static function onUninstall() { $ver_opt = 'bsa_pro_plugin' . '_version'; if (get_option('bsa_pro_plugin_' . 'installation') == 'yes') { $model = new BSA_PRO_Model(); $model->dropTable(); // Reset dashboard statistics delete_option($ver_opt . '_dashboard_clicks'); delete_option($ver_opt . '_dashboard_views'); } // Stop CRON - views counter wp_clear_scheduled_hook('bsa_cron_views_stats'); // Delete version number delete_option($ver_opt); }
// -- START -- HEADER echo '<div class="bsaProHeader" style="background-color:' . bsa_space($sid, 'header_bg') . '">'; // -- START -- HEADER echo '<h3 class="bsaProHeader__title" style="color:' . bsa_space($sid, 'header_color') . '"><span>' . bsa_space($sid, 'title') . '</span></h3>'; // -- HEADER -- TITLE echo '<a class="bsaProHeader__formUrl" href="' . $form_url . '" target="_blank" style="color:' . bsa_space($sid, 'link_color') . '"><span>' . bsa_space($sid, 'add_new') . '</span></a>'; // -- HEADER -- LINK TO ORDERING FORM echo '</div>'; // -- END -- HEADER } echo '<div class="bsaProItems ' . bsa_space($sid, "grid_system") . ' ' . (bsa_space($sid, "display_type") == 'carousel' ? 'bsa-owl-carousel bsa-owl-carousel-' . $sid : '') . '" style="background-color:' . bsa_space($sid, 'ads_bg') . '">'; // -- START -- ITEMS foreach ($ads as $key => $ad) { if ($ad['id'] != 0 && bsa_ad($ad['id']) != NULL) { // -- COUNTING FUNCTION (DO NOT REMOVE!) $model = new BSA_PRO_Model(); $model->bsaProCounter($ad['id']); } echo '<div class="bsaProItem ' . ($key % $col_per_row == 0 ? "bsaReset" : "") . '" data-animation="' . bsa_space($sid, "animation") . '" style="' . ((bsa_space($sid, "animation") == "none" or bsa_space($sid, "animation") == NULL) ? "opacity:1" : "") . '">'; // -- START -- ITEM $url = parse_url($ad['url']); // -- START -- LINK $agency_form = get_option('bsa_pro_plugin_agency_ordering_form_url'); if ($ad['url'] != '') { if (isset($example)) { // url to form if example in ad space echo '<a class="bsaProItem__url" href="' . $form_url . '" target="_blank">'; } else { if (isset($type) && $type == 'agency') { echo '<a class="bsaProItem__url" href="' . $agency_form . (strpos($agency_form, '?') ? '&' : '?') . 'bsa_pro_id=' . $ad['id'] . '&bsa_pro_url=1" target="_blank">'; } else {
<?php if (get_option('bsa_pro_plugin_symbol_position') == 'before') { $before = '<small>' . get_option('bsa_pro_plugin_currency_symbol') . '</small> '; } else { $before = ''; } if (get_option('bsa_pro_plugin_symbol_position') != 'before') { $after = ' <small>' . get_option('bsa_pro_plugin_currency_symbol') . '</small>'; } else { $after = ''; } $model = new BSA_PRO_Model(); $countSpaces = $model->countSpaces(); $countAds = $model->countAds(); $countEarnings = $model->countEarnings(); $getPendingAds = $model->getPendingAds('admin_dashboard'); $getLastAds = $model->getLastAds(); $getAffiliateWithdrawals = $model->getAffiliateWithdrawals('pending', bsa_role()); $getSites = $model->getSites(bsa_role(), 'pending'); $getWithdrawals = $model->getWithdrawals('pending', bsa_role()); ?> <div style="float:right;"> <strong><a href="">ADS PRO</a></strong> - Version <?php echo get_option('bsa_pro_plugin_version'); ?> </div> <h2> <i class="dashicons dashicons-megaphone"></i> ADS PRO - Dashboard </h2> <div class="bsaDashboard">
