コード例 #1
ファイル: EditController.php プロジェクト: blackskaarj/webgr
 public function updateAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $fishId = intval($request->getParam(Fish::COL_ID));
     $dbAdapter = Zend_Registry::get('DB_CONNECTION1');
     if ($request->isPost() and $this->form->isValid($request->getParams($fishId))) {
         $data = array(Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE => $this->form->getValue(Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE), Fish::COL_USER_ID => AuthQuery::getUserId());
         $this->fishTable->updateFishAndMetadata($this->form, $fishId, $data);
         $namespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('default');
         $redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
         if ($namespace->next != null) {
             $nextArray = $namespace->next;
             $namespace->next = null;
             $redirect->setGotoSimple($nextArray['nextAction'], $nextArray['nextController'], $nextArray['nextModul']);
         } else {
             $redirect->setGotoSimple('search', 'search', 'fish');
     } else {
         $fishResult = $this->fishTable->find($fishId)->current();
         if ($fishResult != null) {
             $fishArray = $fishResult->toArray();
         } else {
             $fishArray = array();
         // get meta data
         $select = $dbAdapter->select();
         $select->join(AttributeDescriptor::TABLE_NAME, MetaDataFish::TABLE_NAME . '.' . MetaDataFish::COL_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTOR_ID . '=' . AttributeDescriptor::TABLE_NAME . '.ATDE_ID');
         $select->where(MetaDataFish::COL_FISH_ID . '=?', $fishId);
         $metaArray = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($select);
         $this->form->dynPopulate($metaArray, MetaDataFish::COL_VALUE, $fishArray);
         $this->view->form = $this->form;
コード例 #2
 public function createAction()
     $expId = intval($this->getRequest()->getParam(Expertise::COL_ID));
     $keyId = intval($this->getRequest()->getParam(KeyTable::COL_ID));
     $expTable = new Expertise();
     $expRow = $expTable->find($expId);
     $keyTable = new KeyTable();
     $keyRow = $keyTable->find($keyId);
     if ($keyRow->count() != 0 || $expRow->count() != 0) {
         $keyArray = $keyRow->toArray();
         $expArray = $expRow->toArray();
         // create CE row
         $ceTable = new CalibrationExercise();
         $ceName = $expArray[0][Expertise::COL_SPECIES] . ' / ' . AuthQuery::getUserName();
         //TODO \r in der Datenbank
         $ceDescription = 'Area: ' . $expArray[0][Expertise::COL_AREA] . '\\r' . 'Subject: ' . $expArray[0][Expertise::COL_SUBJECT] . '\\r' . 'KeyName: ' . $keyArray[0][KeyTable::COL_NAME];
         $ceData = array(CalibrationExercise::COL_NAME => $ceName, CalibrationExercise::COL_DESCRIPTION => $ceDescription, CalibrationExercise::COL_KEY_TABLE_ID => $keyArray[0][KeyTable::COL_ID], CalibrationExercise::COL_EXPERTISE_ID => $expArray[0][Expertise::COL_ID], CalibrationExercise::COL_COMPAREABLE => 1, CalibrationExercise::COL_IS_STOPPED => 0, CalibrationExercise::COL_TRAINING => 1);
         $ceId = $ceTable->insert($ceData);
         // create participant row
         $partTable = new Participant();
         $partData = array(Participant::COL_CE_ID => $ceId, Participant::COL_USER_ID => AuthQuery::getUserId(), Participant::COL_NUMBER => 1);
         $partId = $partTable->insert($partData);
         // add all possible shown attributes
         $dbAdapter = $ceTable->getAdapter();
         $selectAttr = $dbAdapter->select();
         $selectAttr->orWhere(AttributeDescriptor::COL_GROUP . '=?', 'fish');
         $selectAttr->orWhere(AttributeDescriptor::COL_GROUP . '=?', 'image');
         $attrArray = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($selectAttr);
