コード例 #1
  * Generates a path, relative to the root of the export, that the given 
  * file will appear in the export.
  * If the file is a thumbnail, the copy proxy is informed about it so that 
  * the image can later be copied in to place.
  * @param ArtefactTypeFileBase $file The file to get the exported path for
  * @param array $options             Options from the URL that was linking 
  *                                   to the image - most importantly, size 
  *                                   related options about how the image 
  *                                   was thumbnailed, if it was.
  * @param string $basefolder         What folder in the export to dump the 
  *                                   file in
  * @return string                    The relative path to where the file 
  *                                   will be placed
 private function get_export_path_for_file(ArtefactTypeFileBase $file, array $options, $basefolder)
     $prefix = '';
     if ($options) {
         list($size, $prefix) = $this->get_size_from_options($options);
         $from = $file->get_path($size);
         $to = $basefolder . $file->get('id') . '-' . $prefix . PluginExportHtml::sanitise_path($file->get('title'));
         $this->htmlexportcopyproxy->add($from, $to);
     } else {
         $to = $basefolder . PluginExportHtml::sanitise_path($file->get('title'));
     return $this->basepath . $to;