コード例 #1
 public function actionIndex()
     Yii::trace('[JOBS][actionIndex] Show jobs page');
     $data = array('knight' => &$this->user_data['knights'], 'spearsMaterial' => SpearsMaterials::model()->findAll(array('index' => 'id')), 'app_rules_level' => AppRulesLevel::model()->findAll(array('index' => 'level')), 'job' => Jobs::model()->find('knights_id=:knights_id AND status = :status', array(':knights_id' => Yii::app()->user->knights_id, ':status' => Jobs::STATUS_WORKING)));
     //Check if user is not at job and user wants one and his status is enable.
     if (!$data['job'] && ($this->user_data['knights']->status == Knights::STATUS_ENABLE || $this->user_data['knights']->status == Knights::STATUS_WITHOUT_EQUIPMENT) && isset($_POST['hours']) && is_numeric($_POST['hours']) && $_POST['hours'] > 0 && $_POST['hours'] < 9) {
         Yii::trace('[JOBS][actionIndex] Inserting a new job');
         $data['job'] = new Jobs();
         $data['job']->attributes = array('knights_id' => Yii::app()->user->knights_id, 'knight_level' => $this->user_data['knights']->level, 'date' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . ' +' . $_POST['hours'] . ' hour' . ($_POST['hours'] > 1 ? 's' : ''))), 'hours' => $_POST['hours'], 'status' => Jobs::STATUS_WORKING);
         //Insert new job
         if ($data['job']->save()) {
             //Change status of knight
             $this->user_data['knights']->status = Knights::STATUS_AT_WORK;
             if (!$this->user_data['knights']->save()) {
                 Yii::trace('[JOBS][index] No se ha podido poner al caballero en estado trabajando');
         } else {
             //Upss fail job
             Yii::trace('[JOBS][index] Jobs save is fail');
             $data['job'] = null;
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['hours'])) {
             if ($data['job']) {
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', 'Ya tienes un trabajo. No puedes hacer como los políticos de trabajar en otra cosa mientras estás contratado.');
             if ($this->user_data['knights']->status != Knights::STATUS_ENABLE && $this->user_data['knights']->status != Knights::STATUS_WITHOUT_EQUIPMENT) {
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', 'No puedes trabajar si ya estás trabajando o en mitad de un combate.');
             if (!is_numeric($_POST['hours']) || $_POST['hours'] <= 0 || $_POST['hours'] > 8) {
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', 'El número de horas es confuso. ¿Que estás haciendo?' . $_POST['hours']);
     $this->render('index', $data);
コード例 #2
  * Accept or rejec a challenge.
 public function actionResponseChallenge()
     $output = array('errno' => 1, 'html' => '');
     //Check session is enable
     if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
         //Check input
         if (isset($_GET['action']) && ($_GET['action'] == 'accept' || $_GET['action'] == 'reject') && isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] > 0) {
             //Check if combat exit
             $arrayWith = array(array('fromKnight' => array('knightsCard')), array('toKnight' => array('knightsCard')), 'combatsPrecombat');
             $combat = Combats::model()->with($arrayWith)->findByPk($_GET['id']);
             //ECHO $combat->fromKnight->knightsCard->act;DIE();
             if ($combat) {
                 //Check if combat is in status
                 if ($combat->status == Combats::STATUS_PENDING) {
                     //Check if knights are free to combat
                     if ($combat->fromKnight->status == Knights::STATUS_ENABLE && $combat->toKnight->status == Knights::STATUS_ENABLE) {
                         //Check if user is in combat
                         if ($combat->toKnight->id == Yii::app()->user->knights_id) {
                             //check if rival is connected
                             //if( Sessions::model()->exists( 'users_id = :users_id AND expire > :expire', array(':users_id'=>$combat->fromKnight->users_id,':expire'=>time())) ){
                             if (Yii::app()->cache->get(Yii::app()->params['cacheKeys']['knight_connected'] . $combat->fromKnight->id)) {
                                 //Update combat
                                 if ($_GET['action'] == 'accept') {
                                     $combat->status = Combats::STATUS_ENABLE;
                                 } else {
                                     $combat->status = Combats::STATUS_FINISHED;
                                     $combat->result = Combats::RESULT_REJECT;
                                     $output['html'] = '<p>¡COMBATE RECHAZADO!</p><p>Sales de la sala lo más dignamente posible antes de que las lágrimas broten de tus ojos. Este acto de cobardía te perseguirá toda tu vida.</p>';
                                 if ($combat->save()) {
                                     //Update cache combat
                                     Yii::app()->cache->set(Yii::app()->params['cacheKeys']['combat'] . $combat->id, $combat, Yii::app()->params['cachetime']['combat']);
                                     if ($_GET['action'] == 'accept') {
                                          * Create PRECOMBAT
                                         //For random
                                         $from_knight_fans_throw = rand(1, 10);
                                         $to_knight_fans_throw = rand(1, 10);
                                         //Get cache of knights depending of his fame
                                         $from_knight_fame = floor(($combat->fromKnight->knightsCard->charisma + $combat->fromKnight->knightsCard->act) / 2);
                                         $to_knight_fame = floor(($combat->toKnight->knightsCard->charisma + $combat->toKnight->knightsCard->act) / 2);
                                         $from_knight_appRulesLevel = AppRulesLevel::model()->find('level=:level', array(':level' => $from_knight_fame));
                                         $to_knight_appRulesLevel = AppRulesLevel::model()->find('level=:level', array(':level' => $to_knight_fame));
