public function Test_for_getTimestamp() { $this->assertEqual(Ak::getTimestamp(), Ak::time()); $this->assertEqual('17:52:03', Ak::getDate(Ak::getTimestamp('17:52:03'), 'H:i:s')); $this->assertEqual(date('Y-m-d') . ' 17:52:03', Ak::getDate(Ak::getTimestamp('17:52:03'))); $this->assertEqual('2005-12-25 00:00:00', Ak::getDate(Ak::getTimestamp('2005-12-25'))); $this->assertEqual('1592-10-09 00:00:00', Ak::getDate(Ak::getTimestamp('1592-10-09'))); $this->assertEqual('2192-10-09 00:00:00', Ak::getDate(Ak::getTimestamp('2192-10-09'))); $this->assertEqual('2192-10-09 01:02:03', Ak::getDate(Ak::getTimestamp('2192-10-9 01:02:03'))); }
public function test_signed_up() { $Expected = $this->new_mail(); $Expected->setTo($this->recipient); $Expected->setSubject("[Signed up] Welcome {$this->recipient}"); $Expected->setBody("Hello there,\n\nMr. {$this->recipient}"); $Expected->setFrom("*****@*****.**"); $Expected->setDate(Ak::getTimestamp("2004-12-12")); $TestMailer = new TestMailer(); $this->assertTrue($Created = $TestMailer->create('signed_up', $this->recipient)); $this->assertEqual($Expected->getEncoded(), $Created->getEncoded()); $this->assertTrue($TestMailer->deliver('signed_up', $this->recipient)); $this->assertTrue(!empty($TestMailer->deliveries[0])); $this->assertEqual($Expected->getEncoded(), $TestMailer->deliveries[0]); }
function authenticateWithToken($token) { $options = User::_decodeToken($token); if (!empty($options) && !empty($options['hash']) && !empty($options['id'])) { $User = new User(); $User = $User->find($options['id']); if (!empty($options['expires']) && $options['expires'] < Ak::getTimestamp()) { return false; } if ($options['hash'] == $User->_getTokenHash($options)) { $User->updateAttribute('last_login_at', Ak::getDate()); return $User; } } return false; }
public function authenticateWithToken($token, $update_last_login = true) { $options = User::decodeToken($token); if (!empty($options) && !empty($options['hash']) && !empty($options['id'])) { $User = new User(); $User = $User->find($options['id']); if (!empty($options['expires']) && $options['expires'] < Ak::getTimestamp()) { return false; } if ($options['hash'] == $User->getTokenHash($options)) { if ($update_last_login) { $User->updateAttribute('last_login_at', Ak::getDate()); } $this->setCurrentUser($User); return $User; } } return false; }
/** * Returns a one time use token for accesing an account. * * This might be used for retrieving lost passwords. * * Tokens can be validated using the Sentinel::isValidLoginTokenForUser method */ function getToken($options = array()) { $default_options = array('id' => (int) $this->get('id'), 'single_use' => !empty($options['single_use'])); $options = array_merge($default_options, $options); $options['expires'] = empty($options['expires']) ? 0 : Ak::getTimestamp() + (empty($options['expires']) ? '0' : ($options['expires'] == true ? 86400 : $options['expires'])); $options['single_use'] = $options['single_use'] ? 1 : 0; $options['hash'] = $this->_getTokenHash($options); return $this->_encodeToken($options); }
/** * Converts an ISO date to current locale format * */ function locale_date($iso_date) { $timestamp = Ak::getTimestamp($iso_date); $format = Ak::locale('date_format'); return Ak::getDate($timestamp, $format); }
public function test_with_relations_json() { $person = $this->Person->create(array('first_name' => 'Hansi', 'last_name' => 'Müller', 'email' => '*****@*****.**')); $person_created_at = gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', Ak::getTimestamp($person->created_at)); $person->account->create(array('username' => 'hansi', 'password' => 'wilma')); $account_created_at = gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', Ak::getTimestamp($person->account->created_at)); $expected = <<<EOX {"id":{$person->id},"first_name":"Hansi","last_name":"M\\u00fcller","email":"*****@*****.**","created_at":"{$person_created_at}","account":{"id":{$person->account->id},"person_id":{$person->id},"username":"******","password":"******","is_enabled":0,"credit_limit":null,"firm_id":null,"reset_key":null,"created_at":"{$account_created_at}"}} EOX; $json = $person->toJson(array('include' => 'account')); $this->_compareJson($expected, $json); $person_reloaded = $person->fromJson($json); $this->assertEqual($person->first_name, $person_reloaded->first_name); $this->assertEqual($person->last_name, $person_reloaded->last_name); $this->assertEqual($person->account->id, $person_reloaded->account->id); }
