コード例 #1
ファイル: ItemActions.php プロジェクト: pombredanne/ArcherSys
        private function _akismet_text( $title, $description, $author, $email )
            $spam = false;
            foreach($title as $k => $_data){
                $_title         = $title[$k];
                $_description   = $description[$k];
                $content        = $_title. ' ' .$_description;
                if (osc_akismet_key()) {
                    require_once LIB_PATH . 'Akismet.class.php';
                    $akismet = new Akismet(osc_base_url(), osc_akismet_key());

                    $akismet->setUserIP( get_ip() );

                    $status  = '';
                    $status = $akismet->isCommentSpam() ? 'SPAM' : $status;
                    if($status == 'SPAM') {
                        $spam = true;
            return $spam;
コード例 #2
 public function isSpam()
     require APP . 'Plugin' . DS . 'Comment' . DS . 'Vendor' . DS . 'akismet.php';
     App::uses('Akismet', 'Vendor');
     $akismet = new Akismet(Configure::read('Plugin.Comment.akismet.site'), Configure::read('Plugin.Comment.akismet.key'));
     return $akismet->isCommentSpam();
コード例 #3
ファイル: model.Comment.php プロジェクト: betsyzhang/chyrp
  * Function: create
  * Attempts to create a comment using the passed information. If the Akismet API key is present, it will check it.
  * Parameters:
  *     $body - The comment.
  *     $author - The name of the commenter.
  *     $url - The commenter's website.
  *     $email - The commenter's email.
  *     $post - The <Post> they're commenting on.
  *     $parent - The <Comment> they're replying to.
  *     $notify - Notification on follow-up comments.
  *     $type - The type of comment. Optional, used for trackbacks/pingbacks.
 static function create($body, $author, $url, $email, $post, $parent, $notify, $type = null)
     if (!self::user_can($post->id) and !in_array($type, array("trackback", "pingback"))) {
     $config = Config::current();
     $route = Route::current();
     $visitor = Visitor::current();
     if (!$type) {
         $status = $post->user_id == $visitor->id ? "approved" : $config->default_comment_status;
         $type = "comment";
     } else {
         $status = $type;
     if (!empty($config->akismet_api_key)) {
         $akismet = new Akismet($config->url, $config->akismet_api_key);
         if ($akismet->isCommentSpam()) {
             self::add($body, $author, $url, $email, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "spam", $post->id, $visitor->id, $parent, $notify);
             error(__("Spam Comment"), __("Your comment has been marked as spam. It has to be reviewed and/or approved by an admin.", "comments"));
         } else {
             $comment = self::add($body, $author, $url, $email, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $status, $post->id, $visitor->id, $parent, $notify);
             fallback($_SESSION['comments'], array());
             $_SESSION['comments'][] = $comment->id;
             if (isset($_POST['ajax'])) {
                 exit("{ \"comment_id\": \"" . $comment->id . "\", \"comment_timestamp\": \"" . $comment->created_at . "\" }");
             Flash::notice(__("Comment added."), $post->url() . "#comments");
     } else {
         $comment = self::add($body, $author, $url, $email, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $status, $post->id, $visitor->id, $parent, $notify);
         fallback($_SESSION['comments'], array());
         $_SESSION['comments'][] = $comment->id;
         if (isset($_POST['ajax'])) {
             exit("{ \"comment_id\": \"" . $comment->id . "\", \"comment_timestamp\": \"" . $comment->created_at . "\" }");
         Flash::notice(__("Comment added."), $post->url() . "#comment");
コード例 #4
ファイル: rmcommon.php プロジェクト: laiello/bitcero-modules
  * This event check spam in comments, posts and other contents for modules
  * @param array All params to check (blogurl, name, email, url, text, permalink)
  * @return bool
 public function eventRmcommonCheckPostSpam($params)
     $config = RMFunctions::get()->plugin_settings('akismet', true);
     if ($config['key'] == '') {
     $akismet = new Akismet($blogurl, $config['key']);
     if ($akismet->isCommentSpam()) {
         return false;
     return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: routexl/DB-Toolkit
function akismet_scan($Data, $Setup, $Config)
    if (empty($Setup['_APIKey'])) {
        return false;
    include_once WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/db-toolkit/data_form/processors/akismet/Akismet.class.php';
    $WordPressAPIKey = $Setup['_APIKey'];
    $MyBlogURL = get_bloginfo('url');
    $akismet = new Akismet($MyBlogURL, $WordPressAPIKey);
    if ($akismet->isCommentSpam()) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
    return false;
コード例 #6
ファイル: asacp.php プロジェクト: JohannesEmm/Anti-Spam-ACP
  * Akismet Operations
  * Send a message to check for spam.  If the message is flagged as spam, true is returned.
