getIndexFieldMap() public method

public getIndexFieldMap ( )
コード例 #1
ファイル: プロジェクト: yuricampos/ojs
  * @see ArticleSearch::retrieveResults()
 function callbackRetrieveResults($hookName, $params)
     assert($hookName == 'ArticleSearch::retrieveResults');
     // Unpack the parameters.
     list($journal, $keywords, $fromDate, $toDate, $page, $itemsPerPage, $dummy) = $params;
     $totalResults =& $params[6];
     // need to use reference
     $error =& $params[7];
     // need to use reference
     // Instantiate a search request.
     $searchRequest = new SolrSearchRequest();
     // Get the ordering criteria.
     list($orderBy, $orderDir) = $this->_getResultSetOrdering($journal);
     $searchRequest->setOrderDir($orderDir == 'asc' ? true : false);
     // Configure alternative spelling suggestions.
     $spellcheck = (bool) $this->getSetting(0, 'spellcheck');
     // Configure highlighting.
     $highlighting = (bool) $this->getSetting(0, 'highlighting');
     // Configure faceting.
     // 1) Faceting will be disabled for filtered search categories.
     $activeFilters = array_keys($searchRequest->getQuery());
     if (is_a($journal, 'Journal')) {
         $activeFilters[] = 'journalTitle';
     if (!empty($fromDate) || !empty($toDate)) {
         $activeFilters[] = 'publicationDate';
     // 2) Switch faceting on for enabled categories that have no
     // active filters.
     $facetCategories = array_values(array_diff($this->_getEnabledFacetCategories(), $activeFilters));
     // Configure custom ranking.
     $customRanking = (bool) $this->getSetting(0, 'customRanking');
     if ($customRanking) {
         $sectionDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SectionDAO');
         /* @var $sectionDao SectionDAO */
         if (is_a($journal, 'Journal')) {
             $sections = $sectionDao->getJournalSections($journal->getId());
         } else {
             $sections = $sectionDao->getSections();
         while (!$sections->eof()) {
             /* @var $sections DAOResultFactory */
             $section =& $sections->next();
             $rankingBoost = $section->getData('rankingBoost');
             if (isset($rankingBoost)) {
                 $sectionBoost = (double) $rankingBoost;
             } else {
                 $sectionBoost = LUCENE_PLUGIN_DEFAULT_RANKING_BOOST;
             if ($sectionBoost != LUCENE_PLUGIN_DEFAULT_RANKING_BOOST) {
                 $searchRequest->addBoostFactor('section_id', $section->getId(), $sectionBoost);
     // Call the solr web service.
     $solrWebService =& $this->getSolrWebService();
     $result =& $solrWebService->retrieveResults($searchRequest, $totalResults);
     if (is_null($result)) {
         $error = $solrWebService->getServiceMessage();
         $this->_informTechAdmin($error, $journal, true);
         $error .= ' ' . __('plugins.generic.lucene.message.techAdminInformed');
         return array();
     } else {
         // Store spelling suggestion, highlighting and faceting info
         // internally. We cannot route these back through the request
         // as the default search implementation does not support
         // these features.
         if ($spellcheck && isset($result['spellingSuggestion'])) {
             $this->_spellingSuggestion = $result['spellingSuggestion'];
             // Identify the field for which we got the suggestion.
             foreach ($keywords as $bitmap => $searchPhrase) {
                 if (!empty($searchPhrase)) {
                     switch ($bitmap) {
                         case null:
                             $queryField = 'query';
                         case ARTICLE_SEARCH_INDEX_TERMS:
                             $queryField = 'indexTerms';
                             $indexFieldMap = ArticleSearch::getIndexFieldMap();
                             $queryField = $indexFieldMap[$bitmap];
             $this->_spellingSuggestionField = $queryField;
         if ($highlighting && isset($result['highlightedArticles'])) {
             $this->_highlightedArticles = $result['highlightedArticles'];
         if (!empty($facetCategories) && isset($result['facets'])) {
             $this->_facets = $result['facets'];
         // Return the scored results.
         if (isset($result['scoredResults']) && !empty($result['scoredResults'])) {
             return $result['scoredResults'];
         } else {
             return array();
コード例 #2
  * Configure the search request from a keywords
  * array as required by ArticleSearch::retrieveResults()
  * @param $keywords array See ArticleSearch::retrieveResults()
 function addQueryFromKeywords($keywords)
     // Get a mapping of OJS search fields bitmaps to index fields.
