コード例 #1
function attachments_attachmentListHTML($article_id, $user_can_add, $Itemid, $from)
    require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_attachments' . DS . 'helper.php';
    // Generate the HTML for the attachments for the specified article
    $alist = "";
    $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
    $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM #__attachments WHERE article_id='" . $article_id . "' AND published='1'";
    $total = $db->loadResult();
    if ($total > 0) {
        // Get the component parameters
        $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_attachments');
        // Check the security status
        $attach_dir = JPATH_SITE . DS . $params->get('upload_dir', 'attachments');
        $secure = $params->get('secure', false);
        $hta_filename = $attach_dir . DS . '.htaccess';
        if ($secure && !file_exists($hta_filename) || !$secure && file_exists($hta_filename)) {
            AttachmentsHelper::setup_upload_directory($attach_dir, $secure);
        $alist = AttachmentsHelper::attachmentsTableHTML($article_id, false, true, true, $from);
    return $alist;
コード例 #2
ファイル: controller.php プロジェクト: appukonrad/attachments
  * Display a form for updating/editing an attachment
 public function update()
     // Call with: index.php?option=com_attachments&task=update&id=1&tmpl=component
     //		  or: component/attachments/update/id/1/tmpl/component
     // Make sure we have a valid attachment ID
     $id = JRequest::getInt('id');
     if (is_numeric($id)) {
         $id = (int) $id;
     } else {
         $errmsg = JText::sprintf('ATTACH_ERROR_INVALID_ATTACHMENT_ID_N', $id) . ' (ERR 24)';
         JError::raiseError(500, $errmsg);
     // Get the attachment record
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . '/models/attachment.php';
     $model = new AttachmentsModelAttachment();
     $attachment = $model->getAttachment();
     if (!$attachment) {
         $errmsg = JText::sprintf('ATTACH_ERROR_CANNOT_UPDATE_ATTACHMENT_INVALID_ID_N', $id) . ' (ERR 25)';
         JError::raiseError(500, $errmsg);
     // Get the component parameters
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_attachments');
     // Get the article/parent handler
     $parent_id = $attachment->parent_id;
     $parent_type = $attachment->parent_type;
     $parent_entity = $attachment->parent_entity;
     $apm = getAttachmentsPluginManager();
     if (!$apm->attachmentsPluginInstalled($parent_type)) {
         $errmsg = JText::sprintf('ATTACH_ERROR_INVALID_PARENT_TYPE_S', $parent_type) . ' (ERR 26)';
         JError::raiseError(500, $errmsg);
     $parent = $apm->getAttachmentsPlugin($parent_type);
     // Check to make sure we can edit it
     if (!$parent->userMayEditAttachment($attachment)) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR') . ' (ERR 27)');
     // Set up the entity name for display
     $parent_entity_name = JText::_('ATTACH_' . $parent_entity);
     // Verify that this user may add attachments to this parent
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $new_parent = false;
     if ($parent_id === null) {
         $parent_id = 0;
         $new_parent = true;
     // Make sure the attachments directory exists
     $upload_dir = JPATH_BASE . '/' . AttachmentsDefines::$ATTACHMENTS_SUBDIR;
     $secure = $params->get('secure', false);
     if (!AttachmentsHelper::setup_upload_directory($upload_dir, $secure)) {
         $errmsg = JText::sprintf('ATTACH_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_SETUP_UPLOAD_DIR_S', $upload_dir) . ' (ERR 28)';
         JError::raiseError(500, $errmsg);
     // Make sure the update parameter is legal
     $update = JRequest::getWord('update');
     if ($update && !in_array($update, AttachmentsDefines::$LEGAL_URI_TYPES)) {
         $update = false;
     // Suppress the display filename if we are switching from file to url
     $display_name = $attachment->display_name;
     if ($update && $update != $attachment->uri_type) {
         $attachment->display_name = '';
     // Set up the view
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . '/views/update/view.html.php';
     $view = new AttachmentsViewUpdate();
     $from = JRequest::getWord('from', 'closeme');
     AttachmentsHelper::add_view_urls($view, 'update', $parent_id, $attachment->parent_type, $id, $from);
     $view->update = $update;
     $view->new_parent = $new_parent;
     $view->attachment = $attachment;
     $view->parent = $parent;
     $view->params = $params;