  * @param string|array $data The message to check
  * @return bool True if the message is flagged as spam, false if not
 public static function akismet($data)
     global $cache, $config, $db, $user;
     if (!$config['asacp_enable'] || !$config['asacp_akismet_enable'] || !$config['asacp_akismet_key']) {
         return false;
     if ($user->data['is_registered']) {
         if ($user->data['user_posts'] > $config['asacp_akismet_post_limit'] && $config['asacp_akismet_post_limit'] > 0) {
             return false;
     // else the user is a guest
     if (!class_exists('Akismet')) {
         global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
         include $phpbb_root_path . 'antispam/Akismet.class.' . $phpEx;
     $akismet = new Akismet($config['asacp_akismet_domain'], $config['asacp_akismet_key']);
     $akismet->setCommentContent((string) $data);
     return $akismet->isCommentSpam() ? true : false;
コード例 #7
ファイル: spam_control.php プロジェクト: biggtfish/Sandbox
 function report_ham($c)
     $spam = $this->db->quick_query('SELECT * FROM %pspam WHERE spam_id=%d', $c);
     if (!$spam) {
         return $this->message('Spam Control', 'There is no such spam comment.', 'Continue', '/index.php?a=spam_control');
     if ($this->user['user_level'] == USER_CONTRIBUTOR) {
         $user = null;
         if ($spam['spam_type'] == COMMENT_BLOG) {
             $user = $this->db->quick_query('SELECT post_user FROM %blogposts WHERE post_id=%d', $spam['spam_post']);
         } else {
             if ($spam['spam_type'] == COMMENT_GALLERY) {
                 $user = $this->db->quick_query('SELECT photo_user FROM %pphotogallery WHERE photo_id=%d', $spam['spam_post']);
             } else {
                 if ($spam['spam_type'] == COMMENT_FILE) {
                     $user = $this->db->quick_query('SELECT file_user FROM %pfilelist WHERE file_id=%d', $spam['spam_post']);
         if (!$user) {
             return $this->error('Access Denied: You do not own the entry you are trying to report.');
     $svars = json_decode($spam['spam_server'], true);
     // Setup and deliver the information to flag this comment as legit with Akismet.
