コード例 #1
  * @param            array            The argument array/
  * @param            null            This is only to be compatible with the parent class method.
 protected function getRSSURLsFromArguments($arrArgs, $_deprecated = null)
     $arrRSSURLs = array();
     $strScheme = $this->fIsSSL ? 'https' : 'http';
     $arrTags = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::convertStringToArray($arrArgs['tags'], ",");
     // If the customer ID is provided, compose the URL for it first.
     if ($arrArgs['customer_id']) {
         if (!$arrArgs['tags'] || empty($arrTags)) {
             $arrRSSURLs[] = "{$strScheme}://www.amazon.com/rss/people/{$arrArgs['customer_id']}/products?tag={$arrArgs['associate_id']}";
             return $arrRSSURLs;
         foreach ($arrTags as $strTag) {
             $strTag = strtolower($strTag);
             $arrRSSURLs[] = "{$strScheme}://www.amazon.com/rss/people/{$arrArgs['customer_id']}/products/{$strTag}?tag={$arrArgs['associate_id']}&threshold={$arrArgs['threshold']}";
         return $arrRSSURLs;
     // So there is a tag set by the user.
     foreach ($arrTags as $strTag) {
         $strTag = strtolower($strTag);
         foreach ($arrArgs['feed_type'] as $strType => $fEnable) {
             if (!$fEnable) {
             // $strType : new, popular, or recent
             $arrRSSURLs[] = "{$strScheme}://www.amazon.com/rss/tag/{$strTag}/{$strType}?tag={$arrArgs['associate_id']}&threshold={$arrArgs['threshold']}";
     // AmazonAutoLinks_Debug::logArray( $arrRSSURLs );
     return $arrRSSURLs;
コード例 #2
 public function getOutput()
     // Retrieve IDs
     $_aIDs = array();
     // The id parameter - the id parameter can accept comma delimited ids.
     if (isset($this->aArgs['id'])) {
         if (is_string($this->aArgs['id']) || is_integer($this->aArgs['id'])) {
             $_aIDs = array_merge(AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::convertStringToArray($this->aArgs['id'], ","), $_aIDs);
         } else {
             if (is_array($this->aArgs['id'])) {
                 $_aIDs = $this->aArgs['id'];
                 // The Auto-insert feature passes the id as array.
     // The label parameter.
     if (isset($this->aArgs['label'])) {
         $this->aArgs['_labels'] = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::convertStringToArray($this->aArgs['label'], ",");
         $_aIDs = array_merge($this->_getPostIDsByLabel($this->aArgs['_labels'], isset($arrArgs['operator']) ? $arrArgs['operator'] : null), $_aIDs);
     $_aOutputs = array();
     $_aIDs = array_unique($_aIDs);
     foreach ($_aIDs as $_iID) {
         $_aOutputs[] = $this->_getOutputByID($_iID);
     return implode('', $_aOutputs);
コード例 #3
  * Sanitizes the unit options of the item_lookup unit type.
  * @since            2.0.2
 protected function sanitizeUnitOptions_ItemLookUp(array &$aUnitOptions)
     // if the ISDN is spceified, the search index must be set to Books.
     if (isset($aUnitOptions['IdType'], $aUnitOptions['SearchIndex']) && $aUnitOptions['IdType'] == 'ISBN') {
         $aUnitOptions['SearchIndex'] = 'Books';
     $aUnitOptions['ItemId'] = trim(AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::trimDelimitedElements($aUnitOptions['ItemId'], ','));
コード例 #4
 public function validation_AmazonAutoLinks_MetaBox_Template($arrInput, $arrOldInput)
     // validation_ + extended class name
     // Apply allowed HTML tags for the KSES filter.
     add_filter('safe_style_css', array($this, 'allowInlineStyleMaxWidth'));
     $arrAllowedHTMLTags = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::convertStringToArray($GLOBALS['oAmazonAutoLinks_Option']->arrOptions['aal_settings']['form_options']['allowed_html_tags'], ',');
     $arrInput['item_format'] = AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtilities::escapeKSESFilter($arrInput['item_format'], $arrAllowedHTMLTags);
     $arrInput['image_format'] = AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtilities::escapeKSESFilter($arrInput['image_format'], $arrAllowedHTMLTags);
     $arrInput['title_format'] = AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtilities::escapeKSESFilter($arrInput['title_format'], $arrAllowedHTMLTags);
     remove_filter('safe_style_css', array($this, 'allowInlineStyleMaxWidth'));
     return $arrInput;
コード例 #5
  * The define Auto Insert page.
 public function validation_aal_define_auto_insert($arrInput, $arrOldInput)
     // Drop the sections.