     $view->from = $from;
     $view->Itemid = JRequest::getInt('Itemid', 1);
     $view->error = false;
     $view->error_msg = false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: helper.php プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/kmit-svn
 function upload_file(&$row, $article_id, $update = false, $attachment_id = false)
     global $mainframe;
     // Get the component parameters
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_attachments');
     // Get the auto-publish setting
     $auto_publish = $params->get('publish_default', false);
     // Make sure the attachments directory exists
     $upload_subdir = $params->get('attachments_subdir', 'attachments');
     if ($upload_subdir == '') {
         $upload_subdir = 'attachments';
     $upload_dir = JPATH_SITE . DS . $upload_subdir;
     $secure = $params->get('secure', false);
     if (!AttachmentsHelper::setup_upload_directory($upload_dir, $secure)) {
         $errmsg = JText::_('ERROR UNABLE TO SETUP UPLOAD DIR');
         JError::raiseError(500, "<p>" . $errmsg . " ({$upload_dir})</p>");
     // If we are updating, note the name of the old filename
     $old_filename = null;
     $old_filename_sys = null;
     if ($update) {
         $old_filename = $row->filename;
         $old_filename_sys = $row->filename_sys;
     // Get the new filename
     $filename = $_FILES['upload']['name'];
     $ftype = $_FILES['upload']['type'];
     // Make sure a file was successfully uploaded
     if ($update) {
         $update_file = JRequest::getVar('change', true);
     } else {
         $update_file = true;
     if ($update_file && $_FILES['upload']['size'] == 0 && $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'] == '') {
         // Guess the type of error
         if ($filename == '') {
             $error = 'no_file';
             $error_msg = JText::_('ERROR UPLOADING FILE') . ' ' . $filename;
             $error_msg .= ' (' . JText::_('YOU MUST SELECT A FILE TO UPLOAD') . ')';
             if ($mainframe->isAdmin()) {
                 return $error_msg;
         } else {
             $error = 'file_too_big';
             $error_msg = JText::_('ERROR UPLOADING FILE') . ' ' . $filename;
             $error_msg .= ' <br>(' . JText::_('ERROR MAY BE LARGER THAN LIMIT') . ' ';
             $error_msg .= get_cfg_var('upload_max_filesize') . ')';
             if ($mainframe->isAdmin()) {
                 return $error_msg;
         // Set up the view to redisplay the form with warnings
         if ($update) {
             require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . DS . 'views' . DS . 'update' . DS . 'view.php';
             $view = new AttachmentsViewUpdate();
             $view->assign('update_file', $update_file);
             $view->assign('attachment_id', $attachment_id);
         } else {
             require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . DS . 'views' . DS . 'upload' . DS . 'view.php';
             $view = new AttachmentsViewUpload();
         $view->assign('save_url', JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_attachments&task=save&tmpl=component"));
         $view->assign('filename', $filename);
         $view->assign('article_id', $article_id);
         $view->assign('article_title', AttachmentsHelper::get_article_title($article_id));
         $view->assign('description', $row->description);
         $view->assign('display_filename', $row->display_filename);
         $view->assign('user_field_1', $row->user_field_1);
         $view->assign('user_field_2', $row->user_field_2);
         $view->assign('user_field_3', $row->user_field_3);
         $view->assign('from', JRequest::getVar('from', ''));
         $view->assign('Itemid', JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 1));
         $view->assignRef('params', $params);
         $view->display(null, $error, $error_msg, true);
     // Make sure the file type is okay (respect restrictions imposed by media manager)
     $cmparams =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_media');
     // First check to make sure the extension is allowed
     $allowable = explode(',', $cmparams->get('upload_extensions'));
     $ignored = explode(',', $cmparams->get('ignore_extensions'));
     $format = strtolower(JFile::getExt($filename));
     $error = false;
     $error_msg = false;
     if (!in_array($format, $allowable) && !in_array($format, $ignored)) {
         $error = 'illegal_file_extension';
         $error_msg = JText::_('ERROR UPLOADING FILE') . ': ' . $filename;
