public function hotelsReviewsAction() { $users = Application_Model_Users::getInstance(); $reviewsratings = Application_Model_Reviews::getInstance(); $hotelssummaryModel = Application_Model_HotelDetails::getInstance(); $response = new stdClass(); $method = $this->getRequest()->getParam('method'); if ($method) { switch ($method) { case 'AddReviews': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $userid = $this->getRequest()->getPost('user_id'); $starratings = $this->getRequest()->getPost('star_rating'); $reviewdesc = $this->getRequest()->getPost('review_desc'); $hotelid = $this->getRequest()->getPost('hotel_id'); if ($userid != '') { $Userscredentials = $users->validateByUserId($userid); if ($Userscredentials) { if ($hotelid != '' && $reviewdesc != '' && $starratings != '') { $addReview = $reviewsratings->isavailablereview($hotelid, $userid); if (empty($addReview)) { $data['user_id'] = $userid; $data['review_type'] = 0; $data['review_for_id'] = $hotelid; $data['review_rating'] = $starratings; $data['review_description'] = $reviewdesc; $data['review_status'] = 0; $addReview = $reviewsratings->addReview($data); if ($addReview) { $avgofStarRatings = $reviewsratings->getavgratingsofindividualHotel($hotelid); if ($avgofStarRatings) { $addavgRatetoindividualshotels = $hotelssummaryModel->updatehotels($hotelid, $avgofStarRatings); $Admincredentials = $users->validateByAdminId(2); if ($Admincredentials != '') { $admin_id = $Admincredentials['user_id']; $objNotification = Engine_Plugins_Functions::getInstance(); $sent_by = $userid; $sent_to = $admin_id; $noti_url = "/admin/notification"; $Noti_message = "New Review for Product is pending for You"; $addNotification = $objNotification->sendNotificationWithUrl($sent_by, $sent_to, $Noti_message, $noti_url); } $response->code = 200; $response->message = "Review Successfully Added"; $response->data = $addReview; } else { $response->code = 100; $response->message = "Something went wrong"; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->code = 100; $response->message = "Something went wrong..Review Not added, Try again."; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->code = 100; $response->message = "Review Already Added, You can add one review to one product."; $response->data = $addReview; } } else { $response->code = 100; $response->message = "You missed something."; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->code = 100; $response->message = "Their is No user for this ID."; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->code = 100; $response->message = "You need to login to Add Review."; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->code = 401; $response->message = "Access Denied"; $response->data = null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; case 'getReviews': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $hotelid = $this->getRequest()->getPost('hotel_id'); if ($hotelid != '') { $hotelReviewDetails = $reviewsratings->gethotelsReviewsWithLimit($hotelid); if ($hotelReviewDetails) { $response->code = 200; $response->message = "Suiccessful"; $response->data = $hotelReviewDetails; } else { $response->code = 200; $response->message = "Something went wrong"; } } else { $response->code = 200; $response->message = "Hotel ID should not be Null"; } } else { $response->code = 401; $response->message = "Invalid request"; $response->data = null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; } } }
public function storeSummaryAction() { $storesummaryModel = Application_Model_StoreDetails::getInstance(); $ReviewsModel = Application_Model_Reviews::getInstance(); $storecategoryModel = Application_Model_StoreCategory::getInstance(); $locationsmodal = Application_Model_Location::getInstance(); $response = new stdClass(); $method = $this->getRequest()->getParam('method'); if ($method) { switch ($method) { ###################################### START SERVICES ############################################ /* DEV : sowmya * Desc : services to get store list by location * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* DEV : Sibani Mishra * Desc : Did Modification * Date : 6/5/2016 */ case 'getStoreListByLocations': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $countryid = $this->getRequest()->getPost('country_id'); $stateid = $this->getRequest()->getPost('state_id'); $cityid = $this->getRequest()->getPost('city_id'); $locationid = $this->getRequest()->getPost('location_id'); if ($countryid && $stateid && $cityid && $locationid) { $StoreList = $locationsmodal->getStoreByLocationsIds($countryid, $stateid, $cityid, $locationid); foreach ($StoreList as $key => $val) { unset($val['category_id']); $StoreList[$key] = $val; } if ($StoreList) { $response->message = 'Successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $StoreList; } else { $response->message = 'Could not Serve the Response'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = NUll; } } else { $response->message = 'Parameter missing'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = NUll; } } else { $response->message = 'Could not Serve the Response'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = NUll; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* DEV :sowmya * Desc :services to get store list by storename * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* DEV :sowmya * Desc :services to get store list by storename * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'storename': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $name = $this->getRequest()->getPost('name'); if ($name) { $StoreList = $storesummaryModel->searchByNames($name); if ($StoreList) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $StoreList; } else { $response->message = 'No Data Found'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = Null; } } else { $response->message = 'parameter doesnot pass'; $response->code = 198; $response->data = Null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* DEV :sowmya * Desc :services to get store categorylist * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* DEV :Sibani Mishra * Desc :Modified Service * Date : 5/6/2016 */ /* DEV :sowmya * Desc :services to get store categorylist * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* DEV :Sibani Mishra * Desc :Modified Service * Date : 5/6/2016 */ case 'GetCategory': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $store_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('store_id'); if ($store_id) { $cats = $storesummaryModel->getcategoriesByStoreId($store_id); foreach ($cats as $key => $val) { unset($val['store_id']); $cats[$key] = $val; } if ($cats) { $response->message = 'Successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $cats; } else { $response->message = 'Something went wrong'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = NUll; } } else { $response->message = 'Store id is not correct'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = NUll; } } else { $response->message = 'Could not Serve the Response'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = NUll; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : service used for sorting store based by reviews and ratings * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : service used for sorting store based by reviews and ratings * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'selectReviewsAndRatings': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $store_location = $this->getRequest()->getPost('store_location'); if (!empty($store_location)) { $storenames = $storesummaryModel->getstorenamebasedReviewandratings($store_location); if ($storenames) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $storenames; } else { $response->message = 'No Data Found'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = Null; } } else { $response->message = 'store Location Shouldnot be blank'; $response->code = 198; $response->data = Null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * Dev ; Sibani Mishra * Desc : List of category based on LocationId * Date : 6th may 2016 */ /* * Dev ; Sibani Mishra * Desc : List of category based on LocationId * Date : 6th may 2016 */ case 'getCategoryListbyLocationID': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $store_location = $this->getRequest()->getPost('store_location'); if ($store_location) { $categorydetails = $storesummaryModel->getCategory($store_location); foreach ($categorydetails as $key => $val) { unset($val['store_location']); $categorydetails[$key] = $val; } if (!empty($categorydetails)) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $categorydetails; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could not Serve the Response'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = NUll; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * Dev : Sibani Mishra * Desc : List of products based on category * Date : 6th may 2016 */ /* * Dev : Sibani Mishra * Desc : List of products based on category * Date : 6th may 2016 */ case 'getProductListByCategoryId': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $category_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('category_id'); if ($category_id) { $result = $storecategoryModel->fetchListofProducts($category_id); if ($result) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $result; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Invalid Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = Null; } } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * Dev : Sibani Mishra * Desc : List of Stores_Details based on category * Date : 7th may 2016 */ /* * Dev : Sibani Mishra * Desc : List of Stores_Details based on category * Date : 7th may 2016 */ case 'fetchingStoresDetailsBasedOnCategory': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $store_location = $this->getRequest()->getPost('store_location'); $store_category_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('store_category_id'); $store_category_id = json_decode($store_category_id); if (!empty($store_location) && !empty($store_category_id)) { $storesnames = $storesummaryModel->getstoresname($store_location, $store_category_id); if ($storesnames) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $storesnames; } else { $response->message = 'No Data Found'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = Null; } } else { $response->message = 'parameter Shouldnot be blank'; $response->code = 198; $response->data = Null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * Dev : Sibani Mishra * Desc : Inser/Update OrdersToCart Based on Stock_Quantity * Date : 10th may 2016 */ /* * Dev : Sibani Mishra * Desc : Inser/Update OrdersToCart Based on Stock_Quantity * Date : 10th may 2016 */ case 'UpdateInsertStoresOrdersToCartOnQuantityBasis': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $user_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('userid'); $store_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('storeid'); $product_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('productid'); $product_id = json_decode($product_id); $quantity = $this->getRequest()->getPost('quantity'); $quantity = json_decode($quantity); if ($user_id && $store_id && !empty($product_id) && !empty($quantity)) { if (sizeof($product_id) == sizeof($quantity)) { // Match Array Length $availableOrNot = $objProducts->seperateTheProductsByQuantityAvailablity($product_id, $quantity); if (is_array($availableOrNot) && !empty($availableOrNot)) { if (array_key_exists('success', $availableOrNot)) { $updatedAndInsertedProduct = $Addtocart->insertUpdateStoreProductsInCart($user_id, $store_id, $availableOrNot['success'], $availableOrNot['quantity']); if (is_array($updatedAndInsertedProduct) && !empty($updatedAndInsertedProduct)) { $availableOrNot['success'] = $updatedAndInsertedProduct; unset($availableOrNot['quantity']); $response->message = 'Successfully inserted or updated the product in cart.'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $availableOrNot; } else { $response->message = $updatedAndInsertedProduct; $response->code = 198; $response->data = Null; } } else { $response->message = 'All requested product has been out of stocks.'