     $arrNewFields = array();
     foreach ($arrInput['aal_define_auto_insert'] as $strSection => $arrFields) {
         $arrNewFields = $arrNewFields + $arrFields;
     // Remove the search_ prefix in the keys.
     $arrSanitizedFields = array();
     foreach ($arrNewFields as $strKey => $vValue) {
         $arrSanitizedFields[preg_replace('/^autoinsert_/', '', $strKey)] = $vValue;
     $fVerified = true;
     $arrErrors = array();
     // Check necessary settings.
     if (!array_filter($arrSanitizedFields['built_in_areas'] + $arrSanitizedFields['static_areas']) && !$arrSanitizedFields['filter_hooks'] && !$arrSanitizedFields['action_hooks']) {
         $arrErrors['autoinsert_area']['autoinsert_built_in_areas'] = __('At least one area must be set.', 'amazon-auto-links');
         $arrErrors['autoinsert_static_insertion']['autoinsert_static_areas'] = __('At least one area must be set.', 'amazon-auto-links');
         $arrErrors['autoinsert_area']['autoinsert_filter_hooks'] = __('At least one area must be set.', 'amazon-auto-links');
         $arrErrors['autoinsert_area']['autoinsert_action_hooks'] = __('At least one area must be set.', 'amazon-auto-links');
         $fVerified = false;
     if (!isset($arrSanitizedFields['unit_ids'])) {
         // if no item is selected, the select input with the multiple attribute does not send the key.
         $arrErrors['autoinsert_area']['autoinsert_unit_ids'] = __('A unit must be selected.', 'amazon-auto-links');
         $fVerified = false;
     // An invalid value is found.
     if (!$fVerified) {
         // Set the error array for the input fields.
         $this->setSettingNotice(__('There was an error in your input.', 'amazon-auto-links'));
         return $arrOldInput;
     $arrSanitizedFields['filter_hooks'] = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::trimDelimitedElements($arrSanitizedFields['filter_hooks'], ',');
     $arrSanitizedFields['action_hooks'] = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::trimDelimitedElements($arrSanitizedFields['action_hooks'], ',');
     $arrSanitizedFields['enable_post_ids'] = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::trimDelimitedElements($arrSanitizedFields['enable_post_ids'], ',');
     $arrSanitizedFields['diable_post_ids'] = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::trimDelimitedElements($arrSanitizedFields['diable_post_ids'], ',');
     // AmazonAutoLinks_Debug::logArray( $arrSanitizedFields );
     // Edit - Update the post.
     $fIsEdit = isset($_POST['mode'], $_POST['post']) && $_POST['post'] && $_POST['mode'] == 'edit';
     if ($fIsEdit) {
         AmazonAutoLinks_Option::updatePostMeta($_POST['post'], $arrSanitizedFields);
     } else {
         // New - Create a post.
         $intNewPostID = AmazonAutoLinks_Option::insertPost($arrSanitizedFields, AmazonAutoLinks_Commons::PostTypeSlugAutoInsert);
     // e.g. http://.../wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=aal_auto_insert
     die(wp_redirect($fIsEdit ? admin_url('edit.php?post_type=' . AmazonAutoLinks_Commons::PostTypeSlug . '&page=aal_define_auto_insert&mode=edit&post=' . $_POST['post']) : admin_url('edit.php?post_type=' . AmazonAutoLinks_Commons::PostTypeSlugAutoInsert)));
 public function validation_aal_add_category_unit_set_category_unit_options($aInput, $aOldInput)
     // validation + _ + page slug + tab slug
     $_fVerified = true;
     $_aErrors = array();
     // Check the limitation.
     if ($this->oOption->isUnitLimitReached()) {
         // must set an field error array which does not yield empty so that it won't be redirected.
