/** * log_message : log message * @param string $level log level * @param string $message message * @return None */ function log_message($level, $message = '') { $level = strtoupper($level); $begin = ''; $end = ''; $log = AppServer::get_instance()->get_log_file(); if (empty($log)) { switch ($level) { case 'ERROR': $begin = "[1;31;40m"; $end = "[0m"; break; case 'INFO': $begin = "[1;32;40m"; $end = "[0m"; break; default: break; } } $output = $begin . date('m-d H:i:s') . ' @' . getmypid() . ' : [' . $level . '] ' . $message . $end . PHP_EOL; if (empty($log)) { fwrite(STDERR, $output); } else { $lock = new swoole_lock(SWOOLE_MUTEX); $lock->lock(); $fp = fopen($log, 'a+'); fwrite($fp, $output); fclose($fp); $lock->unlock(); } }
* This can be set to anything, but default usage is: * * development * testing * production * * NOTE: If you change these, also change the error_reporting() code below * */ define('SYS_ENV', 'development'); /** * SYS_PATH : Path name of the system */ if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/sys')) { define('SYS_PATH', __DIR__ . '/sys'); } else { define('SYS_PATH', __DIR__ . '/vendor/robinmin/swale/sys'); } /** * APP_PATH : Path name of the current application */ define('APP_PATH', __DIR__ . '/apps'); /** * Load necessary class definition to start the server */ require SYS_PATH . '/core/bootstrap.php'; /** * Start the Application server */ AppServer::get_instance([])->start();
public function test_session() { $app = super_app::get_app(); $new_val = rand(1, 9999); $app->session->set('once', $new_val); $domain = AppServer::get_instance()->config->get('session_domain', __METHOD__); $test = $app->session->get('once'); $this->_assert_true($new_val === $test && $new_val === $_SESSION[$domain]['once'], 'Run task'); }
$query = $sql->prepare("INSERT INTO `lendedserver` (`serverid`,`servertype`,`rcon`,`password`,`slots`,`started`,`lendtime`,`lenderip`,`ftpuploadpath`,`resellerid`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,NOW(),?,?,AES_ENCRYPT(?,?),?)"); $query->execute(array($serverid, 'g', $rcon, $password, $slots, $lendtime, $loguserip, $ftpuploadpath, $aeskey, $reseller_id)); $query = $sql->prepare("INSERT INTO `lendstats` (`lendDate`,`serverID`,`serverType`,`lendtime`,`slots`,`resellerID`) VALUES (NOW(),?,?,?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `resellerID`=`resellerID`"); $query->execute(array($serverid, 'g', $lendtime, $slots, $reseller_id)); $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT g.`id`,g.`serverip`,g.`port`,g.`rootID`,t.`description` FROM `gsswitch` g LEFT JOIN `serverlist` s ON s.`switchID`=g.`id` LEFT JOIN `servertypes` t ON s.`servertype`=t.`id` WHERE s.`id`=? AND s.`resellerid`=? LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(array($serverid, $reseller_id)); while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $serverip = $row['serverip']; $port = $row['port']; $description = $row['description']; $updateID = $row['id']; $rootID = $row['rootID']; } $query = $insert = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `serverid`=? WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(array($serverid, $updateID, $reseller_id)); $appServer = new AppServer($rootID); $appServer->getAppServerDetails($updateID); $appServer->startApp(); $appServer->execute(); if (!isset($page_include) and $ui->id('xml', 1, 'post') == 1) { $xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $element = $xml->createElement('startserver'); $key = $xml->createElement('status', 'started'); $element->appendChild($key); $key = $xml->createElement('ip', $serverip); $element->appendChild($key); $key = $xml->createElement('port', $port); $element->appendChild($key); $key = $xml->createElement('slots', $slots); $element->appendChild($key); $key = $xml->createElement('lendtime', $lendtime);
