static function run() { if (!self::$init) { self::$init = true; self::init(); } $route = Router::dispatch(); if (!empty($route)) { if (is_callable($route['callback'])) { call_user_func_array($route['callback'], $route['params']); } else { if (strpos($route['callback'], '@') !== false) { $pieces = explode('@', $route['callback']); $route['action'] = $pieces[1]; $route['controller'] = $pieces[0]; } else { $route['action'] = 'index'; $route['controller'] = $route['callback']; } self::loadRoute($route); } } else { call_user_func(self::$error404); } }
/** * 构造函数 * * @access public * @param String $ini * @return void */ private function __construct($ini) { require_once __DIR__ . '/application.php'; Application::init($ini); $this->config = \Myfox\Lib\Config::instance('default'); $this->prefix = rtrim($this->config->get('url.prefix', ''), '/'); $logurl = $this->config->get('log/default'); if (empty($logurl)) { $this->log = new \Myfox\Lib\BlackHole(); } else { $this->log = new \Myfox\Lib\Log($logurl); } }
/** * 构造函数 * * @access private * @return void */ private function __construct($ini, $class, $option = null) { require_once __DIR__ . '/application.php'; Application::init($ini); $worker = sprintf(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\worker\\%s', ucfirst(strtolower($class))); $this->worker = new $worker((array) $option); if (!$this->worker instanceof \Myfox\App\Worker) { printf("Class \"%s\" is not a subclass extended from \"Worker\".\n", $worker); exit; } $config = new \Myfox\Lib\Config($ini); self::$runmode = strtolower(trim($config->get('run.mode', 'online'))); self::$identy = sprintf('%d@%s', getmypid(), strtolower(trim(php_uname('n')))); $_clone =& $this; $this->sigaction(SIGTERM, function ($signal) use($_clone) { printf("[%s]\tGot signal (%d)", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $signal); if (SIGTERM == $signal) { echo ", about to terminal ...\n"; $_clone->freelock(); exit(0); } }); }
static function activate(Application $application) { $application->init(); self::$runningApplication = $application; }
define('APPLICATION_ENTRY_POINT', true); // if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $process = array(&$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE, &$_REQUEST); while (list($key, $val) = each($process)) { foreach ($val as $k => $v) { unset($process[$key][$k]); if (is_array($v)) { $process[$key][stripslashes($k)] = $v; $process[] =& $process[$key][stripslashes($k)]; } else { $process[$key][stripslashes($k)] = stripslashes($v); } } } unset($process); } if (!isset($action)) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { $action = 'index'; } else { $action = $_REQUEST['action']; } } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/core/Application.php'; $application = new Application(); $application->init($applicationConfig, $action, $_REQUEST); $application->run(); $application->send(); exit;
<?php /** * Spiral Framework, SpiralScout LLC. * * @package spiralFramework * @author Anton Titov (Wolfy-J) * @copyright ©2009-2011 */ define('SPIRAL_INITIAL_TIME', microtime(true)); //No comments mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); //Error reporting error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); ini_set('display_errors', false); //Root directory $root = dirname(__DIR__) . '/'; //Composer require $root . 'vendor/autoload.php'; //Forcing work directory chdir($root); //Let's start! Application::init(['root' => $root, 'libraries' => $root . '/vendor/', 'application' => $root . '/application/'], true)->start();
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../app/bootstrap.php'; Application::init();
<?php class Application extends Gongo_App { public $uses = array('root' => 'Skelton_Controller_Root'); } $app = new Application(dirname(__FILE__)); $app->init()->run();
/** * 构造函数 * * @access private * @return void */ private function __construct($ini, $class, $option = null) { require_once __DIR__ . '/application.php'; Application::init($ini); $worker = sprintf(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\worker\\%s', ucfirst(strtolower($class))); $this->worker = new $worker((array) $option); if (!$this->worker instanceof \Myfox\App\Worker) { printf("Class \"%s\" is not a subclass extended from \"Worker\".\n", $worker); exit; } }
