/** * Prepares an Invoice to send to BitPay * * @param array $order_info OpenCart checkout order * @return Invoice */ private function prepareInvoice($order_info = array()) { $invoice = new \Bitpay\Invoice(); if (empty($order_info['order_id'])) { $this->log('error', 'Cannot prepare invoice without `order_id`'); throw Exception('Cannot prepare invoice without `order_id`'); } $this->log('info', sprintf('Preparing Invoice for Order %s', (string) $order_info['order_id'])); $invoice->setOrderId((string) $order_info['order_id']); if (empty($order_info['currency_code'])) { $this->log('error', 'Cannot prepare invoice without `currency_code`'); throw Exception('Cannot prepare invoice without `currency_code`'); } $invoice->setCurrency(new \Bitpay\Currency($order_info['currency_code'])); if (empty($order_info['total'])) { $this->log('error', 'Cannot prepare invoice without `total`'); throw Exception('Cannot prepare invoice without `total`'); } $invoice->setPrice((double) $order_info['total']); // Send Buyer Information? if ($this->setting('send_buyer_info')) { $buyer = new \Bitpay\Buyer(); $buyer->setFirstName($order_info['firstname'])->setLastName($order_info['lastname'])->setEmail($order_info['email'])->setPhone($order_info['telephone'])->setAddress(array($order_info['payment_address_1'], $order_info['payment_address_2']))->setCity($order_info['payment_city'])->setState($order_info['payment_zone_code'])->setZip($order_info['payment_postcode'])->setCountry($order_info['payment_country']); $invoice->setBuyer($buyer); } $invoice->setFullNotifications(true); $return_url = $this->setting('return_url'); if (empty($return_url)) { $return_url = $this->url->link('payment/bitpay/success', $this->config->get('config_secure')); } $notify_url = $this->setting('notify_url'); if (empty($notify_url)) { $notify_url = $this->url->link('payment/bitpay/callback', $this->config->get('config_secure')); } $invoice->setRedirectUrl($return_url); $invoice->setNotificationUrl($notify_url); $invoice->setTransactionSpeed($this->setting('risk_speed')); return $invoice; }
/** * This adds the buyer information to the invoice. * * @param Bitpay\Invoice $invoice * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Order $order * @return Bitpay\Invoice */ private function addBuyerInfo($invoice, $order) { if (false === isset($invoice) || true === empty($invoice) || false === isset($order) || true === empty($order)) { $this->debugData('[ERROR] In Bitpay_Core_Model_Method_Bitcoin::addBuyerInfo(): missing or invalid invoice or order parameter.'); throw new \Exception('In Bitpay_Core_Model_Method_Bitcoin::addBuyerInfo(): missing or invalid invoice or order parameter.'); } else { $this->debugData('[INFO] In Bitpay_Core_Model_Method_Bitcoin::addBuyerInfo(): function called with good invoice and order parameters.'); } $buyer = new Bitpay\Buyer(); if (false === isset($buyer) || true === empty($buyer)) { $this->debugData('[ERROR] In Bitpay_Core_Model_Method_Bitcoin::addBuyerInfo(): could not construct new BitPay buyer object.'); throw new \Exception('In Bitpay_Core_Model_Method_Bitcoin::addBuyerInfo(): could not construct new BitPay buyer object.'); } $buyer->setFirstName($order->getCustomerFirstname()); $buyer->setLastName($order->getCustomerLastname()); if (Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/bitpay/fullscreen')) { $address = $order->getBillingAddress(); } else { $quote = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote(); $address = $quote->getBillingAddress(); } $street = $address->getStreet1(); if (null !== $street && '' !== $street) { $buyer->setAddress(array($street, $address->getStreet2(), $address->getStreet3(), $address->getStreet4())); } $region = $address->getRegion(); $regioncode = $address->getRegionCode(); if (null !== $regioncode && '' !== $regioncode) { $buyer->setState($regioncode); } else { if (null !== $region && '' !== $region) { $buyer->setState($region); } } $country = $address->getCountry(); if (null !== $country && '' !== $country) { $buyer->setCountry($country); } $city = $address->getCity(); if (null !== $city && '' !== $city) { $buyer->setCity($city); } $postcode = $address->getPostcode(); if (null !== $postcode && '' !== $postcode) { $buyer->setZip($postcode); } $email = $address->getEmail(); if (null !== $email && '' !== $email) { $buyer->setEmail($email); } $telephone = $address->getTelephone(); if (null !== $telephone && '' !== $telephone) { $buyer->setPhone($telephone); } $invoice->setBuyer($buyer); return $invoice; }
