コード例 #1
     * @param match - Regex which checks if the called class matches the pattern
     * @param search - Search-Regex for the file-string
     * @param replace - Replace-Pattern for the file-stri*ng
    public static function addFolder($path, $match, $search, $replace)
        Autoload::$folders[] = array('path' => $path, 'match' => $match, 'search' => $search, 'replace' => $replace);
// Register the autoload method in PHP
// load the Autoload_folders which are defined in your config file
if (defined('AUTOLOAD_FOLDERS')) {
    $autoload_folders = unserialize(AUTOLOAD_FOLDERS);
    foreach ($autoload_folders as $folder) {
        Autoload::addFolder($folder[0], $folder[1], $folder[2], $folder[3]);

  @desc: Define the folders and class patterns. This is sent to the autoloader which decides which file to
  @param1: Path of the folder from the root directory
  @param2: Regex which checks if the called class matches the pattern
  @param3: Search-Regex for the file-string
  @param4: Replace-Pattern for the file-string
// define('AUTOLOAD_FOLDERS', serialize(array(
//   array('interfaces',     '/I[A-Z][a-z]+/',     '/^I([A-Z][a-z]+)$/',   'interface.$1.php'),
//   array('classes',        '/.*/',               '/^(.*)$/',             'class.$1.php'),