コード例 #1
    $booster->librarydebug = TRUE;
if (isset($_GET['css_hosted_minifier']) && $_GET['css_hosted_minifier'] == 1) {
    $booster->css_hosted_minifier = TRUE;
$booster->booster_cachedir = $booster_cachedir;
$booster->css_source = $source;
$booster->css_totalparts = $totalparts;
$booster->css_part = $part;
// Check if file gets requested with an eTag, serve 304 if nothing changed
$etag = md5($source . intval($booster->debug) . intval($booster->librarydebug) . intval($booster->css_hosted_minifier) . $booster->filestime);
if (@$_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] === $etag) {
    header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
$css = $booster->css();
header("Cache-Control: max-age=2592000, public");
header("Expires: " . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', mktime(date('h') + 24 * 35)) . " GMT");
header("Vary: Accept-Encoding");
header("Content-type: text/css");
header("ETag: " . $etag);
if (isset($booster_use_ob_gzhandler)) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($css); $i = $i + 2048) {
        echo substr($css, $i, 2048);
        if (ob_get_length()) {
} else {
コード例 #2
include 'booster_inc.php';
isset($_GET['dir']) ? $source = str_replace('>', '..', rtrim(preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9,\\-_\\.\\/>]/i', '', $_GET['dir']), '/')) : ($source = 'css');
isset($_GET['cachedir']) ? $booster_cachedir = str_replace('>', '..', rtrim(preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9,\\-_\\.\\/>]/i', '', $_GET['cachedir']), '/')) : ($booster_cachedir = 'booster_cache');
isset($_GET['totalparts']) ? $totalparts = intval($_GET['totalparts']) : ($totalparts = 1);
isset($_GET['part']) ? $part = intval($_GET['part']) : ($part = 0);
$booster = new Booster();
if (isset($_GET['debug']) && $_GET['debug'] == 1) {
    $booster->debug = TRUE;
if (isset($_GET['librarydebug']) && $_GET['librarydebug'] == 1) {
    $booster->librarydebug = TRUE;
if (isset($_GET['css_hosted_minifier']) && $_GET['css_hosted_minifier'] == 1) {
    $booster->css_hosted_minifier = TRUE;
$booster->booster_cachedir = $booster_cachedir;
$booster->css_source = $source;
$booster->css_totalparts = $totalparts;
$booster->css_part = $part;
// Check if file gets requested with an eTag, serve 304 if nothing changed
$etag = md5($source . $booster->filestime);
if (@$_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] === $etag) {
    header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
header("Cache-Control: max-age=2592000, public");
header("Expires: " . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', mktime(date('h') + 24 * 35)) . " GMT");
header("Content-type: text/css");
header("ETag: " . $etag);
echo $booster->css();