     require_once 'lib/akismet.php';
     $akismet = new Akismet($this->settings['site_address'], $this->settings['wordpress_api_key'], $this->version);
     $q = $spam['spam_post'];
     $author = $spam['spam_user'];
     $author_name = $spam['spam_author'];
     $message = $spam['spam_message'];
     $url = $spam['spam_url'];
     $time = $spam['spam_date'];
     $ip = $spam['spam_ip'];
     $type = $spam['spam_type'];
     $this->db->dbquery("INSERT INTO %pblogcomments\n\t\t   (comment_post, comment_user, comment_author, comment_message, comment_date, comment_ip, comment_type)\n\t\t   VALUES ( %d, %d, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d)", $q, $author, $author_name, $message, $time, $ip, $type);
     if ($type == COMMENT_BLOG) {
         $this->db->dbquery('UPDATE %pblogposts SET post_comment_count=post_comment_count+1 WHERE post_id=%d', $q);
     } elseif ($type == COMMENT_GALLERY) {
         $this->db->dbquery('UPDATE %pphotogallery SET photo_comment_count=photo_comment_count+1 WHERE photo_id=%d', $q);
     } elseif ($type == COMMENT_FILE) {
         $this->db->dbquery('UPDATE %pfilelist SET file_comment_count=file_comment_count+1 WHERE file_id=%d', $q);
     $this->db->dbquery('DELETE FROM %pspam WHERE spam_id=%d', $c);
     return $this->message('Spam Control', 'Comment has been posted and Akismet notified of a false positive.', 'Continue', $this->settings['site_address'] . 'index.php?a=spam_control');
コード例 #8
            // Submit the spam to Akismet
            if (isset($_POST['akismet_submit']) && $config['asacp_akismet_enable'] && $config['asacp_akismet_key'] && ($post_id = request_var('p', 0))) {
                $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . '
					WHERE post_id = ' . $post_id;
                $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
                $post = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
                if ($post) {
                    if (!class_exists('Akismet')) {
                        global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
                        include $phpbb_root_path . 'antispam/Akismet.class.' . $phpEx;
                    $post['decoded_text'] = $post['post_text'];
                    decode_message($post['decoded_text'], $post['bbcode_uid']);
                    $akismet = new Akismet($config['asacp_akismet_domain'], $config['asacp_akismet_key']);
            trigger_error(sprintf($user->lang['ASACP_BAN_COMPLETE'], append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}memberlist.{$phpEx}", "mode=viewprofile&amp;u={$user_id}")));
        } else {
            if (isset($_REQUEST['confirm_key']) && $error) {
                // Hack to fix the confirm_box if we need to come back to it because of an error
コード例 #9
ファイル: posts.php プロジェクト: biggtfish/Sandbox
    function delete_comment()
        if (!isset($this->get['c'])) {
            return $this->message('Delete Comment', 'No comment was specified for editing.');
        $c = intval($this->get['c']);
        $comment = $this->db->quick_query('SELECT c.*, u.* FROM %pblogcomments c
			LEFT JOIN %pusers u ON u.user_id=c.comment_user
			WHERE comment_id=%d', $c);
        if (!$comment) {
            return $this->message('Delete Comment', 'No such comment was found for deletion.');
        if (!isset($this->get['confirm'])) {
            $xtpl = new XTemplate('./skins/' . $this->skin . '/AdminCP/post_comment_edit.xtpl');
            $xtpl->assign('token', $this->generate_token());
            $xtpl->assign('author', htmlspecialchars($comment['user_name']));
            $params = POST_BBCODE | POST_EMOTICONS;
            $xtpl->assign('text', $this->format($comment['comment_message'], $params));
            $xtpl->assign('date', date($this->settings['blog_dateformat'], $comment['comment_date']));
            $link = 'admin.php?a=posts&s=del_comment&c=' . $c;
            $sp = null;
            if (isset($this->get['t']) && $this->get['t'] == 'spam') {
                $link .= '&amp;t=spam';
                $sp = '<br />This comment will be reported as spam.';
            $xtpl->assign('action_link', $link);
            $xtpl->assign('sp', $sp);
            return $xtpl->text('Comment.Delete');
        if (!$this->is_valid_token()) {
            return $this->error('Invalid or expired security token. Please go back, reload the form, and try again.');
        $out = null;
        if (isset($this->get['t']) && $this->get['t'] == 'spam') {
            // Time to report the spammer before we delete the comment. Hopefully this is enough info to strike back with.