         $this->setSettingNotice(sprintf(__('Please upgrade to <A href="%1$s">Pro</a> to add more units! Make sure to empty the <a href="%2$s">trash box</a> to delete the units completely!', 'amazon-auto-links'), 'http://en.michaeluno.jp/amazon-auto-links-pro/', admin_url('edit.php?post_status=trash&post_type=' . AmazonAutoLinks_Commons::PostTypeSlug)));
         return $aOldInput;
     if (empty($aInput['aal_add_category_unit']['category']['category_associate_id'])) {
         $_aErrors['category']['category_associate_id'] = __('The associate ID cannot be empty.', 'amazon-auto-links');
         $_fVerified = false;
     // An invalid value is found.
     if (!$_fVerified) {
         // Set the error array for the input fields.
         $this->setSettingNotice(__('There was an error in your input.', 'amazon-auto-links'));
         return $aOldInput;
     // Drop the sections.
     $arrNewFields = array();
     foreach ($aInput['aal_add_category_unit'] as $strSection => $arrFields) {
         $arrNewFields = $arrNewFields + $arrFields;
     $arrSanitizedFields = array();
     // Remove the category_ prefix in the keys.
     foreach ($arrNewFields as $strKey => $vValue) {
         $arrSanitizedFields[preg_replace('/^category_/', '', $strKey)] = $vValue;
     $arrSanitizedFields['categories'] = array();
     $arrSanitizedFields['categories_exclude'] = array();
     $arrSanitizedFields = $this->oOption->sanitizeUnitOpitons($arrSanitizedFields);
     // If nothing is checked for the feed type, enable the bestseller item.
     if (!array_filter($arrSanitizedFields['feed_type'])) {
         $arrSanitizedFields['feed_type']['bestsellers'] = true;
     $arrTempUnitOptions = (array) AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtilities::getTransient('AAL_CreateUnit_' . $arrSanitizedFields['transient_id']);
     AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtilities::setTransient('AAL_CreateUnit_' . $arrSanitizedFields['transient_id'], AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::uniteArrays($arrSanitizedFields, $arrTempUnitOptions), 60 * 10 * 6 * 24);
     // AmazonAutoLinks_Debug::logArray( $arrSanitizedFields );
     return $aInput;
コード例 #7
  * Returns the substring of the given subject string.
  * @since           2.1.2
 public static function getSubstring($sString, $iStart, $iLength = null, $sEncoding = null)
     self::$_bFunctionExists_mb_substr = isset(self::$_bFunctionExists_mb_substr) ? self::$_bFunctionExists_mb_substr : function_exists('mb_substr') && function_exists('mb_internal_encoding');
     if (!self::$_bFunctionExists_mb_substr) {
         return substr($sString, $iStart, $iLength);
     $sEncoding = isset($sEncoding) ? $sEncoding : mb_internal_encoding();
     return mb_substr($sString, $iStart, $iLength, $sEncoding);
コード例 #8
  * A wrapper method for the set_transient() function.
 public function setTransient($strTransientKey, $vData, $intTime = null)
     $sLockTransient = AmazonAutoLinks_Commons::TransientPrefix . '_' . md5("Lock_{$strTransientKey}");
     // Check if the transient is locked
     if (AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtilities::getTransient($sLockTransient) !== false) {
         // it means the cache is being modified right now in a different process.
     // Set a lock flag transient that indicates the transient is being renewed.
     AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtilities::setTransient($sLockTransient, time(), AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::getAllowedMaxExecutionTime(30, 30));
     // AmazonAutoLinks_Debug::logArray( 'set transient: ' . $strTransientKey );
     // Save the cache
     AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtilities::setTransient($strTransientKey, array('mod' => $intTime ? $intTime : time(), 'data' => $this->oEncrypt->encode($vData)));
     // no expiration by itself
     // AmazonAutoLinks_Debug::logArray( 'the transient is saved: ' . $strTransientKey );
     // AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtilities::deleteTransient( $sLockTransient );
コード例 #9
  * Performs an API request from the given request API parameters and returns the result as associative array.