         $ceHasAttrTable = new CeHasAttributeDescriptor();
         foreach ($attrArray as $attr) {
             $attrData = array(CeHasAttributeDescriptor::COL_ATDE_ID => $attr[AttributeDescriptor::COL_ID], CeHasAttributeDescriptor::COL_CAEX_ID => $ceId);
         //get images for exp/key
         $refQuery = new Default_ReferenceQuery();
         $images = $refQuery->getImages($expId, $keyId);
         // create imageset
         //			$selectImages = $dbAdapter->select();
         //			$imagesArray = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($selectImages);
         $imageSetTable = new CeHasImage();
         foreach ($images as $image) {
             $data = array(CeHasImage::COL_IMAGE_ID => $image, CeHasImage::COL_CALIBRATION_EXERCISE_ID => $ceId);
         $Redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
         $Redirect->setGotoSimple('index', 'make', 'annotation', array(CalibrationExercise::COL_ID => $ceId));
     } else {
         throw new Zend_Controller_Exception('Error at craeting a new training Calibration Exercise.', 505);
コード例 #3
 public function indexAction()
     $addFish = false;
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         $params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
         if ($this->form->isValid($params)) {
             //TODO wenn fishsamplecode noch nicht in der datenbank,
             //dann lege fisch an mit diesem samplecode (erledigt)
             //und SPRINGE IN Fish_CreateController (am Ende des Controllers)
             //TODO mit getElement und Konstanten arbeiten
             $fishSampleCode = $this->form->getValue(Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE);
             $fishTable = new Fish();
             $row = $fishTable->fetchRow($fishTable->select()->where(Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE . '= ?', $fishSampleCode));
             if (is_null($row)) {
                 //echo 'Warnung: Fish Sample Code nicht vorhanden.';
                 $fishId = $fishTable->insert(array(Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE => $fishSampleCode));
                 $addFish = true;
                 $constFishId = Fish::COL_ID;
                 $fishId->{$constFishId} = $fishId;
             } else {
                 $addFish = false;
                 $fishId = $row->FISH_ID;
             //TODO dateinamen mit leerzeichen
             //könnte ein problem bei der weiterverarbeitung in linux sein
             //ggf. akzeptieren und umwandeln oder verweigern?
             //don't call $form->getValues() - causes physical upload immediately
             //look ZFDoc 19.1.3
             //note: if using Zend_Form_Element_File (in view) you can't use new instance of Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Http in controller!
             // http://www.zfforums.com/zend-framework-forum-8/general-talks-12/file_transfer-illegal-uploaded-possible-attack-1737.html
             // http://www.nabble.com/Zend_File_Transfer-td19024470.html
             $upload = $this->form->uploadElement->getTransferAdapter();
             // Returns all known internal file informations
             $files = $upload->getFileInfo();
             $imageTable = new Image();
             $medimTable = new MetaDataImage();
             //look ZFDoc 19.3.3
             //iterates over all file elemens
             $numberImagesUploaded = 0;
             $userId = AuthQuery::getUserId();
             foreach ($files as $file => $info) {
                 /*handle only uploaded files, skip blank file elements
                 	 store original file in certain path
                 	 file is saved without excplicit temp directory with Zend Filter
                 	 image import uses temp directory instead
                 if (!$upload->isUploaded($file)) {
                 $creator_guid = new Ble422_Guid();
