public function testAdd() { $amount100 = new Amount('100'); $amount150 = $amount100->add(new Amount('50')); $this->assertSame('100', $amount100->getString(0)); $this->assertSame('150', $amount150->getString(0)); }
function getSpendingMoney($accountId, $startDate) { global $badgerDb; $accountManager = new AccountManager($badgerDb); $account = $accountManager->getAccountById($accountId); $account->setType('finished'); $account->setOrder(array(array('key' => 'valutaDate', 'dir' => 'asc'))); $account->setFilter(array(array('key' => 'valutaDate', 'op' => 'ge', 'val' => $startDate), array('key' => 'periodical', 'op' => 'eq', 'val' => false), array('key' => 'exceptional', 'op' => 'eq', 'val' => false))); $sum = new Amount(); $realStartDate = false; while ($currentTransaction = $account->getNextFinishedTransaction()) { if (!$realStartDate) { $realStartDate = $currentTransaction->getValutaDate(); } $sum->add($currentTransaction->getAmount()); } $span = new Date_Span($realStartDate, new Date()); $count = $span->toDays(); if ($count > 0) { $sum->div($count); } return $sum; }
function showCategoryData() { global $badgerDb; global $logger; $logger->log('showCategoryData: REQUEST_URI: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (!isset($_GET['accounts']) || !isset($_GET['startDate']) || !isset($_GET['endDate']) || !isset($_GET['type']) || !isset($_GET['summarize'])) { throw new BadgerException('statistics', 'missingParameter'); } $accounts = explode(';', $_GET['accounts']); foreach ($accounts as $key => $val) { settype($accounts[$key], 'integer'); } $startDate = new Date($_GET['startDate']); $endDate = new Date($_GET['endDate']); $type = $_GET['type']; if ($type !== 'o') { $type = 'i'; } if ($_GET['summarize'] !== 't') { $summarize = false; } else { $summarize = true; } $categories = gatherCategories($accounts, $startDate, $endDate, $type, $summarize); $sum = new Amount(); foreach ($categories as $currentCategory) { $sum->add($currentCategory['amount']); } $chart = array(); //for documentation for the following code see: $chart['chart_type'] = '3d pie'; $chart['axis_category'] = array('skip' => 0, 'font' => "Arial", 'bold' => false, 'size' => 10, 'color' => "000000", 'alpha' => 100, 'orientation' => "horizontal"); $chart['chart_rect'] = array('x' => 150, 'y' => 50, 'width' => 500, 'height' => 250, 'positive_color' => "ffffff", 'negative_color' => "000000", 'positive_alpha' => 0, 'negative_alpha' => 0); $chart['chart_value'] = array('prefix' => "", 'suffix' => "", 'decimals' => 0, 'decimal_char' => ".", 'separator' => "", 'position' => "outside", 'hide_zero' => true, 'as_percentage' => false, 'font' => "Arial", 'bold' => false, 'size' => 10, 'color' => "000000", 'alpha' => 90); $chart['chart_transition'] = array('type' => "none", 'delay' => 1, 'duration' => 1, 'order' => "all"); $chart['legend_rect'] = array('x' => 700, 'y' => 400, 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, 'margin' => 5, 'fill_color' => "FFFFFF", 'fill_alpha' => 100, 'line_color' => "000000", 'line_alpha' => 100, 'line_thickness' => 1); $chart['legend_label'] = array('layout' => "vertical", 'bullet' => "circle", 'font' => "Arial", 'bold' => false, 'size' => 11, 'color' => "000000", 'alpha' => 90); $chart['legend_transition'] = array('type' => "none", 'delay' => 1, 'duration' => 1); $chart['series_color'] = array('000070', 'FFFF99', '007000', 'FFCC99', '700070', 'CC99FF', '660000', '9999FF', '006666', 'CCFF99', 'A35200', 'FFCA7A'); $chart['chart_data'] = array(); $chart['chart_value_text'] = array(); $chart['chart_data'][0][0] = ''; $chart['chart_data'][1][0] = ''; $chart['chart_value_text'][0][0] = ''; $chart['chart_value_text'][1][0] = ''; foreach ($categories as $key => $val) { $chart['chart_data'][0][] = utf8_encode($val['title']); $chart['chart_value_text'][0][] = null; if ($type == 'i') { $chart['chart_data'][1][] = $val['amount']->get(); } else { $chart['chart_data'][1][] = $val['amount']->mul(-1)->get(); } $chart['chart_value_text'][1][] = utf8_encode($val['title'] . "\n" . $val['amount']->getFormatted() . "\n" . round($val['amount']->div($sum)->mul($type == 'i' ? 100 : -100)->get(), 2) . ' %'); } SendChartData($chart); }
