コード例 #1
ファイル: Setting.php プロジェクト: lmkhang/mcntw
  * @author: lmkhang - skype
  * @date: 2016-01-11
  * Profile
 public function index()
     //set Title for PAGE
     $this->_page_title = 'Setting';
     //get list
     $setting_get = new \App\Config();
     $setting = $setting_get->getAll(['show' => 1, 'del_flg' => 1]);
     $home_get = new \App\Home();
     $stats_show = $home_get->getAll(['prefix' => 'stats_show', 'del_flg' => 1]);
     return view('admin.setting.index', ['admin' => $this->_admin, 'name' => $this->getName(), 'page_title' => $this->_page_title, 'active' => $this->_active, 'setting' => $setting, 'stats_show' => $stats_show]);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Home.php プロジェクト: lmkhang/mcntw
  * @author: lmkhang - skype
  * @date: 2016-01-15
 public function index(Request $request)
     //set Title for PAGE
     $this->_page_title = 'Home';
     $gets = $request->all();
     $gets = $this->trim_all($gets);
     $filter = isset($gets['filter']) ? $gets['filter'] : [];
     //unset if dont choose
     $filter_temp = $filter;
     foreach ($filter_temp as $k => $v) {
         if (!$v) {
     $filter['del_flg'] = 1;
     $filter['status'] = 1;
     //Get income-expenditure list
     $user_get = new \App\User();
     $number_pagination = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'site', 'name' => 'pagination', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
     $user_in_ex = $user_get->getAllPaging($filter, $number_pagination);
     //get info payment
     $currency = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'payment', 'name' => 'currency', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
     $tax_pay_bank = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'payment', 'name' => 'tax_pay_bank', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
     //get Stats
     $home_get = new \App\Home();
     $gross_amount = $home_get->getKey(['prefix' => 'stats', 'name' => 'gross_amount', 'del_flg' => 1])->value;
     $net_mount = $home_get->getKey(['prefix' => 'stats', 'name' => 'net_mount', 'del_flg' => 1])->value;
     $pay_amount = $home_get->getKey(['prefix' => 'stats', 'name' => 'pay_amount', 'del_flg' => 1])->value;
     $blocked_mount = $home_get->getKey(['prefix' => 'stats', 'name' => 'blocked_mount', 'del_flg' => 1])->value;
     $hold_amount = $home_get->getKey(['prefix' => 'stats', 'name' => 'hold_amount', 'del_flg' => 1])->value;
     $paid_amount = $home_get->getKey(['prefix' => 'stats', 'name' => 'paid_amount', 'del_flg' => 1])->value;
     $home = ['gross_amount' => $gross_amount, 'net_mount' => $net_mount, 'pay_amount' => $pay_amount, 'blocked_mount' => $blocked_mount, 'hold_amount' => $hold_amount, 'paid_amount' => $paid_amount];
     //get user list
     $users = $user_get->getAllPaging(['status' => 1, 'del_flg' => 1]);
     return view('admin.home.index', ['admin' => $this->_admin, 'name' => $this->getName(), 'page_title' => $this->_page_title, 'active' => $this->_active, 'user_in_ex' => $user_in_ex, 'in_expen_type' => config('constant.in_expen_type'), 'currency' => $currency, 'tax_pay_bank' => $tax_pay_bank, 'home' => $home, 'users' => $users]);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Stats.php プロジェクト: lmkhang/mcntw
  * @author: lmkhang - skype
  * @date: 2016-05-02
  * Update all Amount: Gross, Net, Blocked, Hold
 public function update()
     //Get Amount
     $user_stats_get = new \App\UserStats();
     #Gross Amount
     #Net Amount
     $net_amount = $user_stats_get->getAmountAllAccount([], 'total');
     #Pay Amount
     $pay_amount = $user_stats_get->getPayAmount();
     #Blocked Amount
     $blocked_amount = $user_stats_get->getAmountAllAccount([], 'loss_total');
     #Hold Amount
     $hold_amount = $user_stats_get->getHoldAmount();
     #Paid Amount
     $paid_amount = $user_stats_get->getPaidAmount();
     //Update Amount
     $home_get = new \App\Home();
     #Gross Amount
     #Net Amount
     $net_amount_get = $home_get->getKey(['prefix' => 'stats', 'name' => 'net_mount', 'del_flg' => 1]);
     $net_amount_get->value = $net_amount;
     #Pay Amount
     $pay_amount_get = $home_get->getKey(['prefix' => 'stats', 'name' => 'pay_amount', 'del_flg' => 1]);
     $pay_amount_get->value = $pay_amount;
     #Blocked Amount
     $blocked_amount_get = $home_get->getKey(['prefix' => 'stats', 'name' => 'blocked_mount', 'del_flg' => 1]);
     $blocked_amount_get->value = $blocked_amount;
     #Hold Amount
     $hold_amount_get = $home_get->getKey(['prefix' => 'stats', 'name' => 'hold_amount', 'del_flg' => 1]);
     $hold_amount_get->value = $hold_amount;
     #Paid Amount
     $paid_amount_get = $home_get->getKey(['prefix' => 'stats', 'name' => 'paid_amount', 'del_flg' => 1]);
     $paid_amount_get->value = $paid_amount;
     //set Flash Message
     $this->setFlash('message', 'Updated successfully!');
     return redirect()->back()->with('message', 'Updated successfully!');
コード例 #4
ファイル: HomeController.php プロジェクト: lmkhang/mcntw
  * @author: lmkhang (skype)
  * @date: 2015-12-26
  * Home - Master
 public function index(Request $request)
     $get = $request->all();
     $refer = '';
     if (isset($get['refer'])) {
         $refer = $get['refer'];
         $this->setFlash('refer', $refer);
     } else {
         $this->setFlash('refer', 'no_refer');
     //get FAQ list
     $faq_get = new \App\Faq();
     $faq = $faq_get->getAll(['del_flg' => 1]);
     $home_get = new \App\Home();
     $stats_show = $home_get->getAll(['prefix' => 'stats_show', 'del_flg' => 1]);
     //Preparing link for JOINING US
     $joinus = ['logged' => false, 'url_join' => '', 'url_logout' => '/logout'];
     //get Info of Site
     $description = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'site', 'name' => 'description', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
