コード例 #1
 * Listens to requests to check the IMAP inbox.
 * If a POST request is made to check the IMAP inbox, RBE will actually
 * process this request in this function.  We also make sure that WP-cron is
 * running before pinging the IMAP inbox.
 * @since 1.0-RC3
 * @see bp_rbe_spawn_inbox_check()
function bp_rbe_run_inbox_listener()
    if (empty($_POST['_bp_rbe_check'])) {
    // make sure WP-cron isn't running
    if (defined('DOING_CRON') || isset($_GET['doing_wp_cron'])) {
    if (bp_rbe_is_connecting(array('clearcache' => true))) {
    if (bp_rbe_is_connected()) {
    // run our inbox check
    $imap = BP_Reply_By_Email_IMAP::init();
    $imap = $imap->run();
    // Do not run the inbox check again on failure.
    if (false === $imap) {
        remove_action('shutdown', 'bp_rbe_spawn_inbox_check');
    // kill the rest of this page
コード例 #2
  * Parses the body of an email message.
  * Tries to fetch the plain-text version when available first. Otherwise, will
  * fallback to the HTML version.
  * @uses imap_fetchstructure() Get the structure of an email
  * @uses imap_fetchbody() Using the third parameter will return a portion of the email depending on the email structure.
  * @param resource $imap The current IMAP connection
  * @param int $i The current email message number
  * @param bool $reply If we're parsing a reply or not. Default set to true.
  * @return mixed Either the email body on success or false on failure
 public static function body_parser($imap, $i, $reply = true)
     // get the email structure
     $structure = imap_fetchstructure($imap, $i);
     // setup encoding variable
     $encoding = $structure->encoding;
     // this is a multipart email
     if (!empty($structure->parts)) {
         // parse the parts!
         $data = self::multipart_plain_text_parser($structure->parts, $imap, $i);
         // we successfully parsed something from the multipart email
         if (!empty($data)) {
             // $data when extracted includes:
             //	$body
             //	$encoding
             //	$params (if applicable)
         // either a plain-text email or a HTML email
     } else {
         $body = imap_body($imap, $i);
     // decode emails with the following encoding
     switch ($encoding) {
         // quoted-printable
         case 4:
             $body = quoted_printable_decode($body);
             // base64
         // base64
         case 3:
             $body = base64_decode($body);
     // convert email to UTF-8 if not UTF-8
     if (!empty($params['charset']) && $params['charset'] != 'utf-8') {
         // try to use mb_convert_encoding() first if it exists
         // there are differing opinions as to whether iconv() is better than
         // mb_convert_encoding()
         // mb_convert_encoding() appears to have less problems than iconv()
         // so this is used first
         if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
             $body = mb_convert_encoding($body, 'utf-8', $params['charset']);
             // fallback to iconv() if mb_convert_encoding()_doesn't exist
         } elseif (function_exists('iconv')) {
             $body = iconv($params['charset'], 'utf-8//TRANSLIT', $body);
     // do something special for emails that only contain HTML
     if (strtolower($structure->subtype) == 'html') {
         self::$html = true;
     return $body;