                                         //Calculate gate
                                         $from_knight_prize_by_entrance = round($from_knight_appRulesLevel->cache / ($from_knight_fame + 11 / 2), 2);
                                         $to_knight_prize_by_entrance = round($to_knight_appRulesLevel->cache / ($to_knight_fame + 11 / 2), 2);
                                         $from_knight_gate = round(($from_knight_fame + $from_knight_fans_throw) * $from_knight_prize_by_entrance, 2);
                                         $to_knight_gate = round(($to_knight_fame + $from_knight_fans_throw) * $to_knight_prize_by_entrance, 2);
                                         $precombat = new CombatsPrecombat();
                                         $precombat->attributes = array('combats_id' => $combat->id, 'from_knight_cache' => $from_knight_appRulesLevel->cache, 'from_knight_fame' => $combat->fromKnight->knightsCard->charisma + $combat->fromKnight->knightsCard->act, 'from_knight_fans_throw' => $from_knight_fans_throw, 'to_knight_cache' => $to_knight_appRulesLevel->cache, 'to_knight_fame' => $combat->toKnight->knightsCard->charisma + $combat->toKnight->knightsCard->act, 'to_knight_fans_throw' => $to_knight_fans_throw, 'from_knight_gate' => $from_knight_gate, 'to_knight_gate' => $to_knight_gate);
                                         if ($precombat->save()) {
                                             //Make first round
                                             $roundOne = new Rounds();
                                             $roundOne->attributes = array('combats_id' => $combat->id, 'number' => 1, 'status' => Rounds::STATUS_PENDING);
                                             if ($roundOne->save()) {
                                                 //Change status of knights in combat mode
                                                 $combat->fromKnight->status = Knights::STATUS_AT_COMBAT;
                                                 if (!$combat->fromKnight->save()) {
                                                     Yii::trace('[CHARACTER][actionResponseChallenge] No se ha podido actualizar el caballero from con status en combate');
                                                 //Update caches
                                                 Yii::app()->cache->set(Yii::app()->params['cacheKeys']['knights'] . $combat->fromKnight->id, $combat->fromKnight, Yii::app()->params['cachetime']['knight']);
                                                 Yii::app()->cache->set(Yii::app()->params['cacheKeys']['knights_by_name'] . $combat->fromKnight->name, $combat->fromKnight, Yii::app()->params['cachetime']['knight']);
                                                 $combat->toKnight->status = Knights::STATUS_AT_COMBAT;
                                                 if (!$combat->toKnight->save()) {
                                                     Yii::trace('[CHARACTER][actionResponseChallenge] No se ha podido actualizar el caballero to knight con status en combate');
                                                 Yii::app()->cache->set(Yii::app()->params['cacheKeys']['knights'] . $combat->toKnight->id, $combat->toKnight, Yii::app()->params['cachetime']['knight']);
                                                 Yii::app()->cache->set(Yii::app()->params['cacheKeys']['knights_by_name'] . $combat->toKnight->name, $combat->toKnight, Yii::app()->params['cachetime']['knight']);
                                                  * Check stats vs
                                                 $from_knight_stats_vs = KnightsStatsVs::model()->find('knights_id = :knights_id AND opponent = :opponent', array(':knights_id' => $combat->fromKnight->id, ':opponent' => $combat->toKnight->id));
                                                 //If not exist we make a new
                                                 if (!$from_knight_stats_vs) {
                                                     $from_knight_stats_vs = new KnightsStatsVs();
                                                     $from_knight_stats_vs->attributes = array('knights_id' => $combat->fromKnight->id, 'opponent' => $combat->toKnight->id, 'money_total_earned' => 0);
                                                 $to_knight_stats_vs = KnightsStatsVs::model()->find('knights_id = :knights_id AND opponent = :opponent', array(':knights_id' => $combat->toKnight->id, ':opponent' => $combat->fromKnight->id));
                                                 if (!$to_knight_stats_vs) {
                                                     $to_knight_stats_vs = new KnightsStatsVs();
                                                     $to_knight_stats_vs->attributes = array('knights_id' => $combat->toKnight->id, 'opponent' => $combat->fromKnight->id, 'money_total_earned' => 0);
                                                  * Check stats by day
                                                 $from_knight_stats_by_day = KnightsStatsByDate::model()->find('knights_id = :knights_id AND date = :date', array(':knights_id' => $combat->fromKnight->id, ':date' => substr($combat->date, 0, 10)));
                                                 if (!$from_knight_stats_by_day) {
                                                     $from_knight_stats_by_day = new KnightsStatsByDate();
                                                     $from_knight_stats_by_day->attributes = array('knights_id' => $combat->fromKnight->id, 'date' => substr($combat->date, 0, 10));
                                                     if (!$from_knight_stats_by_day->save()) {
                                                         Yii::trace('[CHARACTER][actionResponseChallenge] No se ha podido crear la nueva columna de stats por dia del caballero from knight.', 'error');
                                                 $to_knight_stats_by_day = KnightsStatsByDate::model()->find('knights_id = :knights_id AND date = :date', array(':knights_id' => $combat->toKnight->id, ':date' => substr($combat->date, 0, 10)));
