コード例 #1
 function reflow(Frame_Decorator $block = null)
     // Check if a page break is forced
     $page = $this->_frame->get_root();
     // Bail if the page is full
     if ($page->is_full()) {
     // Generated content
     // Collapse margins if required
     $style = $this->_frame->get_style();
     $cb = $this->_frame->get_containing_block();
     if ($style->counter_increment && ($increment = $style->counter_increment) !== "none") {
     if ($style->position === "fixed") {
         $cb = $this->_frame->get_root()->get_containing_block();
     // Determine the constraints imposed by this frame: calculate the width
     // of the content area:
     list($w, $left_margin, $right_margin, $left, $right) = $this->_calculate_restricted_width();
     // Store the calculated properties
     $style->width = $w . "pt";
     $style->margin_left = $left_margin . "pt";
     $style->margin_right = $right_margin . "pt";
     $style->left = $left . "pt";
     $style->right = $right . "pt";
     // Update the position
     list($x, $y) = $this->_frame->get_position();
     // Adjust the first line based on the text-indent property
     $indent = $style->length_in_pt($style->text_indent, $cb["w"]);
     // Determine the content edge
     $top = $style->length_in_pt(array($style->margin_top, $style->padding_top, $style->border_top_width), $cb["h"]);
     $bottom = $style->length_in_pt(array($style->border_bottom_width, $style->margin_bottom, $style->padding_bottom), $cb["h"]);
     $cb_x = $x + $left_margin + $style->length_in_pt(array($style->border_left_width, $style->padding_left), $cb["w"]);
     $cb_y = $y + $top;
     $cb_h = $cb["h"] + $cb["y"] - $bottom - $cb_y;
     // Set the y position of the first line in this block
     $floating_children = array();
     // Set the containing blocks and reflow each child
     foreach ($this->_frame->get_children() as $child) {
         // Bail out if the page is full
         if ($page->is_full()) {
         // Floating siblings
         if (DOMPDF_ENABLE_CSS_FLOAT && count($floating_children)) {
             $offset_left = 0;
             $offset_right = 0;
             // We need to reflow the child to know its initial x position
             $child->set_containing_block($cb_x, $cb_y, $w, $cb_h);
             $current_line = $this->_frame->get_current_line();
             foreach ($floating_children as $child_key => $floating_child) {
                 $float = $floating_child->get_style()->float;
                 $floating_width = $floating_child->get_margin_width();
                 $floating_x = $floating_child->get_position("x");
                 if ($float === "left") {
                     if ($current_line["left"] + $child->get_position("x") > $floating_x + $floating_width) {
                 } else {
                     if ($current_line["left"] + $child->get_position("x") + $child->get_margin_width() < $w - $floating_width - $current_line["right"]) {
                 // If the child is still shifted by the floating element
                 if ($floating_child->get_position("y") + $floating_child->get_margin_height() > $current_line["y"]) {
                     if ($float === "left") {
                         $offset_left += $floating_width;
                     } else {
                         $offset_right += $floating_width;
                 } else {
             if ($offset_left) {
                 $this->_frame->set_current_line(array("left" => $offset_left));
             if ($offset_right) {
                 $this->_frame->set_current_line(array("right" => $offset_right));
         $child->set_containing_block($cb_x, $cb_y, $w, $cb_h);
         // Don't add the child to the line if a page break has occurred
         if ($page->check_page_break($child)) {
         $child_style = $child->get_style();
         if (DOMPDF_ENABLE_CSS_FLOAT && $child_style->float !== "none") {
             $floating_children[] = $child;
             // Remove next frame's beginning whitespace
             $next = $child->get_next_sibling();
             if ($next && $next instanceof Text_Frame_Decorator) {
             $float_x = $cb_x;
             $float_y = $this->_frame->get_current_line("y");
             $child_style = $child->get_style();
             switch ($child_style->float) {
                 case "left":
                 case "right":
                     $width = $w;
                     $float_x += $width - $child->get_margin_width();
             $child->set_position($float_x, $float_y);
     // Determine our height
     list($height, $margin_top, $margin_bottom, $top, $bottom) = $this->_calculate_restricted_height();