                 $guid = $creator_guid->__toString();
                 $fileName = $info['name'];
                 $path_parts = pathinfo($fileName);
                 $originalFileName = $path_parts['basename'];
                 //used later to create Image dataset
                 $newFileNameWithGuid = $guid . '.' . strtolower($path_parts['extension']);
                 //save extension in lower-case
                 //relative path with new filename, prefix dot&slash required
                 $completeTarget = './' . Image::RELATIVE_UPLOAD_PATH . '/' . $newFileNameWithGuid;
                 //apply filter only for uploaded file $fileName
                 $upload->addFilter('Rename', array('target' => $completeTarget, 'overwrite' => false), $fileName);
                 //TODO write protect files
                 try {
                     $ratio = $this->form->getValue(Image::COL_RATIO_EXTERNAL);
                     $tn_ratio = $imageTable->processImage($completeTarget);
                     //ratio is filled from form
                     $imageId = $imageTable->insertImageDataset($completeTarget, $originalFileName, $fishId, $guid, $userId, $ratio, $tn_ratio);
                     $imageTable->updateImageAndMetadata($this->form, $imageId);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     echo "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
             Zend_Registry::set('MESSAGE', $numberImagesUploaded . ' image(s) successfully inserted');
             if ($addFish) {
                 $next = array('nextAction' => 'index', 'nextController' => 'upload', 'nextModul' => 'image');
                 $namespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('default');
                 $namespace->next = $next;
                 $redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
                 $redirect->setGotoSimple('update', 'edit', 'fish', array(Fish::COL_ID => $fishId));
         } else {
             //form isn't valid
             $this->view->form = $this->form;
     //$this->view->form = $form;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Batch.php プロジェクト: blackskaarj/webgr
  * grouping function
  * checks the CSV file and prepares the datasets for import, and gives detailled arrays back for single steps for further processing and report
  * 1. checks the CSV file column against uploaded files
  * 2. checks the header
  * 3. checks the columns with value list entries and changes from strings to ids
  * 4. splits and checks the datasets against fish and image form
  * @param $key the subdirectory for csv and image files
  * @param $systemAttributes INPUT from flex assigning, elements order is 1:1 to csvHeadings
  * @param $csvHeadings INPUT from flex assigning, elements order is 1:1 to systemAttributes
  * @param $filenames filenames of files to upload, including import.csv
  * @return unknown_type
 public function checkCsv($key, $systemAttributes, $csvHeadings, $filenames)
     $this->key = $key;
     $this->logger = new Ble422_ArrayLogger(self::RELATIVE_PATH_IMPORT_LOGS . $this->key . '_import_log.txt');
     try {
         $parser = new Ble422_CsvParser(self::RELATIVE_PATH_UPLOAD_CACHE . $this->key . '/import.csv', TRUE, ',', NULL, TRUE);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return array('returnCode' => 'initial error', 'message' => $e->getMessage);
     $headings = $parser->getHeadings();
     if (count($headings) <= 1) {
         return array('returnCode' => 'initial error', 'message' => 'Error: zero or only one heading found, wrong delitimer?');
     $datasets = array();
     $datasets = $parser->get(0);
     if (empty($datasets)) {
         return array('returnCode' => 'initial error', 'message' => 'Error: no dataset found');
     if (empty($filenames)) {