} else { $template_file = 'admin_404.tpl'; } } // Gameserver Restart } else { if (in_array($ui->st('d', 'get'), array('rs', 'st', 'du')) and $ui->id('id', 10, 'get')) { $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `serverip`,`port`,`rootID` FROM `gsswitch` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(array($id, $resellerLockupID)); while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $gsip = $row['serverip']; $port = $row['port']; $rootID = $row['rootID']; } if ($query->rowCount() > 0) { $appServer = new AppServer($rootID); $appServer->getAppServerDetails($id); if ($ui->st('d', 'get') == 'rs') { $appServer->startApp(); $template_file = $sprache->serverrestart; $loguseraction = '%start% %gserver% ' . $gsip . ':' . $port; } else { if ($ui->st('d', 'get') == 'st') { $appServer->stopApp(); $template_file = $sprache->serverstop; $loguseraction = '%stop% %gserver% ' . $gsip . ':' . $port; } } $return = $appServer->execute(); if (isset($dbConnect['debug']) and $dbConnect['debug'] == 1) { $template_file .= '<br><pre>' . implode("\r\n", $appServer->debug()) . '</pre>';
* * Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem * Programm erhalten haben. Wenn nicht, siehe <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ if (!defined('AJAXINCLUDED')) { die('Do not access directly!'); } if (!isset($resellerLockupID)) { $resellerLockupID = $reseller_id; } $array = array('lastLog' => 0, 'log' => ''); $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT r.`ip` AS `ftp_ip`,r.`ftpport`,u.`cname`,g.`id`,g.`newlayout`,g.`rootID`,g.`serverip`,g.`port`,g.`protected`,AES_DECRYPT(g.`ftppassword`,?) AS `dftppass`,AES_DECRYPT(g.`ppassword`,?) AS `decryptedftppass`,s.`servertemplate`,t.`binarydir`,t.`shorten` FROM `gsswitch` AS g INNER JOIN `userdata` AS u ON u.`id`=g.`userid` INNER JOIN `rserverdata` AS r ON r.`id`=g.`rootID` INNER JOIN `serverlist` AS s ON g.`serverid`=s.`id` INNER JOIN `servertypes` AS t ON s.`servertype`=t.`id` WHERE g.`id`=? AND g.`userid`=? AND g.`resellerid`=? LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(array($aeskey, $aeskey, $ui->id('id', 10, 'get'), $user_id, $resellerLockupID)); while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($ui->escaped('cmd', 'post')) { $appServer = new AppServer($row['rootID']); $appServer->getAppServerDetails($ui->id('id', 10, 'get')); $appServer->shellCommand($ui->escaped('cmd', 'post')); $appServer->execute(); } else { $shorten = $row['shorten']; $ftppass = $row['dftppass']; $username = $row['newlayout'] == 'Y' ? $row['cname'] . '-' . $row['id'] : $row['cname']; if ($row['protected'] == 'N' and $row['servertemplate'] > 1) { $shorten .= '-' . $row['servertemplate']; $pserver = 'server/'; } else { if ($row['protected'] == 'Y') { $username .= '-p'; $ftppass = $row['decryptedftppass']; $pserver = '';
} else { $updated = false; } $ftppass = $ui->password('ftppass', 100, 'post'); if ($ftpAccess == 'Y') { $query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `serverid`=?,`ftppassword`=AES_ENCRYPT(?,?) WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(array($switchID, $ftppass, $aeskey, $id, $resellerLockupID)); $updated = $query->rowCount() > 0 ? true : $updated; if (isset($oldID, $switchID, $oldProtected) and $oldID != $switchID and $oldProtected == 'Y') { $query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `protected`='N' WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(array($id, $resellerLockupID)); $updated = $query->rowCount() > 0 ? true : $updated; } } if ($updated) { $appServer = new AppServer($rootID); $appServer->getAppServerDetails($id); if (isset($oldPass, $ftppass) and $ftppass != $oldPass) { $appServer->userCud('add'); } if (isset($oldID, $switchID, $oldServerTemplate, $serverTemplate) and ($oldID != $switchID or $oldServerTemplate != $serverTemplate)) { $appServer->startApp(); } $loguseraction = '%mod% %gserver% ' . $server; $insertlog->execute(); $template_file = $spracheResponse->table_add; $appServer->execute(); if (isset($dbConnect['debug']) and $dbConnect['debug'] == 1) { $template_file .= '<br><pre>' . implode("\r\n", $appServer->debug()) . '</pre>'; } } else {
