コード例 #1
 public function lostPassAction()
     if (BTAuth::logged_in()) {
         header('location: /overview');
     if (isset($_POST['cancel']) && $_POST['cancel']) {
         header("Location: /login");
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
         $mysql['user_name'] = $_POST['user_name'];
         $mysql['email'] = $_POST['email'];
         $user_row = UserModel::model()->getRow(array('conditions' => array('email' => $_POST['email'])));
         if ($user_row && $user_row->get('user_name') != $_POST['user_name']) {
             $user_row = null;
         if (!$user_row) {
             $error['user'] = '******';
         //i there isn't any error, give this user, a new password, and email it to them!
         if (!$error) {
             $mysql['user_id'] = $user_row->id();
             //generate random key
             $pass_key = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
             $pass_key = substr(str_shuffle($pass_key), 0, 40) . time();
             $mysql['pass_key'] = $pass_key;
             //set the user pass time
             $mysql['pass_time'] = time();
             //insert this verification key into the database, and the timestamp of inserting it
             $user_row->pass_key = $mysql['pass_key'];
             $user_row->pass_time = $mysql['pass_time'];
             //now email the user the script to reset their email
             $to = $_POST['email'];
             $subject = "Ballistic Tracking Password Reset";
             $message = "\n\t\t<p>Someone has asked to reset the password for the following username.</p>\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t<p>Username: "******"</p>\n\t\t\n\t\t<p>To reset your password visit the following address, otherwise just ignore this email and nothing will happen.</p>\n\t\t\n\t\t<p><a href=\"" . getBTUrl() . "/login/passReset?key={$pass_key}\">" . getBTUrl() . "/login/passReset?key={$pass_key}</a></p>";
             $from = "ballistictracking@" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
             $header = "From: Ballistic Tracking<" . $from . "> \r\n";
             $header .= "Reply-To: " . $from . " \r\n";
             $header .= "To: " . $to . " \r\n";
             $header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\" \r\n";
             $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit \r\n";
             $header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0 \r\n";
             mail($to, $subject, $message, $header);
             $success = true;
         $html['user_name'] = BTHtml::encode($_POST['user_name']);
         $html['email'] = BTHtml::encode($_POST['email']);
     $this->setVar("title", "Reset Your Password");
     $this->setVar("success", $success);
     $this->setVar("html", $html);
     $this->setVar("error", $error);
コード例 #2
 public static function require_user()
     if (BTAuth::logged_in() == false) {
         if (IS_AJAX) {
             //is datatables request
             if (isset($_GET['sEcho'])) {
                 $sEcho = $_GET['sEcho'];
                 $cols = $_GET['iColumns'];
                 $data = array('sEcho' => (int) $sEcho, 'iTotalRecords' => 1, 'iTotalDisplayRecords' => 1, 'aaData' => array());
                 $arr = array('Your session has timed out. Please log back in.');
                 for ($i = 1; $i < $cols; $i++) {
                     //ensures we return correct # of cols. No super important since datatables is forgiving in this respect.
                     $arr[] = '';
                 $data['aaData'][] = $arr;
                 echo json_encode($data);
             } else {
                 echo "Your session has timed out. Please log back in.";
             return false;
         } else {
             header("Location: /logout");
     if (!self::$user) {
         $user = UserModel::model()->getRowFromPk(self::$_authUserId, true);
         if (!$user) {
             header("Location: /");
             //what else are we gonna do? Call the ghostbusters?
         //this is always the authed user
         self::$_authUser = $user;
         if ($user->isAdmin()) {
             if (isset($_COOKIE['user_inject'])) {
                 $id = $_COOKIE['user_inject'];
                 $tmpuser = UserModel::model()->getRowFromPk($id, true);
                 if ($user->isAdmin()) {
                     //always allow admin
                     self::$user = $tmpuser;
         if (!self::$user) {
             //this is the auth user or a subuser (if authed user is admin)
             self::$user = $user;
     return true;