public function index() { self::authorize_user(); $bookings = Booking::all(); $doctors = User::doctors(); $polyclinics = Polyclinic::all(); $patients = User::patients(); $type = isset($_REQUEST['type']) ? $_REQUEST['type'] : null; $doctor_id = isset($_REQUEST['doctor_id']) ? $_REQUEST['doctor_id'] : null; $polyclinic_id = isset($_REQUEST['polyclinic_id']) ? $_REQUEST['polyclinic_id'] : null; $patient_id = isset($_REQUEST['patient_id']) ? $_REQUEST['patient_id'] : null; // La funcion render esta declarada en la clase padre ApplicationController. require 'app/views/reports/report.php'; }
/** * GET /bookings */ public function index() { self::authorize_user(); if ($this->currentUser()->getType() == User::AdminType) { $bookings = Booking::all(); } else { if ($this->currentUser()->getType() == User::DoctorType) { $bookings = Booking::findByDoctorId($this->currentUser()->getId()); } else { if ($this->currentUser()->getType() == User::PatientType) { $bookings = Booking::findByPatientId($this->currentUser()->getId()); } else { $bookings = array(); } } } // La funcion render esta declarada en la clase padre ApplicationController. require 'app/views/bookings/index.php'; }
public function bookingList() { $arr = []; $arr = getallheaders(); $b = null; $count = null; if (isset($arr['Range'])) { $response_array = array(); $response_array['Accept-Ranges'] = 'items'; $range = $arr['Range']; $response_array['Range-Unit'] = 'items'; $arr = explode('-', $arr['Range']); $items = $arr[1] - $arr[0] + 1; $skip = $arr[0]; $skip = $skip < 0 ? 0 : $skip; $c = null; if (isset($_GET['query'])) { /*query variables*/ $query = $_GET['query']; $startdate = $_GET['startdate']; $enddate = $_GET['enddate'] == '' ? date('Y-m-d') : $_GET['enddate']; $status_arr = array(); if ($_GET['pending'] == 'true') { array_push($status_arr, 0); } if ($_GET['paid'] == 'true') { array_push($status_arr, 1); } if ($_GET['occupied'] == 'true') { array_push($status_arr, 2); } if ($_GET['ended'] == 'true') { array_push($status_arr, 3); } if ($_GET['preparing'] == 'true') { array_push($status_arr, 4); } if ($_GET['cancelled'] == 'true') { array_push($status_arr, 5); } if ($_GET['overdue'] == 'true') { array_push($status_arr, 6); } $status_arr = count($status_arr) > 0 ? $status_arr : array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); /*end of query variables*/ $count = Booking::with('', 'remarksHistory')->where('id', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%")->orWhereRaw("concat_ws(' ',firstname,lastname) LIKE '%{$query}%'")->orWhere('firstname', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%")->orWhere('lastname', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%")->orWhere('code', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%")->get()->count(); if (isset($_GET['orderBy']) && $_GET['orderBy'] != '') { $orderBy = $_GET['orderBy']; $count = Booking::with('', 'remarksHistory')->where(function ($query1) use($query) { $query1->where('id', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%")->orWhereRaw("concat_ws(' ',firstname,lastname) LIKE '%{$query}%'")->orWhere('firstname', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%")->orWhere('lastname', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%")->orWhere('code', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%"); })->where(function ($date) use($startdate, $enddate) { $date->whereBetween('check_in', array($startdate, $enddate))->orWhereBetween('check_out', array($startdate, $enddate))->orWhereRaw('"' . $startdate . '" between check_in and check_out')->orWhereRaw('"' . $enddate . '" between check_in and check_out'); })->where(function ($status) use($status_arr) { $status->whereIn('status', $status_arr); })->get()->count(); $b = Booking::with('', 'remarksHistory')->where(function ($query1) use($query) { $query1->where('id', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%")->orWhereRaw("concat_ws(' ',firstname,lastname) LIKE '%{$query}%'")->orWhere('firstname', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%")->orWhere('lastname', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%")->orWhere('code', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%"); })->orWhere(function ($date) use($startdate, $enddate) { $date->whereBetween('check_in', array($startdate, $enddate))->orWhereBetween('check_out', array($startdate, $enddate))->orWhereRaw('"' . $startdate . '" between check_in and check_out')->orWhereRaw('"' . $enddate . '" between check_in and check_out'); })->where(function ($status) use($status_arr) { $status->whereIn('status', $status_arr); })->orderBy("{$orderBy}", 'DESC')->skip($skip)->take($items)->get(); } else { $orderBy = $_GET['orderBy']; $count = Booking::all()->count(); $b = Booking::with('', 'remarksHistory')->where('id', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%")->orWhereRaw("concat_ws(' ',firstname,lastname) LIKE '%{$query}%'")->orWhere('firstname', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%")->orWhere('lastname', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%")->orWhere('code', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%")->skip($skip)->take($items)->get(); } $response = Response::make($b, 200); $response_array['Content-Ranges'] = 'itemss ' . $range . '/' . $count; $response->header('Content-Range', $response_array['Content-Ranges'])->header('Accept-Ranges', 'items')->header('Range-Unit', 'items')->header('Total-Items', $count)->header('Flash-Message', 'Now showing pages ' . $arr[0] . '-' . $arr[1] . ' out of ' . $count); return $response; } else { $count = Booking::all()->count(); if (isset($_GET['orderBy']) && $_GET['orderBy'] != '') { $orderBy = $_GET['orderBy']; $b = Booking::with('', 'remarksHistory')->orderBy("{$orderBy}", 'DESC')->skip($skip)->take($items)->get(); } else { $b = Booking::with('', 'remarksHistory')->skip($skip)->take($items)->get(); } } $response = Response::make($b, 200); $response_array['Content-Ranges'] = 'items ' . $range . '/' . $count; $response->header('Content-Range', $response_array['Content-Ranges'])->header('Accept-Ranges', 'items')->header('Range-Unit', 'items')->header('Total-Items', $count)->header('Flash-Message', 'Now showing pages ' . $arr[0] . '-' . $arr[1] . ' out of ' . $count); return $response; } $b = Booking::all(); $response = Response::make($b, 200); $response->header('Content-Ranges', 'test'); return $response; }
/** * Display a listing of bookings * * @return Response */ public function index() { $bookings = Booking::all(); return View::make('bookings.index', compact('bookings')); }
public function index() { return Booking::all(); }