コード例 #1
  * Enqueues activated templates' CSS file.
  * @callback    action      admin_head, wp_head
  * @since       3
 public function replyToPrintStyleTag()
     $_sCSSRules = $this->getButtonsCSS();
     if (!$_sCSSRules) {
     $_sCSSRules = defined('WP_DEBUG') && WP_DEBUG ? $_sCSSRules : AmazonAutoLinks_Utility::minifyCSS($_sCSSRules);
     echo "<style type='text/css' id='amazon-auto-links-button-css'>" . $_sCSSRules . "</style>";
コード例 #2
  * Calculates the URL from the given path.
  * @static
  * @access           public
  * @return           string            The source url
  * @since            2.0.1
  * @since             Prevented "/./" to be inserted in the url.
 public static function getSRCFromPath($sFilePath)
     $_oWPStyles = new WP_Styles();
     // It doesn't matter whether the file is a style or not. Just use the built-in WordPress class to calculate the SRC URL.
     $_sRelativePath = AmazonAutoLinks_Utility::getRelativePath(ABSPATH, $sFilePath);
     $_sRelativePath = preg_replace("/^\\.[\\/\\\\]/", '', $_sRelativePath, 1);
     // removes the heading ./ or .\
     $sHref = trailingslashit($_oWPStyles->base_url) . $_sRelativePath;
     return esc_url($sHref);
  * Validates the submitted form data.
  * @since       3
 public function validate($aInput, $aOldInput, $oAdminPage, $aSubmitInfo)
     $_bVerified = true;
     $_aErrors = array();
     // Sanitize the custom preview slug.
     $aInput['preview_post_type_slug'] = AmazonAutoLinks_Utility::sanitizeCharsForURLQueryKey(AmazonAutoLinks_Utility::getTrancatedString($aInput['preview_post_type_slug'], 20, ''));
     // An invalid value is found. Set a field error array and an admin notice and return the old values.
     if (!$_bVerified) {
         $oAdminPage->setSettingNotice(__('There was something wrong with your input.', 'amazon-auto-links'));
         return $aOldInput;
     return $aInput;
  * Validates the submitted form data.
  * @since       3
 public function validate($aInput, $aOldInput, $oAdminPage, $aSubmitInfo)
     $_bVerified = true;
     $_aErrors = array();
     // Sanitize text inputs
     $aInput['allowed_html_tags'] = trim(AmazonAutoLinks_Utility::trimDelimitedElements($aInput['allowed_html_tags'], ','));
     // An invalid value is found. Set a field error array and an admin notice and return the old values.
     if (!$_bVerified) {
         $oAdminPage->setSettingNotice(__('There was something wrong with your input.', 'amazon-auto-links'));
         return $aOldInput;
     return $aInput;
  * Validates the submitted form data.
  * @since       3
 public function validate($aInput, $aOldInput, $oAdminPage, $aSubmitInfo)
     $_bVerified = true;
     $_aErrors = array();
     // Sanitize the query key.
     $aInput['cloak'] = AmazonAutoLinks_Utility::sanitizeCharsForURLQueryKey($aInput['cloak']);
     // An invalid value is found. Set a field error array and an admin notice and return the old values.
     if (!$_bVerified) {
         $oAdminPage->setSettingNotice(__('There was something wrong with your input.', 'amazon-auto-links'));
         return $aOldInput;
     return $aInput;
コード例 #6
  * @since       3 
 protected function format(array $aUnitOptions)
     $_oOption = AmazonAutoLinks_Option::getInstance();
     $aUnitOptions = $aUnitOptions + $this->aDefault;
     // the item lookup search unit type does not have a count field
     if (isset($aUnitOptions['count'])) {
         $aUnitOptions['count'] = $this->fixNumber($aUnitOptions['count'], 10, 1, $_oOption->getMaximumProductLinkCount());
     $aUnitOptions['image_size'] = $this->fixNumber($aUnitOptions['image_size'], 160, 0, 500);
     if (isset($aUnitOptions['column'])) {
         $aUnitOptions['column'] = AmazonAutoLinks_Utility::fixNumber($aUnitOptions['column'], 4, 1, $_oOption->getMaxSupportedColumnNumber());
     // Drop undefined keys.
     foreach ($aUnitOptions as $_sKey => $_mValue) {
         if (array_key_exists($_sKey, $this->aDefault)) {
     return $aUnitOptions;
  * Validates the submitted form data.