         return array('returnCode' => 'initial error', 'message' => 'Error: no filenames found');
     //echo $this->datasets[0]['Über2'];
     //echo $this->datasets[1]['Über3'];
     if (count($systemAttributes) >= 1 && count($csvHeadings) >= 1) {
         $useManualAssociation = TRUE;
         if (count($systemAttributes) != count($csvHeadings)) {
             return array('returnCode' => 'initial error', 'message' => 'Error: number of system attributes and CSV file headings not equal');
         //delete the additional information from the attribute string
         foreach ($systemAttributes as &$attr) {
             $pos = strrpos($attr, '#');
             if ($pos === false) {
                 // not found
             } else {
                 //- 1 because space sign
                 $attr = substr($attr, 0, $pos - 1);
         //$headingsArray = $this->createHeadingsArray();
         $datasets = $this->getDatasetsWithNewHeadings($datasets, $systemAttributes, $csvHeadings);
         $headings = $systemAttributes;
     } else {
         $useManualAssociation = FALSE;
     //additional array (keys without spaces) for xml XXX has no recursive handling --------------
     $datasetsForXml = array();
     foreach ($datasets as $rowNo => $dataset) {
         $newDataset = array();
         foreach ($dataset as $keyName => $value) {
             $newKeyName = str_replace(' ', '_', $keyName);
             $newDataset += array($newKeyName => $value);
         $datasetsForXml[$rowNo] = $newDataset;
     $this->logger->log(array('user' => AuthQuery::getUserName()));
     $this->logger->log(array('originalInput' => $datasets));
     //XXX handle association array added info
     try {
         if (!$useManualAssociation) {
             $fileNamesCsv = $this->extractColumn($datasets, Image::COL_ORIGINAL_FILENAME);
         } else {
             $fileNamesCsv = $this->extractColumn($datasets, Image::COL_ORIGINAL_FILENAME);
     } catch (OutOfBoundsException $e) {
         return array('returnCode' => 'initial error', 'message' => "Error: column not found\n" . $e->getMessage);
     try {
         $this->extractColumn($datasets, Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE);
     } catch (OutOfBoundsException $e) {
         return array('returnCode' => 'initial error', 'message' => "Error: column not found\n" . $e->getMessage);
     $resultsCheckFileCsvAssoc = $this->checkFileCsvAssoc($fileNamesCsv, $filenames);
     $this->logger->log($resultsCheckFileCsvAssoc, 'resultsCheckFileCsvAssoc');
     $this->rowHasUniqueUploadedFile = $resultsCheckFileCsvAssoc['rowHasUniqueUploadedFile'];
     $fishBaseAttr = array(Fish::COL_SAMPLE_CODE);
     $imageBaseAttr = array(Image::COL_ORIGINAL_FILENAME, Image::COL_RATIO_EXTERNAL);
     $meta = new Default_MetaData();
     $attribRowset = array_merge($fishBaseAttr, $meta->getAttributesBasic('FISH'), $imageBaseAttr, $meta->getAttributesBasic('IMAGE'));
     $resultsCheckHeader = $this->checkHeader($headings, $attribRowset);
     $this->logger->log($resultsCheckHeader, 'resultsCheckHeader');
     $this->matchingCols = $resultsCheckHeader['matchingColumns'];
     //get matching columns which have value list attributes
     $matchingColsWithValuelist = $resultsCheckHeader['matchingColumns'];
     foreach ($matchingColsWithValuelist as $key => $match) {
         if (is_array($match)) {
             //meta data
             if ($match[AttributeDescriptor::COL_VALUE_LIST] == 0) {
         } else {
             //base date
     $attribRowsetWithValuelist = array_merge($meta->getAttributesAndValuelist('FISH'), $meta->getAttributesAndValuelist('IMAGE'));
     $resultsCheckValuelistCells = $this->checkValuelistCells($datasets, $matchingColsWithValuelist, $attribRowsetWithValuelist);
     $this->logger->log($resultsCheckValuelistCells, 'resultsCheckValuelistCells');
