コード例 #1
  * Display a list of quotes that can be retrieved after a user has identified themselves with an auth token via
  * retrieveQuoteAction().  Having this separate action allows an end user to press "Back" for up to an hour if they
  * have chosen to continue the wrong quote.
  * @return void
 public function retrieveMultipleQuotesAction()
     if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('auth') != '') {
         $params = Zend_Registry::get('params');
         $mac = $this->getRequest()->getParam('auth');
         $securityManager = new Application_Core_Security($params->myhomelet->retrieveWithoutAccount->macSecret, $params->myhomelet->retrieveWithoutAccount->macTimestampVariance != 0, $params->myhomelet->retrieveWithoutAccount->macTimestampVariance);
         $dataKeys = array('customerEmail');
         $securityCheck = $securityManager->authenticate($mac, $dataKeys);
         if (isset($securityCheck['result']) && $securityCheck['result']) {
             // Customer has multiple quotes associated with their email address - look them up and generate a set of
             // auth tokens, show user the selection
             $email = $securityCheck['data']['customerEmail'];
             $policyCoverDatasource = new Datasource_Insurance_LegacyPolicyCovers();
             $customerManager = new Manager_Core_Customer();
             // Get all legacy quote IDs by customer e-mail address
             $legacyIDs = array();
             // Try to look up a customer record's quotes' IDs by the e-mail provided
             $newCustomer = $customerManager->getCustomerByEmailAddress($email);
             if ($newCustomer) {
                 $legacyCustomerMap = new Datasource_Core_CustomerMaps();
                 $legacyIDs = $legacyCustomerMap->getLegacyIDs($newCustomer->getIdentifier(Model_Core_Customer::IDENTIFIER));
             // Also check in the legacy DB only to ensure landlords quotes are found
             $customer = $customerManager->getLegacyCustomerByEmailAddress($email);
             if ($customer) {
                 $legacyCustomerId = $customer->getIdentifier(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER);
                 if (!in_array($legacyCustomerId, $legacyIDs)) {
                     $legacyIDs[] = $legacyCustomerId;
             // Retrieve all quotes for the linked customer reference numbers
             $quoteDatasource = new Datasource_Insurance_LegacyQuotes();
             $quotes = $quoteDatasource->getActiveQuotes($legacyIDs, '', array('policynumber', 'startdate'));
             // Build the list of policy covers and generate auth tokens for each policy
             // Should be done in a manager, but the quote manager has been written with the row data gateway
             // design pattern in mind.
             $authTokens = array();
             foreach ($quotes as $quote) {
                 // Create list of policy covers
                 $policyCoverList = array();
                 $policyOptionsplit = explode('|', $quote->policyOptions);
                 $sumInsuredSplit = explode('|', $quote->amountsCovered);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($policyOptionsplit); $i++) {
                     if ($sumInsuredSplit[$i] == 'yes' || floatval($sumInsuredSplit[$i]) > 0) {
                         // A sum insured value has been set so assume cover is in force
                         $policyCover = $policyCoverDatasource->getPolicyCoverByLabel($policyOptionsplit[$i]);
                         if ($policyCover) {
                             array_push($policyCoverList, array('cover' => $policyOptionsplit[$i], 'name' => $policyCover->getName()));
                 $quote->policyCovers = $policyCoverList;
                 // Generate a policy-specific authentication token
                 $securityManager = new Application_Core_Security($params->myhomelet->retrieveWithoutAccount->macSecret, $params->myhomelet->retrieveWithoutAccount->macTimestampVariance != 0, $params->myhomelet->retrieveWithoutAccount->macTimestampVariance);
                 $securityData = array('quoteNumber' => $quote->policyNumber);
                 $authTokens[$quote->policyNumber] = $securityManager->generate($securityData);
             // Pass quotes and auth tokens into view and finish
             $this->view->quotes = $quotes;
             $this->view->authTokens = $authTokens;
     // Failover for non-auth or other issue - go to main retrieve quote form
コード例 #2
  * Resume an existing quote for customers who either have a temporary auth token for a retrieval with no My HomeLet
  * account, or who are My HomeLet authenticated.  Customers with no form of valid authentication are redirected to
  * the My HomeLet login page.