/** * This adds the buyer information to the invoice. * * @param Bitpay\Invoice $invoice * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Order $order * @return Bitpay\Invoice */ private function addBuyerInfo($invoice, $order) { if (false === isset($invoice) || true === empty($invoice) || false === isset($order) || true === empty($order)) { $this->debugData('[ERROR] In Bitpay_Core_Model_Method_Bitcoin::addBuyerInfo(): missing or invalid invoice or order parameter.'); throw new \Exception('In Bitpay_Core_Model_Method_Bitcoin::addBuyerInfo(): missing or invalid invoice or order parameter.'); } else { $this->debugData('[INFO] In Bitpay_Core_Model_Method_Bitcoin::addBuyerInfo(): function called with good invoice and order parameters.'); } $buyer = new Bitpay\Buyer(); if (false === isset($buyer) || true === empty($buyer)) { $this->debugData('[ERROR] In Bitpay_Core_Model_Method_Bitcoin::addBuyerInfo(): could not construct new BitPay buyer object.'); throw new \Exception('In Bitpay_Core_Model_Method_Bitcoin::addBuyerInfo(): could not construct new BitPay buyer object.'); } $buyer->setFirstName($order->getCustomerFirstname()); $buyer->setLastName($order->getCustomerLastname()); $address = $order->getBillingAddress(); if (!empty($address->getStreet1())) { $buyer->setAddress(array($address->getStreet1(), $address->getStreet2(), $address->getStreet3(), $address->getStreet4())); } if (!empty($address->getRegionCode())) { $buyer->setState($address->getRegionCode()); } else { if (!empty($address->getRegion())) { $buyer->setState($address->getRegion()); } } if (!empty($address->getCountry())) { $buyer->setCountry($address->getCountry()); } if (!empty($address->getCity())) { $buyer->setCity($address->getCity()); } if (!empty($address->getPostcode())) { $buyer->setZip($address->getPostcode()); } if (!empty($address->getEmail())) { $buyer->setEmail($address->getEmail()); } if (!empty($address->getTelephone())) { $buyer->setPhone($address->getTelephone()); } $invoice->setBuyer($buyer); return $invoice; }
public function buildInvoice($params) { $invoice = new \Bitpay\Invoice(); $buyer = new \Bitpay\Buyer(); $item = new \Bitpay\Item(); $currency = new \Bitpay\Currency(); $buyer->setFirstName($params['BillingNameFirst']); $buyer->setLastName($params['BillingNameLast']); $buyer->setAddress(array($params['BillingAddress'])); $buyer->setCity($params['BillingCity']); $buyer->setState($params['BillingState']); $buyer->setCountry($params['BillingCountry']); $buyer->setZip($params['BillingZipCode']); $buyer->setEmail($params['EmailAddress']); $buyer->setPhone($params['PhoneNumber']); $item->setDescription($params['ProductDescription'])->setPrice(floatval($params['price'])); $currency->setCode($params['currencyCode']); $invoice->setTransactionSpeed($this->setting('riskSpeed')); if ($this->setting('redirectURL') != NULL) { $invoice->setRedirectUrl($params['redirectURL']); } else { $invoice->setRedirectUrl($params['returnURL']); } $invoice->setPosData($params['transactionID']); $invoice->setFullNotifications(true); $invoice->setOrderId($params['orderId'])->setNotificationUrl($params['PostBackURL']); $invoice->setCurrency($currency); $invoice->setBuyer($buyer); $invoice->setItem($item); return $invoice; }
function gateway_bitpay($seperator, $sessionid) { global $wpdb; global $wpsc_cart; try { // Protect your data! $mcrypt_ext = new \Bitpay\Crypto\McryptExtension(); $fingerprint = substr(sha1(sha1(__DIR__)), 0, 24); //Use token that is in_use and with facade = pos for generating invoices $is_a_token_paired = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "bitpay_keys WHERE `in_use` = 'true' AND `facade` = 'pos' LIMIT 1"); if ($is_a_token_paired < 1) { debuglog('[Error] In Bitpay plugin, bitpay.merchant.php::gateway_bitpay(): No tokens are paired so no transactions can be done!'); var_dump("Error Processing Transaction. