コード例 #1
                update_option('show_on_front', 'page');
                update_option('page_on_front', $home->ID);
     * Action callback: Fix menu on sample import
     * @param object $import
    public function import_fix_menu($import)
        // remove an item from menu
        $item = get_page_by_title('Shop With Sidebar', OBJECT, 'nav_menu_item');
        if (is_object($item)) {
     * Custom Menu fields for the sample menu
     * @param array $values
    public function import_menu_fields($values = array())
        return array('mega_menu' => array('Entertainment' => 'category', 'Tidbits' => 'category', 'Features' => 'normal'), 'url' => array('Forums' => home_url('/forums/')));
// init and make available in Bunyad::get('admin_import')
Bunyad::register('admin_import', array('class' => 'Bunyad_Theme_Admin_Import', 'init' => true));
コード例 #2
        echo esc_html($category->name);
        return apply_filters('bunyad_blocks_cat_label', ob_get_clean());
     * Get primary category of the current post in loop (if selected)
     * Note: If no primary category is selected, it will return one category 
     * using the default alphabetical sorting of WordPress.
     * @see get_the_category()
     * @return object
    public function get_primary_cat()
        // Custom label selected?
        if ($cat_label = Bunyad::posts()->meta('cat_label')) {
            $cat = get_category($cat_label);
        } else {
            $cat = current(get_the_category());
        return apply_filters('bunyad_get_primary_cat', $cat);
// init and make available in Bunyad::get('blocks')
Bunyad::register('blocks', array('class' => 'Bunyad_Theme_Blocks', 'init' => true));
コード例 #3
     * Filter callback: Add a search icon the navigation
    public function add_navigation_search($items, $args)
        return $items;
        if (!Bunyad::options()->nav_search or $args->theme_location != 'main') {
            return $items;
        // nav search flag used by search.php
        $in_nav = true;
		<li class="search-icon">
			<a href="#" title="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Search', 'bunyad');
"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></a>
        include locate_template('partials/header/search.php');
        $items .= ob_get_clean();
        return $items;
// init and make available in Bunyad::get('navigation')
Bunyad::register('navigation', array('class' => 'Bunyad_Theme_Navigation', 'init' => true));
コード例 #4
        // Add modal to footer
        add_action('wp_footer', array($this, 'auth_modal'));
        // Navigation login icon
        add_filter('nav_menu_css_class', array($this, 'nav_login'), 10, 2);
     * Action callback: Add login/register modal if bbPress is active
    public function auth_modal()
     * Filter callback: Add user login class to the correct menu item.
     * Mainly used for bbPress!
     * @param array $classes
    public function nav_login($classes, $item)
        if (strstr($item->url, '#user-login')) {
            $classes[] = 'user-login';
        return $classes;
// init and make available in Bunyad::get('blocks')
Bunyad::register('bbpress', array('class' => 'Bunyad_Theme_BBPress', 'init' => true));
コード例 #5
 * top-level / and in partials/ folder.
// Already initialized? some buggy plugin call?
if (class_exists('Bunyad_Core')) {
 * Initialize Framework
 * Include the Bunyad_Base and extend it using our theme-specific class.
locate_template('lib/bunyad.php', true, true);
locate_template('inc/bunyad.php', true, true);
// Fire up the theme - make available in Bunyad::get('smart_mag')
Bunyad::register('smart_mag', array('class' => 'Bunyad_Theme_SmartMag', 'init' => true));
 * Main Framework Configuration
$bunyad = Bunyad::core()->init(apply_filters('bunyad_init_config', array('theme_name' => 'smartmag', 'meta_prefix' => '_bunyad', 'theme_version' => '2.6.1', 'widgets' => array('about', 'latest-posts', 'popular-posts', 'tabbed-recent', 'flickr', 'ads', 'latest-reviews', 'bbp-login', 'tabber', 'blocks'), 'post_formats' => array('gallery', 'image', 'video', 'audio'), 'shortcode_config' => array('font_icons' => true, 'social_font' => true, 'button_colors' => array('default', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'blue', 'black')), 'meta_boxes' => array(array('id' => 'post-options', 'title' => __('Post Options', 'bunyad-admin'), 'priority' => 'high', 'page' => array('post')), array('id' => 'post-reviews', 'title' => __('Review', 'bunyad-admin'), 'priority' => 'high', 'page' => array('post')), array('id' => 'page-options', 'title' => __('Page Options', 'bunyad-admin'), 'priority' => 'high', 'page' => array('page'))), 'page_builder_blocks' => array('highlights' => 'Bunyad_PageBuilder_Highlights', 'news-focus' => 'Bunyad_PageBuilder_NewsFocus', 'focus-grid' => 'Bunyad_PageBuilder_FocusGrid', 'blog' => 'Bunyad_PageBuilder_Blog', 'latest-gallery' => 'Bunyad_PageBuilder_LatestGallery', 'separator' => 'Bunyad_PbBasic_Separator', 'rich-text' => 'Bunyad_PbBasic_RichText', 'text' => 'WP_Widget_Text', 'latest-posts' => array('class' => 'Bunyad_LatestPosts_Widget', 'name' => __('Latest Posts', 'bunyad-admin')), 'flickr' => array('class' => 'Bunyad_Flickr_Widget', 'name' => __('Flickr Images', 'bunyad-admin')), 'ads' => array('class' => 'Bunyad_Ads_Widget', 'name' => __('Advertisement', 'bunyad-admin')), 'latest-reviews' => array('class' => 'Bunyad_LatestReviews_Widget', 'name' => __('Latest Reviews', 'bunyad-admin'))))));
 * SmartMag Theme!
 * Anything theme-specific that won't go into the core framework goes here. 
 * Also see: inc/admin.php for the admin bootstrap.
class Bunyad_Theme_SmartMag
    public $woocommerce;
    public $registry = array();
コード例 #6
     * Custom CSS for pages and posts that shouldn't be cached through css-compiler.php because 
     * the size will increase exponentially.
    public function add_per_page($return = false)
        if (!is_admin() && is_singular() && Bunyad::posts()->meta('bg_image')) {
            $bg_type = Bunyad::posts()->meta('bg_image_bg_type');
            $the_css = 'background: url("' . esc_attr(Bunyad::posts()->meta('bg_image')) . '");';
            if (!empty($bg_type)) {
                if ($bg_type == 'cover') {
                    $the_css .= 'background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: center center; ' . '-webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover;-o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover;';
                } else {
                    $the_css .= 'background-repeat: ' . esc_attr($bg_type) . ';';
            $the_css = 'body.boxed { ' . $the_css . ' }';
            // return the css?
            if ($return) {
                return $the_css;
            // or enqueue it for inline css
            Bunyad::core()->enqueue_css(wp_style_is('custom-css', 'enqueued') ? 'custom-css' : 'smartmag-core', $the_css);
// init and make available in Bunyad::get('custom_css')
Bunyad::register('custom_css', array('class' => 'Bunyad_Theme_CustomCss', 'init' => true));
コード例 #7
        // change main-block for default slider
        if ($id == 'main-block' && $place == 'slider-right') {
            $id = 'slider-right-large';
        return $id;
     * Filter callback: Adjust number of posts in the mega menu
    public function mega_menu_number($query, $type = '')
        if ($type == 'category-recent') {
            $query['posts_per_page'] = 4;
        return $query;
     * Add to dynamic Custom CSS generator
    public function add_dynamic_css($css)
        $css .= <<<EOF

        return $css;
// init and make available in Bunyad::get('skin_tech')
Bunyad::register('skin_tech', array('class' => 'Bunyad_Skin_Tech', 'init' => true));