         $error_msg .= "<br>" . JText::_('ERROR ILLEGAL FILE EXTENSION') . " {$format}";
         $error_msg .= "<br>" . JText::_('ERROR CHANGE IN MEDIA MANAGER');
     // Check to make sure the mime type is okay
     if ($cmparams->get('restrict_uploads', true)) {
         if ($cmparams->get('check_mime', true)) {
             $allowed_mime = explode(',', $cmparams->get('upload_mime'));
             $illegal_mime = explode(',', $cmparams->get('upload_mime_illegal'));
             if (strlen($ftype) && !in_array($ftype, $allowed_mime) && in_array($ftype, $illegal_mime)) {
                 $error = 'illegal_mime_type';
                 $error_msg = JText::_('ERROR UPLOADING FILE') . ' ' . $filename;
                 $error_msg .= ', ' . JText::_('ERROR ILLEGAL FILE MIME TYPE') . " {$ftype}";
                 $error_msg .= "  <br>" . JText::_('ERROR CHANGE IN MEDIA MANAGER');
     // If there was an error, refresh the form with a warning
     if ($error) {
         if ($mainframe->isAdmin()) {
             return $error_msg;
         // Set up the view to redisplay the form with warnings
         if ($update) {
             require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . DS . 'views' . DS . 'update' . DS . 'view.php';
             $view = new AttachmentsViewUpdate();
             $view->assign('update_file', JRequest::getVar('change', false));
             $view->assign('attachment_id', $attachment_id);
         } else {
             require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . DS . 'views' . DS . 'upload' . DS . 'view.php';
             $view = new AttachmentsViewUpload();
         $view->assign('save_url', JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_attachments&task=save&tmpl=component"));
         $view->assign('filename', $filename);
         $view->assign('article_id', $article_id);
         $view->assign('article_title', AttachmentsHelper::get_article_title($article_id));
         $view->assign('description', $row->description);
         $view->assign('display_filename', $row->display_filename);
         $view->assign('user_field_1', $row->user_field_1);
         $view->assign('user_field_2', $row->user_field_2);
         $view->assign('user_field_3', $row->user_field_3);
         $view->assign('from', JRequest::getVar('from', ''));
         $view->assign('Itemid', JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 1));
         $view->assignRef('params', $params);
         $view->display(null, $error, $error_msg, true);
     // Define where the attachments go
     $upload_url = $params->get('attachments_subdir', 'attachments');
     $upload_dir = JPATH_SITE . DS . $upload_url;
     // Figure out the system filename
     $filename_sys = null;
     $url = null;
     $prepend = $params->get('prepend', 'article_id');
     switch ($prepend) {
         case 'article_id':
             $prefix = sprintf("%03d_", $article_id);
             $filename_sys = $upload_dir . DS . $prefix . $filename;
             $url = $upload_url . "/" . $prefix . $filename;
             // NOTE: for attachment_id, save normally and make a second pass
             //       to rename the file after we know the attachment ID
         // NOTE: for attachment_id, save normally and make a second pass
         //       to rename the file after we know the attachment ID
             $filename_sys = $upload_dir . DS . $filename;
             $url = $upload_url . "/" . $filename;
     // If not updating, make sure the system filename doesn't already exist
     $error = false;
     if (!$update && JFile::exists($filename_sys) && $prepend != 'attachment_id') {
         $error = 'file_not_on_server';
         $error_msg = JText::_('ERROR FILE ALREADY ON SERVER');
         $error_msg .= "   ({$filename})";
         if ($mainframe->isAdmin()) {
             return $error_msg;
         // Set up the view to redisplay the form with warnings
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . DS . 'views' . DS . 'upload' . DS . 'view.php';
         $view = new AttachmentsViewUpload();
         $view->assign('filename', $filename);
         $view->assign('save_url', JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_attachments&task=save&tmpl=component"));
         $view->assign('article_id', $article_id);
         $view->assign('article_title', AttachmentsHelper::get_article_title($article_id));
         $view->assign('description', $row->description);
         $view->assign('display_filename', $row->display_filename);
