コード例 #1
	 * Tokenize the text into peaces containing the tags (opening or closing) and the texts.
	 * This will also repair malformed bb-code strings.
	 * @param string Text to tokenize
	 * @return array Array containing the tokens
	private function executeScanner($text) {
		if (strpos($text, '[') === false) {
			// If no [ char then there is no bb code,. shorten the procedure / save cpu
			return array($text);
		else {
			// Build regexp
			$attributeValue = '(\'.+?(?<!(?<!\\\\)\\\\)\'|".+?(?<!(?<!\\\\)\\\\)"|[^\]\s]+)';
			$attribute = '(?:\s+([a-z]+)='.$attributeValue.')?';
			$regexp = '~\[(?:([a-z]+)(?:='.$attributeValue.')?'.$attribute.$attribute.'|/[a-z]+)\]~i';
			// Parse the tags (matches only tags, not the texts)
			preg_match_all($regexp, $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER|PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);

			// Iterate through tags and add missing texts
			$tokens = array();
			$lastOffset = 0;
			// Stacks to repair the code
			$inlineStack = array();
			$blockStack = array();
			// We use our own index for the array to have an ability to remove stack elements by key
			$tokenIndex = 0;

			foreach ($matches as $match) {
				// Calculate the length of the missing text (difference of the both tag offsets)
				$length = $match[0][1] - $lastOffset;
				// Add missing text when there is something missing
				if ($length > 0) {
					$tokens[$tokenIndex++] = substr($text, $lastOffset, $length);

				// We decide what type of token it is on the number of array elements / matches
				$type = count($match);
				// Add token with additional information from the scanning process
				if ($type == 1) { // Its a closing tag
					$tagName = strtolower(substr($match[0][0], 2, -1));
					if (isset($this->tags[$tagName])) {
						// Create new token, remove the [/ and ] for the tag name
						$token = new BBCodeToken($match[0][0], $tagName, false);
					else {
						// Tag is not registered, handle it as text
						$token = $match[0][0];
				else {
					$tagName = strtolower($match[1][0]);
					if (isset($this->tags[$tagName])) {
						// Add new opening tag with attributes
						$token = new BBCodeToken($match[0][0], $tagName, true);
						switch ($type) {
							case 7:
								$token->setAttribute($match[5][0], $match[6][0]);
							case 5:
								$token->setAttribute($match[3][0], $match[4][0]);
							case 3:
								$token->setAttribute($match[1][0], $match[2][0]);
					else {
						// Tag is not registered, handle it as text
						$token = $match[0][0];

				// Start repairing malformed bb code
				if ($token instanceof BBCodeToken && $token->isStandalone($tagName) == false) {
					// Tag is not standalone, go through them, save standalone tags without change
					if ($token->getDisplayType() == BBCodeTag::DT_BLOCK) {
						// Close all unclosed tags before the closing block element
						$lastKey = count($inlineStack) -1;
						for ($i = $lastKey; $i >= 0; $i--) {
							$closingTagName = $inlineStack[$i]->getTagName();
							$element = new BBCodeToken(
							$element->setLateInfix(); // This is not in the original text
							$tokens[$tokenIndex++] = $element;
						// Reset stack as all tags are closed now
						$inlineStack = array();

						// Handle tags, add to stack, remove from stack etc.
						if ($token->isOpeningTag() == true) {
							// Add opening tag to block element stack with current index that is
							// used also when adding current token
							$blockStack[$tokenIndex] = $tagName;
						else {
							// Check on top of stack for a matching opening tag
							if (end($blockStack) == $tagName) {
								// Opening tag found, remove it from the stack
							else {
								// remove the token, token doesn't match stack content
								$token = null;
					else {
						// Handle tags, add to stack, remove from stack etc.
						if ($token->isOpeningTag() == true) {
							// Add opening tag to stack
							$inlineStack[] = $token;
						else {
							// Check whether there is a opening tag for the closing tag
							// Order can be swapped for inline tags, nestin will be repaired.
							// Example: [b]a[i]b[/b]c[/i] will be [b]a[i]b[/i][/b][i]c[/i]
							$lastKey = count($inlineStack) - 1;
							$key = null;
							for ($i = $lastKey; $i >= 0; $i--) {
								if ($inlineStack[$i]->getTagName() == $tagName) {
									$key = $i;
							if ($key === null) {
								// No opening tag found, remove the closing tag
								$token = null;
							else {
								// Closes the opened tags until the key.
								for ($i = $lastKey; $i > $key; $i--) {
									// Close the tags
									$closingTagName = $inlineStack[$i]->getTagName();
									$element = new BBCodeToken(
									$element->setLateInfix(); // This is not in the original text
									$tokens[$tokenIndex++] = $element;
								// Add the current closing tag already after the closed elements and
								// set token to null so it is not added again at end of the loop...
								$tokens[$tokenIndex++] = $token;
								$token = null;
								// Open the tags again as we are not behind the current closing tag
								for ($i = $lastKey; $i > $key; $i--) {
									// We need to clone it or the childs will be duplicated too
									$tokens[$tokenIndex] = clone $inlineStack[$i];
									$tokens[$tokenIndex]->setLateInfix(); // Not an original token
								// Opening tag found, remove it from the stack and repair the
								// nesting if needed.
								// Reindex the key of the inline stack
								$inlineStack = array_merge($inlineStack);

				if ($token !== null) {
					// Append the token to the current index
					$tokens[$tokenIndex++] = $token;

				// Change the lastOffset to the current offset plus the length of the tag
				$lastOffset = $match[0][1] + strlen($match[0][0]);

			// Append the rest of the text after the last tag
			$tokens[$tokenIndex++] = substr($text, $lastOffset);

			// Close all open tag at the end of the text in order of their occurance.
			$inlineStack = array_reverse($inlineStack);
			foreach ($inlineStack as $element) {
				$closingTagName = $element->getTagName();
				$element = new BBCodeToken(
				$element->setLateInfix(); // This is not in the original text
				$tokens[$tokenIndex++] = $element;
			// Remove open but unclosed block elements from tree
			foreach ($blockStack as $key => $element) {

			return $tokens;