                                                 if (!$to_knight_stats_by_day) {
                                                     $to_knight_stats_by_day = new KnightsStatsByDate();
                                                     $to_knight_stats_by_day->attributes = array('knights_id' => $combat->toKnight->id, 'date' => substr($combat->date, 0, 10));
                                                     if (!$to_knight_stats_by_day->save()) {
                                                         Yii::trace('[CHARACTER][actionResponseChallenge] No se ha podido crear la nueva columna de stats por dia del caballero to knight.', 'error');
                                                 //Update gained coins
                                                 $from_knight_stats = KnightsStats::model()->findByPk( $combat->fromKnight->id );
                                                 $from_knight_stats->money_total_earned += $precombat->from_knight_gate;
                                                 $from_knight_stats_vs->money_total_earned += $precombat->from_knight_gate;
                                                 if( $precombat->from_knight_gate > $from_knight_stats->money_maximum_earned_combat ) $from_knight_stats->money_maximum_earned_combat = $precombat->from_knight_gate;
                                                 if( $precombat->from_knight_gate > $from_knight_stats_vs->money_maximum_earned_combat ) $from_knight_stats_vs->money_maximum_earned_combat = $precombat->from_knight_gate;
                                                 if( $from_knight_stats->save() ) Yii::trace( '[CHARACTER][actionResponseChallenge] No se ha podido actualizar las stats de from knight', 'error' );
                                                 if( $from_knight_stats_vs->save() ) Yii::trace( '[CHARACTER][actionResponseChallenge] No se ha podido actualizar las stats vs de from knight', 'error' );
                                                 unset( $from_knight_stats );
                                                 unset( $from_knight_stats_vs );
                                                 $to_knight_stats = KnightsStats::model()->findByPk( $combat->toKnight->id );
                                                 $to_knight_stats->money_total_earned += $precombat->to_knight_gate;
                                                 $to_knight_stats_vs->money_total_earned += $precombat->to_knight_gate;
                                                 if( $precombat->to_knight_gate > $to_knight_stats->money_maximum_earned_combat ) $to_knight_stats->money_maximum_earned_combat = $precombat->to_knight_gate;
                                                 if( $precombat->to_knight_gate > $to_knight_stats_vs->money_maximum_earned_combat ) $to_knight_stats_vs->money_maximum_earned_combat = $precombat->to_knight_gate;
                                                 if( $to_knight_stats->save() ) Yii::trace( '[CHARACTER][actionResponseChallenge] No se ha podido actualizar las stats de to knight', 'error' );
                                                 if( $to_knight_stats_vs->save() ) Yii::trace( '[CHARACTER][actionResponseChallenge] No se ha podido actualizar las stats vs de to knight', 'error' );
                                                 unset( $to_knight_stats );
                                                 unset( $to_knight_stats_vs );
                                                 //return precombat
                                                 $combat->combatsPrecombat = $precombat;
                                                 $output['errno'] = 0;
                                                 $output['html'] = $this->renderFile(Yii::app()->basePath . '/views/character/dialog_pre_combat.php', array('combat' => $combat), true);
                                             } else {
                                                 $output['html'] = '<p>Se ha producido un error al registrar la primera ronda.</p>';
                                                 //REturn status of combat
                                                 $combat->status = Combats::STATUS_PENDING;
                                         } else {
                                             $combat->status = Combats::STATUS_PENDING;
                                             $output['html'] = '<p>Se ha producido un error al registrar el precombate.</p>';
                                 } else {
                                     $output['html'] = '<p>Se ha producido un error al registrar la respuesta.</p>';
                             } else {
                                 $output['html'] = '<p>¡Sir ' . $combat->fromKnight->name . ' ya no está conectado!</p><p>Tendrás que esperar a que se conecte para poder machacarle...</p>';
                                 //echo '('.Yii::app()->cache->get( Yii::app()->params['cachekey']['knight_connected'].$this->knight->id ).' - ('.Yii::app()->cache->get( Yii::app()->params['cacheKey']['knight_connected'].$combat->fromKnight->users_id ).')';
                         } else {
                             $output['html'] = '<p>No te corresponde a ti aceptar o rechazar este combate.</p>';
                     } else {
                         $output['html'] = '<p>Algún caballero o ya está combatiendo o está trabajando.</p>';
                 } else {
                     $output['html'] = '<p>El combate no está pendiente de aceptar o rechazar.</p>';
             } else {
                 $output['html'] = '<p>El identificador no es válido.</p>';
         } else {
             //Input no ovalid
             $output['html'] = '<p>Los datos recibidos no son válidos.</p>';
     } else {
         $output['html'] = '<p>Tu sesión ha expirado. Tienes que volver a hacer login.</p>';
     echo CJSON::encode($output);
コード例 #3
  * This function pay for all jobs in working and date is expired.