public function addCurrencyAmount(Amount $amt) { $this->currencyAmount = $amt->add($this->currencyAmount); return $this; }
if ($krustomer->PromoCode) { $subscription_pretax = $krustomer->PromoCode->apply_discount($subscription_subtotal); } else { $subscription_pretax = new Amount($subscription_subtotal); } # Add delivery charge if necessary $zip = dbi()->q_1("SELECT * FROM ZipCode WHERE ZipCode = '{$krustomer->DeliveryAddress->Zip}'"); if (!empty($zip) && $zip->Delivery !== '0.00') { $deliveryFee = new Amount($zip->Delivery); } else { $deliveryFee = new Amount(0); } $subscription_tax = new Amount($subscription_pretax->rounded * TAX_RATE); $total->add($subscription_pretax, $subscription_tax, $deliveryFee); } //weekly if (isset($allOrders)) { # Loop through each order to add the total foreach ($allOrders as $anOrder) { $total->add($anOrder->Amounts->Total->rounded); } // Remove duplicate delivery fees if needed if(count($allOrders > 1)) { $total->add($anOrder->Amounts->DeliveryFee->rounded * -1); } } else if ($order) { $total->add($order->Amounts->Total->rounded);
/** * Returns all fields in an array. * * The result has the following form: * array ( * array ( * 'field name 0' => 'value of field 0', * 'field name 1' => 'value of field 1' * ) * ); * * The inner array is repeated for each row. * The fields need to be in the order returned by @link getFieldNames(). * * @return array A list of all fields. */ public function getAll() { global $badgerDb; $us = new UserSettings($badgerDb); $tpl = new TemplateEngine($us, BADGER_ROOT); $widgets = new WidgetEngine($tpl); $currentLanguage = $us->getProperty('badgerLanguage'); $result = array(); switch ($this->type) { case 'transaction': $this->fetchTransactions(); $sum = new Amount(); foreach ($this->finishedTransactions as $currentTransaction) { $sum->add($currentTransaction->getAmount()); $result[] = array('transactionId' => $currentTransaction->getId(), 'type' => $widgets->addImage($currentTransaction->getType() == 'FinishedTransaction' ? 'Account/finished_transaction.png' : 'Account/planned_transaction.png', 'title="' . getBadgerTranslation2('Account', $currentTransaction->getType()) . '"'), 'title' => $currentTransaction->getTitle(), 'description' => $currentTransaction->getDescription(), 'valutaDate' => ($tmp = $currentTransaction->getValutaDate()) ? $tmp->getFormatted() : '', 'amount' => $currentTransaction->getAmount()->getFormatted(), 'outsideCapital' => is_null($tmp = $currentTransaction->getOutsideCapital()) ? '' : $tmp, 'transactionPartner' => $currentTransaction->getTransactionPartner(), 'categoryId' => ($tmp = $currentTransaction->getCategory()) ? $tmp->getId() : '', 'categoryTitle' => ($tmp = $currentTransaction->getCategory()) ? $tmp->getTitle() : '', 'sum' => $sum->getFormatted()); } break; case 'finished': while ($this->fetchNextFinishedTransaction()) { } foreach ($this->finishedTransactions as $currentTransaction) { $result[] = array('finishedTransactionId' => $currentTransaction->getId(), 'title' => $currentTransaction->getTitle(), 'description' => $currentTransaction->getDescription(), 'valutaDate' => ($tmp = $currentTransaction->getValutaDate()) ? $tmp->getFormatted() : '', 'amount' => $currentTransaction->getAmount()->getFormatted(), 'outsideCapital' => is_null($tmp = $currentTransaction->getOutsideCapital()) ? '' : $tmp, 'transactionPartner' => $currentTransaction->getTransactionPartner(), 'categoryId' => ($tmp = $currentTransaction->getCategory()) ? $tmp->getId() : '', 'categoryTitle' => ($tmp = $currentTransaction->getCategory()) ? $tmp->getTitle() : '', 'exceptional' => is_null($tmp = $currentTransaction->getExceptional()) ? '' : $tmp, 'periodical' => is_null($tmp = $currentTransaction->getPeriodical()) ? '' : $tmp); } break; case 'planned': while ($this->fetchNextPlannedTransaction()) { } foreach ($this->plannedTransactions