         $view->assign('user_field_1', $row->user_field_1);
         $view->assign('user_field_2', $row->user_field_2);
         $view->assign('user_field_3', $row->user_field_3);
         $view->assign('from', JRequest::getVar('from', ''));
         $view->assign('Itemid', JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 1));
         $view->assignRef('params', $params);
         $view->display(null, $error, $error_msg, true);
     // Get the maximum allowed filename length (for the filename display)
     $max_filename_length = $params->get('max_filename_length', 0);
     if (is_numeric($max_filename_length)) {
         $max_filename_length = intval($max_filename_length);
     } else {
         $max_filename_length = 0;
     // Create a display filename, if needed (for long filenames)
     if ($max_filename_length > 0 and strlen($row->display_filename) == 0 and strlen($filename) > $max_filename_length) {
         $row->display_filename = AttachmentsHelper::truncate_filename($filename, $max_filename_length);
     // Copy the info about the uploaded file into the new record
     $row->filename = $filename;
     $row->filename_sys = $filename_sys;
     $row->url = $url;
     $row->file_type = $ftype;
     $row->file_size = $_FILES['upload']['size'];
     $row->published = $auto_publish;
     // Set the create/modify dates
     $now = new JDate();
     $row->create_date = $now->toMySQL();
     $row->modification_date = $row->create_date;
     // Add the icon file type
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . DS . 'file_types.php';
     $row->icon_filename = AttachmentsFileTypes::icon_filename($filename, $ftype);
     // Save the updated attachment
     if (!$row->store()) {
         JError::raiseError(500, $row->getError());
     // Get the upload id
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $attachment_id = $db->insertid();
     // If we're prepending attachment IDs, fix the system filename and URL and
     // update the attachment record (now that we know the attachment ID)
     if ($prepend == 'attachment_id') {
         $prefix = sprintf("%03d_", $attachment_id);
         $filename_sys = $upload_dir . DS . $prefix . $filename;
         $url = $upload_url . "/" . $prefix . $filename;
         $row->id = $attachment_id;
         $row->filename_sys = $filename_sys;
         $row->url = $url;
     // Move the file
     $msg = "";
     if (JFile::upload($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $filename_sys)) {
         $size = intval($row->file_size / 1024.0);
         chmod($filename_sys, 0644);
         if ($update) {
             $msg = JText::_('UPDATED ATTACHMENT') . ' ' . $filename . " (" . $size . " Kb)!";
         } else {
             $msg = JText::_('UPLOADED ATTACHMENT') . ' ' . $filename . " (" . $size . " Kb)!";
     } else {
         $query = "DELETE FROM #__attachments WHERE id={$attachment_id}";
         $result = $db->query();
         $msg = JText::_('ERROR MOVING FILE') . " {$_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']} -> {$filename_sys})";
     // If we are updating, we may need to delete the old file
     if ($update) {
         if ($filename != $old_filename) {
     return $msg;
コード例 #4
ファイル: params.php プロジェクト: site4com/prometheus
  * Save the parameters
 public function save($key = null, $urlVar = null)
     // Check for request forgeries.
     JSession::checkToken() or jexit(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN'));
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     // Get the old component parameters
     $old_params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_attachments');
     $old_secure = JRequest::getInt('old_secure');
     // Set FTP credentials, if given.
     // Initialise variables.
     $model = new ConfigModelComponent();
     $form = $model->getForm();
     $data = JRequest::getVar('jform', array(), 'post', 'array');
     $id = JRequest::getInt('id');
     $option = JRequest::getCmd('component');
     // Get the new component parameters
     $new_secure = $data['secure'];
     // Check if the user is authorized to do this.
     if (!JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.admin', $option)) {
         JFactory::getApplication()->redirect('index.php', JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR'));
     // Validate the posted data.
     $return = $model->validate($form, $data);
     // Check for validation errors.
     if ($return === false) {
         // Get the validation messages.
