<?php require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../include/init.php'; $basedir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'); Bringit_ClassLoader::addIncludePath(array("{$basedir}/lib/simpletest", "{$basedir}/tests")); if (in_array('--help', $argv)) { echo <<<EOM CLI test runner for Bringit. Available options: --with-internet Include tests which run against live servers (generally http://example.org/). --with-reflector Include tests which run against local HTTP reflector. --testfile <path> Only run the specified test file. --help This documentation. EOM; exit(0); } require_once 'simpletest/unit_tester.php'; require_once 'simpletest/reporter.php'; /** * Return array of files matched, decending into subdirectories */ function globr($dir, $pattern) { $dir = escapeshellcmd($dir); // list of all matching files currently in the directory. $files = glob("{$dir}/{$pattern}");
<?php /** * Bringit init script. * Sets up include paths based on the directory this file is in. * Registers an SPL class autoload function. * * @author Paul Annesley * @package Bringit * @licence http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ ini_set('display_errors', true); error_reporting(E_ALL); $basedir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'); require_once "{$basedir}/classes/Bringit/ClassLoader.php"; Bringit_ClassLoader::register(); Bringit_ClassLoader::addIncludePath(array("{$basedir}/classes", "{$basedir}/lib"));