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact us at " . get_option('admin_email')); } $row = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "bitpay_keys WHERE `in_use` = 'true' AND `facade` = 'pos' LIMIT 1"); $token = unserialize(base64_decode($mcrypt_ext->decrypt($row[0]->token, $fingerprint, '00000000'))); $public_key = unserialize(base64_decode($mcrypt_ext->decrypt($row[0]->public_key, $fingerprint, '00000000'))); $private_key = unserialize(base64_decode($mcrypt_ext->decrypt($row[0]->private_key, $fingerprint, '00000000'))); $network = $row[0]->network === 'Livenet' ? new \Bitpay\Network\Livenet() : new \Bitpay\Network\Testnet(); $row_id = $row[0]->id; $adapter = new \Bitpay\Client\Adapter\CurlAdapter(); // This grabs the purchase log id from // the database that refers to the $sessionid $purchase_log = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . "` WHERE `sessionid`= " . $sessionid . " LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); // This grabs the users info using the // $purchase_log from the previous SQL query $usersql = "SELECT `" . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . "`.value," . "`" . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . "`.`name`," . "`" . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . "`.`unique_name` FROM " . "`" . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . "` LEFT JOIN " . "`" . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . "` ON " . "`" . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . "`.id = " . "`" . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . "`.`form_id` WHERE " . "`" . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . "`.`log_id`='" . $purchase_log['id'] . "'"; $userinfo = $wpdb->get_results($usersql, ARRAY_A); // convert from awkward format $ui = array(); foreach ((array) $userinfo as $value) { if (strlen($value['value'])) { $ui[$value['unique_name']] = $value['value']; } } $userinfo = $ui; /** * Create Buyer object that will be used later. */ $buyer = new \Bitpay\Buyer(); // name if (true === isset($userinfo['billingfirstname'])) { $buyer->setFirstName($userinfo['billingfirstname']); } if (true === isset($userinfo['billinglastname'])) { $buyer->setLastName($userinfo['billinglastname']); } // address -- remove newlines if (true === isset($userinfo['billingaddress'])) { $newline = strpos($userinfo['billingaddress'], "\n"); $address2 = ''; if ($newline !== FALSE) { $address_line1 = substr($userinfo['billingaddress'], 0, $newline); $address_line2 = substr($userinfo['billingaddress'], $newline + 1); $address_line2 = preg_replace('/\\r\\n/', ' ', $address_line2, -1, $count); } else { $address_line1 = $userinfo['billingaddress']; } $buyer->setAddress(array($address_line1, $address_line2)); } // state if (true === isset($userinfo['billingstate'])) { // check if State is a number code used when Selecting country as US if (true === ctype_digit($userinfo['billingstate'])) { $buyer->setState(wpsc_get_state_by_id($userinfo['billingstate'], 'code')); } else { $buyer->setState($userinfo['billingstate']); } } // country if (true === isset($userinfo['billingcountry'])) { $buyer->setCountry($userinfo['billingcountry']); } // city if (true === isset($userinfo['billingcity'])) { $buyer->setCity($userinfo['billingcity']); } // postal code if (true === isset($userinfo['billingpostcode'])) { $buyer->setZip($userinfo['billingpostcode']); } // email if (true === isset($userinfo['billingemail'])) { $buyer->setEmail($userinfo['billingemail']); } // phone if (true === isset($userinfo['billingphone'])) { $buyer->setPhone($userinfo['billingphone']); } // more user info foreach (array('billingphone' => 'buyerPhone', 'billingemail' => 'buyerEmail', 'billingcity' => 'buyerCity', 'billingcountry' => 'buyerCountry', 'billingpostcode' => 'buyerZip') as $f => $t) { if ($userinfo[$f]) { $options[$t] = $userinfo[$f]; } } /** * Create an Item object that will be used later */ $item = new \Bitpay\Item(); // itemDesc, Sku, and Quantity if (count($wpsc_cart->cart_items) == 1) { $item_incart = $wpsc_cart->cart_items[0]; $item_id = $item_incart->product_id; $item_sku = wpsc_product_sku($item_id); $item_description = $item_incart->quantity > 1 ? $item_incart->quantity . ' x ' . $item_incart->product_name : $item_incart->product_name; } else { foreach ($wpsc_cart->cart_items as $item_incart) { $quantity += $item_incart->quantity; $item_id = $item_incart->product_id; $item_sku_individual = wpsc_product_sku($item_id); $item_sku .