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $availableOrNot; } } else { $response->message = $availableOrNot; $response->code = 198; $response->data = Null; } } else { $response->message = 'The number of product and quantity in array should be same.'; $response->code = 195; $response->data = NULL; } } else { $response->message = 'You should enter all params.'; $response->code = 195; $response->data = NULL; } } else { $response->message = 'You should use the post method'; $response->code = 195; $response->data = Null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * Dev : Sibani Mishra * Desc : Get OrdersToCart * Date : 10th may 2016 */ /* * Dev : Sibani Mishra * Desc : Get OrdersToCart * Date : 10th may 2016 */ case 'getStoreOrderToCart': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $user_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('user_id'); $store_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('store_id'); if ($user_id && $store_id) { $getaddtocartdetails = $Addtocart->getStoresOrdertocart($user_id, $store_id); if ($getaddtocartdetails) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $getaddtocartdetails; } else { $response->message = 'No Products available'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'parametre not passed'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * Dev : Sibani Mishra * Desc : Remove OrdersToCart * Date : 10th may 2016 */ /* * Dev : Sibani Mishra * Desc : Remove OrdersToCart * Date : 10th may 2016 */ case 'RemoveStoreOrderToCart': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $addtocartSerialNo = $this->getRequest()->getPost('cart_id'); $user_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('user_id'); if ($addtocartSerialNo && $user_id) { $cartdetails = $Addtocart->RemoveStoreOrderFromAddtoCart($addtocartSerialNo, $user_id); if ($cartdetails) { $response->message = 'successfully Deleted'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $cartdetails; echo json_encode($response, true); die; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } } else { $response->message = 'Invalid Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = Null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; ###################################### END SERVICES ############################################ /////////////////////////////////////////// method for agent panel only /////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// store details module////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : get all stores * Date : 5/5/2016 */ ###################################### END SERVICES ############################################ /////////////////////////////////////////// method for agent panel only /////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// store details module////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : get all stores * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'allstore': $storedetails = $storesummaryModel->selectAllStoresLocations(); if ($storedetails) { $response->message = 'Successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $storedetails; } else { $response->message = 'Could not Serve the Response'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = NUll; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : get all stores by agent id * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : get all stores by agent id * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'getStoreDetailsByAgentId': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $agent_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('agent_id'); if ($agent_id) { $agentstoredetails = $storesummaryModel->getStoredetails($agent_id); if ($agentstoredetails) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $agentstoredetails; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } } else { $response->message = 'Invalid Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = Null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : to change stores status * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : to change stores status * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'changestorestatus': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $store_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('store_id'); if ($store_id) { $updatestatus = $storesummaryModel->getstatusChangeOfStore($store_id); if ($updatestatus) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data['store_id'] = $store_id; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } } else { $response->message = 'Invalid Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = Null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : to delete stores * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : to delete stores * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'storedelete': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $store_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('store_id'); if ($store_id) { $updatestatus = $storesummaryModel->storeDelete($store_id); if ($updatestatus) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data['store_id'] = $store_id; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } } else { $response->message = 'Invalid Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = Null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : get all stores by store id * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : get all stores by store id * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'getStoreDetailsByStoreId': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $store_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('store_id'); if ($store_id) { $storedetails = $storesummaryModel->getStoredetailsByStoreId($store_id); if ($storedetails) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $storedetails; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } } else { $response->message = 'Invalid Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = Null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : