setSystemProperty("newsletter", "newsletter-recipients-plugin", "false");
     // -> Property available in system settings
 $sTagInfoText .= "</div>";
 $sTagInfoHTML .= "</div>";
 $iTplIDArt = 0;
 // Used later for on change event
 if ($oNewsletter->get("type") == "html") {
     $iTplIDArt = $oNewsletter->get("template_idart");
     $oSelTemplate = new cHTMLSelectElement("selTemplate");
     $oSelTemplate->setEvent("change", "askSubmitOnTplChange(this);");
     $aOptions = array("idcat" => $oClientLang->getProperty("newsletter", "html_template_idcat"), "start" => true, "offline" => true, "order" => "title");
     $oTemplateArticles = new ArticleCollection($aOptions);
     $aItems = array();
     $aItems[] = array(0, i18n("-- none --", $plugin_name));
     while ($oArticle = $oTemplateArticles->nextArticle()) {
         $aItems[] = array($oArticle->get("idart"), $oArticle->get("title"));
     $oForm->add(i18n("HTML Template", $plugin_name), $oSelTemplate->render() . "&nbsp;" . i18n("Note, that changing the template discards the current html message content", $plugin_name));
     if ($iTplIDArt != 0) {
         $sFrameSrc = $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["htmlpath"] . "front_content.php?changeview=edit&action=con_editart&idart=" . $oNewsletter->get("idart") . "&idcat=" . $oClientLang->getProperty("newsletter", "html_newsletter_idcat") . "&lang=" . $lang . "&contenido=" . $sess->id;
         $oForm->add(i18n("HTML Message", $plugin_name), '<iframe width="100%" height="600" src="' . $sFrameSrc . '"></iframe><br />' . $sTagInfoHTML);
     } else {
         // Add a real note, that a template has to be specified
         $notis .= $notification->returnNotification("warning", i18n("Newsletter type has been set to HTML/text, please remember to select an html template", $plugin_name)) . "<br />";
         $oForm->add(i18n("HTML Message", $plugin_name), i18n("Please choose a template first", $plugin_name));
コード例 #2
function prepareWorkflowItems()
    global $action, $lang, $modidcat, $workflowSelectBox, $workflowworkflows, $client, $tpl, $cfg;
    $workflowworkflows = new Workflows();
    if ($action === 'workflow_inherit_down') {
        $tmp = strDeeperCategoriesArray($modidcat);
        $asworkflow = getWorkflowForCat($modidcat);
        $wfa = new WorkflowAllocations();
        foreach ($tmp as $tmp_cat) {
            $idcatlang = getCatLang($tmp_cat, $lang);
            if ($asworkflow == 0) {
                $wfa->select("idcatlang = '{$idcatlang}'");
                if ($item = $wfa->next()) {
                    # delete user sequences for listing in tasklist for each included article
                    $oArticles = new ArticleCollection(array('idcat' => $idcatlang, 'start' => true, 'offline' => true));
                    while ($oArticle = $oArticles->nextArticle()) {
                        setUserSequence($oArticle->getField('idartlang'), -1);
            } else {
                $wfa->select("idcatlang = '{$idcatlang}'");
                if ($item = $wfa->next()) {
                } else {
                    $wfa->create($asworkflow, $idcatlang);
                    # generate user sequences for listing in tasklist for each included article
                    $oArticles = new ArticleCollection(array('idcat' => $tmp_cat, 'start' => true, 'offline' => true));
                    while ($oArticle = $oArticles->nextArticle()) {
                        setUserSequence($oArticle->getField('idartlang'), $asworkflow);
    if ($action == "workflow_cat_assign") {
        $seltpl = "wfselect" . $modidcat;
        $wfa = new WorkflowAllocations();
        $idcatlang = getCatLang($modidcat, $lang);
        #associate workflow with category
        if ($GLOBALS[$seltpl] != 0) {
            $wfa->select("idcatlang = '{$idcatlang}'");
            if ($item = $wfa->next()) {
            } else {
                $wfa->create($GLOBALS[$seltpl], $idcatlang);
            # generate user sequences for listing in tasklist for each included article
            $oArticles = new ArticleCollection(array('idcat' => $modidcat, 'start' => true, 'offline' => true));
            while ($oArticle = $oArticles->nextArticle()) {
                setUserSequence($oArticle->getField('idartlang'), $GLOBALS[$seltpl]);
            #unlink workflow with category
        } else {
            $wfa->select("idcatlang = '{$idcatlang}'");
            if ($item = $wfa->next()) {
                $alloc = $item->get("idallocation");
            # delete user sequences for listing in tasklist for each included article
            $oArticles = new ArticleCollection(array('idcat' => $modidcat, 'start' => true, 'offline' => true));
            while ($oArticle = $oArticles->nextArticle()) {
                setUserSequence($oArticle->getField('idartlang'), -1);
    $workflowSelectBox = new cHTMLSelectElement("foo");
    $workflowworkflows->select("idclient = '{$client}' AND idlang = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($lang, null) . "'");
    $workflowOption = new cHTMLOptionElement("--- " . i18n("None", "workflow") . " ---", 0);
    $workflowSelectBox->addOptionElement(0, $workflowOption);
    while ($workflow = $workflowworkflows->next()) {
        $workflowOption = new cHTMLOptionElement($workflow->get("name"), $workflow->get("idworkflow"));
        $workflowSelectBox->addOptionElement($workflow->get("idworkflow"), $workflowOption);
    $workflowSelectBox->updateAttributes(array("id" => "wfselect{IDCAT}"));
    $workflowSelectBox->updateAttributes(array("name" => "wfselect{IDCAT}"));
    $tpl->set('s', 'PLUGIN_WORKFLOW', $workflowSelectBox->render() . '<a href="javascript:setWorkflow({IDCAT}, \\\'wfselect{IDCAT}\\\')"><img src="' . $cfg["path"]["images"] . 'submit.gif" class="spaced"></a>');
    $tpl->set('s', 'PLUGIN_WORKFLOW_TRANSLATION', i18n("Inherit workflow down", "workflow"));