コード例 #1
 public function getTemplateFields($strSectionID, $strPrefix, $fButton = true, $strUnitType = 'category')
     $arrItemFormat = AmazonAutoLinks_Unit::getItemFormatArray();
     return array(array('strFieldID' => $strPrefix . 'template_id', 'strSectionID' => $strSectionID ? $strSectionID : null, 'strTitle' => __('Template Name', 'amazon-auto-links'), 'strType' => 'select', 'strDescription' => __('Sets a default template for this unit.', 'amazon-auto-links'), 'vLabel' => $GLOBALS['oAmazonAutoLinks_Templates']->getTemplateArrayForSelectLabel(), 'vDefault' => $GLOBALS['oAmazonAutoLinks_Templates']->getPluginDefaultTemplateID($strUnitType)), array('strFieldID' => $strPrefix . 'column', 'strSectionID' => $strSectionID ? $strSectionID : null, 'strTitle' => __('Number of Columns', 'amazon-auto-links'), 'strType' => 'number', 'vClassAttribute' => ($intMaxCol = $GLOBALS['oAmazonAutoLinks_Option']->getMaxSupportedColumnNumber()) > 1 ? '' : 'disabled', 'vDisable' => $intMaxCol > 1 ? false : true, 'vMax' => $intMaxCol, 'vAfterInputTag' => "<div style='margin:auto; width:100%; clear: both;'><img src='" . AmazonAutoLinks_Commons::getPluginURL('asset/image/columns.gif') . "' title='" . __('The number of columns', 'amazon-auto-links') . "' style='width:220px; margin-top: 8px;' /></div>", 'strDescription' => __('This option requires a column supported template to be activated.') . ($intMaxCol > 1 ? '' : ' ' . sprintf(__('Get one <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">here</a>!'), 'http://en.michaeluno.jp/amazon-auto-links-pro/')), 'vDefault' => 4, 'vDelimiter' => ''), array('strFieldID' => $strPrefix . 'item_format', 'strTitle' => __('Item Format', 'amazon-auto-links'), 'strSectionID' => $strSectionID ? $strSectionID : null, 'strType' => 'textarea', 'vClassAttribute' => $GLOBALS['oAmazonAutoLinks_Option']->isAdvancedAllowed() ? '' : 'read-only', 'vReadOnly' => $GLOBALS['oAmazonAutoLinks_Option']->isAdvancedAllowed() ? false : true, 'vCols' => 60, 'vRows' => 4, 'strDescription' => __('Sets the layout of an item. The following variables are available.', 'amazon-auto-links') . '<br />' . '<code>%href%</code> - ' . __('product link url', 'amazon-auto-links') . '<br />' . '<code>%title%</code> - ' . __('title with HTML tags defined in the Title Format option', 'amazon-auto-links') . '<br />' . '<code>%title_text%</code> - ' . __('title without HTML tags', 'amazon-auto-links') . '<br />' . '<code>%image%</code> - ' . __('thumbnail with HTML tags defined in the Image Format option', 'amazon-auto-links') . '<br />' . '<code>%description%</code> - ' . __('description with HTML tags', 'amazon-auto-links') . '<br />' . '<code>%description_text%</code> - ' . __('description without HTML tags', 'amazon-auto-links') . '<br />' . '<code>%price%</code> - ' . __('the product price (only for the search unit type).', 'amazon-auto-links'), 'vDefault' => $arrItemFormat['item_format']), array('strFieldID' => $strPrefix . 'title_format', 'strTitle' => __('Title Format', 'amazon-auto-links'), 'strSectionID' => $strSectionID ? $strSectionID : null, 'strType' => 'textarea', 'vCols' => 60, 'vRows' => 4, 'vClassAttribute' => $GLOBALS['oAmazonAutoLinks_Option']->isAdvancedAllowed() ? '' : 'read-only', 'vReadOnly' => $GLOBALS['oAmazonAutoLinks_Option']->isAdvancedAllowed() ? false : true, 'strDescription' => __('Sets the layout of a title.', 'amazon-auto-links') . '<br />' . '<code>%href%</code> - ' . __('product link url', 'amazon-auto-links') . '<br />' . '<code>%title_text%</code> - ' . __('title', 'amazon-auto-links') . '<br />' . '<code>%description_text%</code> - ' . __('description without HTML tags', 'amazon-auto-links'), 'vDefault' => $arrItemFormat['title_format']), array('strFieldID' => $strPrefix . 'image_format', 'strTitle' => __('Image Format', 'amazon-auto-links'), 'strSectionID' => $strSectionID ? $strSectionID : null, 'strType' => 'textarea', 'vCols' => 60, 'vRows' => 4, 'vClassAttribute' => $GLOBALS['oAmazonAutoLinks_Option']->isAdvancedAllowed() ? '' : 'read-only', 'vReadOnly' => $GLOBALS['oAmazonAutoLinks_Option']->isAdvancedAllowed() ? false : true, 'strDescription' => __('Sets the layout of an image.', 'amazon-auto-links') . '<br />' . '<code>%href%</code> - ' . __('product link url', 'amazon-auto-links') . '<br />' . '<code>%title_text%</code> - ' . __('title', 'amazon-auto-links') . '<br />' . '<code>%src%</code> - ' . __('image url', 'amazon-auto-links') . '<br />' . '<code>%max_width%</code> - ' . __('image size', 'amazon-auto-links') . '<br />' . '<code>%description_text%</code> - ' . __('description without HTML tags', 'amazon-auto-links'), 'vDefault' => $arrItemFormat['image_format']), array('fIf' => $fButton, 'strFieldID' => $strPrefix . 'submit_initial_options', 'strSectionID' => $strSectionID ? $strSectionID : null, 'strType' => 'submit', 'strBeforeField' => "<div style='display: inline-block;'>" . $this->oUserAds->getTextAd() . "</div>" . "<div class='right-button'>", 'strAfterField' => "</div>", 'vLabelMinWidth' => 0, 'vLabel' => __('Create', 'amazon-auto-links'), 'vClassAttribute' => 'button button-primary', 'strAfterField' => '<input type="hidden" name="amazon_auto_links_admin[' . $this->strPageSlug . '][' . $strSectionID . '][' . $strPrefix . 'unit_type]" value="' . $strUnitType . '">'));
コード例 #2
  * Sets up properties.
 function __construct($aArgs = array())
     $this->strUnitType = 'search';
コード例 #3
 function __construct($arrArgs = array())
     $this->strUnitType = 'category';