     //		//additional array (keys without spaces) for xml --------------
     //		//copy the array
     //		$resultsCheckValuelistCellsForXml = array();
     //		foreach ($resultsCheckValuelistCells as $key => $val) {
     //			$resultsCheckValuelistCellsForXml[$key] = $val;
     //		}
     //		//replace the subarray 'modifiedDatasets'
     //				foreach ($resultsCheckValuelistCells['modifiedDatasets'] as $rowNo => $attrValPair) {
     //					$newDataset = array();
     //					foreach ($attrValPair as $keyName => $value) {
     //						$newKeyName = str_replace(' ', '_', $keyName);
     //						$newDataset += array($newKeyName => $value);
     //					}
     //					$resultsCheckValuelistCellsForXml['modifiedDatasets'][$rowNo] = $newDataset;
     //				}
     //		//----------------------------------------------------------
     $modifiedDatasets = $resultsCheckValuelistCells['modifiedDatasets'];
     //function gets matching cols from member variable
     $resultsValidateAgainstForms = $this->validateAgainstForms($modifiedDatasets);
     $this->logger->log($resultsValidateAgainstForms, 'resultsValidateAgainstForms');
     //set member array preparedDatasets = all successful validated datasets
     $validRows = $resultsValidateAgainstForms['validRows'];
     $preparedDatasets = array();
     foreach ($validRows as $rowNo => $dataset) {
         $preparedDatasets[$rowNo]['fishFormDataset'] = $resultsValidateAgainstForms['fishFormDatasets'][$rowNo];
         $preparedDatasets[$rowNo]['imageFormDataset'] = $resultsValidateAgainstForms['imageFormDatasets'][$rowNo];
         //XXX append original filename out of original datasets
         //$preparedDatasets[$rowNo][Image::COL_ORIGINAL_FILENAME] = $datasets[$rowNo][Image::COL_ORIGINAL_FILENAME];
     $this->preparedDatasets = $preparedDatasets;
     $this->logger->log($this->preparedDatasets, 'preparedDatasets');
     $resultsCheckDatasetsAgainstDatabase = $this->checkDatasetsAgainstDatabase($datasets);
     $this->logger->log($resultsCheckDatasetsAgainstDatabase, 'resultsCheckDatasetsAgainstDatabase');
     //aggregate returnCodes
     $returnCode = '';
     if ($resultsCheckFileCsvAssoc['returnCode'] == 'warning' || $resultsCheckHeader['returnCode'] == 'warning' || $resultsCheckValuelistCells['returnCode'] == 'warning' || $resultsValidateAgainstForms['returnCode'] == 'warning' || $resultsCheckDatasetsAgainstDatabase['returnCode'] == 'warning') {
         $returnCode = 'warning';
     if ($resultsCheckFileCsvAssoc['returnCode'] == 'error' || $resultsCheckHeader['returnCode'] == 'error' || $resultsCheckValuelistCells['returnCode'] == 'error' || $resultsValidateAgainstForms['returnCode'] == 'error' || $resultsCheckDatasetsAgainstDatabase['returnCode'] == 'error') {
         $returnCode = 'error';
     if ($returnCode == '') {
         $returnCode = 'success';
     $resultsCheckFileCsvAssocForXml = $this->reduceCheckResultForXml($resultsCheckFileCsvAssoc);
     $resultsCheckHeaderForXml = $this->reduceCheckResultForXml($resultsCheckHeader);
     $resultsCheckValuelistCellsForXml = $this->reduceCheckResultForXml($resultsCheckValuelistCells);
     $resultsValidateAgainstFormsForXml = $this->reduceCheckResultForXml($resultsValidateAgainstForms);
     $resultsCheckDatasetsAgainstDatabaseForXml = $this->reduceCheckResultForXml($resultsCheckDatasetsAgainstDatabase);
     //		//give upload process the valid unique filenames
     //		$resultsCheckFileCsvAssocForXml['rowHasUniqueUploadedFile'] = $this->rowHasUniqueUploadedFile;
     $result = array('returnCode' => $returnCode, 'originalInput' => $datasetsForXml, 'resultsCheckFileCsvAssoc' => $resultsCheckFileCsvAssocForXml, 'resultsCheckHeader' => $resultsCheckHeaderForXml, 'resultsCheckValuelistCells' => $resultsCheckValuelistCellsForXml, 'resultsValidateAgainstForms' => $resultsValidateAgainstFormsForXml, 'resultsCheckDatasetsAgainstDatabase' => $resultsCheckDatasetsAgainstDatabaseForXml);