</div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h3>Zadanie 2</h3> <p>Mamy plik xml zawierający listę seansów filmowych (tutaj). Napisz program, który cyklicznie będzie zaczytywał dane z plików z podanego źródła i zapisywał do bazy danych (zaproponuj odpowiednią strukturę bazy). Informacje na temat seansów w plikach mogą z biegiem czasu ulegać zmianie i odpowiadające im dane powinny być aktualizowane w bazie. Program powinien być w pełni przetestowany.</p> <?php $app = new Application(); $app->init(''); $app->run(); class Application { var $xml_file; public function init($xml_location) { $this->xml_file = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/kina.xml', FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH); //$xml_file = file_get_contents('', FALSE, stream_context_create( array( 'http' => array( 'user_agent' => 'php' )))); $db_connect = new Database(); $db_connect->connect(); } public function run() { $movies = simplexml_load_string($this->xml_file); if ($movies != '') {
<?php define('__ROOT__', dirname(__DIR__)); require_once __ROOT__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; require_once __ROOT__ . '/app/config/bootstrap.php'; Application::init()->run();
public $reason; public $contributions; public $dateline; public $avatar; /** * @param null $userid * @return static */ public static function exists($userid = null) { if ($userid === null) { if (!TwitterAuth::isLogged()) { return null; } else { $userid = TwitterAuth::getUserId(); } } return Application::findOne('userid = ?', [$userid]); } public function getVotes() { return ApplicationVote::find('applicationid = ?', [$this->applicationid]); } public function getScore() { $votes = $this->getVotes(); return array_sum(Model::pluck($votes, 'vote')); } } Application::init('applications', 'applicationid');
<?php /** * Index * User: R2 * Date: 05.09.12 * Time: 23:49 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ header("Content-Type: charset=utf-8"); require_once "ComponentManager.php"; require_once "Application.php"; require_once "db.php"; require_once "models/Fetcher.php"; require_once "models/VoteFetcher.php"; require_once "models/AnswerFetcher.php"; require_once "models/QuestionsFetcher.php"; require_once "models/PollFetcher.php"; require_once "controller/Controller.php"; require_once "controller/PollController.php"; require_once "controller/AnswerController.php"; require_once "controller/VoteController.php"; require_once "controller/ErrorController.php"; require_once "controller/AdminPollController.php"; require_once "controller/AdminAnswerController.php"; Application::init(array('components' => array('fetchers' => array('class' => 'ComponentManager', '__construct' => array(array('components' => array('answers' => array('class' => 'AnswerFetcher'), 'poll' => array('class' => 'PollFetcher'), 'questions' => array('class' => 'QuestionsFetcher'), 'vote' => array('class' => 'VoteFetcher'))))), 'db' => array('class' => 'db', '__construct' => array('localhost', 'root', '', 'poll'))))); Application::getInstance()->run();
* and save a reference for it (for convenience) * @var Config_Simple $appConfig */ $appConfig = Config::factory(Config::Simple, 'main'); $appConfig->setData($config); Registry::set('main', $appConfig, 'config'); /** * Convert the data of main_config file * in to the general form of configuration * and save a reference for it (for convenience) * @var Config_Simple $appConfig */ /* * Starting the application */ $app = new Application($appConfig); $app->setAutoloader($autoloader); $app->init(); // build objects $objectFiles = File::scanFiles($config['object_configs'], array('.php'), false, File::Files_Only); foreach ($objectFiles as $file) { $object = substr(basename($file), 0, -4); echo 'build ' . $object . ' : '; $builder = new Db_Object_Builder($object); if ($builder->build()) { echo 'OK'; } else { echo 'Error! ' . strip_tags(implode(', ', $builder->getErrors())); } echo "\n"; }
<?php $app = Application::init(); $app->route()->get('/', function () { $name = Request::get('name', 'jm-factorin'); $user = UserService::createUserByName($name); return View::render('default.index', array('name' => $user->name)); });