update all stores details by store id * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : update all stores details by store id * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'updatestoredetails': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $store_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('store_id'); $primary_phone = $this->getRequest()->getPost('primary_phone'); if (!empty($primary_phone)) { $data['store_contact_number'] = $primary_phone; } $selectlocation = $this->getRequest()->getPost('selectlocation'); if (!empty($selectlocation)) { $data['store_location'] = $selectlocation; } $secondary_phone = $this->getRequest()->getPost('secondary_phone'); if (!empty($secondary_phone)) { $data['Secondary_phone'] = $secondary_phone; } $store_name = $this->getRequest()->getPost('store_name'); if (!empty($store_name)) { $data['store_name'] = $store_name; } $open_time = $this->getRequest()->getPost('open_time'); if (!empty($open_time)) { $data['Open_time'] = $open_time; } $store_status = $this->getRequest()->getPost('store_status'); if (!empty($store_status)) { $data['store_status'] = $store_status; } $closing_time = $this->getRequest()->getPost('closing_time'); if (!empty($closing_time)) { $data['Closing_time'] = $closing_time; } $notice = $this->getRequest()->getPost('notice'); if (!empty($notice)) { $data['Notice'] = $notice; } $store_image = $this->getRequest()->getPost('Store_image'); if (!empty($store_image)) { $data['store_image'] = $store_image; } $deliverycharge = $this->getRequest()->getPost('deliverycharge'); if (!empty($deliverycharge)) { $data['Deliverycharge'] = $deliverycharge; } $cat_name = $this->getRequest()->getPost('cat_name'); if (!empty($cat_name)) { $data['category_id'] = $cat_name; } $address = $this->getRequest()->getPost('address'); if (!empty($address)) { $data['store_address'] = $address; } if ($store_id) { $updatestatus = $storesummaryModel->updateStoreDetails($store_id, $data); if ($updatestatus) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $updatestatus; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } } else { $response->message = 'Invalid Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = Null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : add new stores * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : add new stores * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'addstoredetails': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $data['store_contact_number'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('primary_phone'); $data['Secondary_phone'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('secondary_phone'); $data['store_name'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('store_name'); $data['Open_time'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('open_time'); $data['Closing_time'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('closing_time'); $data['Notice'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('notice'); $data['store_address'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('address'); $data['category_id'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('cat_name'); $data['Deliverycharge'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('deliverycharge'); $data['store_status'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('store_status'); $data['store_location'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('store_location'); $data['agent_id'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('agent_id'); if ($data['agent_id']) { $updatestatus = $storesummaryModel->insertStoreDetails($data); if ($updatestatus) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data['store_id'] = $updatestatus; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } } else { $response->message = 'Invalid Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = Null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; ////////////////////////////////// store module end here ////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// review module/////////////////////// /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : get all hotel reviews by agent id * Date : 5/5/2016 */ ////////////////////////////////// store module end here ////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// review module/////////////////////// /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : get all hotel reviews by agent id * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'getHotelReviewsByAgentId': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $agent_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('agent_id'); if ($agent_id) { $agentstoredetails = $ReviewsModel->getAllHotelReviews($agent_id); if ($agentstoredetails) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $agentstoredetails; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } } else { $response->message = 'Invalid Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = Null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : to get stores reviews by agent id * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : to get stores reviews by agent id * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'getStoreReviewsByAgentId': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $agent_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('agent_id'); if ($agent_id) { $agentstoredetails = $ReviewsModel->getAllStoreReviews($agent_id); if ($agentstoredetails) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $agentstoredetails; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } } else { $response->message = 'Invalid Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = Null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc :to change review status of both store and hotel * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc :to change review status of both store and hotel * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'changereviewstatus': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $review_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('review_id'); if ($review_id) { $updatestatus = $ReviewsModel->getstatustodeactivate($review_id); if ($updatestatus) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data['review_id'] = $review_id; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } } else { $response->message = 'Invalid Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = Null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : to delete reviews of both store and hotel * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : to delete reviews of both store and hotel * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'reviewdelete': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $review_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('review_id'); if ($review_id) { $updatestatus = $ReviewsModel->deleteReviews($review_id); if ($updatestatus) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data['review_id'] = $review_id; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } } else { $response->message = 'Invalid Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = Null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; ///////////////////////////////// review module end here/////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// store category /////////////////////////////// /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : get all stores category details * Date : 5/5/2016 */ ///////////////////////////////// review module end here/////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// store category /////////////////////////////// /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : get all stores category details * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'storeCategory': $storedetails = $storecategoryModel->selectAllCategorys(); if ($storedetails) { $response->message = 'Successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $storedetails; } else { $response->message = 'Could not Serve the Response'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = NUll; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : add stores category * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : add stores category * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'addStoreCategory': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $data['cat_name'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('cat_name'); $data['cat_desc'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('cat_desc'); $data['cat_status'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('cat_status'); $updatestatus = $storecategoryModel->addCategory($data); if ($updatestatus) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $updatestatus; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; break; /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : get all stores category by category id * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : get all stores category by category id * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'getstorecategoryById': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $categoryid = $this->getRequest()->getParam('categoryid'); $updatestatus = $storecategoryModel->getCategoryById($categoryid); if ($updatestatus) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $updatestatus; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : to delete stores category * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : to delete stores category * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'storecategorydelete': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $categoryid = $this->getRequest()->getParam('categoryid'); if ($categoryid) { $updatestatus = $storecategoryModel->categorydelete($categoryid); if ($updatestatus) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data['category_id'] = $categoryid; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } } else { $response->message = 'Invalid Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = Null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; //Dev:sreekanth //Date: 5-5-2016 //Desc: change store category status //Dev:sreekanth //Date: 5-5-2016 //Desc: change store category status case 'changestorecategorystatus': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $categoryid = $this->getRequest()->getPost('categoryid'); if ($categoryid) { $updatestatus = $storecategoryModel->changeCategoryStatus($categoryid); if ($updatestatus) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data['categoryid'] = $categoryid; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } } else { $response->message = 'Invalid Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = Null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : to update stores category * Date : 5/5/2016 */ /* * DEV :sowmya * Desc : to update stores category * Date : 5/5/2016 */ case 'updateStoreCategory': if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $data['cat_name'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('categoryname'); $data['cat_desc'] = $this->getRequest()->getPost('cat_desc'); $category_id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('category_id'); $categoryname = $this->getRequest()->getPost('categorybtn'); if ($category_id) { $result = $storecategoryModel->updateCategory($data, $category_id); if ($categoryname == 'cat_name') { if ($result) { $response->message = 'successfull'; $response->code = 200; $response->data = $updatestatus; } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 197; $response->data = null; } } else { $response->message = 'Could Not Serve The Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = NULL; } } else { $response->message = 'Invalid Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = Null; } echo json_encode($response, true); die; break; //////////////////////////////////// store category end here////////////////////////// } else { $response->message = 'Invalid Request'; $response->code = 401; $response->data = "No Method Passed"; echo json_encode($response, true); } } } }