public function test_should_convert_between_timestamp_and_date() { $iso_date = '2007-10-15 16:30:00'; $this->assertEqual(Ak::getDate(Ak::getTimestamp($iso_date)), $iso_date); $this->assertEqual(Ak::getDate(Ak::getTimestamp('2007-10-15 16:30')), $iso_date); }
function castAttributeForDatabase($column_name, $value, $add_quotes = true) { $result = ''; switch ($this->getColumnType($column_name)) { case 'datetime': if(!empty($value)){ $date_time = $this->_db->quote_datetime(Ak::getTimestamp($value)); $result = $add_quotes ? $date_time : trim($date_time ,"'"); }else{ $result = 'null'; } break; case 'date': if(!empty($value)){ $date = $this->_db->quote_date(Ak::getTimestamp($value)); $result = $add_quotes ? $date : trim($date, "'"); }else{ $result = 'null'; } break; case 'boolean': $result = is_null($value) ? 'null' : (!empty($value) ? "'1'" : "'0'"); break; case 'binary': if($this->_getDatabaseType() == 'postgre'){ $result = is_null($value) ? 'null::bytea ' : " '".$this->_db->escape_blob($value)."'::bytea "; }else{ $result = is_null($value) ? 'null' : ($add_quotes ? $this->_db->quote_string($value) : $value); } break; case 'decimal': if(is_null($value)){ $result = 'null'; }else{ if($scale = $this->getColumnScale($column_name)){ $value = number_format($value, $scale, '.', ''); } $result = $add_quotes ? $this->_db->quote_string($value) : $value; } break; case 'serial': case 'integer': $result = (is_null($value) || $value==='') ? 'null' : (integer)$value; break; case 'float': $result = (empty($value) && $value !== 0) ? 'null' : (is_numeric($value) ? $value : $this->_db->quote_string($value)); $result = !empty($this->_columns[$column_name]['notNull']) && $result == 'null' && $this->_getDatabaseType() == 'sqlite' ? '0' : $result; break; default: if($this->_shouldSerializeColumn($column_name)){ $value = serialize($value); } $result = is_null($value) ? 'null' : ($add_quotes ? $this->_db->quote_string($value) : $value); break; } // !! nullable vs. not nullable !! return empty($this->_columns[$column_name]['notNull']) ? ($result === '' ? "''" : $result) : ($result === 'null' ? '' : $result); }
function _getLogFormatedAsString($type, $error_number, $error_message, $filename, $line_number, $serialized = false) { $message = Ak::getTimestamp() . "\t[{$error_number}]\t{$error_message}"; $params = array_merge($this->_log_params, $this->extended_details ? array('file' => $filename, 'line_number' => $line_number, 'remote_address' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'browser' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) : array()); if ($serialized) { $message .= count($params) ? "\t" . serialize($params) : ''; } else { $details = ''; foreach ($params as $k => $v) { $details .= "\n\t\t- " . AkInflector::humanize($k) . ": {$v}"; } $message .= empty($details) ? "\n" : "\n\t" . 'PARAMS{' . $details . "\t\n}\n"; } return $message; }
function _saveLogInDatabase($type, $error_mode, $error_message) { $db =& Ak::db(); $message = $this->_getLogFormatedAsRawText($type, $error_mode, $error_message); $sql = 'INSERT INTO log (user_id, type, message, severity, location, hostname, created) ' . " VALUES (0, " . $db->quote_string($type) . ", " . $db->quote_string($message) . ', ' . ($this->mode & AK_MODE_DIE ? 100 : 0) . ', ' . $db->quote_string(AK_CURRENT_URL) . ', ' . $db->quote_string($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . ', ' . $db->quote_string(Ak::getTimestamp()) . ');'; if ($db->execute($sql) === false) { die($this->internalError($this->t('Error inserting: ') . $db->ErrorMsg(), __FILE__, __LINE__)); } }
/** * Compute and return the current time, in the time zone represented by * AkTimeZone. */ function now() { return $this->adjust(isset($this->_timestamp) ? $this->_timestamp : Ak::getTimestamp()); }
function _getHeaders($to = null) { return array('From' => trim($this->email_account->sender_name . ' <' . $this->email_account->reply_to . '>'), 'Return-path' => trim($this->email_account->sender_name . ' <' . $this->email_account->reply_to . '>'), 'Subject' => $this->subject, 'To' => $to, 'Message-Id' => '<' . $this->id . '.' . Ak::uuid() . substr('*****@*****.**', strpos('*****@*****.**', '@')) . '>', 'Date' => strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", Ak::getTimestamp())); }
