public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) { $resource = $request->getControllerName(); $action = $request->getActionName(); $role = $this->_role; //se è un tecnico dello staff recupero le categorie che può modificare if ($this->_auth->hasIdentity()) { if ($this->_auth->getIdentity()->Ruolo == 'staff') { $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('staff'); $id = $this->_auth->getIdentity()->idUtenti; $adminmodel = new Application_Model_Admin(); $categorie = $adminmodel->getCatByUser($id); $session->categorie = $categorie; } } if (!$this->_acl->isAllowed($role, $resource, $action)) { $this->_auth->clearIdentity(); $this->denyAccess(); } /* if (!$this->_acl->isAllowed($this->_role, $request->getControllerName())) { $this->_auth->clearIdentity(); $this->denyAccess(); }*/ }
public function getMultiCellList($type, $columns, $rows, $merge_column = NULL, $link = null, $link_difference = false, $icon = 0) { /*------------------------Check param id----------------------------------*/ /*------------------------End check---------------------------------------*/ $acl = new Application_Model_DbTable_Dbacl(); //-------------------------Header---------------------- $form = ''; $counter = '<strong>Number of record(s): ' . count($rows) . '</strong>'; $head = $form . '<table class="collape tablesorter" id="table" width="100%">'; $col_str = ""; if ($type != null) { $col_str = '<thead><tr><th class="tdheader">No</th>'; } foreach ($columns as $column) { $col_str = $col_str . '<th class="tdheader">' . $column . '</th>'; } $col_str .= '</tr></thead>'; $head .= $col_str; //if row empty if ($rows == NULL) { return $head . '</table><center style="font-size:12pt;">No record</center></form>'; } //------------------------Body---------------------------- $body = ''; $row_str = '<tbody>'; //add element rows $tempvalue = 0; $class_item = 'items'; if ($merge_column == NULL) { return $this->getCheckList($type, $columns, $rows); } else { $class_item = "items-no-inline"; } $rt = 0; $r = 0; foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($r % 2 == 0) { $attb = 'normal'; } else { $attb = 'alternate'; } $r++; //-------------------check select----------------- //-------------------end check select----------------- $row_str .= '<tr class="' . $attb . '">'; $i = 0; $b = 0; $temp = ''; $row_temp = $row; //set link icon if ($icon == 0) { $img = '<img src="/css/link.png"/> '; } else { $img = '<img src="/css/add.png" class="add"/> '; } foreach ($row as $key => $read) { if ($read == null) { $read = ' '; } if ($i == 0) { $tempvalue = $read; if ($type == null) { $row_str .= ""; } else { $row_str .= '<td class="items-no" align="center">' . $r . '</td>'; } } else { //link session to id if ($link != null) { if (!$link_difference) { foreach ($link as $column => $url) { if ($key == $column) { $array = array('tag' => 'a', 'attribute' => array('href' => Application_Form_FrmMessage::redirectorview($url) . '/id/' . $row[$column])); $read = $this->formSubElement($array, $img . $read); } } } else { foreach ($link as $column => $url) { if ($key == $column) { $array = array('tag' => 'a', 'attribute' => array('href' => Application_Model_Admin::redirector($url) . '/id/' . $tempvalue)); $read = $this->formSubElement($array, $img . $read); } } } } //$link==null //merge column foreach ($merge_column as $column) { if ($column == $key) { $temp .= $read . '<br/>'; $b++; } } //close merge column if ($b == 0) { if ('rate' === $key) { if ($read < 0.7) { $row_str .= '<td class="rate-red">' . $read . '</td>'; } elseif ($read >= 0.7 && $read < 0.9) { $row_str .= '<td class="rate-amber" >' . $read . '</td>'; } else { $row_str .= '<td class="rate-green">' . $read . '</td>'; } } else { $text = $this->textAlign($read); $read = $this->checkValue($read); $row_str .= '<td class="' . $class_item . '" ' . $text . '>' . $read . '</td>'; } } else { if ($b == 2) { $row_str .= '<td class="' . $class_item . '">' . $temp . '</td>'; $b = 0; } } //close c==0 //end color } //close i==0 $i++; } //close for each row $row_str .= '</tr>'; } //close for each rows $body .= $row_str . '</tbody>'; //------------------------End Body--------------------------- //------------------------Footer----------------------------- $counter = '<strong style="float:right;padding:5px">Number of record(s): ' . count($rows) . '</strong>'; $footer = '</table>' . $counter; // ----------------------End Footer------------------------- return $head . $body . $footer; }