コード例 #1
	*This method creates a meeting and return an array of the xml packet
	*@param username 
	*@param meetingID -- the unique meeting identifier used to store the meeting in the bigbluebutton server
	*@param welcomeString -- the welcome message to be displayed when a user logs in to the meeting
	*@param mPW -- the moderator password of the meeting
	*@param aPW -- the attendee password of the meeting
	*@param SALT -- the security salt of the bigbluebutton server
	*@param URL -- the url of the bigbluebutton server
	*@param logoutURL -- the url the user should be redirected to when they logout of bigbluebutton
	*	- Null if unable to reach the bigbluebutton server
	*	- If failed it returns an array containing a returncode, messageKey, message. 
	*	- If success it returns an array containing a returncode, messageKey, message, meetingID, attendeePW, moderatorPW, hasBeenForciblyEnded.
	public function createMeetingArray( $username, $meetingID, $welcomeString, $mPW, $aPW, $SALT, $URL, $logoutURL ) {

		$xml = bbb_wrap_simplexml_load_file( BigBlueButton::createMeetingURL($username, $meetingID, $aPW, $mPW, $welcomeString, $logoutURL, $SALT, $URL ) );

		if( $xml ) {
			if($xml->meetingID) return array('returncode' => $xml->returncode, 'message' => $xml->message, 'messageKey' => $xml->messageKey, 'meetingID' => $xml->meetingID, 'attendeePW' => $xml->attendeePW, 'moderatorPW' => $xml->moderatorPW, 'hasBeenForciblyEnded' => $xml->hasBeenForciblyEnded );
			else return array('returncode' => $xml->returncode, 'message' => $xml->message, 'messageKey' => $xml->messageKey );
		else {
			return null;