  * @param            string            $strType            The return type, either 'array', 'json'
 public function request(array $arrParams, $strLocale = '', $intCacheDuration = 3600, $strType = 'array', $intTimeout = 20, $intRedirection = 5, $strHeaders = '', $strUserAgent = '')
     // Arguments
     $arrHTTPArgs = array('timeout' => $intTimeout, 'redirection' => $intRedirection, 'sslverify' => $this->strScheme == 'https' ? false : true, 'headers' => !empty($strHeaders) ? $strHeaders : null, 'user-agent' => $strUserAgent ? $strUserAgent : $this->strUserAgent);
     $arrHTTPArgs = array_filter($arrHTTPArgs);
     // drop non value elements.
     // Request
     $vResponse = $this->requestWithCache($this->getSignedRequestURI($arrParams, $strLocale), $arrHTTPArgs, $arrParams, $intCacheDuration, $strLocale ? $strLocale : $this->strLocale);
     // If an error occurs,
     if (!is_string($vResponse)) {
         return $vResponse;
     $_sXMLResponse = $vResponse;
     // It returns a string if it's not a valid XML content.
     $_osXML = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::getXMLObject($_sXMLResponse);
     if (is_string($_osXML)) {
         return array('Error' => array('Message' => $_osXML, 'Code' => 'Invalid XML'));
         // compose an error array.
     // Return the result with the specified type.
     if ($strType == 'xml') {
         return $_sXMLResponse;
     if ($strType == 'array') {
         return AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::convertXMLtoArray($_osXML);
     if ($strType == 'json') {
         return AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::convertXMLtoJSON($_osXML);
コード例 #10
 public function validation_aal_add_tag_unit($arrInput, $arrOldInput)
     // validation + _ + page slug + tab slug
     $fVerified = true;
     $arrErrors = array();
     // Check the limitation.
     if ($this->oOption->isUnitLimitReached()) {
         $this->setSettingNotice(sprintf(__('Please upgrade to <A href="%1$s">Pro</a> to add more units! Make sure to empty the <a href="%2$s">trash box</a> to delete the units completely!', 'amazon-auto-links'), 'http://en.michaeluno.jp/amazon-auto-links-pro/', admin_url('edit.php?post_status=trash&post_type=' . AmazonAutoLinks_Commons::PostTypeSlug)));
         return $arrOldInput;
     // Customer ID must be 13 characters
     if ($arrInput['aal_add_tag_unit']['tag']['tag_customer_id'] && strlen($arrInput['aal_add_tag_unit']['tag']['tag_customer_id']) != 13) {
         $arrErrors['tag']['tag_customer_id'] = __('The customer ID must consist of 13 characters.', 'amazon-auto-links') . ' ';
         $arrInput['aal_add_tag_unit']['tag']['tag_customer_id'] = '';
         $fVerified = false;
     if (empty($arrInput['aal_add_tag_unit']['tag']['tag_tags']) && empty($arrInput['aal_add_tag_unit']['tag']['tag_customer_id'])) {
         $arrErrors['tag']['tag_tags'] = __('Either tags or customer ID has to be entered.', 'amazon-auto-links');
         $strMessage = __('Either tags or customer ID has to be entered.', 'amazon-auto-links');
         $arrErrors['tag']['tag_customer_id'] = isset($arrErrors['tag']['tag_customer_id']) ? $arrErrors['tag']['tag_customer_id'] . $strMessage : $strMessage;
         $fVerified = false;
     if (empty($arrInput['aal_add_tag_unit']['tag']['tag_associate_id'])) {
         $arrErrors['tag']['tag_associate_id'] = __('The associate ID cannot be empty.', 'amazon-auto-links');
         $fVerified = false;
     // An invalid value is found.
     if (!$fVerified) {
         // Set the error array for the input fields.
         $this->setSettingNotice(__('There was an error in your input.', 'amazon-auto-links'));
         return $arrOldInput;
     // Drop the sections.