<?php if (get_option('bsa_pro_plugin_symbol_position') == 'before') { $before = '<small>' . get_option('bsa_pro_plugin_currency_symbol') . '</small>'; } else { $before = ''; } if (get_option('bsa_pro_plugin_symbol_position') != 'before') { $after = '<small>' . get_option('bsa_pro_plugin_currency_symbol') . '</small>'; } else { $after = ''; } $model = new BSA_PRO_Model(); $getAffiliateWithdrawals = $model->getAffiliateWithdrawals(NULL, bsa_role()); $affiliateMinToWithdrawal = get_option('bsa_pro_plugin_' . 'ap_minimum_withdrawal') > 0 ? get_option('bsa_pro_plugin_' . 'ap_minimum_withdrawal') : 50; ?> <h2> <span class="dashicons dashicons-vault"></span> <?php echo bsa_get_trans('affiliate_program', 'affiliate'); ?> <?php if (bsa_role() == 'user') { ?> <p><span class="dashicons dashicon-14 dashicons-plus-alt"></span> <a class="bsaMakeWithdrawal" style="cursor: pointer"><?php echo bsa_get_trans('affiliate_program', 'make'); ?> </a></p> <?php } ?>
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/BSA_PRO_Agency_Ordering_form.php'; // require ordering form if stats $ad_id = $_GET['bsa_pro_id']; $model = new BSA_PRO_Model(); $statsFrom = $model->bsaIntervalStats($ad_id, 'from') != null ? $model->bsaIntervalStats($ad_id, 'from') : 0; $countClicks = $model->bsaIntervalStats($ad_id, 'from') != null ? $model->bsaCountClicks($ad_id, $statsFrom[0]) : 0; $countViews = $model->bsaIntervalStats($ad_id, 'from') != null ? $model->bsaCountViews($ad_id, $statsFrom[0]) : 0; echo ' <div class="bsaStatsWrapperBg"></div> <div class="bsaStatsWrapper" data-ad-id="' . $ad_id . '" data-days="7" data-from="' . $statsFrom[0] . '" data-time="' . time() . '"> <div class="bsaStatsWrapperInner"> <h2><span>' . get_option("bsa_pro_plugin_trans_stats_header") . '</span> <span class="bsaLoader bsaLoaderStats" style="display: none"></span></h2> <div class="bsaStatsButtons"> <a class="bsaPrevWeek" href="#" onclick="bsaPrevStats()">' . get_option("bsa_pro_plugin_trans_stats_prev_week") . '</a> <a class="bsaNextWeek" href="#" onclick="bsaNextStats()">' . get_option("bsa_pro_plugin_trans_stats_next_week") . '</a> </div> <div class="bsaStatsChart"> <div class="bsaSumStats"> ' . get_option("bsa_pro_plugin_trans_stats_clicks") . ' <strong>' . $countClicks[0] . '</strong> </div> <div class="bsaSumStats" style="margin: 0 5%"> ' . get_option("bsa_pro_plugin_trans_stats_views") . ' <strong>' . $countViews[0] . '</strong> </div> <div class="bsaSumStats"> ' . get_option("bsa_pro_plugin_trans_stats_ctr") . ' <strong>' . ($countViews[0] > 1 ? number_format($countClicks[0] / $countViews[0] * 100, 2) . " %" : " - ") . '</strong> </div> <div class="bsaChart ct-chart"></div> </div>'; echo '<h3 class="bsaHeaderClicks">' . get_option("bsa_pro_plugin_trans_stats_clicks") . '</h3>';
} if (get_option('bsa_pro_plugin_symbol_position') != 'before') { $after = get_option('bsa_pro_plugin_currency_symbol'); } else { $after = ''; } // active order by column function get_order_ads($sid, $column) { if (isset($sid) && bsa_space($sid, 'order_ads') == $column) { return 'bsaOrderActive'; } else { return null; } } $model = new BSA_PRO_Model(); $get_spaces = $model->getSpaces('both'); $first_space = $get_spaces[0]['id']; if (isset($_GET['space_id']) && $_GET['space_id'] != NULL && $_GET['space_id'] != '') { $space_id = $_GET['space_id']; } elseif ($get_spaces != NULL) { $space_id = $first_space; } else { $space_id = 0; } $getActiveAds = $model->getActiveAds($space_id, bsa_space($space_id, 'max_items'), 'admin'); $getPendingAds = $model->getPendingAds('pending_ads', $space_id); $getNotPaidAds = $model->getNotPaidAds($space_id); $getBlockedAds = $model->getBlockedAds($space_id); $getArchiveAds = $model->getArchiveAds($space_id); ?>
