/** * Define the application's command schedule. * * @param \Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule $schedule * @return void */ protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { // 5 day notice $schedule->call(function () { $FiveDaystoGo = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->addDays(5)->format("Y-m-d"); $usertools = \App\Models\Tool::where("retag_date", "=", $FiveDaystoGo)->where("five_notice", "=", "0")->get(); foreach ($usertools as $tool) { $notification = new \App\Models\Notification(); $notification->message = '<a href="' . url("industryProject/public/tools/" . $tool->id) . '">' . $tool->name . '</a>' . " is due for re-tagging within the next five days."; $notification->user_id = $tool->user_id; $notification->save(); $tool->five_notice = 1; $tool->save(); } //send email Mail::send('emails.fiveNotice', ['tool' => $tool], function ($m) { $m->from('*****@*****.**', 'Tag and Track'); $m->to('*****@*****.**', 'Leanne')->subject('Tool is due to be re-tagged.'); }); })->dailyAt('04:00'); // 3 day notice $schedule->call(function () { $ThreeDaystoGo = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->addDays(3)->format("Y-m-d"); $usertools = \App\Models\Tool::where("retag_date", "=", $ThreeDaystoGo)->where("three_notice", "=", "0")->get(); foreach ($usertools as $tool) { $notification = new \App\Models\Notification(); $notification->message = '<a href="' . url("industryProject/public/tools/" . $tool->id) . '">' . $tool->name . '</a>' . " is due for re-tagging within the next three days."; $notification->user_id = $tool->user_id; $notification->save(); $tool->three_notice = 1; $tool->save(); } //send email Mail::send('emails.threeNotice', ['tool' => $tool], function ($m) { $m->from('*****@*****.**', 'Tag and Track'); $m->to('*****@*****.**', 'Leanne')->subject('Tool is due to be re-tagged.'); }); })->dailyAt('05:00'); // 1 day notice $schedule->call(function () { $OneDaytoGo = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->addDays(1)->format("Y-m-d"); $usertools = \App\Models\Tool::where("retag_date", "=", $OneDaytoGo)->where("one_notice", "=", "0")->get(); foreach ($usertools as $tool) { $notification = new \App\Models\Notification(); $notification->message = '<a href="' . url("industryProject/public/tools/" . $tool->id) . '">' . $tool->name . '</a>' . " is due for re-tagging tomorrow."; $notification->user_id = $tool->user_id; $notification->save(); $tool->one_notice = 1; $tool->save(); } //send email Mail::send('emails.oneNotice', ['tool' => $tool], function ($m) { $m->from('*****@*****.**', 'Tag and Track'); $m->to('*****@*****.**', 'Leanne')->subject('Tool is due to be re-tagged.'); }); })->dailyAt('06:00'); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { App\Models\Notification::create(['notified' => 0, 'alarm' => '2015-11-12 11:50:00', 'shop_id' => 1]); $faker = Faker::create(); foreach (range(1, 30) as $i) { App\Models\Notification::create(['notified' => $faker->numberBetween(0, 1), 'alarm' => $faker->dateTimeBetween('now', '+30 days'), 'shop_id' => $i]); } }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(UpdateToolRequest $request, $id) { // $tool = \App\Models\Tool::find($id); $tool->fill($request->all()); $type = \Request::get("type"); // if company tool has been transferred $iPreviousSiteID = $tool->user->site_id; if ($tool->user->site_id != $request->get("site_id")) { $iNewSiteID = \App\Models\Site::find($request->get("site_id"))->users()->where("admin", "=", "Yes")->first()->site_id; $tool->user_id = \App\Models\Site::find($request->get("site_id"))->users()->where("admin", "=", "Yes")->first()->id; // send notification $notification = new \App\Models\Notification(); $notification->message = '<a href="' . url("tools/" . $tool->id) . '">' . $tool->name . '</a>' . " has been transferred to this job site."; $notification->user_id = $tool->user_id; $notification->save(); //send email Mail::send('emails.transfers', ['tool' => $tool], function ($m) { $m->from('*****@*****.**', 'Tag and Track'); $m->to('*****@*****.**', 'Leanne')->subject('Company Tool has been transferred'); }); // transfers table $transfer = new \App\Models\Transfer(); $transfer->previous_site_id = $iPreviousSiteID; $transfer->current_site_id = $iNewSiteID; $transfer->tool_id = $tool->id; $transfer->save(); } // reset notifications flags, when retag date changes if ($tool->retag_date != $request->get("retag_date")) { $tool->five_notice = 0; $tool->three_notice = 0; $tool->one_notice = 0; } $tool->save(); if ($request->has('tech_name')) { $name = $request->get('tech_name'); $company = $request->get('tech_company'); $phone = $request->get('contact_number'); $technician = \App\Models\Technician::where("tech_name", '=', $name)->where("tech_company", '=', $company)->where("contact_number", '=', $phone)->first(); // if technician doesn't exist if ($technician == false) { $technician = Technician::create($request->all()); } $tool->technician_id = $technician->id; $tool->save(); } if ($type == "Company") { return redirect('tools?type=Company')->with('message-update', 'Update successful.'); } else { return redirect('tools?type=Personal')->with('message-update', 'Update successful.'); } }