     $arrNewFields = array();
     foreach ($arrInput['aal_add_tag_unit'] as $strSection => $arrFields) {
         $arrNewFields = $arrNewFields + $arrFields;
     $arrSanitizedFields = array();
     // Remove the tag_ prefix in the keys.
     foreach ($arrNewFields as $strKey => $vValue) {
         $arrSanitizedFields[preg_replace('/^tag_/', '', $strKey)] = $vValue;
     // Sanitize the tag input
     $arrSanitizedFields['tags'] = trim(AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::trimDelimitedElements($arrSanitizedFields['tags'], ','));
     $arrSanitizedFields = $this->oOption->sanitizeUnitOpitons($arrSanitizedFields);
     // If nothing is checked for the feed type, enable the bestseller item.
     if (!array_filter($arrSanitizedFields['feed_type'])) {
         $arrSanitizedFields['feed_type']['new'] = true;
     // AmazonAutoLinks_Debug::logArray( '--Before Escaping KSES Filter--' );
     // AmazonAutoLinks_Debug::logArray( $arrSanitizedFields['item_format'] );
     // AmazonAutoLinks_Debug::logArray( $arrSanitizedFields['image_format'] );
     // AmazonAutoLinks_Debug::logArray( $arrSanitizedFields['title_format'] );
     // Apply allowed HTML tags for the KSES filter.
     add_filter('safe_style_css', array($this, 'allowInlineStyleMaxWidth'));
     $arrAllowedHTMLTags = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::convertStringToArray($this->oOption->arrOptions['aal_settings']['form_options']['allowed_html_tags'], ',');
     $arrSanitizedFields['item_format'] = AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtilities::escapeKSESFilter($arrSanitizedFields['item_format'], $arrAllowedHTMLTags);
     $arrSanitizedFields['image_format'] = AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtilities::escapeKSESFilter($arrSanitizedFields['image_format'], $arrAllowedHTMLTags);
     $arrSanitizedFields['title_format'] = AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtilities::escapeKSESFilter($arrSanitizedFields['title_format'], $arrAllowedHTMLTags);
     remove_filter('safe_style_css', array($this, 'allowInlineStyleMaxWidth'));
     // AmazonAutoLinks_Debug::logArray( '--After Escaping KSES Filter--' );
     // AmazonAutoLinks_Debug::logArray( $arrAllowedHTMLTags );
     // AmazonAutoLinks_Debug::logArray( $arrSanitizedFields['item_format'] );
     // AmazonAutoLinks_Debug::logArray( $arrSanitizedFields['image_format'] );
     // AmazonAutoLinks_Debug::logArray( $arrSanitizedFields['title_format'] );
     // Create a post.
     $fDoAutoInsert = $arrSanitizedFields['auto_insert'];
     $intNewPostID = AmazonAutoLinks_Option::insertPost($arrSanitizedFields);
     // Create an auto insert
     if ($fDoAutoInsert) {
         $arrAutoInsertOptions = array('unit_ids' => array($intNewPostID)) + AmazonAutoLinks_Form_AutoInsert::$arrStructure_AutoInsertOptions;
         AmazonAutoLinks_Option::insertPost($arrAutoInsertOptions, AmazonAutoLinks_Commons::PostTypeSlugAutoInsert);
     die(wp_redirect(add_query_arg(array('post_type' => AmazonAutoLinks_Commons::PostTypeSlug, 'action' => 'edit', 'post' => $intNewPostID), admin_url('post.php'))));
コード例 #11
  * Generates a template array by the given template directory path.
  * @remark            The directory must have necessary template files including style.css and tmplate.php
  * @access            public            This is access by the pro classes.
 public function getTemplateArray($strDirPath)
     // Check mandatory files.
     if (!$this->doFilesExist(array($strDirPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'style.css', $strDirPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'template.php'))) {
     return array('strCSSPath' => $strDirPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'style.css', 'strTemplatePath' => $strDirPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'template.php', 'strDirPath' => $strDirPath, 'strFunctionsPath' => file_exists($strDirPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php') ? $strDirPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php' : null, 'strSettingsPath' => file_exists($strDirPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'settings.php') ? $strDirPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'settings.php' : null, 'strThumbnailPath' => $this->getScreenshotPath($strDirPath), 'strID' => md5(AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::getRelativePath(ABSPATH, $strDirPath))) + $this->getTemplateData($strDirPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'style.css') + self::$arrStructure_Template;
コード例 #12
  * Creates an array storing the auto-insert definition(post) ids with the keys of hooks.
