public function update_observer($type, $message, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext, $backtrace) { $mail = Variable::get('error_mail'); if ($mail) { $backtrace = htmlspecialchars_decode(str_replace(array('<br />', ' '), array("\n", ' '), $backtrace)); $x = "who=" . Base_AclCommon::get_user() . "\ntype=" . $type . "\nmessage=" . $message . "\nerror file=" . $errfile . "\nerror line=" . $errline . "\n" . $backtrace; $d = ModuleManager::get_data_dir('Base/Error') . md5($x) . '.txt'; file_put_contents($d, $x); $url = get_epesi_url(); Base_MailCommon::send($mail, 'Epesi Error - ' . $url, substr($x, 0, strpos($x, "error backtrace")) . "\n" . $url . '/' . $d, null, null, false, true); } return true; }
public function test_mail_config($email) { ob_start(); $ret = Base_MailCommon::send($email, __('E-mail configuration test'), __('If you are reading this, it means that your e-mail server configuration at %s is working properly.', array(get_epesi_url()))); $msg = ob_get_clean(); if ($msg) { print '<span class="important_notice">' . $msg . '</span>'; } if ($ret) { Base_StatusBarCommon::message(__('E-mail was sent successfully')); } else { Base_StatusBarCommon::message(__('An error has occured'), 'error'); } return false; }
public function submit_recover($data) { $mail = $data['mail']; $username = $data['username']; if (DEMO_MODE && $username == 'admin') { print 'In demo you cannot recover \'admin\' user password. If you want to login please type \'admin\' as password.'; return false; } $user_id = Base_UserCommon::get_user_id($username); DB::Execute('DELETE FROM user_reset_pass WHERE created_on<%T', array(time() - 3600 * 2)); if ($user_id === false) { print 'No such user!'; return false; } $hash = md5($user_id . '' . time()); DB::Execute('INSERT INTO user_reset_pass(user_login_id,hash_id,created_on) VALUES (%d,%s,%T)', array($user_id, $hash, time())); $subject = __('Password recovery'); $message = __('A password recovery for the account with the e-mail address %s has been requested.', array($mail)) . "\n\n" . __('If you want to reset your password, visit the following URL:') . "\n" . get_epesi_url() . '/modules/Base/User/Login/reset_pass.php?hash=' . $hash . "\n" . __('or just ignore this message and your login and password will remain unchanged.') . "\n\n" . __('If you did not use the Password Recovery form, inform your administrator about a potential unauthorized attempt to login using your credentials.') . "\n\n" . __('This e-mail was generated automatically and you do not need to respond to it.'); $sendMail = Base_MailCommon::send_critical($mail, $subject, $message); return true; }
public static function send_email_notifications($event_id) { $event = DB::GetRow('SELECT * FROM utils_watchdog_event WHERE id=%d', array($event_id)); if (!$event) { return; } $category_id = $event['category_id']; $id = $event['internal_id']; $message = $event['message']; $subscribers = self::get_subscribers($category_id, $id); $c_user = Acl::get_user(); self::email_mode(true); foreach ($subscribers as $user_id) { $wants_email = Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Utils_Watchdog', 'email', $user_id); if (!$wants_email) { continue; } Acl::set_user($user_id); Base_LangCommon::load(); $email_data = self::display_events($category_id, array($event_id => $message), $id, true); if (!$email_data) { continue; } $contact = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_id('contact', 'login', $user_id); if (!$contact) { continue; } $email = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_value('contact', $contact, 'email'); if (!$email) { continue; } $title = __('%s notification - %s - %s', array(EPESI, $email_data['category'], strip_tags($email_data['title']))); Base_MailCommon::send($email, $title, $email_data['events'], null, null, true); } Acl::set_user($c_user); Base_LangCommon::load(); self::email_mode(false); }
/** * Send mail with login and password to address.... * * @param string username * @param string password * @param string destination mail address */ public static function send_mail_with_password($username, $pass, $mail, $recovery = false) { $url = get_epesi_url(); $subject = __('Your account at %s', array($url)); $header = Variable::get('add_user_email_header', ''); $body = $header ? $header . "\n\n" : ''; if ($recovery) { $body .= __('This e-mail is to inform you that your password at %s has been reset.', array($url)); } else { $body .= __('This e-mail is to inform you that a user account was setup for you at: %s.', array($url)); } $body .= "\n" . __('Your username is: %s', array($username)) . "\n" . __('Your password is: %s', array($pass)) . "\n\n" . __('For security reasons it is recommened that you log in immediately and change your password.') . "\n\n" . __('This e-mail was generated automatically and you do not need to respond to it.'); return Base_MailCommon::send_critical($mail, $subject, $body); }
public static function cron2() { $interval = DB::is_postgresql() ? DB::qstr('4 minute') : '4 minute'; $arr = DB::GetAll('SELECT m.*,u.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON WHERE u.follow=0 AND m.alert_on+INTERVAL ' . $interval . ' <%T',array(time())); foreach($arr as $row) { Acl::set_user($row['user_login_id']); $always_follow = Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Utils_Messenger','always_follow_me'); if(!$always_follow && $row['done']) continue; ob_start(); $fret = call_user_func_array(unserialize($row['callback_method']),unserialize($row['callback_args'])); ob_end_clean(); DB::Execute('UPDATE utils_messenger_users SET follow=1 WHERE message_id=%d AND user_login_id=%d',array($row['id'],$row['user_login_id'])); $mail = Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Utils_Messenger','mail'); if($mail) { $msg = __('Alert on: %s',array(Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['alert_on'],2)))."\n".$fret."\n".($row['message']?__('Alarm comment: %s',array($row['message'])):''); Base_MailCommon::send($mail,'Alert!',$msg); } Acl::set_user(); } return ''; }
public static function new_event($category_name, $id, $message) { if(self::$disabled) return; $category_id = self::get_category_id($category_name, false); if (!$category_id) return; DB::Execute('INSERT INTO utils_watchdog_event (category_id, internal_id, message, event_time) VALUES (%d,%d,%s,%T)',array($category_id,$id,$message,time())); $event_id = DB::Insert_ID('utils_watchdog_event', 'id'); Utils_WatchdogCommon::notified($category_name,$id); $count = DB::GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM utils_watchdog_event WHERE category_id=%d AND internal_id=%d', array($category_id,$id)); if ($count==1) { $subscribers = self::get_subscribers($category_id); foreach ($subscribers as $s) self::user_subscribe($s, $category_name, $id); } $subscribers = self::get_subscribers($category_name, $id); $c_user = Acl::get_user(); self::email_mode(true); foreach ($subscribers as $user_id) { if ($user_id==$c_user) continue; $wants_email = Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Utils_Watchdog', 'email', $user_id); if (!$wants_email) continue; Acl::set_user($user_id); Base_LangCommon::load(); $email_data = self::display_events($category_id, array($event_id => $message), $id, true); if (!$email_data) continue; $contact = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_id('contact', 'login', $user_id); if (!$contact) continue; $email = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_value('contact', $contact, 'email'); if (!$email) continue; $title = __('%s notification - %s - %s', array(EPESI, $email_data['category'], strip_tags($email_data['title']))); Base_MailCommon::send($email, $title, $email_data['events'], null, null, true); } Acl::set_user($c_user); Base_LangCommon::load(); self::email_mode(false); }