/** * Generate a new PDF with the original submission + annotations * @param $submissionid * @return bool - true if successful */ public function create_response_pdf($submissionid) { global $DB; $context = $this->assignment->get_context(); $fs = get_file_storage(); $file = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'assignsubmission_pdf', ASSIGNSUBMISSION_PDF_FA_FINAL, $submissionid, $this->get_subfolder(), ASSIGNSUBMISSION_PDF_FILENAME); if (!$file) { throw new moodle_exception('errornosubmission2', 'assignfeedback_pdf'); } $temparea = $this->get_temp_folder($submissionid) . 'sub'; if (!file_exists($temparea)) { if (!mkdir($temparea, 0777, true)) { throw new moodle_exception('errortempfolder', 'assignfeedback_pdf'); } } $sourcefile = $temparea . '/submission.pdf'; $destfile = $temparea . '/response.pdf'; $file->copy_content_to($sourcefile); $mypdf = new AssignPDFLib(); $mypdf->load_pdf($sourcefile); $comments = $DB->get_records('assignfeedback_pdf_cmnt', array('submissionid' => $submissionid), 'pageno'); $annotations = $DB->get_records('assignfeedback_pdf_annot', array('submissionid' => $submissionid), 'pageno'); if ($comments) { $comment = current($comments); } else { $comment = false; } if ($annotations) { $annotation = current($annotations); } else { $annotation = false; } while (true) { if ($comment) { $nextpage = $comment->pageno; if ($annotation) { if ($annotation->pageno < $nextpage) { $nextpage = $annotation->pageno; } } } else { if ($annotation) { $nextpage = $annotation->pageno; } else { break; } } while ($nextpage > $mypdf->current_page()) { if (!$mypdf->copy_page()) { break 2; } } while ($comment && $comment->pageno == $mypdf->current_page()) { $mypdf->add_comment($comment->rawtext, $comment->posx, $comment->posy, $comment->width, $comment->colour); $comment = next($comments); } while ($annotation && $annotation->pageno == $mypdf->current_page()) { if ($annotation->type == 'freehand') { $path = explode(',', $annotation->path); $mypdf->add_annotation(0, 0, 0, 0, $annotation->colour, 'freehand', $path); } else { $mypdf->add_annotation($annotation->startx, $annotation->starty, $annotation->endx, $annotation->endy, $annotation->colour, $annotation->type, $annotation->path); } $annotation = next($annotations); } } $mypdf->copy_remaining_pages(); $mypdf->save_pdf($destfile); // Delete any previous response file. if ($file = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'assignfeedback_pdf', ASSIGNFEEDBACK_PDF_FA_RESPONSE, $submissionid, $this->get_subfolder(), ASSIGNFEEDBACK_PDF_FILENAME)) { $file->delete(); } $fileinfo = array('contextid' => $context->id, 'component' => 'assignfeedback_pdf', 'filearea' => ASSIGNFEEDBACK_PDF_FA_RESPONSE, 'itemid' => $submissionid, 'filepath' => $this->get_subfolder(), 'filename' => ASSIGNFEEDBACK_PDF_FILENAME); $fs->create_file_from_pathname($fileinfo, $destfile); @unlink($sourcefile); @unlink($destfile); @rmdir($temparea); @rmdir(dirname($temparea)); return true; }
public function upload_preview() { global $CFG; $imagefolder = $CFG->dataroot . '/temp/assignsubmission_pdf/img'; if (!check_dir_exists($imagefolder, true, true)) { echo "Unable to create temporary image folder"; die; } $mform = new edit_templates_form(); $fname = $mform->save_temp_file('preview'); if (!$fname) { return; } $pdf = new AssignPDFLib(); $pdf->load_pdf($fname); $pdf->set_image_folder($imagefolder); $imgname = $pdf->get_image(1); $context = context_course::instance($this->courseid); $fs = get_file_storage(); if ($oldfile = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'assignsubmission_pdf', 'previewimage', 0, '/', 'preview.png')) { $oldfile->delete(); } $imginfo = array('contextid' => $context->id, 'component' => 'assignsubmission_pdf', 'filearea' => 'previewimage', 'itemid' => 0, 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => 'preview.png'); $fs->create_file_from_pathname($imginfo, $imagefolder . '/' . $imgname); // Copy the image into the file storage. // Delete the temporary files. unlink($fname); unlink($imagefolder . '/' . $imgname); $this->imagetime = time(); }
public function test_annotating_pdf() { $pdf = new AssignPDFLib(); $pdf->load_pdf(self::pdf_path('1')); // Add comments + annotations to page 1. $pdf->copy_page(); $pdf->add_comment('Test comment', 100, 100, 150, 'yellow'); $pdf->add_comment('Test comment2', 100, 150, 100, 'green'); $pdf->add_annotation(90, 90, 110, 110, 'red', 'line'); $pdf->add_annotation(140, 140, 230, 230, 'yellow', 'oval'); $pdf->add_annotation(150, 150, 110, 90, 'green', 'rectangle'); $pdf->add_annotation(160, 160, 170, 170, 'black', 'stamp', 'smile'); $pdf->add_annotation(200, 200, 250, 250, 'blue', 'highlight'); $pdf->add_annotation(0, 0, 0, 0, 'white', 'freehand', array(10, 10, 20, 20, 40, 40, 35, 40)); // Add comments + annotations to page 2. $pdf->copy_page(); $pdf->add_comment('Comment on page 2', 140, 200, 100, 'clear'); $pdf->add_annotation(40, 40, 250, 250, 'yellow', 'line'); // Copy the rest of the pages. $pdf->copy_remaining_pages(); // Save the PDF and check it exists. $outfile = $this->tempdir . '/outfile.pdf'; $pdf->save_pdf($outfile); $this->assertFileExists($outfile); // Load the PDF and check it has the right number of pages. $pdf = new AssignPDFLib(); $size = $pdf->load_pdf($outfile); $this->assertEquals(17, $size); }