コード例 #1
$end = date('Y-m-d', time() - 30 * 24 * 3600);
$table = 'markerAttributes';
$tableMetadata = AttributesTable::GetMetadata($table);
$field = 'sessionDate';
/* @var $db MapsDatabase */
$db = Core::LoadPlugin('Maps')->getDatabase();
$markers = $db->table(MapsDatabase::$MAPITEM);
$expiredEvents = json_decode('{
                "join":"join","table":"' . $table . '","set":"*","filters":[
                    {"join":"intersect","table":"' . $table . '","set":"*","filters":[
                        {"field":"' . $field . '","comparator":"lessThan","value":"' . $end . '","format":"date"}
$queryExpired = 'Select m.id as id, m.lid as lid FROM ' . $markers . '  as m, ' . AttributesFilter::JoinAttributeFilterObject($expiredEvents, 'm.id', 'm.type') . ' AND m.lid!=6';
$db->iterate($queryExpired, function ($row) use($field, $tableMetadata) {
    Core::Emit('custom.expire', array('mapitem' => $row->id));
$revivedEvents = json_decode('{
                "join":"join","table":"' . $table . '","set":"*","filters":[
                    {"join":"intersect","table":"' . $table . '","set":"*","filters":[
                        {"field":"' . $field . '","comparator":"greatorThanOrEqualTo","value":"' . $end . '","format":"date"}
$queryRevived = 'Select m.id as id, m.lid as lid FROM ' . $markers . '  as m, ' . AttributesFilter::JoinAttributeFilterObject($revivedEvents, 'm.id', 'm.type') . ' AND m.lid=6';
$db->iterate($queryRevived, function ($row) use($field, $tableMetadata) {
    Core::Emit('custom.revive', array('mapitem' => $row->id));
コード例 #2
    public static function CountSitesInAreas($areas, $accessGroups = null)
        if (is_null($accessGroups)) {
            $accessGroups = Core::Client()->getAccessGroups();
        $filter = json_decode('{
                    "join":"join","table":"siteData","set":"*","filters":[' . implode(', ', array_map(function ($area) {
            return '{"field":"paddlingArea","comparator":"equalTo","value":"' . $area . '", "table":"siteData"}';
        }, $areas)) . '

        // print_r($filter);
        $query = 'Select count(*) as count FROM ( SELECT * FROM ' . GeoliveHelper::MapitemTable() . ' WHERE readAccess IN (\'' . implode('\', \'', $accessGroups) . '\')) as m, ' . AttributesFilter::JoinAttributeFilterObject($filter, 'm.id', 'm.type') . ' AND m.lid IN (' . implode(', ', array_map(function ($layer) {
            return $layer->getId();
        }, self::VisibleLayers($accessGroups))) . ')';
        return self::Database()->query($query)[0]->count;