$logreseller = 0; if (isset($admin_id)) { $logsubuser = $admin_id; } else { if (isset($subuser_id)) { $logsubuser = $subuser_id; } else { $logsubuser = 0; } } if ($ui->st('d', 'get') == 'ud' and $ui->id('id', 10, 'get') and (!isset($_SESSION['sID']) or in_array($ui->id('id', 10, 'get'), $substituteAccess['gs']))) { $id = (int) $ui->id('id', 10, 'get'); $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT g.`rootID`,g.`masterfdl`,g.`mfdldata`,g.`serverip`,g.`port`,u.`fdlpath` FROM `gsswitch` AS g INNER JOIN `userdata` AS u ON g.`userid`=u.`id` WHERE g.`active`='Y' AND g.`id`=? AND g.`resellerid`=? LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(array($id, $resellerLockupID)); while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $appServer = new AppServer($row['rootID']); $appServer->getAppServerDetails($id); $appServer->fastDLSync($row['masterfdl'] == 'Y' ? $row['fdlpath'] : $row['mfdldata']); $appServer->execute(); $template_file = $sprache->fdlstarted; if (isset($dbConnect['debug']) and $dbConnect['debug'] == 1) { $template_file .= '<br><pre>' . implode("\r\n", $appServer->debug()) . '</pre>'; } $loguseraction = '%start% %fastdl% ' . $row['serverip'] . ':' . $row['port']; $insertlog->execute(); } } else { if ($ui->st('d', 'get') == 'es' and $ui->id('id', 10, 'get') and (!isset($_SESSION['sID']) or in_array($ui->id('id', 10, 'get'), $substituteAccess['gs']))) { $errors = array(); $id = (int) $ui->id('id', 10, 'get'); $masterfdl = $ui->active('masterfdl', 'post');
while ($row2 = $query2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $installedShorten[$row2['shorten']] = $row2['description']; if ($row2['id'] == $row['serverid']) { $runningGame = $row2['shorten']; } } $query3->execute(array($row['serverid'])); while ($row3 = $query3->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $lendID = $row3['id']; $password = $row3['password']; $rcon = $row3['rcon']; $slots = $row3['slots']; $timeleft = round($row3['lendtime'] - (strtotime($row3['now']) - strtotime($row3['started'])) / 60); $time = $timeleft <= 0 ? 0 : $timeleft . '/' . $row3['lendtime']; if ($time == 0 or $shutDownEmpty == 'Y' and $row3['lendtime'] - $timeleft > $shutDownEmptyTime and $row['queryNumplayers'] < 1) { $appServer = new AppServer($row['rootID']); $appServer->getAppServerDetails($row['id']); $appServer->stopApp(); $appServer->execute(); $deleteQuery->execute(array($row3['id'])); $lendID = null; $time = 0; } if (!isset($nextfree) or $nextfree > $timeleft) { $nextfree = $timeleft; } } $lendGameServers[] = array('id' => $lendID, 'password' => $password, 'rcon' => $rcon, 'ip' => $row['serverip'], 'port' => (int) $row['port'], 'queryName' => htmlentities($row['queryName'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'queryMap' => htmlentities($row['queryMap'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'runningGame' => $runningGame, 'games' => $installedShorten, 'slots' => (int) $slots, 'usedslots' => (int) $row['queryNumplayers'], 'timeleft' => $time); } if (!isset($nextfree)) { $nextfree = 0;
/** * __get : get plugin by name for current working process * @param string $plugin plugin name * @return mixed plugin instance or false if none can be found */ public function __get($plugin) { // if can find the plugin in sys_plugin list $plgn = AppServer::get_instance()->get_plugin($plugin); if ($plgn === false) { // if can find the plugin in http_plugin list return parent::__get($plugin); } return $plgn; }
$parts = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $parts['query']; parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $_GET); $headers = evhttp_request_headers($r); // normalize to php way foreach ($headers as $name => $value) { $_SERVER["HTTP_" . str_replace("-", "_", strtoupper($name))] = $value; } echo "script-land memory: " . memory_get_usage() . "\n"; } public function processRequest($r) { try { $this->_initRequest($r); $response = $this->controller->dispatch(); } catch (Exception $e) { return $e->__toString(); } return evhttp_response_set($response->getBody(), $response->getHttpResponseCode(), "OK"); } public function run() { event_init(); $this->httpd = evhttp_start($this->addr, $this->port); evhttp_set_gencb($this->httpd, array($this, 'processRequest')); echo "Application listening at {$this->addr}:{$this->port}...\n"; event_dispatch(); } } $app = new AppServer("", 8080); $app->run();