public function setuserpassAction() { $pass = Request::post('pass', 'str', ''); $passConfirm = Request::post('pass_confirm', 'str', ''); $lang = Request::post('lang', 'string', 'en'); $timezone = Request::post('timezone', 'string', ''); $email = Request::post('adm_email', 'string', ''); $adminpath = strtolower(Request::post('adminpath', 'string', '')); $user = Request::post('user', 'str', ''); $errors = array(); if (!strlen($user)) { $errors[] = $this->_dictionary['INVALID_USERNAME']; } if (empty($pass) || empty($passConfirm) || $pass != $passConfirm) { $errors[] = $this->_dictionary['PASS_MISMATCH']; } $timezones = timezone_identifiers_list(); if (empty($timezone) || !in_array($timezone, $timezones, true)) { $errors[] = $this->_dictionary['TIMEZOME_REQUIRED']; } if (!Validator_Email::validate($email)) { $errors[] = $this->_dictionary['INVALID_EMAIL']; } if (!Validator_Alphanum::validate($adminpath) || is_dir($this->_docRoot . 'system/app/Backend/' . ucfirst($adminpath))) { $errors[] = $this->_dictionary['INVALID_ADMINPATH']; } if (!empty($errors)) { Response::jsonError(implode(', ', $errors)); } $salt = Utils::getRandomString(4) . '_' . Utils::getRandomString(4); $mainCfgPath = $this->_docRoot . 'system/config/main.php'; $encConfigPath = $this->_docRoot . 'system/config/objects/enc/config.php'; $config = (include $mainCfgPath); $inlineConfig = Config::factory(Config::Simple, 'main'); $inlineConfig->setData($config); $app = new Application($inlineConfig); $app->init(); $mainCfg = '<?php $docRoot = DVELUM_ROOT; $language = \'#lang#\'; return array( \'docroot\' => $docRoot , /* * Development mode * 0 - production * 1 - development * 2 - test (development mode + test DB) */ \'development\' =>1, /* * Development version (used by use_orm_build_log) */ \'development_version\'=>\'0.1\', /* * Write SQL commands when updating Database structure. * It can help to determine if there have been performed any rename operations. * Please note that renaming operations in ORM interface causes loss of data * during server synchronization, so it\'s better to use SQL log. */ \'use_orm_build_log\'=>true, /* * ORM SQL logs path */ \'orm_log_path\'=>$docRoot.\'/.log/orm/\', /* * Background tasks log path */ \'task_log_path\'=>$docRoot.\'/.log/task/\', /* * ORM system object used as links storage */ \'orm_links_object\'=>\'Links\', /* * ORM system object used as history storage */ \'orm_history_object\'=>\'Historylog\', /* * File uploads path */ \'uploads\' => $docRoot . \'/media/\' , /* * Admin panel URL * For safety reasons adminPath may be changed, however, * keep in mind that IDE builds full paths in the current version, * thus, they would have to be manually updated in the projects. */ \'adminPath\' => \'#adminpath#\' , /* * Templates directory */ \'templates\' => $docRoot . \'/templates/\' , /* * Url paths delimiter "_" , "-" or "/" */ \'urlDelimiter\' => \'/\', \'urlExtension\' => \'.html\' , /* * System language * Please note. Changing the language will switch ORM storage settings. */ \'language\' => $language , \'system\' => $docRoot . \'/system/\', \'lang_path\' => $docRoot . \'/system/lang/\' , \'js_lang_path\' => $docRoot. \'/js/lang/\', \'salt\' => \'#salt#\' , \'timezone\' => \'#timezone#\' , \'jsCacheUrl\' => \'js/cache/\' , \'jsCachePath\' => $docRoot . \'/js/cache/\' , \'jsCacheSysUrl\' => \'js/syscache/\', \'jsCacheSysPath\' => \'./js/syscache/\', /* * Сlear the object version history when deleting an object. * The recommended setting is “false”. Thus, even though the object has been deleted, * it can be restored from the previous control system revision. * If set to "true", the object and its history will be totally removed. However, * this allows you to get rid of redundant records in the database. */ \'vc_clear_on_delete\' => false, /* * Main directory for config files */ \'configs\' => $docRoot . \'/system/config/\' , // configs path /* * ORM configs directory */ \'object_configs\' => $docRoot . \'/system/config/objects/\' , /* * Report configs directory */ \'report_configs\' => $docRoot . \'/system/config/reports/\' , /* * Modules directory */ \'modules\'=> $docRoot . \'/system/config/modules/\', /* * Backend modules config file */ \'backend_modules\'=> $docRoot . \'/system/config/modules/\'.$language.\'/backend_modules.php\', /* * Backend controllers path */ \'backend_controllers\'=>$docRoot . \'/system/app/Backend/\', /* * Frontend controllers path */ \'frontend_controllers\'=>$docRoot . \'/system/app/Frontend/\', /* * Frontend modules config file */ \'frontend_modules\'=>$docRoot . \'/system/config/modules/\'.$language.\'/frontend_modules.php\', /* * Application path */ \'application_path\'=>$docRoot . \'/system/app/\', /* * Blocks path */ \'blocks\'=>$docRoot . \'/system/app/Block/\', /* * Dictionary configs directory depending on localization */ \'dictionary\'=>$docRoot . \'/system/config/dictionary/\'.$language.