コード例 #1
ファイル: ShowInstance.php プロジェクト: nidzix/Airtime
 public function moveShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin)
     if ($this->getShow()->isRepeating()) {
         return "Can't drag and drop repeating shows";
     $today_timestamp = time();
     $startsDateTime = new DateTime($this->getShowInstanceStart(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
     $endsDateTime = new DateTime($this->getShowInstanceEnd(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
     if ($today_timestamp > $startsDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
         return "Can't move a past show";
     //the user is moving the show on the calendar from the perspective of local time.
     //incase a show is moved across a time change border offsets should be added to the localtime
     //stamp and then converted back to UTC to avoid show time changes!
     $startsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
     $endsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
     $newStartsDateTime = self::addDeltas($startsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
     $newEndsDateTime = self::addDeltas($endsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
     //convert our new starts/ends to UTC.
     $newStartsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
     $newEndsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
     if ($today_timestamp > $newStartsDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
         return "Can't move show into past";
     //check if show is overlapping
     $overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows($newStartsDateTime, $newEndsDateTime, true, $this->getShowInstanceId());
     if ($overlapping) {
         return "Cannot schedule overlapping shows";
     if ($this->isRecorded()) {
         //rebroadcasts should start at max 1 hour after a recorded show has ended.
         $minRebroadcastStart = self::addDeltas($newEndsDateTime, 0, 60);
         //check if we are moving a recorded show less than 1 hour before any of its own rebroadcasts.
         $rebroadcasts = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->filterByDbOriginalShow($this->_instanceId)->filterByDbStarts($minRebroadcastStart->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), Criteria::LESS_THAN)->find();
         if (count($rebroadcasts) > 0) {
             return "Can't move a recorded show less than 1 hour before its rebroadcasts.";
     if ($this->isRebroadcast()) {
         try {
             $recordedShow = new Application_Model_ShowInstance($this->_showInstance->getDbOriginalShow());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return "Show was deleted because recorded show does not exist!";
         $recordEndDateTime = new DateTime($recordedShow->getShowInstanceEnd(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
         $newRecordEndDateTime = self::addDeltas($recordEndDateTime, 0, 60);
         if ($newStartsDateTime->getTimestamp() < $newRecordEndDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
             return "Must wait 1 hour to rebroadcast.";
     $show = new Application_Model_Show($this->getShowId());
     if (!$show->isRepeating() && is_null($this->isRebroadcast())) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: ScheduleController.php プロジェクト: nidzix/Airtime
 public function makeContextMenuAction()
     $id = $this->_getParam('id');
     $menu = array();
     $epochNow = time();
     $userInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read();
     $user = new Application_Model_User($userInfo->id);
     try {
         $instance = new Application_Model_ShowInstance($id);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->view->show_error = true;
         return false;
     $isAdminOrPM = $user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER));
     $isDJ = $user->isHostOfShow($instance->getShowId());
     $showStartLocalDT = Application_Common_DateHelper::ConvertToLocalDateTime($instance->getShowInstanceStart());
     $showEndLocalDT = Application_Common_DateHelper::ConvertToLocalDateTime($instance->getShowInstanceEnd());
     if ($instance->isRecorded() && $epochNow > $showEndLocalDT->getTimestamp()) {
         $file = $instance->getRecordedFile();
         $fileId = $file->getId();
         $menu["view_recorded"] = array("name" => "View Recorded File Metadata", "icon" => "overview", "url" => "/library/edit-file-md/id/" . $fileId);
     if ($epochNow < $showStartLocalDT->getTimestamp()) {
         if (($isAdminOrPM || $isDJ) && !$instance->isRecorded() && !$instance->isRebroadcast()) {
             $menu["schedule"] = array("name" => "Add / Remove Content", "icon" => "add-remove-content", "url" => "/showbuilder/builder-dialog/");
             $menu["clear"] = array("name" => "Remove All Content", "icon" => "remove-all-content", "url" => "/schedule/clear-show");
     if (!$instance->isRecorded()) {
         $menu["content"] = array("name" => "Show Content", "icon" => "overview", "url" => "/schedule/show-content-dialog");
     if ($showEndLocalDT->getTimestamp() <= $epochNow && $instance->isRecorded() && Application_Model_Preference::GetUploadToSoundcloudOption()) {
         $file = $instance->getRecordedFile();
         $fileId = $file->getId();
         $scid = $instance->getSoundCloudFileId();
         if ($scid > 0) {
             $url = $file->getSoundCloudLinkToFile();
             $menu["soundcloud_view"] = array("name" => "View on Soundcloud", "icon" => "soundcloud", "url" => $url);
         $text = is_null($scid) ? 'Upload to SoundCloud' : 'Re-upload to SoundCloud';
         $menu["soundcloud_upload"] = array("name" => $text, "icon" => "soundcloud");
     if ($showStartLocalDT->getTimestamp() <= $epochNow && $epochNow < $showEndLocalDT->getTimestamp() && $isAdminOrPM) {
         if ($instance->isRecorded()) {
             $menu["cancel_recorded"] = array("name" => "Cancel Current Show", "icon" => "delete");
         } else {
             if (!$instance->isRebroadcast()) {
                 $menu["edit"] = array("name" => "Edit Show", "icon" => "edit", "_type" => "all", "url" => "/Schedule/populate-show-form");
             $menu["cancel"] = array("name" => "Cancel Current Show", "icon" => "delete");
     if ($epochNow < $showStartLocalDT->getTimestamp()) {
         if (!$instance->isRebroadcast() && $isAdminOrPM) {
             $menu["edit"] = array("name" => "Edit Show", "icon" => "edit", "_type" => "all", "url" => "/Schedule/populate-show-form");
         if ($instance->getShow()->isRepeating() && $isAdminOrPM) {
             //create delete sub menu.
             $menu["del"] = array("name" => "Delete", "icon" => "delete", "items" => array());
             $menu["del"]["items"]["single"] = array("name" => "Delete This Instance", "icon" => "delete", "url" => "/schedule/delete-show");
             $menu["del"]["items"]["following"] = array("name" => "Delete This Instance and All Following", "icon" => "delete", "url" => "/schedule/cancel-show");
         } elseif ($isAdminOrPM) {
             $menu["del"] = array("name" => "Delete", "icon" => "delete", "url" => "/schedule/delete-show");
     $this->view->items = $menu;