     $style->height = $height;
     $style->margin_top = $margin_top;
     $style->margin_bottom = $margin_bottom;
     $style->top = $top;
     $style->bottom = $bottom;
     if ($block) {
コード例 #2
 function reflow(Frame_Decorator $block = null)
     // Check if a page break is forced
     $page = $this->_frame->get_root();
     // Bail if the page is full
     if ($page->is_full()) {
     // Generated content
     // Collapse margins if required
     $style = $this->_frame->get_style();
     $cb = $this->_frame->get_containing_block();
     if ($style->counter_increment && ($increment = $style->counter_increment) !== "none") {
     if ($style->position === "fixed") {
         $cb = $this->_frame->get_root()->get_containing_block();
     // Determine the constraints imposed by this frame: calculate the width
     // of the content area:
     list($w, $left_margin, $right_margin, $left, $right) = $this->_calculate_restricted_width();
     // Store the calculated properties
     $style->width = $w . "pt";
     $style->margin_left = $left_margin . "pt";
     $style->margin_right = $right_margin . "pt";
     $style->left = $left . "pt";
     $style->right = $right . "pt";
     // Update the position
     list($x, $y) = $this->_frame->get_position();
     // Adjust the first line based on the text-indent property
     $indent = $style->length_in_pt($style->text_indent, $cb["w"]);
     // Determine the content edge
     $top = $style->length_in_pt(array($style->margin_top, $style->padding_top, $style->border_top_width), $cb["h"]);
     $bottom = $style->length_in_pt(array($style->border_bottom_width, $style->margin_bottom, $style->padding_bottom), $cb["h"]);
     $cb_x = $x + $left_margin + $style->length_in_pt(array($style->border_left_width, $style->padding_left), $cb["w"]);
     $cb_y = $y + $top;
     $cb_h = $cb["h"] + $cb["y"] - $bottom - $cb_y;
     // Set the y position of the first line in this block
     $this->_floating_children = array();
     // Set the containing blocks and reflow each child
     foreach ($this->_frame->get_children() as $child) {
         // Bail out if the page is full
         if ($page->is_full()) {
         $child->set_containing_block($cb_x, $cb_y, $w, $cb_h);
         // Don't add the child to the line if a page break has occurred
         if ($page->check_page_break($child)) {
         $child_style = $child->get_style();
         if (DOMPDF_ENABLE_CSS_FLOAT && $child_style->float !== "none") {
             array_unshift($this->_floating_children, $child);
             // Remove next frame's beginning whitespace
             $next = $child->get_next_sibling();
             if ($next && $next instanceof Text_Frame_Decorator) {
             $line_box = $this->_frame->get_current_line_box();
             list($old_x, $old_y) = $child->get_position();
             $float_x = $cb_x;
             $float_y = $line_box->y;
             $float_w = $child->get_margin_width();
             switch ($child_style->float) {
                 case "left":
                     $float_x += $line_box->left;
                 case "right":
                     $float_x += $w - $line_box->right - $float_w;
             if ($child->_float_next_line) {
                 $float_y += $line_box->h;
             $child->set_position($float_x, $float_y);
             $child->move($float_x - $old_x, $float_y - $old_y, true);
     // Determine our height
     list($height, $margin_top, $margin_bottom, $top, $bottom) = $this->_calculate_restricted_height();
     $style->height = $height;
     $style->margin_top = $margin_top;
     $style->margin_bottom = $margin_bottom;
     $style->top = $top;
     $style->bottom = $bottom;
     $needs_reposition = $style->position === "absolute" && ($style->right !== "auto" || $style->bottom !== "auto");
     // Absolute positioning measurement
     if ($needs_reposition) {
         $orig_style = $this->_frame->get_original_style();
         if ($orig_style->width === "auto" && ($orig_style->left === "auto" || $orig_style->right === "auto")) {
             $width = 0;
             foreach ($this->_frame->get_line_boxes() as $line) {
                 $width = max($line->w, $width);
             $style->width = $width;
         $style->left = $orig_style->left;
         $style->right = $orig_style->right;
     // Absolute positioning
     if ($needs_reposition) {
         list($x, $y) = $this->_frame->get_position();
         list($new_x, $new_y) = $this->_frame->get_position();
         $this->_frame->move($new_x - $x, $new_y - $y, true);
     if ($block) {
         // May be inline-block
         if ($style->display === "block") {