\'/\', /* * Dictionary directory */ \'dictionary_folder\'=>$docRoot . \'/system/config/dictionary/\', /* * Backups directory */ \'backups\' => $docRoot . \'/.backups/\' , \'tmp\' => $docRoot . \'/.tmp/\' , \'mysqlExecPath\' => \'mysql\', \'mysqlDumpExecPath\' => \'mysqldump\', /* * the type of frontend router with two possible values: * \'module\' — using tree-like page structure (‘Pages’ section of the administrative panel); * \'path\' — the router based on the file structure of client controllers. */ \'frontend_router_type\'=>\'module\',// \'module\',\'path\',\'config\' /* * Use memcached */ \'use_cache\' => false, /* * Hard caching time (without validation) for frondend , seconds */ \'frontend_hardcache\'=>30, \'themes\' => $docRoot . \'/templates/public/\' , \'usersOnline\' => false, //Collect users online info, // Autoloader config \'autoloader\' => array( // Paths for autoloading \'paths\'=> array( \'./system/rewrite\', \'./system/app\', \'./system/library\', ), /* * Use class map */ \'useMap\'=>true, /* * Use precompiled code packages * requires useMap property to be set to true */ \'usePackages\' => false, // Use class map (Reduce IO load during autoload) // Class map file path (string / false) \'map\' => $docRoot . \'/system/config/class_map.php\', // Class map file path (with packages) \'mapPackaged\'=> $docRoot . \'/system/config/class_map_packaged.php\', // Packages config path \'packagesConfig\'=> $docRoot . \'/system/config/packages.php\', ), /* * Stop the site with message "Essential maintenance in progress. Please check back later." */ \'maintenance\' => false, /* * Show debug panel (development mode) */ \'debug_panel\'=> false, /* * HTML WYSIWYG Editor * default - ckeditor */ \'html_editor\' =>\'ckeditor\', /* * Use the console command to compile the file system map * (accelerates the compilation process; works only on Linux systems; * execution of the system function should be allowed). */ \'deploy_use_console\'=>false, /* * Use hard cache expiration time defined in frontend_hardcache for caching blocks; * allows to reduce the cache time of dynamic blocks; * is used if there are not enough triggers for cache invalidation */ \'blockmanager_use_hardcache_time\'=>false, /* * Use foreign keys */ \'foreign_keys\' => false, /* * Allow external modules */ \'allow_externals\' => false, /* * www root */ \'wwwroot\' =>\'#wwwroot#\', /* * External modules path (Experimental) */ \'external_modules\' => \'./system/external/\', /* * Log Db_Object errors */ \'db_object_error_log\' =>true, \'db_object_error_log_path\'=>$docRoot.\'/.log/error/db_object.error.log\', /* * Get real rows count for innodb tables (COUNT(*)) * Set it "false" for large data volumes */ \'orm_innodb_real_rows_count\'=>false, /* * Directories for storing data base connection settings as per the system mode */ \'db_configs\' => array( /* key as development mode code */ 0 => array( \'title\'=>\'PRODUCTION\', \'dir\'=> $docRoot . \'/system/config/db/prod/\' ), 1 => array( \'title\'=>\'DEVELOPMENT\', \'dir\'=> $docRoot . \'/system/config/db/dev/\' ), 2=> array( \'title\'=>\'TEST\', \'dir\'=> $docRoot . \'/system/config/db/test/\' ), ), /* * Check modification time for template file. Invalidate cache */ \'template_check_mtime\' => true, /* * ORM system object used as version storage */ \'orm_version_object\' => \'Vc\', /* * Db_Object for error log */ \'erorr_log_object\'=>\'error_log\' );'; $mainCfg = str_replace(array('#salt#', '#timezone#', '#lang#', '#adminpath#', '#wwwroot#'), array($salt, $timezone, $lang, $adminpath, $this->_wwwRoot), $mainCfg); if (!@file_put_contents($mainCfgPath, $mainCfg)) { Response::jsonError($this->_dictionary['CANT_WRITE_FS']); } $key = md5(uniqid(md5(time()))); $encConfig = ' <?php return array( \'key\'=>\'' . $key . '\', \'iv_field\'=>\'enc_key\' ); '; if (!@file_put_contents($encConfigPath, $encConfig)) { Response::jsonError($this->_dictionary['CANT_WRITE_FS'] . ' ' . $encConfigPath); } Utils::setSalt($salt); $mainCfgPath = $this->_docRoot . 'system/config/main.php'; $config = (include $mainCfgPath); $inlineConfig = Config::factory(Config::Simple, 'main'); $inlineConfig->setData($config); Registry::set('main', $inlineConfig, 'config'); if (!$this->_prepareRecords($pass, $email, $user)) { Response::jsonError($this->_dictionary['CANT_WRITE_TO_DB']); } ob_start(); File::rmdirRecursive($this->_docRoot . 'install', true); ob_end_clean(); Response::jsonSuccess(array('link' => Registry::get('main', 'config')->get('adminPath'))); }