  * This function is a cronjob. Only use for cron
  * Identificator job: 1
 public function actionPayJobs()
     $controlCronJobId = 1;
     //Find all jobs for to pay
     Yii::trace('[JOBS][actionPayJobs] Pay jobs finished before' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     $jobs_list = Jobs::model()->findAll('status = :status AND date <= :date', array(':status' => Jobs::STATUS_WORKING, 'date' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")));
     Yii::trace('[JOBS][actionPayJobs] Pay jobs (' . count($jobs_list) . ')');
     if (count($jobs_list) > 0) {
         //Load cache of knights
         $app_rule_level = AppRulesLevel::model()->findAll(array('index' => 'level'));
         foreach ($jobs_list as $job) {
             //Update Knight
             $knight = Knights::model()->findByPk($job->knights_id);
             $knight->coins += $job->hours * $app_rule_level[$job->knight_level]->cache;
             //Check status of knight
             if (Inventory::checkIfPrimaryEquipmentIsCompleted($knight->id)) {
                 $knight->status = Knights::STATUS_ENABLE;
             } else {
                 $knight->status = Knights::STATUS_WITHOUT_EQUIPMENT;
             if (!$knight->save()) {
                 Yii::trace('[JOBS][actionPayJobs] No se ha podido actualizar el caballero con sus rupias nuevas.');
             //Update job
             $job->status = Jobs::STATUS_PAYED;
             if (!$job->save()) {
                 Yii::trace('[JOBS][actionPayJobs] No se ha podido actualizar el trabajo con el status "pagado".');
             //Create event for knight
             $event = new KnightsEvents();
             $event->attributes = array('knights_id' => $job->knights_id, 'type' => KnightsEvents::TYPE_JOB, 'identificator' => $job->id);
             if (!$event->save()) {
                 Yii::trace('[JOBS][actionPayJobs] No se ha podido guardar un evento nuevo.', 'error');
             //Update old event
             $lastEvent = KnightsEventsLast::getOldLastEvent($job->knights_id);
             $lastEvent->type = KnightsEvents::TYPE_JOB;
             $lastEvent->identificator = $job->id;
             $lastEvent->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             if (!$lastEvent->save()) {
                 Yii::trace('[JOBS][actionPayJobs] No se ha podido actualizar el último evento más viejo.', 'error');
             //Update stats and  stats by day with coins earned.
             $knight_stats = KnightsStats::model()->findByPk($job->knights_id);
             if ($knight_stats) {
                 $knight_stats->money_total_earned += $job->hours * $app_rule_level[$job->knight_level]->cache;
                 if (!$knight_stats->save()) {
                     Yii::trace('[JOBS][actionPayJobs] No se han podido actualizar las estadisticas del caballero', 'error');
             } else {
                 Yii::trace('[JOBS][actionPayJobs] No hay stats del caballero', 'error');
             $knight_stats_by_date = KnightsStatsByDate::model()->find('knights_id = :knights_id AND date = :date', array(':knights_id' => $job->knights_id, 'date' => substr($job->date, 0, 10)));
             if (!$knight_stats) {
                 $knight_stats_by_date = new KnightsStatsByDate();
                 $knight_stats_by_date->attributes = array('knights_id' => $job->knights_id, 'date' => substr($job->date, 0, 10));
             $knight_stats_by->money_total_earned += $job->hours * $app_rule_level[$job->knight_level]->cache;
             if (!$knight_stats_by_date->save()) {
                 Yii::trace('[JOBS][actionPayJobs] No se han podido actualizar las estadisticas por día del caballero', 'error');