/** * init : init function * @return boolean operation result */ public function init() { $svr = AppServer::get_instance(); $option = isset($svr->config['cache']) ? $svr->config['cache'] : array(); $ssdb = new SSDB\Client(isset($option['ip']) ? $option['ip'] : '', isset($option['port']) ? $option['port'] : 8888); $handler = new SSDBSession\SessionHandler($ssdb); session_set_save_handler($handler, true); session_start(); }
$shortens[] = $row['shorten'] . '-2'; $shortens[] = $row['shorten'] . '-3'; } $template_file = 'userpanel_gserver_backup_rb.tpl'; } else { if ($ui->w('action', 3, 'post') == 'rb2' and $ui->gamestring('template', 'post') and isset($rootID)) { $shortens = array(); $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT(t.`shorten`) FROM `serverlist` s LEFT JOIN `servertypes` t ON s.`servertype`=t.`id` WHERE s.`switchID`=?"); $query->execute(array($id)); while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $shortens[] = $row['shorten']; $shortens[] = $row['shorten'] . '-2'; $shortens[] = $row['shorten'] . '-3'; } if (in_array($ui->gamestring('template', 'post'), $shortens)) { $appServer = new AppServer($rootID); $appServer->getAppServerDetails($id); $appServer->backupDeploy($ui->gamestring('template', 'post'), $ftpUploadString); $appServer->execute(); $template_file = $sprache->backup_recover; if (isset($dbConnect['debug']) and $dbConnect['debug'] == 1) { $template_file .= '<br><pre>' . implode("\r\n", $appServer->debug()) . '</pre>'; } } else { $template_file = 'userpanel_404.tpl'; } } else { $template_file = 'userpanel_404.tpl'; } } }
$table = array(); if ($reseller_id == 0) { $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id`,`serverip`,`port` FROM `gsswitch` WHERE `rootID`=?"); $query->execute(array($id)); } else { $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id`,`serverip`,`port` FROM `gsswitch` WHERE `rootID`=? AND `resellerid`=?"); $query->execute(array($id, $resellerLockupID)); } while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $table[$row['id']] = array('ip' => $row['serverip'], 'port' => $row['port']); } $template_file = 'admin_roots_ri.tpl'; } else { if ($ui->st('action', 'post') == 'ri' and $ui->id('serverID', 10, 'post')) { include EASYWIDIR . '/stuff/methods/class_app.php'; $appServer = new AppServer($id); $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT t.`shorten` FROM `serverlist` AS s INNER JOIN `servertypes` AS t ON t.`id`=s.`servertype` WHERE s.`switchID`=?"); $query2 = $sql->prepare("SELECT g.`serverip`,g.`port`,t.`shorten` FROM `gsswitch` AS g INNER JOIN `serverlist` AS s ON s.`id`=g.`serverid` INNER JOIN `servertypes` AS t ON t.`id`=s.`servertype` WHERE g.`id`=? LIMIT 1"); foreach ((array) $ui->id('serverID', 10, 'post') as $serverID) { $removeTemplates = array(); $appServer->getAppServerDetails($serverID); $appServer->userCud('add'); $appServer->stopAppHard(); $query->execute(array($serverID)); while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $removeTemplates[] = $row['shorten']; $removeTemplates[] = $row['shorten'] . '-2'; $removeTemplates[] = $row['shorten'] . '-3'; } if (count($removeTemplates) > 0) { $appServer->removeApp($removeTemplates);
unset($internalUserID, $customer); $query4->execute(array(json_encode(array('I' => $row['importID'])), getParam('belongsToID'), $resellerID)); foreach ($query4->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row2) { $internalUserID = $row2['id']; $customer = $row2['cname']; } if (isset($internalUserID) and isset($customer) and isid($internalUserID, 11)) { $passwordGenerate = passwordgenerate(10); $query5->execute(array($passwordGenerate, $aeskey, $internalUserID, $gameRootIPs[$arrayIP]['id'], getParam('ip'), getParam('port'), getParam('port2'), getParam('slots'), $taskset, $core, getParam('protectionMode'), json_encode(array('I' => $row['importID'])), getParam('externalID'), $resellerID)); $switchID = $sql->lastInsertId(); $tickrate = getParam('tickrate') > 0 ? getParam('tickrate') : 66; $startMap = strlen(getParam('startMap')) > 0 ? getParam('startMap') : $defaultMap; $query6->execute(array($tickrate, $startMap, $switchID, $servertypeID, $resellerID)); $query7->execute(array($sql->lastInsertId(), $switchID)); $ftpConnectString = 'ftp://' . str_replace('//', '/', getParam('ip') . ':' . $gameRootIPs[$arrayIP]['ftpPort'] . '/' . getParam('path') . '/' . $servertypeModFolder); $appServer = new AppServer($gameRootIPs[$arrayIP]['id']); $appServer->getAppServerDetails($switchID); $appServer->migrateToEasyWi(array('user' => getParam('ftpUser'), 'password' => getParam('ftpPass'), 'path' => '/' . getParam('path') . '/' . $servertypeModFolder, 'connectString' => $ftpConnectString), getParam('shorten'), $servertypeModFolder); $appServer->execute(); printText('Import Gameserver. Address: ' . getParam('ip') . ':' . getParam('port') . '. And shorten:' . getParam('shorten')); } else { printText('Error: Import skipped since no user with external userID ' . getParam('belongsToID') . ' for gameserver with address: ' . getParam('ip') . ':' . getParam('port') . ' and shorten:' . getParam('shorten')); } } } else { printText('Error: No masterserver with the shorten ' . getParam('shorten') . ' found. Gameserver update skipped for address: ' . getParam('ip') . ':' . getParam('port')); } } else { printText('Error: No game rootserver found with the IP ' . getParam('ip') . '. Gameserver not imported: ' . getParam('ip') . ':' . getParam('port') . ' (' . getParam('shorten') . ')'); } }
} if (isset($admin_id)) { $logsubuser = $admin_id; } else { if (isset($subuser_id)) { $logsubuser = $subuser_id; } else { $logsubuser = 0; } } if ($ui->id('id', 10, 'get') and $ui->id('adid', 10, 'get') and in_array($ui->st('action', 'get'), array('ad', 'dl')) and (!isset($_SESSION['sID']) or in_array($ui->id('id', 10, 'get'), $substituteAccess['gs']))) { $id = (int) $ui->id('id', 10, 'get'); $addonID = (int) $ui->id('adid', 10, 'get'); $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `rootID` FROM `gsswitch` WHERE `id`=? AND `userid`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(array($id, $user_id, $resellerLockupID)); $appServer = new AppServer($query->fetchColumn()); $appServer->getAppServerDetails($id); // Will be false in case no fitting data could be fetched before if ($appServer->appServerDetails) { $query2 = $sql->prepare("INSERT INTO `addons_installed` (`userid`,`addonid`,`serverid`,`servertemplate`,`paddon`,`resellerid`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"); $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `addon`,`paddon` FROM `addons` WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? AND `active`='Y' LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(array($addonID, $resellerLockupID)); while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $protectedAllowed = $row['paddon']; $addonName = $row['addon']; if ($ui->st('action', 'get') == 'ad') { // Check if the addon is allowed for installing if ($appServer->appServerDetails['protectionModeStarted'] == 'N' or $appServer->appServerDetails['protectionModeStarted'] == 'Y' and $protectedAllowed == 'Y') { $query2->execute(array($user_id, $addonID, $appServer->appServerDetails['app']['id'], $appServer->appServerDetails['app']['servertemplate'], $appServer->appServerDetails['protectionModeStarted'], $resellerLockupID)); $template_file = $sprache->addon_inst; $actionstatus = 'ok';
/** * get_instance : Get unique object of server * @param array $config config object * @return object object of server */ public static function get_instance($config = array()) { if (empty(self::$_self)) { self::$_self = new AppServer($config); } return self::$_self; }