            require_once 'lib/akismet.php';
            $akismet = new Akismet($this->settings['site_address'], $this->settings['wordpress_api_key']);
            $out .= 'Comment tagged as spam and reported.<br />';
        $this->db->dbquery('DELETE FROM %pblogcomments WHERE comment_id=%d', $c);
        if ($comment['comment_type'] == COMMENT_BLOG) {
            $this->db->dbquery('UPDATE %pblogposts SET post_comment_count=post_comment_count-1 WHERE post_id=%d', $comment['comment_post']);
        } elseif ($comment['comment_type'] == COMMENT_GALLERY) {
            $this->db->dbquery('UPDATE %pphotogallery SET photo_comment_count=photo_comment_count-1 WHERE photo_id=%d', $comment['comment_post']);
        } elseif ($comment['comment_type'] == COMMENT_FILE) {
            $this->db->dbquery('UPDATE %pfilelist SET file_comment_count=file_comment_count-1 WHERE file_id=%d', $comment['comment_post']);
        $out .= 'Comment has been deleted.';
        return $this->message('Delete Comment', $out, 'Continue', "admin.php?a=posts&s=edit&p={$comment['comment_post']}");
コード例 #10
ファイル: comments.php プロジェクト: betsyzhang/chyrp
 static function reportSpam($comments)
     $config = Config::current();
     foreach ($comments as $comment) {
         $akismet = new Akismet($config->url, $config->akismet_api_key);
コード例 #11
ファイル: question.php プロジェクト: andreaskasper/askbot_php
 if ($j) {
     $db = new SQL(0);
     $w = array();
     $w["txt"] = $_POST["text"];
     $w["question"] = $params["id"] + 0;
     $w["author"] = MyUser::isloggedin() ? MyUser::id() + 0 : 0 - rand(10, 999999);
     $w["authorIP"] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
     $w["date_created"] = time();
     $w["date_edited"] = time();
     if (!MyUser::isloggedin() && SiteConfig::val("akismet/key") . "" != "") {
         $akismet = new Akismet(SiteConfig::val("akismet/host"), SiteConfig::val("akismet/key"));
         $akismet->setPermalink(Question::PermalinkByData($w["question"], "Frage"));
         try {
             if ($akismet->isCommentSpam()) {
                 $w["isSPAM"] = 2;
             } else {
                 $w["isSPAM"] = -2;
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
     $db->CreateUpdate(0, 'answers', $w);
     $answerID = $db->LastInsertKey();
     $db->cmd(0, 'UPDATE questions SET date_action={1},user_action="{2}", count_answers = (SELECT count(*) FROM answers WHERE question=questions.id) WHERE id={0} LIMIT 1', true, array($w["question"], time(), MyUser::id() + 0));
     $_SESSION["myuser"]["lastwritten"]["answers"][$answerID] = true;
     Karma::RuleAction("CREATE_ANSWER", array("user" => MyUser::id(), "question" => $w["question"], "answer" => $answerID));
     Badges::add(4, MyUser::id(), array("question" => $w["question"]));
コード例 #12
ファイル: comments.php プロジェクト: biggtfish/Sandbox
    function delete_comment()
        // Lock this shit down!!!
        if ($this->user['user_level'] < USER_PRIVILEGED) {
            return $this->module->error('Access Denied: You do not have permission to perform that action.');
        if (!isset($this->module->get['c'])) {
            return $this->module->message('Delete Comment', 'No comment was specified for editing.');
        $c = intval($this->module->get['c']);
        $comment = $this->db->quick_query('SELECT c.*, u.* FROM %pblogcomments c
			LEFT JOIN %pusers u ON u.user_id=c.comment_user	WHERE comment_id=%d', $c);
        if (!$comment) {
            return $this->module->message('Delete Comment', 'No such comment was found for deletion.');
        if ($this->user['user_id'] != $comment['comment_user'] && $this->user['user_level'] < USER_CONTRIBUTOR) {
            return $this->module->error('Access Denied: You do not own the comment you are attempting to delete.');
        // After 3 hours, you're stuck with it if you're a regular member.