         $errors = $model->getErrors();
         // Push up to three validation messages out to the user.
         for ($i = 0, $n = count($errors); $i < $n && $i < 3; $i++) {
             if ($errors[$i] instanceof Exception) {
                 $app->enqueueMessage($errors[$i]->getMessage(), 'warning');
             } else {
                 $app->enqueueMessage($errors[$i], 'warning');
         // Save the data in the session.
         $app->setUserState('com_config.config.global.data', $data);
         // Redirect back to the edit screen.
         $this->setRedirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_attachments&task=params.edit', false));
         return false;
     // Attempt to save the configuration.
     $data = array('params' => $return, 'id' => $id, 'option' => $option);
     $return = $model->save($data);
     // Check the return value.
     if ($return === false) {
         // Save the data in the session.
         $app->setUserState('com_config.config.global.data', $data);
         // Save failed, go back to the screen and display a notice.
         $message = JText::sprintf('JERROR_SAVE_FAILED', $model->getError());
         $this->setRedirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_attachments&task=params.edit'), $message, 'error');
         return false;
     // Deal with any changes in the 'secure mode' (or upload directories)
     if ($new_secure != $old_secure) {
         // Check/update the security status
         require_once JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_attachments/helper.php';
         $attach_dir = JPATH_SITE . '/' . AttachmentsDefines::$ATTACHMENTS_SUBDIR;
         AttachmentsHelper::setup_upload_directory($attach_dir, $new_secure == 1);
     } else {
     // Set the redirect based on the task.
     switch ($this->getTask()) {
         case 'apply':
             $this->setRedirect('index.php?option=com_attachments&task=params.edit', $msg, 'message');
         case 'save':
             $this->setRedirect('index.php?option=com_attachments', $msg, 'message');
     return true;
コード例 #5
 /** Insert the attachments list into the content text (for front end)
  * @param	object	&$content		the text of the content item (eg, article text)
  * @param	int		$parent_id		the ID for the parent object
  * @param	string	$parent_entity	the type of entity for this parent type
  * @return	string	the modified content text (false for failure)
 public function insertAttachmentsList(&$content, $parent_id, $parent_entity)
     $aparams = $this->attachmentsParams();
     // Get the desired placement
     $attachments_placement = $aparams->get('attachments_placement', 'end');
     if ($attachments_placement == 'disabled_nofilter') {
         return false;
     // Determine where we are
     $from = JRequest::getCmd('view', 'closeme');
     $Itemid = JRequest::getInt('Itemid', 1);
     // See whether we can display the links to add attachments
     $user_can_add = $this->userMayAddAttachment($parent_id, $parent_entity);
     // Get the field name for the content item's text
     $text_field_name = $this->getTextFieldName($content, $parent_entity);
     if ($text_field_name === null) {
         return false;
     // Get the attachments tag, if present
     $attachments_tag = '';
     $attachments_tag_args = '';
     $match = false;
     if (JString::strpos($content->{$text_field_name}, '{attachments')) {
         if (preg_match('@(<span class="hide_attachments_token">)?{attachments([ ]*:*[^}]+)?}(</span>)?@', $content->{$text_field_name}, $match)) {
             $attachments_tag = true;
         if (isset($match[1]) && $match[1]) {
             $attachments_tag_args_raw = $match[1];
             $attachments_tag_args = ltrim($attachments_tag_args_raw, ' :');
         if ($attachments_tag) {
             $attachments_tag = $match[0];
     // Check the security status
     $attach_dir = JPATH_SITE . '/' . AttachmentsDefines::$ATTACHMENTS_SUBDIR;
     $secure = $aparams->get('secure', false);
     $hta_filename = $attach_dir . '/ . htaccess';
     if ($secure && !file_exists($hta_filename) || !$secure && file_exists($hta_filename)) {
         AttachmentsHelper::setup_upload_directory($attach_dir, $secure);
     // Construct the attachment list (if appropriate)
     $html = '';
     $attachments_list = false;
     $add_attachement_btn = false;
     // Get the html for the attachments list
     require_once JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_attachments/controllers/attachments.php';
