コード例 #1
ファイル: class_parser.php プロジェクト: MenZil-Team/anwiki
 private function cbk_anwloop($asMatches)
     $sLoopParams = $asMatches[1];
     $sLoopContent = $asMatches[2];
     self::debug("Starting loop: " . $sLoopParams);
     //read loop parameters
     //loop/type - REQUIRED
     try {
         $sLoopLoop = self::getTagSetting($sLoopParams, "loop", $this->regexpVariable());
         $bIsFetchLoop = false;
         // it's a normal loop : <anwloop item="$tag" loop="$item.tags" limit="5">
     } catch (AnwUnexpectedException $e) {
         $bIsFetchLoop = true;
         // it's a fetch loop : <anwloop item="$menu" class="menu" match="*" limit="5" sort="myname" order="asc">
     //only Fetching loop can be cached (to avoid unsync problems between parent/childs loops)
     $nLoopCacheTime = -1;
     $bCacheEnabled = false;
     $bCacheBlockEnabled = false;
     $bDoCaching = false;
     if ($bIsFetchLoop) {
         //cachetime - OPTIONAL
         try {
             $nLoopCacheTime = (int) self::getTagSetting($sLoopParams, "cachetime", '!^([0-9]*?)$!si');
         } catch (AnwUnexpectedException $e) {
             //cachetime setting not found, keep default values
             $nLoopCacheTime = AnwComponent::globalCfgLoopsAutoCacheTime();
         if ($nLoopCacheTime > 0) {
             $bCacheEnabled = true;
             //if we have specified a cachetime, look for cacheblock setting
             try {
                 $sTmpCacheBlock = self::getTagSetting($sLoopParams, "cacheblock", '!^(true|false|yes|no|0|1)$!si');
                 $bCacheBlockEnabled = in_array($sTmpCacheBlock, array('true', 'yes', '1'));
             } catch (AnwUnexpectedException $e) {
                 //should we implicitely enable cacheblock by default?
                 $bCacheBlockEnabled = AnwComponent::globalCfgLoopsAutoCacheblock();
             self::debug("cacheBlockEnabled: " . $bCacheBlockEnabled);
         //can we really use cache for this loop?
         $bDoCaching = $bCacheEnabled && $this->bCachingEnabled && AnwComponent::globalCfgCacheLoopsEnabled();
         //simulate a cacheblock if enabled
         if ($bDoCaching && $bCacheBlockEnabled) {
             self::debug("cacheblock enabled for loop");
             $nCurrentCacheBlockId = $this->nTmpCacheBlockId;
             //we need to keep this value unchanged for caching under the same key, at the end of the function
             try {
                 $sReturn = AnwCache_cacheBlock::getCacheBlock($this->oPage, $nCurrentCacheBlockId, $nLoopCacheTime);
                 self::debug("AnwLoop found in cacheblock, returning cached result.");
                 return $sReturn;
                 //return directly
             } catch (AnwCacheNotFoundException $e) {
         } else {
             self::debug("cacheblock disabled for loop");
     //item - REQUIRED
     $sLoopItem = self::getTagSetting($sLoopParams, "item", '!^\\$([a-z]*?)$!si');
     $sLoopItem = substr($sLoopItem, 1);
     //remove starting '$'
     if (isset($this->asTmpLoopItemsInUse[$sLoopItem])) {
         throw new AnwUnexpectedException("Loop item already used : " . $sLoopItem);
     $this->asTmpLoopItemsInUse[$sLoopItem] = 1;
     //limit - OPTIONAL
     try {
         $nLoopLimit = (int) self::getTagSetting($sLoopParams, "limit", '!^([0-9]*?)$!si');
     } catch (AnwUnexpectedException $e) {
         $nLoopLimit = 999999;
     if ($bIsFetchLoop) {
         //class - REQUIRED
         $sLoopClass = self::getTagSetting($sLoopParams, "class", '!^([a-z]*?)$!si');
         //match - OPTIONAL