     $indexFieldMap = ArticleSearch::getIndexFieldMap();
     // The keywords list is indexed with a search field bitmap.
     foreach ($keywords as $searchFieldBitmap => $searchPhrase) {
         // Translate the search field from OJS to solr nomenclature.
         if (empty($searchFieldBitmap)) {
             // An empty search field means "all fields".
             $solrFields = array_values($indexFieldMap);
         } else {
             $solrFields = array();
             foreach ($indexFieldMap as $ojsField => $solrField) {
                 // The search field bitmap may stand for
                 // several actual index fields (e.g. the index terms
                 // field).
                 if ($searchFieldBitmap & $ojsField) {
                     $solrFields[] = $solrField;
         $solrFieldString = implode('|', $solrFields);
         $this->addQueryFieldPhrase($solrFieldString, $searchPhrase);
コード例 #3
ファイル: プロジェクト: mosvits/ojs
  * Retrieve auto-suggestions from the faceting service.
  * @param $url string
  * @param $searchRequest SolrSearchRequest
  * @param $userInput string
  * @param $fieldName string
  * @return array The generated suggestions.
 function _getFacetingAutosuggestions($url, $searchRequest, $userInput, $fieldName)
     // Remove special characters from the user input.
     $searchTerms = strtr($userInput, '"()+-|&!', '        ');
     // Cut off the last search term.
     $searchTerms = explode(' ', $searchTerms);
     $facetPrefix = array_pop($searchTerms);
     if (empty($facetPrefix)) {
         return array();
     // Use the remaining search query to pre-filter
     // facet results. This may be an invalid query
     // but edismax will deal gracefully with syntax
     // errors.
     $userInput = String::substr($userInput, 0, -String::strlen($facetPrefix));
     switch ($fieldName) {
         case 'query':
             // The 'query' filter goes agains all fields.
             $articleSearch = new ArticleSearch();
             $solrFields = array_values($articleSearch->getIndexFieldMap());
         case 'indexTerms':
             // The 'index terms' filter goes against keyword index fields.
             $solrFields = array('discipline', 'subject', 'type', 'coverage');
             // All other filters can be used directly.
             $solrFields = array($fieldName);
     $solrFieldString = implode('|', $solrFields);
     $searchRequest->addQueryFieldPhrase($solrFieldString, $userInput);
     // Construct the main query.
     $params = $this->_getSearchQueryParameters($searchRequest);
     if (!isset($params['q'])) {
         // Use a catch-all query in case we have no limiting
         // search.
         $params['q'] = '*:*';
     if ($fieldName == 'query') {
         $params['facet.field'] = 'default_spell';
     } else {
         $params['facet.field'] = $fieldName . '_spell';
     $facetPrefixLc = String::strtolower($facetPrefix);
     $params['facet.prefix'] = $facetPrefixLc;
     // Make the request.
     $response = $this->_makeRequest($url, $params);
     if (!is_a($response, 'DOMXPath')) {
         return array();
     // Extract term suggestions.
     $nodeList = $response->query('//lst[@name="facet_fields"]/lst/int/@name');
     if ($nodeList->length == 0) {
         return array();
     $termSuggestions = array();
     foreach ($nodeList as $childNode) {
         $termSuggestions[] = $childNode->value;
     // Add the term suggestion to the remaining user input.
     $suggestions = array();
     foreach ($termSuggestions as $termSuggestion) {
         // Restore case if possible.
         if (strpos($termSuggestion, $facetPrefixLc) === 0) {
             $termSuggestion = $facetPrefix . String::substr($termSuggestion, String::strlen($facetPrefix));
         $suggestions[] = $userInput . $termSuggestion;
     return $suggestions;
コード例 #4
  * Load the keywords array from a given search filter.
  * @param $searchFilters array Search filters as returned from
  *  ArticleSearch::getSearchFilters()
  * @return array Keyword array as required by ArticleSearch::retrieveResults()
 function getKeywordsFromSearchFilters($searchFilters)
     $indexFieldMap = ArticleSearch::getIndexFieldMap();
     $indexFieldMap[ARTICLE_SEARCH_INDEX_TERMS] = 'indexTerms';
     $keywords = array();
     if (isset($searchFilters['query'])) {
         $keywords[null] = $searchFilters['query'];
     foreach ($indexFieldMap as $bitmap => $searchField) {
         if (isset($searchFilters[$searchField]) && !empty($searchFilters[$searchField])) {
             $keywords[$bitmap] = $searchFilters[$searchField];
     return $keywords;