     $controller = new AttachmentsControllerAttachments();
     $attachments_list = $controller->displayString($parent_id, $this->parent_type, $parent_entity, null, true, true, false, $from);
     // If the attachments list is empty, insert an empty div for it
     if ($attachments_list == '') {
         $class_name = $aparams->get('attachments_table_style', 'attachmentsList');
         $div_id = 'attachmentsList' . '_' . $this->parent_type . '_' . $parent_entity . '_' . (string) $parent_id;
         $attachments_list = "\n<div class=\"{$class_name}\" id=\"{$div_id}\"></div>\n";
     $html .= $attachments_list;
     if ($html || $user_can_add) {
         // Add the style sheet
         JHtml::stylesheet('com_attachments/attachments_list.css', array(), true);
         // Handle RTL styling (if necessary)
         $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
         if ($lang->isRTL()) {
             JHtml::stylesheet('com_attachments/attachments_list_rtl.css', array(), true);
     // Construct the add-attachments button, if appropriate
     $hide_add_attachments_link = $aparams->get('hide_add_attachments_link', 0);
     if ($user_can_add && !$hide_add_attachments_link) {
         $add_attachments_btn = AttachmentsHelper::attachmentButtonsHTML($this->parent_type, $parent_id, $parent_entity, $Itemid, $from);
         $html .= $add_attachments_btn;
     // Wrap both list and the Add Attachments button in another div
     if ($html) {
         $html = "<div class=\"attachmentsContainer\">\n" . $html . "\n</div>";
     // Finally, add the attachments
     // NOTE: Hope str_replace() below is UTF8 safe (since the token being replaced is UTF8)...
     switch ($attachments_placement) {
         case 'beginning':
             // Put the attachments list at the beginning
             if ($attachments_list || $user_can_add) {
                 if ($attachments_tag) {
                     $content->{$text_field_name} = $html . $content->{$text_field_name};
                 } else {
                     $content->{$text_field_name} = $html . str_replace($attachments_tag, '', $content->{$text_field_name});
         case 'custom':
             // Insert the attachments at the desired location
             if ($attachments_list || $user_can_add) {
                 if ($attachments_tag) {
                     $content->{$text_field_name} = str_replace($attachments_tag, $html, $content->{$text_field_name});
                 } else {
                     // If there is no tag, insert the attachments at the end
                     $content->{$text_field_name} .= $html;
         case 'disabled_filter':
             // Disable and strip out any attachments tags
             if ($attachments_tag) {
                 $content->{$text_field_name} = str_replace($attachments_tag, '', $content->{$text_field_name});
             // Add the attachments to the end
             if ($attachments_list || $user_can_add) {
                 if ($attachments_tag) {
                     $content->{$text_field_name} = str_replace($attachments_tag, '', $content->{$text_field_name}) . $html;
                 } else {
                     $content->{$text_field_name} .= $html;
     return $content;
コード例 #6
ファイル: helper.php プロジェクト: appukonrad/attachments
  * Construct and return the attachments list (as HTML)
  * @param int $parent_id the id of the parent
  * @param string $parent_type the type of the parent (usually $option)
  * @param string $parent_entity the parent entity
  * @param bool $user_can_add true if the user can add attachments to this parent
  * @param int $Itemid the system item id (for menus)
  * @param string $from a token indicating where to return to
  * @param bool $show_file_links true if the files should be shown as links
  * @param bool $allow_edit true if the user can edit/delete attachments for this parent
  * @return the html as a string
 public static function attachmentsListHTML($parent_id, $parent_type, $parent_entity, $user_can_add, $Itemid, $from, $show_file_links = true, $allow_edit = true)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $user_levels = implode(',', array_unique($user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()));
     // Make sure there are some potentially accessible attachments for
     // this parent before proceeding.  Note that this check is not as
     // careful as the check in the Attachments model which is used by
     // the 'Attachments' view which is invoked below.