  * @param            string            $strOptionKey            either 'filter_hooks' or 'action_hooks' which are defined in the AmazonAutoLinks_Form_AutoInsert class.
 protected function getHooks($arrAutoInsertOptions, $strOptionKey, $arrHooks = array())
     foreach ($arrAutoInsertOptions as $intAutoInsertID => $arrOptions) {
         $arrParsedHooks = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::convertStringToArray($arrOptions[$strOptionKey], ',');
         $arrParsedHooks = array_filter($arrParsedHooks);
         // drop non-values.
         foreach ($arrParsedHooks as $strHook) {
             $arrHooks[$strHook] = isset($arrHooks[$strHook]) && is_array($arrHooks[$strHook]) ? array_merge($arrHooks[$strHook], array($intAutoInsertID)) : array($intAutoInsertID);
     foreach ($arrHooks as &$arrIDs) {
         $arrIDs = array_unique(array_filter($arrIDs));
         if (empty($arrIDs)) {
     return $arrHooks;
コード例 #13
    [aal_settings] => Array
         [product_filters] => Array
                 [white_list] => Array
                         [asin] => 
                         [title] => 
                         [description] => 
                 [black_list] => Array
                         [asin] => 
                         [title] => 
                         [description] => 
         [support] => Array
                 [rate] => 10
                 [review] => 0
         [query] => Array
                 [cloak] => productlink
                 [submit_general] => Save Changes
 public function validation_aal_settings_general($arrInput, $arrOldInput)
     // Sanitize text inputs
     foreach ($arrInput['aal_settings']['product_filters']['black_list'] as &$str1) {
         $str1 = trim(AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::trimDelimitedElements($str1, ','));
     foreach ($arrInput['aal_settings']['product_filters']['white_list'] as &$str2) {
         $str2 = trim(AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::trimDelimitedElements($str2, ','));
     // Sanitize the query key.
     $arrInput['aal_settings']['query']['cloak'] = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::sanitizeCharsForURLQueryKey($arrInput['aal_settings']['query']['cloak']);
     // Sanitize the custom preview slug.
     $_sCustomPreviewPostTypeSlug = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::getTrancatedString($arrInput['aal_settings']['unit_preview']['preview_post_type_slug'], 20, '');
     $_sCustomPreviewPostTypeSlug = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::sanitizeCharsForURLQueryKey($_sCustomPreviewPostTypeSlug);
     $arrInput['aal_settings']['unit_preview']['preview_post_type_slug'] = $_sCustomPreviewPostTypeSlug;
     return $arrInput;
コード例 #14
  * Strips HTML tags and sanitizes the product title.
 protected function sanitizeTitle($strTitle)
     $strTitle = strip_tags($strTitle);
     // removes the heading numbering. e.g. #3: Product Name -> Product Name
     // Do not use "substr($strTitle, strpos($strTitle, ' '))" since some title contains double-quotes and they mess up html formats
     $strTitle = trim(preg_replace('/#\\d+?:\\s+?/i', '', $strTitle));
     // Title character length
     if ($this->arrArgs['title_length'] == 0) {
         return '';
     if ($this->arrArgs['title_length'] > 0 && AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::getStringLength($strTitle) > $this->arrArgs['title_length']) {
         $strTitle = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::getSubstring($strTitle, 0, $this->arrArgs['title_length']) . '...';
     // return $strTitle;
     return esc_attr($strTitle);
コード例 #15
  * Calculates the URL from the given path.
  * @static
  * @access            public
  * @return            string            The source url
  * @since            2.0.1
  * @since              Prevented "/./" to be inserted in the url.
 public static function getSRCFromPath($strFilePath)
     $oWPStyles = new WP_Styles();
     // It doesn't matter whether the file is a style or not. Just use the built-in WordPress class to calculate the SRC URL.