$connection->CloseConnection(); } usleep(500000); } } $currenttime = strtolower(date('D', strtotime("{$resellerstimezone} hour"))) . '_' . date('G', strtotime("{$resellerstimezone} hour")); $query2 = $sql->prepare("SELECT g.`id`,CONCAT(g.`serverip`,':',g.`port`) AS `server`,g.`protected`,AES_DECRYPT(`ftpbackup`,?) AS `backup` FROM `gsswitch` AS g INNER JOIN `userdata` AS u ON u.`id`=g.`userid` WHERE g.`rootID`=? AND g.`active`='Y' AND g.`lendserver`='N' AND g.`stopped`='N' AND u.`active`='Y'"); $query3 = $sql->prepare("SELECT r.*,s.`id` AS `server_id` FROM `gserver_restarts` AS r INNER JOIN `servertypes` AS t ON t.`shorten`=r.`gsswitch` AND t.`resellerid`=r.`resellerid` INNER JOIN `serverlist` AS s ON s.`servertype`=t.`id` AND s.`switchID`=r.`switchID` WHERE r.`switchID`=? AND r.`restarttime`=? LIMIT 1"); $query4 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `serverid`=? WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1"); $query5 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `serverlist` SET `anticheat`=?,`map`=?,`mapGroup`=?,`servertemplate`=? WHERE `id`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1"); $query6 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `ppassword`=AES_ENCRYPT(?,?) WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1"); $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `id`,`resellerid` FROM `rserverdata` WHERE `active`='Y'"); $query->execute(); while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $resellerLockupID = $row['resellerid']; $appServer = new AppServer($row['id']); $query2->execute(array($aeskey, $row['id'])); while ($row2 = $query2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $query3->execute(array($row2['id'], $currenttime)); while ($row3 = $query3->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $query4->execute(array($row3['server_id'], $row3['switchID'], $resellerLockupID)); $query5->execute(array($row3['anticheat'], $row3['map'], $row3['mapGroup'], $row3['template'], $row3['server_id'], $resellerLockupID)); $appServer->getAppServerDetails($row3['switchID']); if ($row3['restart'] == 'N' and $row3['worldsafe'] == 'Y') { $appServer->mcWorldSave(); echo 'MC worldsave: ' . $row2['server'] . "\r\n"; } if ($row3['restart'] == 'N' and $row3['upload'] == 'Y') { $appServer->demoUpload(); echo 'Demo upload for: ' . $row2['server'] . "\r\n"; }
} } } } else { print "Not Stopping as database leftover: {$address}\r\n"; } } } $query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `queryName`=?,`queryNumplayers`=?,`queryMaxplayers`=?,`queryMap`=?,`queryPassword`=?,`queryUpdatetime`=?,`notified`=? WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(array($name, $numplayers, $maxplayers, $map, $password, $logdate, $notified, $switchID)); } } unset($gq); foreach ($startStopList as $resellerLockupID => $rootServer) { foreach ($rootServer as $rootID => $actionList) { $appServer = new AppServer($rootID); foreach ($actionList as $action => $switchIDs) { foreach ($switchIDs as $switchID) { $appServer->getAppServerDetails($switchID); if ($action == 'start') { $appServer->startApp(); } else { $appServer->stopApp(); } } } $appServer->execute(); if (isset($dbConnect['debug']) and $dbConnect['debug'] == 1) { print implode("\r\n", $appServer->debug()) . "\r\n"; } }
* This can be set to anything, but default usage is: * * development * testing * production * * NOTE: If you change these, also change the error_reporting() code below * */ define('SYS_ENV', 'development'); /** * SYS_PATH : Path name of the system */ if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/sys')) { define('SYS_PATH', __DIR__ . '/sys'); } else { define('SYS_PATH', __DIR__ . '/vendor/robinmin/swale/sys'); } /** * APP_PATH : Path name of the current application */ define('APP_PATH', __DIR__ . '/apps'); /** * Load necessary class definition to start the server */ require SYS_PATH . '/core/bootstrap.php'; /** * Start the Application server */ AppServer::get_instance([])->request($argv);