  * @return void
 public function retrieveAction()
     // Authorisation using no-account My HomeLet retrieval auth token
     if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('auth') != '') {
         $mac = $this->getRequest()->getParam('auth');
         $securityManager = new Application_Core_Security($this->_params->myhomelet->retrieveWithoutAccount->macSecret, $this->_params->myhomelet->retrieveWithoutAccount->macTimestampVariance != 0, $this->_params->myhomelet->retrieveWithoutAccount->macTimestampVariance);
         $dataKeys = array('quoteNumber');
         $securityCheck = $securityManager->authenticate($mac, $dataKeys);
         if (isset($securityCheck['result']) && $securityCheck['result']) {
             $quoteNumber = $securityCheck['data']['quoteNumber'];
             $quoteManager = new Manager_Insurance_LegacyQuote();
             $customerManager = new Manager_Core_Customer();
             $quote = $quoteManager->getQuoteByPolicyNumber($quoteNumber);
             $quoteRefNo = $quote->refNo;
             $customer = $customerManager->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER, $quoteRefNo);
             $customerID = $referenceNumber = $customer->getIdentifier(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER, $quoteRefNo);
             $quoteManager = new Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote(null, $quoteNumber, null, $customerID);
             $quote = $quoteManager->getModel();
             $pageSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('landlords_insurance_quote');
             $pageSession->quoteID = $quote->ID;
             $pageSession->customerRefNo = $referenceNumber;
             //Retrieve the WebLead summary ID so that the WebLead can continue to be updated and important
             //details captured, such as the campaign code.
             $webLeadManager = new Manager_Core_WebLead();
             $pageSession->webLeadSummaryId = $webLeadManager->getSummaryId($quoteNumber);
     // Authorisation using My HomeLet logged in details
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     $auth->setStorage(new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session('homelet_customer'));
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         // Check to see if we have a reference number to load up
         if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('quote') != '') {
             $quoteNumber = $this->getRequest()->getParam('quote');
             // Customer is logged in and is trying to retrieve a specific quote
             // We need to check to make sure they own it
             $customerID = $auth->getStorage()->read()->id;
             // Now we need to get their legacy ID
             $customerManager = new Manager_Core_Customer();
             $customer = $customerManager->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::IDENTIFIER, $customerID);
             $referenceNumber = $customer->getIdentifier(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER);
             // Need to find the quote ID by the policy number
             $quotes = new Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote(null, $quoteNumber, null, $customerID);
             $quote = $quotes->getModel();
             $legacyCustomerMap = new Datasource_Core_CustomerMaps();
             $legacyIDs = $legacyCustomerMap->getLegacyIDs($customerID);
             if (in_array($quote->legacyCustomerID, $legacyIDs)) {
                 // This customer does own this reference - so set the page session stuff up and redirect
                 $pageSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('landlords_insurance_quote');
                 $pageSession->quoteID = $quote->ID;
                 $pageSession->customerRefNo = $referenceNumber;
                 //Retrieve the WebLead summary ID so that the WebLead can continue to be updated and important
                 //details captured, such as the campaign code.
                 $webLeadManager = new Manager_Core_WebLead();
                 $pageSession->webLeadSummaryId = $webLeadManager->getSummaryId($quoteNumber);
コード例 #3
  * Executes checks when the user is a PLL finalizing an email-link-to-tenant.
  * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request
  * @param string $customerToken
  * @param string $refNo
  * @return boolean
 protected function _privateLandlordLinkPreDespatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request, $customerToken, $refNo)
     $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('referencing_global');
     $referenceManager = new Manager_Referencing_Reference();
     $reference = $referenceManager->getReference($refNo);
     //Check the validity of the access.
     $params = Zend_Registry::get('params');
     $hashingString = $params->pll->emailLink->security->securityString;
     $leeWay = $params->pll->emailLink->security->securityTokenTimeLeewayUser;
     $securityManager = new Application_Core_Security($hashingString, true, $leeWay);
     $securityCheck = $securityManager->authenticate($customerToken, array('refNo', 'customerId'));
     if ($securityCheck['result']) {
         //Ensure the customer identifier extracted from the $customerToken matches the identifier
         //stored in the reference.