as $currentTransaction) { $result[] = array('plannedTransactionId' => 'p' . $currentTransaction->getId() . '_X', 'title' => $currentTransaction->getTitle(), 'description' => $currentTransaction->getDescription(), 'amount' => $currentTransaction->getAmount()->getFormatted(), 'outsideCapital' => is_null($tmp = $currentTransaction->getOutsideCapital()) ? '' : $tmp, 'transactionPartner' => $currentTransaction->getTransactionPartner(), 'beginDate' => $currentTransaction->getBeginDate()->getFormatted(), 'endDate' => ($tmp = $currentTransaction->getEndDate()) ? $tmp->getFormatted() : '', 'repeatUnit' => getBadgerTranslation2('Account', $currentTransaction->getRepeatUnit()), 'repeatFrequency' => $currentTransaction->getRepeatFrequency(), 'categoryId' => ($tmp = $currentTransaction->getCategory()) ? $tmp->getId() : '', 'categoryTitle' => ($tmp = $currentTransaction->getCategory()) ? $tmp->getTitle() : ''); } break; } return $result; }
} array_multisort($amounts, $labels); $other = new Amount(0); if (count($amounts) > MAX_CATEGORIES) { $i = 0; foreach ($amounts as $currentId => $currentAmount) { $i++; if ($i > MAX_CATEGORIES) { $other->add($currentAmount); unset($amounts[$currentId]); unset($labels[$currentId]); } } } $total = new Amount(0); $total->add($other); foreach ($amounts as $currentAmount) { $total->add($currentAmount); } foreach ($amounts as $currentId => $currentAmount) { $percentage = new Amount($currentAmount); $percentage->div($total); if ($percentage->compare(MIN_PERCENTAGE) < 0) { $other->add($currentAmount); unset($amounts[$currentId]); unset($labels[$currentId]); } } if ($other->compare(0) != 0) { $amounts['other'] = $other; $labels['other'] = getBadgerTranslation2('statistics2', 'miscCategories');
function getAllTransactions(&$finishedTransactions, $selectedFields, $order, $upperLimit, $lowerLimit) { $result = array(); $currResultIndex = 0; $sum = new Amount(); $now = new Date(); $now->setHour(0); $now->setMinute(0); $now->setSecond(0); if (isset($order[0]) && $order[0]['key'] == 'valutaDate') { $firstOrderValutaDate = true; $orderCompareNumber = $order[0]['dir'] == 'asc' ? -1 : 1; } else { $firstOrderValutaDate = false; } $todayMarkerSet = false; foreach ($finishedTransactions as $currentTransaction) { $sum->add($currentTransaction->getAmount()); $classAmount = $currentTransaction->getAmount()->compare(0) >= 0 ? 'dgPositiveAmount' : 'dgNegativeAmount'; if ($sum->compare(0) >= 0) { if ($upperLimit && $sum->compare($upperLimit) > 0) { $classSum = 'dgOverMaxAmount'; } else { $classSum = 'dgPositiveAmount'; } } else { if ($lowerLimit && $sum->compare($lowerLimit) < 0) { $classSum = 'dgUnderMinAmount'; } else { $classSum = 'dgNegativeAmount'; } } $balance = $currentTransaction->getBalance(); if ($balance->compare(0) >= 0) { if ($upperLimit && $balance->compare($upperLimit) > 0) { $classBalance = 'dgOverMaxAmount'; } else { $classBalance = 'dgPositiveAmount'; } } else { if ($lowerLimit && $balance->compare($lowerLimit) < 0) { $classBalance = 'dgUnderMinAmount'; } else { $classBalance = 'dgNegativeAmount'; } } $category = $currentTransaction->getCategory(); if (!is_null($category)) { $parentCategory = $category->getParent(); } else { $parentCategory = null; } if ($parentCategory) { $concatCategoryTitle = $parentCategory->getTitle() . ' - '; } else { $concatCategoryTitle = ''; } if ($category) { $concatCategoryTitle .= $category->getTitle(); } if ($currentTransaction->getType() == 'FinishedTransaction' || $currentTransaction->getType() == 'FinishedTransferalTransaction') { $id = $currentTransaction->getId(); } else { $id = 'p' . $currentTransaction->getPlannedTransaction()->getId() . '_' . $currentTransaction->getId(); } switch ($currentTransaction->getType()) { case 'FinishedTransaction': $typeImg = 'Account/finished_transaction.png'; $typeText = getBadgerTranslation2('Account', 'FinishedTransaction'); break; case 'FinishedTransferalTransaction': if ($currentTransaction->getTransferalSource()) { $typeImg = 