     //		print_r($result);
     //		print_r($this->preparedDatasets);
     return $result;
コード例 #5
 private function process(array $params)
     //params-array filters (where) and/or shows more info (joins)
     $dbAdapter = Zend_Registry::get('DB_CONNECTION1');
     $select = $dbAdapter->select();
     $select->from(array('celist' => View_CeList::NAME), array(View_CeList::COL_WORK_NAME, View_CeList::COL_CAEX_NAME, View_CeList::COL_CAEX_DESC, View_CeList::COL_CAEX_ID, View_CeList::COL_WORK_ID, View_CeList::COL_CAEX_TRAIN, 'images' => new Zend_Db_Expr('count(cehim.' . CeHasImage::COL_ID . ')')));
     $select->joinLeft(array('exp' => Expertise::TABLE_NAME), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('celist.' . View_CeList::COL_EXPE_ID) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('exp.' . Expertise::COL_ID));
     $select->joinLeft(array('key' => KeyTable::TABLE_NAME), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('celist.' . View_CeList::COL_KETA_ID) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('key.' . KeyTable::COL_ID));
     $select->joinLeft(array('cehim' => CeHasImage::TABLE_NAME), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('celist.' . View_CeList::COL_CAEX_ID) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('cehim.' . CeHasImage::COL_CALIBRATION_EXERCISE_ID), array());
     $select->joinLeft(array('vali1' => ValueList::TABLE_NAME), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('vali1.' . ValueList::COL_ID) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('exp.' . Expertise::COL_SPECIES), array(Expertise::COL_SPECIES => 'vali1.' . ValueList::COL_VALUE));
     $select->joinLeft(array('vali2' => ValueList::TABLE_NAME), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('vali2.' . ValueList::COL_ID) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('exp.' . Expertise::COL_SUBJECT), array(Expertise::COL_SUBJECT => 'vali2.' . ValueList::COL_VALUE));
     $select->group('celist.' . View_CeList::COL_CAEX_ID);
     $headerArray = array(array('raw' => View_CeList::COL_CAEX_NAME, 'name' => 'CE name'), array('raw' => View_CeList::COL_WORK_NAME, 'name' => 'Workshop name'), array('raw' => Expertise::COL_AREA, 'name' => 'Exp area'), array('raw' => Expertise::COL_SPECIES, 'name' => 'Exp species'), array('raw' => Expertise::COL_SUBJECT, 'name' => 'Exp subject'), array('raw' => KeyTable::COL_FILENAME, 'name' => 'Protocol'));
     if (array_key_exists(User::COL_ID, $params)) {
         $select->joinLeft(array('part' => Participant::TABLE_NAME), $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('celist.' . View_CeList::COL_CAEX_ID) . '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('part.' . Participant::COL_CE_ID), array('part.' . Participant::COL_ID));
         //where i am participant
         $select->where('part.' . Participant::COL_USER_ID . '=?', $params[User::COL_ID]);
         $userId = $params[User::COL_ID];
         $select->joinLeft(array('work' => Workshop::TABLE_NAME), 'work.' . Workshop::COL_ID . '=' . 'celist.' . View_CeList::COL_WORK_ID, array(Workshop::COL_USER_ID));
         //or where i am workshop-manager
         $select->orWhere('work.' . Workshop::COL_USER_ID . '= ?', $userId);
         array_push($headerArray, array('raw' => View_CeList::COL_IMAGES, 'name' => 'Images'));
     if (array_key_exists(CalibrationExercise::COL_EXPERTISE_ID, $params)) {
         $select->where('celist.' . CalibrationExercise::COL_EXPERTISE_ID . '=?', $params[CalibrationExercise::COL_EXPERTISE_ID]);
         //			$select->joinLeft(array('cehim'=>CeHasImage::TABLE_NAME),
         //			$dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('celist.' . View_CeList::COL_CAEX_ID). '=' . $dbAdapter->quoteIdentifier('cehim.' .CeHasImage::COL_CALIBRATION_EXERCISE_ID),