  * @since       3
 public function validate($aInput, $aOldInput, $oAdminPage, $aSubmitInfo)
     $_bVerified = true;
     $_aErrors = array();
     // Sanitize text inputs
     foreach ($aInput['black_list'] as &$_sElem) {
         $_sElem = AmazonAutoLinks_Utility::trimDelimitedElements($_sElem, ',');
         $_sElem = AmazonAutoLinks_Utility::trimDelimitedElements($_sElem, PHP_EOL, false);
         $_sElem = trim($_sElem);
     foreach ($aInput['white_list'] as &$_sElem) {
         $_sElem = AmazonAutoLinks_Utility::trimDelimitedElements($_sElem, ',');
         $_sElem = AmazonAutoLinks_Utility::trimDelimitedElements($_sElem, PHP_EOL, false);
         $_sElem = trim($_sElem);
     // An invalid value is found. Set a field error array and an admin notice and return the old values.
     if (!$_bVerified) {
         $oAdminPage->setSettingNotice(__('There was something wrong with your input.', 'amazon-auto-links'));
         return $aOldInput;
     return $aInput;
コード例 #8
  * Escapes the given string for the KSES filter with the criteria of allowing/disallowing tags and the protocol.
  * @remark           Attributes are not supported at this moment.
  * @param            array            $aAllowedTags                e.g. array( 'noscript', 'style', )
  * @param            array            $aDisallowedTags            e.g. array( 'table', 'tbody', 'thoot', 'thead', 'th', 'tr' )
  * @since            2.0.0
 public static function escapeKSESFilter($sString, $aAllowedTags = array(), $aDisallowedTags = array(), $aAllowedProtocols = array())
     foreach ($aAllowedTags as $sTag) {
         $aFormatAllowedTags[$sTag] = array();
         // activate the inline style attribute.
     $aAllowedHTMLTags = AmazonAutoLinks_Utility::uniteArrays($aFormatAllowedTags, $GLOBALS['allowedposttags']);
     // the first parameter takes over the second.
     foreach ($aDisallowedTags as $sTag) {
         if (isset($aAllowedHTMLTags[$sTag])) {
     if (empty($aAllowedProtocols)) {
         $aAllowedProtocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
     $sString = addslashes($sString);
     // the original function call was doing this - could be redundant but haven't fully tested it
     $sString = stripslashes($sString);
     // wp_filter_post_kses()
     $sString = wp_kses_no_null($sString);
     // wp_kses()
     $sString = wp_kses_js_entities($sString);
     // wp_kses()
     $sString = wp_kses_normalize_entities($sString);
     // wp_kses()
     $sString = wp_kses_hook($sString, $aAllowedHTMLTags, $aAllowedProtocols);
     // WP changed the order of these funcs and added args to wp_kses_hook
     $sString = wp_kses_split($sString, $aAllowedHTMLTags, $aAllowedProtocols);
     $sString = addslashes($sString);
     // wp_filter_post_kses()
     $sString = stripslashes($sString);
     // the original function call was doing this - could be redundant but haven't fully tested it
     return $sString;
コード例 #9
  * Performs an API request from the given request API parameters and returns the result as associative array.
  * @param            string            $sType            The return type, either 'array', 'json'
 public function request(array $aParams, $sLocale = '', $iCacheDuration = 3600, $sType = 'array', $iTimeout = 20, $iRedirection = 5, $sHeaders = '', $sUserAgent = '')
     // Arguments
     $aHTTPArgs = array('timeout' => $iTimeout, 'redirection' => $iRedirection, 'sslverify' => false, 'headers' => !empty($sHeaders) ? $sHeaders : null, 'user-agent' => $sUserAgent ? $sUserAgent : $this->sUserAgent);
     $aHTTPArgs = array_filter($aHTTPArgs);
     // drop non value elements.
     // Request
     $vResponse = $this->requestWithCache($this->getSignedRequestURI($aParams, $sLocale), $aHTTPArgs, $aParams, $iCacheDuration, $sLocale ? $sLocale : $this->sLocale);
     // If an error occurs,
     if (!is_string($vResponse)) {
         return $vResponse;
     $_sXMLResponse = $vResponse;
     // It returns a string if it's not a valid XML content.
     $_boXML = AmazonAutoLinks_Utility::getXMLObject($_sXMLResponse);
     if (false === $_boXML) {
         return array('Error' => array('Message' => strip_tags($_sXMLResponse), 'Code' => 'Invalid XML'));
     // Return the result with the specified type.
     if ('xml' === $sType) {
         return $_sXMLResponse;
     } else {
         if ('array' === $sType) {
             return AmazonAutoLinks_Utility::convertXMLtoArray($_boXML);
         } else {
             if ('json' == $sType) {
                 return AmazonAutoLinks_Utility::convertXMLtoJSON($_boXML);