public function getTasksPages() { $page = $this->getPage(); $pages = array(); $model = new BSA_PRO_Model(); if ($model->getCronTasks(null, $page, self::PAGE_SIZE)) { foreach ($model->getCronTasks(null, $page, self::PAGE_SIZE) as $entry) { $pages[] = $entry; } } if ($page > 1 and !count($pages)) { return 'not_found'; } return $pages; }
<?php $bsaTrans = 'bsa_pro_plugin_trans_'; $model = new BSA_PRO_Model(); if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['bsaProSubmit']) && isset($_GET['site_id'])) { $getForm = $model->getForm('agency', $_GET['site_id']); } else { $getForm = ''; } // get notify action if (isset($_GET['bsa_pro_payment']) && $_GET['bsa_pro_payment'] == 'notify' || isset($_POST['stripeToken'])) { $model->notifyAction('agency'); } echo ' <div class="bsaProOrderingForm"> <div class="bsaProOrderingFormInner"> '; if (isset($_GET["bsa_pro_notice"]) && $_GET["bsa_pro_notice"] == 'success') { ?> <div class="bsaProAlert bsaProAlertSuccess bsaProAlertSuccessNotice"> <strong><?php echo get_option($bsaTrans . "alert_success"); ?> </strong> <p><?php echo get_option($bsaTrans . "payment_success"); ?> </p> </div> <?php } elseif (isset($_GET["bsa_pro_notice"]) && $_GET["bsa_pro_notice"] == 'failed') {
function bsa_function_views_stats() { $model = new BSA_PRO_Model(); $get_views_counter = get_option('bsa_pro_plugin_dashboard_views'); $get_daily_counter = $model->getDailyViews(time() - 30 * 60); if ($get_daily_counter[0] > 0) { update_option('bsa_pro_plugin_dashboard_views', $get_views_counter + $get_daily_counter[0]); // increase views stats } wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 30 * 60, 'bsa_cron_views_stats', array(time())); }
<?php $bsaTrans = 'bsa_pro_plugin_trans_'; $model = new BSA_PRO_Model(); if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['bsaProSubmit'])) { $getForm = $model->getForm(); } else { $getForm = ''; } // get notify action if (isset($_GET['bsa_pro_payment']) && $_GET['bsa_pro_payment'] == 'notify' || isset($_POST['stripeToken'])) { $model->notifyAction(); } echo ' <div class="bsaProOrderingForm"> <div class="bsaProOrderingFormInner"> '; if (isset($_GET["bsa_pro_notice"]) && $_GET["bsa_pro_notice"] == 'success') { ?> <div class="bsaProAlert bsaProAlertSuccess bsaProAlertSuccessNotice"> <strong><?php echo get_option($bsaTrans . "alert_success"); ?> </strong> <p><?php echo get_option($bsaTrans . "payment_success"); ?> </p> </div> <?php } elseif (isset($_GET["bsa_pro_notice"]) && $_GET["bsa_pro_notice"] == 'failed') {
function bsa_sortable_callback() { if ($_POST && isset($_POST['bsa_order'])) { $ads = $_POST['bsa_order']; $model = new BSA_PRO_Model(); foreach ($ads as $key => $ad) { $model->changeAdPriority($ad, count($ads) - $key); } } die; }
<?php $model = new BSA_PRO_Model(); $role = bsa_role() == 'admin' ? 'a' : 'u'; $decode_ids = $model->getUserCol(get_current_user_id()); $get_ids = json_decode($decode_ids['ad_ids']); $get_free_ads = $model->getUserCol(get_current_user_id(), 'free_ads'); function getAdValue($val) { if (isset($_GET['ad_id'])) { return bsa_ad($_GET['ad_id'], $val); } else { if (isset($_POST[$val]) || isset($_SESSION['bsa_ad_status'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['bsa_ad_status']) == 'ad_added') { $_SESSION['bsa_clear_form'] = 'ad_added'; unset($_SESSION['bsa_ad_status']); } $status = isset($_SESSION['bsa_clear_form']) ? $_SESSION['bsa_clear_form'] : ''; if ($status == 'ad_added') { return ''; } else { return $_POST[$val]; } } else { return ''; } } } ?> <h2> <?php