     $keywords = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'site', 'name' => 'keywords', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
     $skype = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'social_ntw', 'name' => 'skype', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
     $fb = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'social_ntw', 'name' => 'fb', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
     $google = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'social_ntw', 'name' => 'google', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
     $pinterest = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'social_ntw', 'name' => 'pinterest', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
     $twitter = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'social_ntw', 'name' => 'twitter', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
     $tumblr = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'social_ntw', 'name' => 'tumblr', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
     $dribbble = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'social_ntw', 'name' => 'dribbble', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
     $contact_email = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'site', 'name' => 'contact_email', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
     $site = ['description' => $description, 'keywords' => $keywords, 'contact_email' => $contact_email, 'urlhome' => config('app.url'), 'refer' => $refer, 'message' => $this->hasFlash('message') ? $this->getFlash('message') : ''];
     $socialntw = ['skype' => $skype, 'fb' => $fb, 'google' => $google, 'pinterest' => $pinterest, 'twitter' => $twitter, 'tumblr' => $tumblr, 'dribbble' => $dribbble];
     $daily = ['url_join' => ''];
     $fbook = ['url_join' => '', 'url_callback' => '', 'api_key' => ''];
     $google = ['url_join' => ''];
     //Check Logged
     if ($this->isLogged()) {
         $joinus['logged'] = true;
     } else {
         //get Info of Dailymotion's API
         $daily['api_key'] = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'daily', 'name' => 'api_key', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
         $daily['url_callback'] = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'daily', 'name' => 'url_callback', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
         //        $daily['url_join'] = 'http://www.dailymotion.com/logout?urlback=' . urlencode(str_replace(array('{API_KEY}', '{URL_CALLBACK}'), array($daily['api_key'], $site['urlhome'] . $daily['url_callback']), \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'daily', 'name' => 'url_join', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value']));
         $daily['url_join'] = str_replace(array('{API_KEY}', '{URL_CALLBACK}'), array($daily['api_key'], $site['urlhome'] . $daily['url_callback']), \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'daily', 'name' => 'url_join', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value']);
         //get Info of FB's API
         $fbook['api_key'] = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'fb', 'name' => 'api_key', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
         $fbook['api_secret'] = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'fb', 'name' => 'api_secret', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
         $fbook['scope'] = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'fb', 'name' => 'scope', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
         $fbook['url_callback'] = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'fb', 'name' => 'url_callback', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
         $fb = new Facebook(['app_id' => $fbook['api_key'], 'app_secret' => $fbook['api_secret']]);
         $helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();
         $permissions = explode(',', $fbook['scope']);
         // Optional permissions
         $fbook['url_join'] = htmlspecialchars($helper->getLoginUrl(config('app.url') . $fbook['url_callback'], $permissions));
         //get Info of Google's API
         $google['api_key'] = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'google', 'name' => 'api_key', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
         $google['client_id'] = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'google', 'name' => 'client_id', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
         $google['client_secret'] = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'google', 'name' => 'client_secret', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
         $google['scope'] = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'google', 'name' => 'scope', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
         $google['url_callback'] = \App\Config::where(['prefix' => 'google', 'name' => 'url_callback', 'del_flg' => 1])->get()[0]['value'];
         $client_id = $google['client_id'];
         $client_secret = $google['client_secret'];
         $redirect_uri = config('app.url') . $google['url_callback'];
         $simple_api_key = $google['api_key'];
         //Create Client Request to access Google API
         $client = new \Google_Client();
         $client->setApplicationName("PHP Google OAuth Login Example");
         $client->addScope(explode(',', $google['scope']));
         //Send Client Request
         $objOAuthService = new \Google_Service_Oauth2($client);
         //Get User Data from Google Plus
         //If New, Insert to Database
         if (!$client->getAccessToken()) {
             $google['url_join'] = $client->createAuthUrl();
     return view('home.index')->with(['faq' => $faq, 'stats_show' => $stats_show, 'joinus' => $joinus, 'site' => $site, 'socialntw' => $socialntw, 'daily' => $daily, 'fbook' => $fbook, 'google' => $google]);