'Account/finished_transferal_source_transaction.png'; $typeText = getBadgerTranslation2('Account', 'FinishedTransferalSourceTransaction'); } else { $typeImg = 'Account/finished_transferal_target_transaction.png'; $typeText = getBadgerTranslation2('Account', 'FinishedTransferalTargetTransaction'); } break; case 'PlannedTransaction': $typeImg = 'Account/planned_transaction.png'; $typeText = getBadgerTranslation2('Account', 'PlannedTransaction'); break; case 'PlannedTransferalTransaction': if ($currentTransaction->getTransferalSource()) { $typeImg = 'Account/planned_transferal_source_transaction.png'; $typeText = getBadgerTranslation2('Account', 'PlannedTransferalSourceTransaction'); } else { $typeImg = 'Account/planned_transferal_target_transaction.png'; $typeText = getBadgerTranslation2('Account', 'PlannedTransferalTargetTransaction'); } break; } $result[$currResultIndex] = array(); if ($firstOrderValutaDate && $todayMarkerSet === false && !is_null($currentTransaction->getValutaDate()) && Date::compare($now, $currentTransaction->getValutaDate()) == $orderCompareNumber) { $result[$currResultIndex]['transactionId'] = array('marker' => 'today', 'content' => $id); $todayMarkerSet = true; } else { $result[$currResultIndex]['transactionId'] = $id; } foreach ($selectedFields as $selectedField) { switch ($selectedField) { case 'type': $result[$currResultIndex]['type'] = array('img' => getRelativeTplPath($typeImg), 'title' => $typeText); break; case 'title': $result[$currResultIndex]['title'] = $currentTransaction->getTitle(); break; case 'description': $result[$currResultIndex]['description'] = $currentTransaction->getDescription(); break; case 'valutaDate': $result[$currResultIndex]['valutaDate'] = ($tmp = $currentTransaction->getValutaDate()) ? $tmp->getFormatted() : ''; break; case 'amount': $result[$currResultIndex]['amount'] = array('class' => $classAmount, 'content' => $currentTransaction->getAmount()->getFormatted()); break; case 'outsideCapital': $result[$currResultIndex]['outsideCapital'] = is_null($tmp = $currentTransaction->getOutsideCapital()) ? '' : $tmp; break; case 'transactionPartner': $result[$currResultIndex]['transactionPartner'] = $currentTransaction->getTransactionPartner(); break; case 'categoryId': $result[$currResultIndex]['categoryId'] = $category ? $category->getId() : ''; break; case 'categoryTitle': $result[$currResultIndex]['categoryTitle'] = $category ? $category->getTitle() : ''; break; case 'parentCategoryId': $result[$currResultIndex]['parentCategoryId'] = $parentCategory ? $parentCategory->getId() : ''; break; case 'parentCategoryTitle': $result[$currResultIndex]['parentCategoryTitle'] = $parentCategory ? $parentCategory->getTitle() : ''; break; case 'concatCategoryTitle': $result[$currResultIndex]['concatCategoryTitle'] = $concatCategoryTitle; break; case 'sum': $result[$currResultIndex]['sum'] = array('class' => $classSum, 'content' => $sum->getFormatted()); break; case 'balance': $result[$currResultIndex]['balance'] = array('class' => $classBalance, 'content' => $currentTransaction->getBalance()->getFormatted()); break; case 'plannedTransactionId': $result[$currResultIndex]['plannedTransactionId'] = is_null($tmp = $currentTransaction->getPlannedTransaction()) ? '' : $tmp->getId(); break; case 'exceptional': $result[$currResultIndex]['exceptional'] = is_null($tmp = $currentTransaction->getExceptional()) ? '' : $tmp; break; case 'periodical': $result[$currResultIndex]['periodical'] = is_null($tmp = $currentTransaction->getPeriodical()) ? '' : $tmp; break; case 'accountTitle': $result[$currResultIndex]['accountTitle'] = $currentTransaction->getAccount()->getTitle(); break; } //switch } //foreach selectedFields $currResultIndex++; } //foreach finishedTransactions return $result; }
/** * Get new Amount with the value of $amount added to instance * * @param Amount $amount * @param integer $precision * @return Amount */ public function add(Amount $amount, $precision = -1) { $this->validateCurrency($amount); return parent::add($amount, $precision); }