コード例 #1

 * Shortcode "Recent Posts" output
 * @since      1.0.0
 * @author     8guild
 * @package    Appica
 * @subpackage Core
$a = shortcode_atts(array('per_page' => '', 'is_excerpt' => '', 'img_size' => '', 'extra_class' => ''), $atts);
$per_page = 'all' === $a['per_page'] ? -1 : absint($a['per_page']);
$is_excerpt = 'yes' === $a['is_excerpt'];
$img_size = Appica_Helpers::get_image_size($a['img_size']);
$classes = Appica_Helpers::get_class_set(array('scroller', 'posts', $a['extra_class']));
$query = new WP_Query(array('posts_per_page' => $per_page, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'ignore_sticky_posts' => true));
 * Start output
if ($query->have_posts()) {
    printf('<div class="%1$s">', $classes);
     * Add the temporary filter to change the excerpt length.
     * Not need in other places, so filter will be removed after WP_Query Loop.
     * @since 1.0.0
    add_filter('excerpt_length', array('Appica_Filters', 'excerpt_length'));
     * Temporary filter to trim the length of excerpt, if custom excerpt specified.