        if ($this->user['user_level'] == USER_PRIVILEGED && $this->module->time - $comment['comment_date'] > 10800) {
            return $this->module->error('Access Denied: You cannot delete your comments after 3 hours have gone by.');
        $user = null;
        if ($comment['comment_type'] == COMMENT_BLOG) {
            $user = $this->db->quick_query('SELECT post_user FROM %pblogposts WHERE post_id=%d', $comment['comment_post']);
        } elseif ($comment['comment_type'] == COMMENT_GALLERY) {
            $user = $this->db->quick_query('SELECT photo_user FROM %pphotogallery WHERE photo_id=%d', $comment['comment_post']);
        } elseif ($comment['comment_type'] == COMMENT_FILE) {
            $user = $this->db->quick_query('SELECT file_user FROM %pfilelist WHERE file_id=%d', $comment['comment_post']);
        if (!$user) {
            return $this->module->error('Access Denied: You do not own the entry you are trying to edit.');
        if ($this->user['user_level'] == USER_CONTRIBUTOR) {
            switch ($comment['comment_type']) {
                case COMMENT_BLOG:
                    if ($this->user['user_id'] != $user['post_user'] && $this->user['user_id'] != $comment['comment_user']) {
                        return $this->module->error('Access Denied: You do not own the blog entry you are trying to edit.');
                case COMMENT_GALLERY:
                    if ($this->user['user_id'] != $user['photo_user'] && $this->user['user_id'] != $comment['comment_user']) {
                        return $this->module->error('Access Denied: You do not own the image entry you are trying to edit.');
                case COMMENT_FILE:
                    if ($this->user['user_id'] != $user['file_user'] && $this->user['user_id'] != $comment['comment_user']) {
                        return $this->module->error('Access Denied: You do not own the download entry you are trying to edit.');
                    return $this->module->error('Unknown comment type selected for editing.');
        if (isset($this->module->get['t']) && $this->module->get['t'] == 'spam') {
            if ($this->user['user_level'] < USER_CONTRIBUTOR) {
                return $this->module->error('Access Denied: You are not authorized to report spam.');
        $page = '';
        if ($comment['comment_type'] == COMMENT_BLOG) {
            $page = 'blog';
        } elseif ($comment['comment_type'] == COMMENT_GALLERY) {
            $page = 'gallery';
        } elseif ($comment['comment_type'] == COMMENT_FILE) {
            $page = 'downloads';
        if (!isset($this->module->get['confirm'])) {
            $author = htmlspecialchars($comment['user_name']);
            $params = POST_BBCODE | POST_EMOTICONS;
            $text = $this->module->format($comment['comment_message'], $params);
            $date = date($this->settings['blog_dateformat'], $comment['comment_date']);
            $msg = "<div class=\"title\">Comment by {$author} Posted on: {$date}</div><div class=\"article\">{$text}</div>";
            $link = "index.php?a={$page}&amp;s=del_comment&amp;c={$c}&amp;confirm=1";
            $sp = null;
            if (isset($this->module->get['t']) && $this->module->get['t'] == 'spam') {
                $link .= '&amp;t=spam';
                $sp = '<br />This comment will be reported as spam.';
            $msg .= "<div class=\"title\" style=\"text-align:center\">Are you sure you want to delete this comment?{$sp}</div>";
            return $this->module->message('DELETE COMMENT', $msg, 'Delete', $link, 0);
        $out = null;
        if (isset($this->module->get['t']) && $this->module->get['t'] == 'spam') {
            // Time to report the spammer before we delete the comment. Hopefully this is enough info to strike back with.
            require_once 'lib/akismet.php';
            $akismet = new Akismet($this->settings['site_address'], $this->settings['wordpress_api_key'], $this->module->version);
            $out .= 'Comment tagged as spam and reported.<br />';
        $this->db->dbquery('DELETE FROM %pblogcomments WHERE comment_id=%d', $c);
        if ($comment['comment_type'] == COMMENT_BLOG) {
            $this->db->dbquery('UPDATE %pblogposts SET post_comment_count=post_comment_count-1 WHERE post_id=%d', $comment['comment_post']);
        } elseif ($comment['comment_type'] == COMMENT_GALLERY) {
            $this->db->dbquery('UPDATE %pphotogallery SET photo_comment_count=photo_comment_count-1 WHERE photo_id=%d', $comment['comment_post']);