= $item_incart->quantity . ' x ' . $item_sku_individual . ' '; } $item_description = $quantity . ' items'; } // price $price = number_format($wpsc_cart->total_price, 2, '.', ''); $item->setDescription($item_description)->setCode($item_sku)->setPrice($price); // Create new BitPay invoice $invoice = new \Bitpay\Invoice(); // Add the item to the invoice $invoice->setItem($item); // Add the buyers info to invoice $invoice->setBuyer($buyer); // Configure the rest of the invoice $purchase_log = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . "` WHERE `sessionid`= " . $sessionid . " LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); $invoice->setOrderId($purchase_log['id'])->setNotificationUrl(get_option('siteurl') . '/?bitpay_callback=true'); /** * BitPay offers services for many different currencies. You will need to * configure the currency in which you are selling products with. */ $currency = new \Bitpay\Currency(); $currencyId = get_option('currency_type'); $currency_code = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `code` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", $currencyId)); $currency->setCode($currency_code); // Set the invoice currency $invoice->setCurrency($currency); // Transaction Speed $invoice->setTransactionSpeed(get_option('bitpay_transaction_speed')); // Redirect URL $separator = get_option('permalink_structure') != '' ? '?' : '&'; if (true === is_null(get_option('bitpay_redirect'))) { update_option('bitpay_redirect', get_site_url()); } $redirect_url = get_option('bitpay_redirect'); $invoice->setRedirectUrl($redirect_url); // PosData $invoice->setPosData($sessionid); // Full Notifications $invoice->setFullNotifications(true); /** * Create the client that will be used * to send requests to BitPay's API */ $client = new \Bitpay\Client\Client(); $client->setAdapter($adapter); $client->setNetwork($network); $client->setPrivateKey($private_key); $client->setPublicKey($public_key); /** * You will need to set the token that was * returned when you paired your keys. */ $client->setToken($token); $transaction = true; // Send invoice try { $client->createInvoice($invoice); } catch (\Exception $e) { debuglog('[Error] In Bitpay plugin, bitpay.merchant.php::gateway_bitpay(): Call to createInvoice() failed with the message: ' . $e->getMessage()); var_dump("Error Processing Transaction. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact us at " . get_option('admin_email')); $transaction = false; } if (true === $transaction) { $sql = "UPDATE `" . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . "` SET `notes`= 'The payment has not been received yet.' WHERE `sessionid`=" . $sessionid; $wpdb->query($sql); $wpsc_cart->empty_cart(); unset($_SESSION['WpscGatewayErrorMessage']); header('Location: ' . $invoice->getUrl()); } exit; } catch (\Exception $e) { debuglog('[Error] In Bitpay plugin, form_bitpay() function on line ' . $e->getLine() . ', with the error "' . $e->getMessage() . '" .'); throw $e; } }
*/ $item = new \Bitpay\Item(); $item->setCode('skuNumber')->setDescription('General Description of Item')->setPrice('1.99'); /** * Create Buyer object that will be used later. */ $buyer = new \Bitpay\Buyer(); $buyer->setFirstName('Some')->setLastName('Customer')->setPhone('555-5555-5555')->setEmail('*****@*****.**')->setAddress(array('123 Main St', 'Suite 1'))->setCity('Atlanta')->setState('GA')->setZip('30120')->setCountry('US'); /** * Create the invoice */ $invoice = new \Bitpay\Invoice(); // Add the item to the invoice $invoice->setItem($item); // Add the buyers info to invoice $invoice->setBuyer($buyer); // Configure the rest of the invoice $invoice->setOrderId('OrderIdFromYourSystem')->setNotificationUrl('https://store.example.com/bitpay/callback'); /** * BitPay offers services for many different currencies. You will need to * configure the currency in which you are selling products with. */ $currency = new \Bitpay\Currency(); $currency->setCode('USD'); // Set the invoice currency $invoice->setCurrency($currency); /** * Create a new client. You can see the example of how to configure this using * a yml file as well. */ $bitpay = new \Bitpay\Bitpay(array('bitpay' => array('network' => 'testnet', 'public_key' => getenv('HOME') . '/.bitpay/api.pub', 'private_key' => getenv('HOME') . '/.bitpay/api.key', 'key_storage' => 'Bitpay\\Storage\\EncryptedFilesystemStorage', 'key_storage_password' => 'TopSecret')));