         //			array());
     //Hinzugefügt am 14.10.2009 Tabellenzeilen mit WS name = training exercise
     //sollten nicht angezeigt werden (im Menüpunkt search calibration exercises)
     //kompletter if-Zweig wurde hinzugefügt
     if ($this->getRequest()->getModuleName() == 'ce' && $this->getRequest()->getControllerName() == 'search' && $this->getRequest()->getActionName() == 'list') {
         $select->where(CalibrationExercise::COL_WORKSHOP_ID . ' is not null');
     //echo $select;
      * Paginator control
     $paginator = new Ble422_Paginator_Extended($select, $this->getRequest());
     $detailId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('detailId');
     if ($detailId != null) {
         $detailId = intval($detailId);
          * show wether CE is stopped
         try {
             if (Default_SimpleQuery::isCeStopped($detailId)) {
                 $this->view->ceInfo = 'CE is <b>STOPPED</b>';
             } else {
                 $this->view->ceInfo = 'CE is <b>RUNNING</b>';
         } catch (exception $e) {
             $this->view->ceInfo = $e->getMessage();
          * show Coordinator
         if ($coordinators = Participant::getCoordinators($detailId)) {
             $this->view->ceCoordinators = $coordinators;
          * imageset and shown attributes
         $imagesetSelect = $dbAdapter->select();
         $imagesetSelect->where(CalibrationExercise::COL_ID . '=?', $detailId);
         $imagesetArray = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($imagesetSelect);
         $this->view->imagesetArray = $imagesetArray;
         $shownAttrSelect = $dbAdapter->select();
         $shownAttrSelect->from(array('cehat' => CeHasAttributeDescriptor::TABLE_NAME));
         $shownAttrSelect->join(array('attr' => AttributeDescriptor::TABLE_NAME), 'cehat.' . CeHasAttributeDescriptor::COL_ATDE_ID . '= attr.' . AttributeDescriptor::COL_ID);
         $shownAttrSelect->where(CalibrationExercise::COL_ID . '=?', $detailId);
         $shownAttrArray = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($shownAttrSelect);
         $this->view->shownAttrArray = $shownAttrArray;
         $this->view->detailId = $detailId;
     $this->view->userRole = AuthQuery::getUserRole();
     $this->view->expeId = $this->getRequest()->getParam(CalibrationExercise::COL_EXPERTISE_ID);
     $this->view->paginator = $paginator;
コード例 #6
ファイル: EditController.php プロジェクト: blackskaarj/webgr
 public function deleterecursiveAction()
     //delete workshop files
     //delete workshop -> triggers delete ce
     //delete ws info -> DB on delete cascade
     //delete ce
     //delete imageset attributes -> DB on delete cascade
     //delete ce has image -> DB on delete cascade
     //delete ce has attribute desc. -> DB on delete cascade
     //delete participants -> DB on delete cascade
     //delete annotations -> DB on delete cascade
     //delete dots -> DB on delete cascade
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $workId = intval($this->getRequest()->getParam(Workshop::COL_ID));
     if (AuthQuery::getUserRole() == 'admin') {
         $request = $this->getRequest();
         $workId = intval($this->getRequest()->getParam(Workshop::COL_ID));
         $workshop = new Workshop();
         $rowset = $workshop->find($workId);
         if (count($rowset) == 1) {
             $table = new WorkshopInfo();
             //$tableAdapter = $table->getAdapter();
             $select = $table->select();
             $select->where(WorkshopInfo::COL_WORKSHOP_ID . ' = ?', $workId, 'int');
             echo $select;
             $rowset = $table->fetchAll($select);
             if (count($rowset) >= 1) {
                 $rowsetArray = $rowset->toArray();
                 $RELATIVE_WORKSHOP_FILES_PATH = 'infoFiles';
                 //without pre- and post-slash!
