/** * \private * * Show a simple error page. * * \param $http_status_code * The http status code. */ function _show_error_page($http_status_code) { anewt_include('page'); $title = sprintf('%d - %s', $http_status_code, http_status_to_string($http_status_code)); $p = new AnewtPage(); $p->set('show-dublin-core', false); $p->set('title', $title); $p->append(ax_h1($title)); switch ($http_status_code) { case HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND: $p->append(ax_p('The requested resource cannot be found.')); break; case HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN: $p->append(ax_p('Access to the requested resource was denied.')); break; default: /* No explanation (just a title) */ break; } $p->flush(); }
$ctx1->draw_filled_rectangle_size(3, 3, 4, 3); $ctx1->set('color', $img->color_from_string('#969')); $ctx1->draw_rectangle(3, 3, 6, 7); $ctx1->draw_filled_rectangle_size(15, 2, 2, 2); $ctx1->draw_filled_rectangle_size(15, 2, -1, -1); $col = $img->color_from_string('#36c'); $ctx1->set('color', $col); $ctx1->draw_filled_rectangle(20, 2, 18, 3); assert('$ctx1->color_at(19, 2) == $col'); /* Blow up so we can count the pixels in the result */ $img->resize_relative(10, false); $img->flush_png(); $img->destroy(); } } $test = AnewtRequest::get_string('test'); if (is_null($test)) { /* Show test chooser */ anewt_include('page'); $p = new AnewtPage(); $p->set('title', 'Choose a test'); $p->append(ax_h1('Choose a test')); foreach (get_class_methods('AnewtImageTestCases') as $name) { $url = AnewtURL::build(AnewtRequest::relative_url(), array('test' => $name)); $p->append(ax_p(ax_a_href(sprintf('Test: %s', $name), $url))); } $p->flush(); } else { /* Invoke test function */ AnewtImageTestCases::$test(); }
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../anewt.lib.php'; anewt_include('page'); anewt_include('renderer/grid'); $grid = new AnewtGridRenderer(); $column = new AnewtGridColumn('col-2', 'Second column', 2); $grid->add_column($column); $column = new AnewtGridColumn('somecol', 'First column', 1); $cell_renderer = new AnewtGridCellRenderer('col-1a', 'Column 1a'); $cell_renderer->set('title', 'Column 1a'); $column->add_cell_renderer($cell_renderer); $cell_renderer = new AnewtGridCellRenderer('col-1b', 'Column 1b'); $cell_renderer->set('title', 'Column 1b'); $column->add_cell_renderer($cell_renderer); $grid->add_column($column); $rows = array(array('col-1a' => 'r1c1a', 'col-1b' => 'r1c1b', 'col-2' => 'r1c2'), array('col-1a' => 'r2c1a', 'col-1b' => 'r2c1b', 'col-2' => 'r2c2')); $grid->set_rows($rows); $grid->add_row(array('col-1a' => 'r3c1a', 'col-2' => 'r3c2')); $p = new AnewtPage(); $p->set('title', 'Anewt Grid Renderer'); $p->append($grid); $p->flush();
<?php anewt_include('page'); $p = new AnewtPage(); $p->set('title', 'Sample page'); $p->flush();
<?php anewt_include('page'); $p = new AnewtPage(); $p->set('blocks', array('header', 'content', 'footer')); $p->set('default-block', 'content'); /* Add content to specific blocks */ $p->append_to('header', ax_p('This is the header text.')); $p->append_to('footer', ax_p('This is the footer text.')); /* Add content to the default block */ $p->append(ax_h1('Hello, world!')); $p->append(ax_p('This is a simple test page.')); /* You can add content to the default block using append_to() as well, but that * involves a bit more typing. */ $p->append_to('content', ax_p('Another paragraph.')); $p->flush();
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../anewt.lib.php'; define('ANEWT_TEXTILE_DEVELOPMENT', 1); anewt_include('page'); $p = new AnewtPage(); $p->set('title', 'Textile formatting test'); if (AnewtRequest::get_bool('debug')) { header('Content-type: text/plain'); $p->set('content_type', 'text/plain'); } else { list($base_url, $params) = AnewtUrl::parse(AnewtRequest::url()); $params['debug'] = '1'; $debug_url = AnewtUrl::build(array($base_url), $params); $p->append(ax_p(ax_a_href('(Page source for debugging)', $debug_url))); } anewt_include('textformatting'); anewt_include('textile'); $text = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/sample-text.txt'); $formatted_text = TextFormatter::format($text, 'textile'); $p->append(ax_raw($formatted_text)); $p->flush();
$submit = new AnewtFormControlButtonSubmit('submit3'); $submit->set('label', 'Another submit button'); $button_fieldset->add_control($submit); $reset = new AnewtFormControlButtonReset('reset'); $reset->set('label', 'Reset to default values'); $reset->set('help', 'Reset the values of the form fields to their original values'); $button_fieldset->add_control($reset); $extra = new AnewtFormControlButton('extra-button'); $extra->set('label', 'Extra button that does not do anything'); $button_fieldset->add_control($extra); $this->add_fieldset($button_fieldset); } } /* Show a page and test the form */ $page = new AnewtPage(); $page->set('title', 'Anewt form test page'); $page->add_stylesheet(ax_stylesheet($css)); $page->append(ax_h1('Test form')); $form = new TestForm(); assert('$form->get_control_value("text5") === "7"'); $form->set_control_value('text5', '8'); if ($form->autofill()) { if ($form->process()) { $page->append(ax_p('Form succesfully processed!')); } else { $page->append(ax_p('Error while processing form!')); } } else { $page->append(ax_p('Form not processed.')); } $fr = new AnewtFormRendererDefault();