        } elseif ($comment['comment_type'] == COMMENT_FILE) {
            $this->db->dbquery('UPDATE %pfilelist SET file_comment_count=file_comment_count-1 WHERE file_id=%d', $comment['comment_post']);
        $out .= 'Comment has been deleted.';
        return $this->module->message('Delete Comment', $out, 'Continue', "index.php?a={$page}&p={$comment['comment_post']}");
コード例 #13
ファイル: contact.php プロジェクト: jasonlong/blackantmedia

require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/config/settings.php';
require 'Akismet.class.php';
require 'SMTP.class.php';
if (isset($_POST)) {
    $name = $_POST['name'];
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $message = $_POST['message'];
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $akismet = new Akismet($GLOBALS['DOMAIN'], $GLOBALS['AKISMET_API_KEY']);
    if (send_mail($name, $email, $ip, $akismet->isCommentSpam(), $message)) {
        $status = array('code' => '1');
    } else {
        $status = array('code' => '0');
    echo json_encode($status);
function send_mail($name, $email, $ip, $is_spam, $message)
    $subject = '';
    if ($is_spam == false && empty($name) == false && empty($email) == false) {
        $subject = $GLOBALS['CONTACT_SUBJECT'];
        $smtp = new SMTP($GLOBALS['SMTP_SERVER'], $GLOBALS['SMTP_PORT']);
        return $smtp->send($GLOBALS['CONTACT_RECIPIENT'], $subject, "Name: " . $name . "\n\n" . stripslashes($message));
コード例 #14
ファイル: spam.php プロジェクト: biggtfish/Sandbox
    function execute()
        $svars = array();
        $this->title('Spam Control');
        if (isset($this->get['s'])) {
            switch ($this->get['s']) {
                case 'keytest':
                    return $this->test_akismet_key();
        if (!isset($this->get['p'])) {
            return $this->display_spam_comments();
        if (!$this->is_valid_token()) {
            return $this->error('Invalid or expired security token. Please go back, reload the form, and try again.');
        $p = intval($this->get['p']);
        if ($p == 0) {
            $this->db->dbquery('TRUNCATE TABLE %pspam');
            return $this->message('Spam Control', 'All entries in the spam table have been cleared.', 'Continue', 'admin.php?a=spam');
        $spam = $this->db->quick_query('SELECT s.*, u.user_name, u.user_url, u.user_id FROM %pspam s
					LEFT JOIN %pusers u ON u.user_id=s.spam_user WHERE spam_id=%d', $p);
        if (!$spam) {
            return $this->message('Spam Control', 'There is no such spam comment.', 'Continue', 'admin.php?a=spam');
        $out = '';
        if (!isset($this->get['s']) || $this->get['s'] != 'delete_spam') {
            $svars = json_decode($spam['spam_server'], true);
            // Setup and deliver the information to flag this comment as legit with Akismet.
            require_once 'lib/akismet.php';
            $akismet = new Akismet($this->settings['site_address'], $this->settings['wordpress_api_key'], $this->version);
            $q = $spam['spam_post'];
            $author = $spam['user_id'];
            $author_name = $spam['spam_author'];
            $message = $spam['spam_message'];
            $url = $spam['spam_url'];
            $time = $spam['spam_date'];
            $ip = $spam['spam_ip'];
            $type = $spam['spam_type'];
            $this->db->dbquery("INSERT INTO %pblogcomments\n\t\t\t   (comment_post, comment_user, comment_author, comment_message, comment_date, comment_ip, comment_type)\n\t\t\t   VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d)", $q, $author, $author_name, $message, $time, $ip, $type);
            if ($type == COMMENT_BLOG) {
                $this->db->dbquery('UPDATE %pblogposts SET post_comment_count=post_comment_count+1 WHERE post_id=%d', $q);
            } elseif ($type == COMMENT_GALLERY) {
                $this->db->dbquery('UPDATE %pphotogallery SET photo_comment_count=photo_comment_count+1 WHERE photo_id=%d', $q);
            } elseif ($type == COMMENT_FILE) {
                $this->db->dbquery('UPDATE %pfilelist SET file_comment_count=file_comment_count+1 WHERE file_id=%d', $q);
            $out .= 'Comment has been posted and Akismet notified of false positive.<br />';
        $this->db->dbquery('DELETE FROM %pspam WHERE spam_id=%d', $p);
        $out .= 'Message deleted from spam table.';
        return $this->message('Spam Control', $out, 'Continue', 'admin.php?a=spam');