                 foreach ($rowsetArray as $row) {
                     try {
                         $filename = $row[WorkshopInfo::COL_FILE];
                         if ($filename != NULL) {
                             $myFile = $RELATIVE_WORKSHOP_FILES_PATH . '/' . $filename;
                             $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w');
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         throw new Zend_Exception('Error: can not open file');
             //note: delete of workshop_info is executed from db
             $workshop->delete($workshop->getAdapter()->quoteInto(Workshop::COL_ID . ' = ?', $workId));
     $redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
     $redirect->setGoto('myws', 'search', 'workshop');
コード例 #7
ファイル: EditController.php プロジェクト: blackskaarj/webgr
 public function deleterecursiveAction()
     //delete ce
     //delete imageset attributes -> DB on delete cascade
     //delete ce has image -> DB on delete cascade
     //delete ce has attribute desc. -> DB on delete cascade
     //delete participants -> DB on delete cascade
     //delete annotations -> DB on delete cascade
     //delete dots -> DB on delete cascade
     //auskommentiert am 14.10.2009 weil RAW DELETE in der Calibration exercise list
     //nicht immer funktionierte (wenn WS name = training exercise war)
     //stattdessen soll die cdId aus dem Request geholt werden
     //$ceId = $this->callingCeId;
     $ceId = $this->getRequest()->getParam(CalibrationExercise::COL_ID);
     $ce = new CalibrationExercise();
     if ($this->userRole == 'admin' || AuthQuery::getUserId() == Default_SimpleQuery::getWsManagerUserId(Default_SimpleQuery::getWorkshopId($ceId))) {
         $rowset = $ce->find($ceId);
         if (count($rowset) == 1) {
             $ce->delete($ce->getAdapter()->quoteInto(CalibrationExercise::COL_ID . ' = ?', $ceId));
     $Redirect = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
     if ($this->defaultNamespace->callingAction == 'ce/search/myce') {
         $Redirect->setGotoSimple('myce', 'search', 'ce');
     } elseif ($this->defaultNamespace->callingAction == 'ce/search/list') {
         $Redirect->setGotoSimple('list', 'search', 'ce');
コード例 #8
 public function detailsAction()
     $wsId = $this->getRequest()->getParam(Workshop::COL_ID);
     $dbAdapter = Zend_Registry::get('DB_CONNECTION1');
     $wsSelect = $dbAdapter->select();
     $wsSelect->from(array('work' => Workshop::TABLE_NAME));
     $wsSelect->join(array('inst' => ValueList::TABLE_NAME), 'inst.' . ValueList::COL_ID . "=" . 'work.' . Workshop::COL_HOST_ORGANISATION, array('instname' => ValueList::COL_NAME));
     $wsSelect->join(array('local' => ValueList::TABLE_NAME), 'local.' . ValueList::COL_ID . "=" . 'work.' . Workshop::COL_LOCATION, array('location' => ValueList::COL_NAME));
     $wsSelect->join(array('user' => User::TABLE_NAME), 'user.' . User::COL_ID . "=" . 'work.' . Workshop::COL_USER_ID, array('manager' => User::COL_USERNAME));
     $wsSelect->where(Workshop::COL_ID . '=?', $wsId);
     $workshopArray = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($wsSelect);
      * ce list
     $ceSelect = $dbAdapter->select();
     $ceSelect->where(CalibrationExercise::COL_WORKSHOP_ID . '=?', $wsId);
     $this->view->ceArray = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($ceSelect);
      * links
     $infoTable = new WorkshopInfo();
     $linkSelect = $infoTable->select();
     $linkSelect->where(WorkshopInfo::COL_WORKSHOP_ID . "=?", $wsId);
     $linkSelect->where(WorkshopInfo::COL_FILE . " IS NULL");
     $linkResult = $infoTable->fetchAll($linkSelect);
     if ($linkResult != null) {
         $linkArray = $linkResult->toArray();
     } else {
         $linkArray = array();
      * files
     $fileSelect = $infoTable->select();
     $fileSelect->where(WorkshopInfo::COL_WORKSHOP_ID . "=?", $wsId);
     $fileSelect->where(WorkshopInfo::COL_LINK . " IS NULL");
     $fileResult = $infoTable->fetchAll($fileSelect);
     if ($fileResult != null) {
         $fileArray = $fileResult->toArray();
     } else {
         $fileArray = array();
     $this->view->userRole = AuthQuery::getUserRole();
     $this->view->workshopArray = $workshopArray[0];
     $this->view->linkArray = $linkArray;
     $this->view->fileArray = $fileArray;
     $this->view->wsId = $wsId;