurrentProfileID($iUser); } elseif (isset($_GET['userID'])) { $iUser = bx_process_input($_GET['userID'], BX_DATA_INT); } if (!empty($iUser)) { $this->aCurrent['restriction']['owner']['value'] = $iUser; } $this->setPaginate(); $iNum = $this->getNum(); if ($iNum > 0) { $this->aCurrent['paginate']['num'] = $iNum; } else { $this->aCurrent['paginate']['num'] = 0; } }
public function serviceAccountProfileSwitcher($iAccountId = false) { bx_import('BxDolProfileQuery'); $oProfilesQuery = BxDolProfileQuery::getInstance(); $aProfiles = $oProfilesQuery->getProfilesByAccount($iAccountId ? $iAccountId : getLoggedId()); if (!$aProfiles) { return false; } $iLoggedPofileId = bx_get_logged_profile_id(); $aVars = array('bx_repeat:row' => array()); foreach ($aProfiles as $aProfile) { if ($aProfile['type'] == 'system') { // skip system account profile continue; } $aVars['bx_repeat:row'][] = array('class' => $iLoggedPofileId == $aProfile['id'] ? '' : 'bx-def-color-bg-box', 'bx_if:active' => array('condition' => $iLoggedPofileId == $aProfile['id'], 'content' => array('id' => $aProfile['id'])), 'bx_if:inactive' => array('condition' => $iLoggedPofileId != $aProfile['id'], 'content' => array('id' => $aProfile['id'], 'url_switch' => BxDolPermalinks::getInstance()->permalink('page.php?i=account-profile-switcher', array('switch_to_profile' => $aProfile['id'])))), 'unit' => BxDolService::call($aProfile['type'], 'profile_unit', array($aProfile['content_id']))); } if (!$aVars['bx_repeat:row']) { bx_import('BxDolMenu'); $oMenu = BxDolMenu::getObjectInstance('sys_add_profile'); return array('content' => $oMenu ? $oMenu->getCode() : MsgBox(_t('_sys_txt_empty')), 'menu' => 'sys_add_profile'); } bx_import('BxDolTemplate'); $oTemplate = BxDolTemplate::getInstance(); $oTemplate->addCss('account.css'); return array('content' => $oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('profile_switch_row.html', $aVars), 'menu' => 'sys_add_profile'); }
/** * Delete profile. */ function delete($iAccountId = false) { $ID = (int) $iAccountId ? (int) $iAccountId : $this->_iAccountID; $aAccountInfo = $this->_oQuery->getInfoById($ID); if (!$aAccountInfo) { return false; } // create system event before deletion $isStopDeletion = false; bx_alert('account', 'before_delete', $ID, 0, array('stop_deletion' => &$isStopDeletion)); if ($isStopDeletion) { return false; } bx_import('BxDolAccountQuery'); $oAccountQuery = BxDolAccountQuery::getInstance(); bx_import('BxDolProfile'); $oProfileQuery = BxDolProfileQuery::getInstance(); $aProfiles = $oProfileQuery->getProfilesByAccount($ID); foreach ($aProfiles as $iProfileId => $aRow) { $oProfile = BxDolProfile::getInstance($iProfileId); if (!$oProfile) { continue; } $oProfile->delete(false, true); } // delete profile if (!$oAccountQuery->delete($ID)) { return false; } // create system event bx_alert('account', 'delete', $ID); // unset class instance to prevent creating the instance again $this->_iAccountID = 0; $sClass = get_class($this) . '_' . $ID; unset($GLOBALS['bxDolClasses'][$sClass]); return true; }
/** * Set class fields condition params and paginate array */ function setConditionParams() { // keyword $sKeyword = bx_process_input(bx_get('keyword')); if ($sKeyword !== false) { $this->aCurrent['restriction']['keyword'] = array('value' => $sKeyword, 'field' => '', 'operator' => 'against'); } // owner if (isset($_GET['ownerName'])) { $sName = bx_process_input($_GET['ownerName']); $iUser = (int) BxDolProfileQuery::getInstance()->getIdByNickname($sName); BxDolMenu::getInstance()->setCurrentProfileID($iUser); } elseif (isset($_GET['userID'])) { $iUser = bx_process_input($_GET['userID'], BX_DATA_INT); } if (!empty($iUser)) { $this->aCurrent['restriction']['owner']['value'] = $iUser; } // meta info if ($this->_sMetaType && !empty($this->aCurrent['object_metatags'])) { bx_import('BxDolMetatags'); $o = BxDolMetatags::getObjectInstance($this->aCurrent['object_metatags']); if ($o) { unset($this->aCurrent['restriction']['keyword']); switch ($this->_sMetaType) { case 'location_country': $o->locationsSetSearchCondition($this, $sKeyword); break; case 'location_country_city': $o->locationsSetSearchCondition($this, $sKeyword, bx_process_input(bx_get('state')), bx_process_input(bx_get('city'))); break; case 'mention': // TODO: break; case 'keyword': $o->keywordsSetSearchCondition($this, $sKeyword); break; } } } $this->setPaginate(); $iNum = $this->getNum(); if ($iNum > 0) { $this->aCurrent['paginate']['num'] = $iNum; } else { $this->aCurrent['paginate']['num'] = 0; } }