     $alist = '';
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $query->where('((parent_id=' . (int) $parent_id . ') OR (parent_id is NULL))' . ' AND parent_type=' . $db->quote($parent_type) . ' AND parent_entity=' . $db->quote($parent_entity));
     if (!$user->authorise('core.admin')) {
         $query->where('access in (' . $user_levels . ')');
     $total = $db->loadResult();
     if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
         $errmsg = $db->stderr() . ' (ERR 47)';
         JError::raiseError(500, $errmsg);
     // Generate the HTML for the attachments for the specified parent
     if ($total > 0) {
         // Get the component parameters
         $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_attachments');
         // Check the security status
         $attach_dir = JPATH_SITE . '/' . AttachmentsDefines::$ATTACHMENTS_SUBDIR;
         $secure = $params->get('secure', false);
         $hta_filename = $attach_dir . '/.htaccess';
         if ($secure && !file_exists($hta_filename) || !$secure && file_exists($hta_filename)) {
             require_once JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_attachments/helper.php';
             AttachmentsHelper::setup_upload_directory($attach_dir, $secure);
         if ($app->isAdmin()) {
             // Get the html for the attachments list
             require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_attachments/controllers/list.php';
             $controller = new AttachmentsControllerList();
             $alist = $controller->displayString($parent_id, $parent_type, $parent_entity, null, $show_file_links, $allow_edit, false, $from);
         } else {
             // Get the html for the attachments list
             require_once JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_attachments/controllers/attachments.php';
             $controller = new AttachmentsControllerAttachments();
             $alist = $controller->displayString($parent_id, $parent_type, $parent_entity, null, $show_file_links, $allow_edit, false, $from);
     return $alist;
コード例 #7
 function update()
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . DS . 'helper.php';
     // Call with: index.php?option=com_attachments&task=update&id=1&tmpl=component
     //        or: component/attachments/update/id/1/tmpl/component
     // Make sure we have a valid attachment ID
     $id = JRequest::getVar('id');
     if (is_numeric($id)) {
         $id = intval($id);
     } else {
         $errmsg = JText::_('ERROR INVALID ATTACHMENT ID') . " ({$id})";
         JError::raiseError(500, $errmsg);
     // Get the attachment record
     $attachment =& JTable::getInstance('attachments', 'Table');
     if (!$attachment->load($id)) {
         $errmsg = JText::_('ERROR CANNOT UPDATE ATTACHMENT INVALID ID') . "  ({$id})";
         JError::raiseError(500, $errmsg);
     // Get the component parameters
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_attachments');
     // Verify that this user may add attachments to this article
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $article_id = $attachment->article_id;
     $article_title = AttachmentsHelper::get_article_title($article_id);
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . DS . 'permissions.php';
     if (!AttachmentsPermissions::user_may_modify_attachment($user, $attachment, $article_id, $params)) {
         $errmsg = JText::_('ERROR NO PERMISSION TO UPLOAD');
         JError::raiseError(500, $errmsg);
     // Make sure the attachments directory exists
     $upload_subdir = $params->get('attachments_subdir', 'attachments');
     if ($upload_subdir == '') {
         $upload_subdir = 'attachments';
     $upload_dir = JPATH_BASE . DS . $upload_subdir;
     $secure = $params->get('secure', false);
     if (!AttachmentsHelper::setup_upload_directory($upload_dir, $secure)) {
         $errmsg = JText::_('ERROR UNABLE TO SETUP UPLOAD DIR');
         JError::raiseError(500, $errmsg);
     // Set up the view
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . DS . 'views' . DS . 'update' . DS . 'view.php';
     $view = new AttachmentsViewUpdate();
     $view->assign('update_file', JRequest::getVar('change', false));
     $view->assign('save_url', "index.php?option=com_attachments&task=save&tmpl=component");
     $view->assign('attachment_id', $id);
     $view->assign('article_id', $article_id);
     $view->assign('article_title', $article_title);
     $view->assign('filename', $attachment->filename);
     $view->assign('description', $attachment->description);
     $view->assign('display_filename', $attachment->display_filename);
     $view->assign('user_field_1', $attachment->user_field_1);
     $view->assign('user_field_2', $attachment->user_field_2);
     $view->assign('user_field_3', $attachment->user_field_3);
     $view->assign('from', JRequest::getVar('from', 'closeme'));
     $view->assign('Itemid', JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 1));
     $view->assignRef('params', $params);
     $view->display(null, false, false, false);