コード例 #1
function create_paypal_AutoBill($account, $paymentmethod)
    $ipAddress = '';
    $uniqueValue = get_unique_value();
    $merchantAutoBillId = 'ab-' . $uniqueValue;
    $merchantProductId = 'mm_1_day_recurring';
    $merchantBillingPlanId = 'Daily';
    $autobill = new AutoBill();
    $product = new Product();
    $billingplan = new BillingPlan();
    $item = new AutoBillItem();
    // Set PaymentMethod used by AutoBill
    //$duplicateBehavior = 'Fail'; //removed in 9.0
    //$validatePaymentMethod = true; //removed in 9.0
    $immediateAuthFailurePolicy = 'doNotSaveAutoBill';
    //added in 9.0
    $validateForFuturePayment = true;
    //added in 9.0
    $minChargebackProbability = 100;
    $ignoreAvsPolicy = true;
    $ignoreCvnPolicy = true;
    $campaignCode = null;
    $dryrun = false;
    $response = $autobill->update($immediateAuthFailurePolicy, $validateForFuturePayment, $minChargebackProbability, $ignoreAvsPolicy, $ignoreCvnPolicy, $campaignCode, $dryrun);
    if ($response['returnCode'] != '200') {
        print 'Error creating autobill' . PHP_EOL;
        print 'Soap Id = ' . $response['data']->return->soapId . PHP_EOL;
        print 'Return Code = ' . $response['returnCode'] . PHP_EOL;
        print 'Return String = ' . $response['returnString'] . PHP_EOL;
    } else {
        $response_object = $response['data'];
        $auth_status = $response_object->authStatus;
        if ($auth_status->status == 'AuthorizationPending') {
            $redirection_url = $auth_status->payPalStatus->redirectUrl;
            echo "To authorize, please visit: <a href=\"" . $redirection_url . "\">Continue to Paypal</a>" . PHP_EOL;
        } else {
            if ($auth_status->status == 'Cancelled') {
                echo "Autobill not accepted by PayPal";
            } else {
                echo "Status = " . $auth_status->status;
    return $redirection_url;
コード例 #2
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Vindicia.php';
require_once 'Vindicia/Soap/Const.php';
$ab = $argv[1];
$pmId = $argv[2];
print "autobill is {$ab}\n";
$paypal = new PayPal();
$pm = new PaymentMethod();
$autobill = new AutoBill();
$immediateAuthFailurePolicy = 'doNotSaveAutoBill';
$validateForFuturePayment = 0;
$fraudScore = 100;
$ignoreAVS = 1;
$ignoreCVN = 1;
$dryrun = 1;
$dryrun = $argv[3];
$coupon = NULL;
$response = $autobill->update('', $immediateAuthFailurePolicy, $validateForFuturePayment, $fraudScore, $ignoreAVS, $ignoreCVN, $coupon, $dryrun, '');
$return_code = $response['returnCode'];
$return_string = $response['returnString'];
print "Return code is {$return_code} \n";
print "Return string is {$return_string} \n";
$return_id = $response['data']->autobill->merchantAutoBillId;
コード例 #3
function createAutoBill($account, $merchantPaymentMethodId, $merchantAutoBillId, $merchantBillingPlanId, $merchantProductId, $currency)
    $autobill = new AutoBill();
    # same Account
    # AutoBills can have multiple products each in an AutoBillItem as an array:
    $item = new AutoBillItem();
    # set product to an existing product
    $product = new Product();
    # set the Product in the AutoBillItem
    # WSDL AutoBill.items data member is set using PHP method AutoBill.setItems()
    $response = $autobill->setItems(array($item));
    # print_r ($response);
    # use same PaymentMethod that just validated successfully
    $pm = new PaymentMethod();
    # set billing plan to existing billing plan
    $billingplan = new BillingPlan();
    # AutoBill.update() method parameters:
    $validate = false;
    // through 8.0
    $fraudScore = 100;
    // Use this to accept cards involved in chargeback (i.e. Fraud Score=100)
    $minChargebackProbability = $fraudScore;
    $ignoreAvsPolicy = true;
    $ignoreCvnPolicy = true;
    $campaignCode = "";
    $dryrun = false;
    # 9.0 parameters
    $immediateAuthFailurePolicy = 'doNotSaveAutoBill';
    $validateForFuturePayment = $validate;
    print "\nmerchantAccountId=" . $account->getMerchantAccountId() . "\n";
    print "\tmerchantAutoBillId={$merchantAutoBillId}\n";
    print "\t\tmerchantProductId={$product->merchantProductId},";
    print "\tmerchantBillingPlanId={$merchantBillingPlanId}\n";
    print "\tminChargeBackProbability={$minChargebackProbability}\n\n";
    $response = $autobill->update('SucceedIgnore', $validate, $minChargebackProbability, $ignoreAvsPolicy, $ignoreCvnPolicy, $campaignCode, $dryrun);
    // 5.0+
    # $response = $autobill->update($immediateAuthFailurePolicy, $validateForFuturePayment,
    #					$minChargebackProbability,
    # 					$ignoreAvsPolicy, $ignoreCvnPolicy,
    #					$campaignCode, $dryrun);	// 9.0
    echo "\n";
    # print_r ($response);
    $createAutoBill_soapId = $response['data']->return->soapId;
    print "createAutoBill(): soapId = " . $createAutoBill_soapId;
コード例 #4
// specify a page on your site customer will be redirected to after completing the MOLPay payment
// If the billing plan is recurring, customer can pay with credit card only
$provider = new PaymentProvider();
$abill = new AutoBill();
// AutoBill will be billed in this currency. Make sure the Product and BillingPlan has prices in MYR
$abill->setMerchantAutoBillId('VINTEST-AB-' . rand(10000, 99999));
// Unique subscription ID
//Create AutoBillItem to represent the purchased product
$item = new AutoBillItem();
// This is subscription product customer has selected to subscribe to
// Make sure a Product with this ID is already defined via the CashBox portal
$prod = new Product();
// Campaign Code can be specified for each individual line item:
$items = array($item);
// If we are not going to use the default billing plan associated with the Product
// we must explicitly tell the AutoBill which billing plan it should use
$plan = new BillingPlan();