         $customerId = $securityCheck['data']['customerId'];
         if ($customerId != $reference->customer->customerId) {
             $session->security->error = 'Customer identifier does not match';
             return false;
     } else {
         // Something went wrong, eg, hash didn't match or time was out of bounds
         $session->security->error = $securityCheck['error'];
         return false;
     //Log the customer in.
     $customerManager = new Manager_Referencing_Customer();
     $customer = $customerManager->getCustomer($customerId);
     $loginManager = new Manager_Referencing_Login();
     $loginManager->logUserIn($customer->getEmailAddress(), $customer->getPassword());
     //Set the relevant session variables so that the PLL can proceed the reference.
     $session->referenceId = $reference->internalId;
     $session->productName = $reference->productSelection->product->key;
     $session->userType = Model_Referencing_ReferenceUserTypes::PRIVATE_LANDLORD;
     $session->customerToken = $customerToken;
     $session->refNo = $refNo;
     return true;
コード例 #4
  * Resume an existing quote for customers who either have a temporary auth token for a retrieval with no My HomeLet
  * account, or who are My HomeLet authenticated.  Customers with no form of valid authentication are redirected to
  * the My HomeLet login page.
  * @return void
 public function retrieveAction()
     // Authorisation using no-account My HomeLet retrieval auth token
     if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('auth') != '') {
         $mac = $this->getRequest()->getParam('auth');
         $securityManager = new Application_Core_Security($this->_params->myhomelet->retrieveWithoutAccount->macSecret, $this->_params->myhomelet->retrieveWithoutAccount->macTimestampVariance != 0, $this->_params->myhomelet->retrieveWithoutAccount->macTimestampVariance);
         $dataKeys = array('quoteNumber');
         $securityCheck = $securityManager->authenticate($mac, $dataKeys);
         if (isset($securityCheck['result']) && $securityCheck['result']) {
             $quoteNumber = $securityCheck['data']['quoteNumber'];
             $quoteManager = new Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Quote(null, null, $quoteNumber);
             $quote = $quoteManager->getQuoteObject();
             if ($quote->policyType == 'T') {
                 // Make sure this is a tenants quote
                 $pageSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('tenants_insurance_quote');
                 $pageSession->CustomerRefNo = $quote->refNo;
                 $pageSession->PolicyNumber = $quote->policyNumber;
                 // Note that this user retrieved a quote, so that if they login in using the login action their
                 // details don't get nulled out.
                 $pageSession->RetrievedQuote = true;
                 //Retrieve the WebLead summary ID so that the WebLead can continue to be updated and important
                 //details captured, such as the campaign code.
                 $webLeadManager = new Manager_Core_WebLead();
                 $pageSession->webLeadSummaryId = $webLeadManager->getSummaryId($pageSession->PolicyNumber);
             } else {
                 // This isn't a tenants quote! OOPS
     // Authorisation using My HomeLet logged in details
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     $auth->setStorage(new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session('homelet_customer'));
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         // Check to see if we have a reference number to load up
         if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('quote') != '') {
             $quoteNumber = $this->getRequest()->getParam('quote');
             // Customer is logged in and is trying to retrieve a specific quote
             // We need to check to make sure they own it
             $customerID = $auth->getStorage()->read()->id;
             // Get customers legacy IDs and confirm the refno of the quote
             // can be accessed by the customer.
             $legacyCustomerMap = new Datasource_Core_CustomerMaps();
             $legacyIDs = $legacyCustomerMap->getLegacyIDs($customerID);
             $quoteManager = new Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Quote(null, null, $quoteNumber);
             $quote = $quoteManager->getQuoteObject();
             if (in_array($quote->refNo, $legacyIDs)) {
                 // This customer does own this reference - so set the page session stuff up and redirect
                 if ($quote->policyType == 'T') {
                     // Make sure this is a tenants quote
                     $pageSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('tenants_insurance_quote');
                     $pageSession->CustomerRefNo = $quote->refNo;
                     $pageSession->PolicyNumber = $quote->policyNumber;
                     //Retrieve the WebLead summary ID so that the WebLead can continue to be updated and important
                     //details captured, such as the campaign code.
                     $webLeadManager = new Manager_Core_WebLead();
                     $pageSession->webLeadSummaryId = $webLeadManager->getSummaryId($pageSession->PolicyNumber);
                 } else {
                     // This isn't a tenants quote! OOPS