         try {
             $sLoopMatch = self::getTagSetting($sLoopParams, "match", '!^([^"]*?)$!si');
         } catch (AnwUnexpectedException $e) {
             $sLoopMatch = '*';
         //morelangs - OPTIONAL
         $asLoopLangs = array($this->oPage->getLang());
         try {
             $sTmp = self::getTagSetting($sLoopParams, "morelangs", '!^([a-z,]*?)$!si');
             $asTmpLangs = explode(',', $sTmp);
             foreach ($asTmpLangs as $sTmpLang) {
                 $sTmpLang = trim($sTmpLang);
                 if (Anwi18n::langExists($sTmpLang) && !in_array($sTmpLang, $asLoopLangs)) {
                     $asLoopLangs[] = $sTmpLang;
         } catch (AnwUnexpectedException $e) {
         //sort - OPTIONAL
         try {
             $sLoopSort = self::getTagSetting($sLoopParams, "sort", '!^([a-z]*?)$!si');
         } catch (AnwUnexpectedException $e) {
             $sLoopSort = AnwUtils::SORT_BY_NAME;
             //TODO secure pattern
         //order - OPTIONAL
         try {
             $sLoopOrder = self::getTagSetting($sLoopParams, "order", '!^(' . AnwUtils::SORTORDER_ASC . '|' . AnwUtils::SORTORDER_DESC . ')$!si');
         } catch (AnwUnexpectedException $e) {
             $sLoopOrder = AnwUtils::SORTORDER_ASC;
         //filter - OPTIONAL
         $asLoopFilters = array();
         try {
             $asFILTERS_OPERATORS = array(AnwUtils::FILTER_OP_EQUALS, AnwUtils::FILTER_OP_LIKE, AnwUtils::FILTER_OP_LT, AnwUtils::FILTER_OP_GT, AnwUtils::FILTER_OP_LE, AnwUtils::FILTER_OP_GE);
             $sTmp = self::getTagSetting($sLoopParams, "filter", '!^([a-z0-9_\\-,#|' . implode('', $asFILTERS_OPERATORS) . '\\*]*?)$!si');
             $asTmpFilters = explode(',', $sTmp);
             foreach ($asTmpFilters as $sTmpFilter) {
                 $sTmpFilter = trim($sTmpFilter);
                 try {
                     list($sFilterOp1, $sFilterOperator, $sFilterOp2) = self::parseOperator($asFILTERS_OPERATORS, $sTmpFilter);
                     $sFilterOp1 = $this->getOperandValue($sFilterOp1);
                     $sFilterOp2 = $this->getOperandValue($sFilterOp2);
                     $asLoopFilters[] = array('FIELD' => $sFilterOp1, 'OPERATOR' => $sFilterOperator, 'VALUE' => $sFilterOp2);
                 } catch (AnwUnexpectedException $e) {
         } catch (AnwUnexpectedException $e) {
     //iterate over the loop
     $sReturn = "";
     $aoLoopsItems = array();
     try {
         if ($bIsFetchLoop) {
             self::debug("anwloop/fetch found");
             $aoLoopsItems = $this->getAnwloopFetchItems($nLoopLimit, $sLoopClass, $sLoopMatch, $asLoopLangs, $sLoopSort, $sLoopOrder, $asLoopFilters, $bDoCaching, $nLoopCacheTime);
         } else {
             self::debug("anwloop/loop found");
             $aoLoopsItems = $this->parseLoopVariable('{' . $sLoopLoop . '}');
             //throws an exception if error
         //run the loop!
         foreach ($aoLoopsItems as $oLoopItem) {
             self::debug("anwloop iteration");
             $this->aoLoopsItems[$sLoopItem] = $oLoopItem;
             //we may need it during recursive calls
             $sReturn .= $this->runAnwloopIteration($sLoopContent, $sLoopItem);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         self::debug("! LOOP ERROR!");
         $sReturn = AnwComponent::g_("local_exec_loop_error");
     //put whole content in cache if cacheblock enabled
     if ($bDoCaching && $bCacheBlockEnabled) {
         AnwCache_cacheBlock::putCacheBlock($this->oPage, $nCurrentCacheBlockId, $sReturn);
     return $sReturn;