     $strRelativePath = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::getRelativePath(ABSPATH, $strFilePath);
     $strRelativePath = preg_replace("/^\\.[\\/\\\\]/", '', $strRelativePath, 1);
     // removes the heading ./ or .\
     $sHref = trailingslashit($oWPStyles->base_url) . $strRelativePath;
     return esc_url($sHref);
コード例 #16
 public function cell_aal_auto_insert_area($strCell, $intPostID)
     $arrList = array();
     $arrSelectedAreas = (array) get_post_meta($intPostID, 'built_in_areas', true) + (array) get_post_meta($intPostID, 'static_areas', true);
     $arrSelectedAreas = array_filter($arrSelectedAreas);
     $arrAreasLabel = AmazonAutoLinks_Form_AutoInsert::getPredefinedFilters() + AmazonAutoLinks_Form_AutoInsert::getPredefinedFiltersForStatic(false);
     foreach ($arrSelectedAreas as $strArea => $fEnable) {
         if (isset($arrAreasLabel[$strArea])) {
             $arrList[] = $arrAreasLabel[$strArea];
     $arrFilters = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::convertStringToArray(get_post_meta($intPostID, 'filter_hooks', true), ',');
     $arrActions = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::convertStringToArray(get_post_meta($intPostID, 'action_hooks', true), ',');
     $arrList = array_merge($arrFilters, $arrActions, $arrList);
     return '<p>' . implode(', ', $arrList) . '</p>';
コード例 #17
  * 'Operation' => 'ItemSearch',    // ItemSearch, ItemLookup, SimilarityLookup
  * @since   2.0.2
  * @see     http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/latest/DG/ItemSearch.html
 protected function getAPIParameterArray($sOperation = 'ItemSearch', $iItemPage = null)
     $_bIsIndexAllOrBlended = 'All' === $this->arrArgs['SearchIndex'] || 'Blended' === $this->arrArgs['SearchIndex'];
     $_aParams = array('Keywords' => AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::trimDelimitedElements($this->arrArgs['Keywords'], ',', false), 'Title' => $_bIsIndexAllOrBlended ? null : AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::trimDelimitedElements($this->arrArgs['Title'], ',', false), 'Operation' => $this->arrArgs['Operation'], 'SearchIndex' => $this->arrArgs['SearchIndex'], $this->arrArgs['search_by'] => $this->arrArgs['additional_attribute'] ? $this->arrArgs['additional_attribute'] : null, 'Sort' => $_bIsIndexAllOrBlended ? null : $this->arrArgs['Sort'], 'ResponseGroup' => "Large", 'BrowseNode' => !$_bIsIndexAllOrBlended && isset($this->arrArgs['BrowseNode']) && $this->arrArgs['BrowseNode'] ? $this->arrArgs['BrowseNode'] : null, 'Availability' => isset($this->arrArgs['Availability']) && $this->arrArgs['Availability'] ? 'Available' : null, 'Condition' => $_bIsIndexAllOrBlended ? null : $this->arrArgs['Condition'], 'IncludeReviewsSummary' => "True", 'MaximumPrice' => !$_bIsIndexAllOrBlended && $this->arrArgs['MaximumPrice'] ? $this->arrArgs['MaximumPrice'] : null, 'MinimumPrice' => !$_bIsIndexAllOrBlended && $this->arrArgs['MinimumPrice'] ? $this->arrArgs['MinimumPrice'] : null, 'MinPercentageOff' => $this->arrArgs['MinPercentageOff'] ? $this->arrArgs['MinPercentageOff'] : null, 'MerchantId' => 'Amazon' === $this->arrArgs['MerchantId'] ? $this->arrArgs['MerchantId'] : null, 'MarketplaceDomain' => 'Marketplace' === $this->arrArgs['SearchIndex'] ? AmazonAutoLinks_Properties::getMarketplaceDomainByLocale($this->arrArgs['country']) : null);
     $_aParams = $iItemPage ? $_aParams + array('ItemPage' => $iItemPage) : $_aParams;
     return $_aParams;
コード例 #18
 public function validation_aal_add_search_unit_initial_search_settings($aInput, $aOldInput)
     // validation_{page slug}_{tab slug}
     $fVerified = true;
     $arrErrors = array();
     $arrSearchOptions = $aInput['aal_add_search_unit']['search'];
     // Check the limitation.
     if ($this->oOption->isUnitLimitReached()) {
         // must set an field error array which does not yield empty so that it won't be redirected.
         $this->setSettingNotice(sprintf(__('Please upgrade to <A href="%1$s">Pro</a> to add more units! Make sure to empty the <a href="%2$s">trash box</a> to delete the units completely!', 'amazon-auto-links'), 'http://en.michaeluno.jp/amazon-auto-links-pro/', admin_url('edit.php?post_status=trash&post_type=' . AmazonAutoLinks_Commons::PostTypeSlug)));
         return $aOldInput;
     // If the Access Key fields are present, it means the user has not set them yet in the Settings page.
