コード例 #1
 $information2 .= "<div id='tableHead'>";
 $information2 .= "<div style='color:#FFFFFF'><b>" . $LAN_BANLIST_031 . "</b></div>";
 $information2 .= "</div>";
 $information2 .= "<table class='bordercolor' width='1000px' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='5' border='0' style='margin-top: 1px;'>";
 $information2 .= "<tr>";
 $information2 .= " <th class='colColor1' width='1%' nowrap align='center'>" . $LAN_BANLIST_014 . "</th>";
 $information2 .= " <th class='colColor1' width='15%' nowrap align='center'>" . $LAN_BANLIST_020 . "</th>";
 $information2 .= " <th class='colColor2' width='1%' nowrap align='center'>" . $LAN_BANLIST_016 . "</th>";
 $information2 .= " <th class='colColor1' width='1%' nowrap align='center'>" . $LAN_BANLIST_017 . "</th>";
 $information2 .= " <th class='colColor2' width='1%' nowrap align='center'>" . $LAN_BANLIST_018 . "</th>";
 // $information2 .= " <th class='colColor1' width='1%' nowrap align='center'>".$LAN_BANLIST_019."</th>";
 $information2 .= " <th class='colColor2' width='1%' nowrap align='center'>" . $LAN_BANLIST_032 . "</th>";
 $information2 .= " <th class='colColor1' align='center'>" . $LAN_BANLIST_027 . "</th>";
 $information2 .= "</tr>";
 // Ban history of the user
 $banHistory = $banQueries->getBanHistory($bannedUser->getBanId());
 // Loop through banned users and display them
 foreach ($banHistory as $banHistUser) {
     // list($expireDateHist, $expireTimeHist) = split(' ', $banHistUser->getExpireDate());
     list($addDateHist, $addTimeHist) = split(' ', $banHistUser->getAddDate());
     $commentsHist = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), "<br>", $banHistUser->getComments());
     // Convert newlines into html line breaks
     $commentsHist = str_replace("\"", "&#34;", $commentsHist);
     // Replace quotes with the HTML code
     $commentsHist = str_replace("'", "&#34;", $commentsHist);
     // Replace quotes with the HTML code
     $banLengthHist = new Length();
     	      if($banHistUser->getLength() == 0) {
コード例 #2
    $userQuery = new UserQueries();
    $userEdit = new User();
    // Ban ID
    $banId = $_GET['banId'];
    // Get the list of servers
    $serverList = $serverQueries->getServers();
    // List of Admins
    $banAmins = $reasonQueries->getAdminsList();
    // List of Reasons
    $banReasons = $reasonQueries->getReasonList();
    // Banned user information
    $bannedUser = $banQueries->getBannedUser($banId);
    // List of Ban Lengths
    $banLengths = $lengthQueries->getLengthList();
    // Ban history of the user
    $banHistory = $banQueries->getBanHistory($banId);
    if ($fullPower || $banManager || $bannedUser->getBanner() == $_SESSION['name'] && !empty($_SESSION['name']) && ($admin || $member) || $bannedUser->getBannerSteamId() == $_SESSION['steamId'] && !empty($_SESSION['steamId']) && ($admin || $member)) {
        <script type="text/javascript">
        function confirmIpBan() {
            if (confirm('<?php 
        echo $LANUPDATEBAN_032;
          <style type="text/css">