if ($ftp->ftpConnection and !$ftp->loggedIn) { $error[] = $sprache->ftp_user; $error[] = $sprache->ftp_password; } else { if (!in_array($sprache->ftp_adresse, $error)) { $error[] = $sprache->ftp_adresse; } if (!in_array($sprache->ftp_port, $error)) { $error[] = $sprache->ftp_port; } } } if (count($error) == 0 and isset($rootID)) { $ftpConnectString = $ssl == 'N' ? 'ftp://' : 'ftps://'; $ftpConnectString .= $ftpAddress . ':' . $ftpPort . str_replace(array('//', '///'), '/', '/' . $ftpPath); $appServer = new AppServer($rootID); $appServer->getAppServerDetails($thisID); $appServer->migrateToEasyWi(array('user' => $ftpUser, 'password' => $ftpPassword, 'path' => $ftpPath, 'connectString' => $ftpConnectString), $gameSwitchTemplate, $modFolder); $appServer->execute(); $template_file = $sprache->import_start; if (isset($dbConnect['debug']) and $dbConnect['debug'] == 1) { $template_file .= '<br><pre>' . implode("\r\n", $appServer->debug()) . '</pre>'; } $loguseraction = '%import% %gserver% ' . $address; $insertlog->execute(); } } } if (!isset($template_file) and isset($customer)) { $template_file = 'userpanel_gserver_migration.tpl'; }
* Programm erhalten haben. Wenn nicht, siehe <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `hostID`,`resellerID` FROM `jobs` WHERE (`status` IS NULL OR `status`='1') AND `type`='gs' GROUP BY `hostID`"); $query2 = $sql->prepare("SELECT * FROM `jobs` WHERE (`status` IS NULL OR `status`='1') AND `type`='gs' AND `hostID`=?"); $query3 = $sql->prepare("SELECT `serverip`,`port`,`pallowed` FROM `gsswitch` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1"); $query4 = $sql->prepare("DELETE FROM `gsswitch` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1"); $query5 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `jobs` SET `status`='3' WHERE `jobID`=? LIMIT 1"); $query6 = $sql->prepare("SELECT t.`shorten` FROM `serverlist` AS s INNER JOIN `servertypes` AS t ON t.`id`=s.`servertype` WHERE s.`switchID`=?"); $query7 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `serverip`=?,`port`=? WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1"); $query8 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `gsswitch` SET `jobPending`='N' WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1"); $query9 = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `jobs` SET `status`='2' WHERE `jobID`=? LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(); while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { // at web part set within settings.php; here in the job needs to be set on a root by root case $resellerLockupID = $row['resellerID']; $appServer = new AppServer($row['hostID']); $query2->execute(array($row['hostID'])); while ($row2 = $query2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $appServer->getAppServerDetails($row2['affectedID']); $extraData = @json_decode($row2['extraData']); $query3->execute(array($row2['affectedID'])); while ($row3 = $query3->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $gsIP = $row3['serverip']; $port = $row3['port']; $protectedAllowed = $row3['pallowed']; } if ($query3->rowCount() > 0) { if ($row2['action'] == 'dl') { $appServer->stopAppHard(); $appServer->userCud('del', 'both'); $query4->execute(array($row2['affectedID']));
$logusertype = 'user'; $logreseller = 0; if (isset($admin_id)) { $logsubuser = $admin_id; } else { if (isset($subuser_id)) { $logsubuser = $subuser_id; } else { $logsubuser = 0; } } $id = $ui->id('id', 10, 'get'); $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `rootID` FROM `gsswitch` WHERE `id`=? AND `userid`=? AND `resellerid`=? LIMIT 1"); $query->execute(array($id, $user_id, $resellerLockupID)); $rootID = $query->fetchColumn(); $appServer = new AppServer($rootID); $appServer->getAppServerDetails($id); if ($query->rowCount() == 0 or !$appServer->appServerDetails or $appServer->appServerDetails['protectionModeAllowed'] == 'N' or isset($_SESSION['sID']) and !in_array($id, $substituteAccess['gs'])) { redirect('userpanel.php'); } else { if ($rootID > 0) { $files = array(); foreach (explode("\r\n", $appServer->appServerDetails['template']['protectedSaveCFGs']) as $cfg) { if ($cfg != '') { $files[] = $cfg; } } if ($appServer->appServerDetails['protectionModeStarted'] == 'Y') { $protected = 'N'; $template_file = $sprache->protect . ' ' . $sprache->off2; $loguseraction = '%stop% %pmode% ' . $appServer->appServerDetails['serverIP'] . ':' . $appServer->appServerDetails['port'];