     // In this case, just check if they are valid and if so, save them in the settings' option array. Otherwise, return an error.
     if (isset($arrSearchOptions['search_access_key'], $arrSearchOptions['search_access_key_secret'])) {
         $strPublicKey = $arrSearchOptions['search_access_key'];
         if (strlen($strPublicKey) != 20) {
             $arrErrors['search']['search_access_key'] = __('The Access Key ID must consist of 20 characters.', 'amazon-auto-links') . ': ' . $strPublicKey . ' ';
             $fVerified = false;
         $strPrivateKey = $arrSearchOptions['search_access_key_secret'];
         if (strlen($strPrivateKey) != 40) {
             $arrErrors['search']['search_access_key_secret'] = __('The Secret Access Key must consist of 40 characters.', 'amazon-auto-links') . ': ' . $strPrivateKey . ' ';
             $fVerified = false;
         // An invalid value is found.
         if (!$fVerified) {
             // Set the error array for the input fields.
             $this->setSettingNotice(__('There was an error in your input.', 'amazon-auto-links'));
             return $aOldInput;
         // Test authentication - browse the Books node in amazon.com.
         $oAmazonAPI = new AmazonAutoLinks_ProductAdvertisingAPI('com', $strPublicKey, $strPrivateKey);
         if (!$oAmazonAPI->test()) {
             $arrErrors['search']['search_access_key'] = __('Sent Value', 'amazon-auto-links') . ': ' . $strPublicKey;
             $arrErrors['search']['search_access_key_secret'] = __('Sent Value', 'amazon-auto-links') . ': ' . $strPrivateKey;
             $this->setSettingNotice(__('Failed authentication.', 'amazon-auto-links'));
         // It is authenticated, so set the keys in the Settings option array.
         // Since the validation_ callbacks internally merge with the framework's property option array,
         // modify the property array, NOT the option object that plugin creates.
         $this->oProps->arrOptions['aal_settings']['authentication_keys']['access_key'] = $strPublicKey;
         $this->oProps->arrOptions['aal_settings']['authentication_keys']['access_key_secret'] = $strPrivateKey;
     if (empty($arrSearchOptions['search_associate_id'])) {
         $arrErrors['search']['search_associate_id'] = __('The associate ID cannot be empty.', 'amazon-auto-links');
         $fVerified = false;
     // An invalid value is found.
     if (!$fVerified) {
         // Set the error array for the input fields.
         $this->setSettingNotice(__('There was an error in your input.', 'amazon-auto-links'));
         return $aOldInput;
     // Drop the sections.
     $_aNewFields = array();
     foreach ($aInput['aal_add_search_unit'] as $strSection => $arrFields) {
         $_aNewFields = $_aNewFields + $arrFields;
     // Remove the search_ prefix in the keys.
     $_aSanitizedFields = array();
     foreach ($_aNewFields as $strKey => $vValue) {
         $_aSanitizedFields[preg_replace('/^search_/', '', $strKey)] = $vValue;
     // Set the unit type based on the chosen one.
     // Redirect to the appropriate page by the search type.
     switch ($_aSanitizedFields['Operation']) {
         case 'ItemSearch':
             $_aSanitizedFields['unit_type'] = 'search';
             $sTabSlug = 'search_products';
         case 'ItemLookup':
             $_aSanitizedFields['unit_type'] = 'item_lookup';
             $sTabSlug = 'item_lookup';
         case 'SimilarityLookup':
             $_aSanitizedFields['unit_type'] = 'similarity_lookup';
             $sTabSlug = 'similarity_lookup';
     // Save the transient
     $arrTempUnitOptions = (array) AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtilities::getTransient('AAL_CreateUnit_' . $_aSanitizedFields['transient_id']);
     $aSavingUnitOptions = AmazonAutoLinks_Utilities::uniteArrays($_aSanitizedFields, $arrTempUnitOptions);
     AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtilities::setTransient('AAL_CreateUnit_' . $_aSanitizedFields['transient_id'], $aSavingUnitOptions, 60 * 10 * 6 * 24);
     // Go to the next page.
     die(wp_redirect(add_query_arg(array('tab' => $sTabSlug, 'transient_id' => $_aSanitizedFields['transient_id']) + $_GET, $_aSanitizedFields['bounce_url'])));