/** * Generate a xml representation of the model record. * * Example result: * * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> * <person> * <id>1</id> * <first-name>Hansi</first-name> * <last-name>Müller</last-name> * <email></email> * <created-at type="datetime">2008-01-01 13:01:23</created-at> * </person> * * parameters: * * @param array $options * * option parameters: * array( * 'collection' => array($Person1,$Person), // array of ActiveRecords * 'include' => array('association1','association2'), // include the associations when exporting * 'exclude' => array('id','name'), // exclude the attribtues * 'only' => array('email','last_name') // only export these attributes * ) * @return string in Xml Format */ public function toXml($options = array()) { $options['padding'] = empty($options['padding']) ? 0 : $options['padding'] + 1; $current_padding = str_repeat(' ', $options['padding']); if (is_array($options) && isset($options[0]) && $options[0] instanceof ArrayAccess) { $options = array('collection' => $options); } if (isset($options['collection']) && (is_array($options['collection']) || $options['collection'] instanceof ArrayAccess) && $options['collection'][0]->_modelName == $this->_Model->getModelName()) { $root = AkInflector::underscore(AkInflector::pluralize($this->_Model->getModelName())); $root = $this->_convertColumnToXmlElement($root); $xml = ''; if (!(isset($options['skip_instruct']) && $options['skip_instruct'] == true)) { $xml .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; } $xml .= $current_padding . '<' . $root . " type=\"array\">\n"; $collection = $options['collection']; unset($options['collection']); $options['skip_instruct'] = true; $options['padding']++; foreach ($collection as $element) { $xml .= $element->toXml($options); } $xml .= $current_padding . '</' . $root . ">\n"; return $xml; } /** * see if we need to include associations */ $associatedIds = array(); if (isset($options['include']) && !empty($options['include'])) { $options['include'] = is_array($options['include']) ? $options['include'] : preg_split('/,\\s*/', $options['include']); foreach ($this->_Model->getAssociations() as $key => $obj) { if (in_array($key, $options['include'])) { if ($obj->getType() != 'hasAndBelongsToMany') { $associatedIds[$obj->getAssociationIds() . '_id'] = array('name' => $key, 'type' => $obj->getType()); } else { $associatedIds[$key] = array('name' => $key, 'type' => $obj->getType()); } } } } if (isset($options['only'])) { $options['only'] = is_array($options['only']) ? $options['only'] : preg_split('/,\\s*/', $options['only']); } if (isset($options['except'])) { $options['except'] = is_array($options['except']) ? $options['except'] : preg_split('/,\\s*/', $options['except']); } $xml = ''; if (!(isset($options['skip_instruct']) && $options['skip_instruct'] == true)) { $xml .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; } $root = $this->_convertColumnToXmlElement(AkInflector::underscore($this->_Model->getModelName())); $xml .= $current_padding . '<' . $root . ">\n"; foreach ($this->_Model->getColumns() as $key => $def) { if (isset($options['except']) && in_array($key, $options['except'])) { continue; } else { if (isset($options['only']) && !in_array($key, $options['only'])) { continue; } else { $columnType = $def['type']; $elementName = $this->_convertColumnToXmlElement($key); $xml .= $current_padding . ' <' . $elementName; $val = $this->_Model->{$key}; if (!in_array($columnType, array('string', 'text', 'serial'))) { $xml .= ' type="' . $columnType . '"'; if ($columnType == 'boolean') { $val = $val ? 1 : 0; } } elseif ($columnType == 'serial' && is_numeric($val)) { $xml .= ' type="integer"'; } if (!empty($val) && in_array($columnType, array('datetime'))) { // UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) $val = gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', Ak::getTimestamp($val)); } if (is_null($val)) { $xml .= ' nil="true"'; } $xml .= '>' . Ak::utf8($val) . '</' . $elementName . ">\n"; } } } if (isset($options['include'])) { foreach ($this->_Model->getAssociations() as $key => $val) { if (in_array($key, $options['include']) || in_array($val, $options['include'])) { if (is_array($this->_Model->{$key})) { $associationElement = $key; $associationElement = AkInflector::underscore(AkInflector::pluralize($associationElement)); $associationElement = $this->_convertColumnToXmlElement($associationElement); $xml .= $current_padding . '<' . $associationElement . " type=\"array\">\n"; $options['padding']++; foreach ($this->_Model->{$key} as $el) { if ($el instanceof AkBaseModel) { $xml .= $el->toXml(array('skip_instruct' => true)); } } $xml .= $current_padding . '</' . $associationElement . ">\n"; } else { $el = $this->_Model->{$key}->load(); if ($el instanceof AkBaseModel) { $xml .= $el->toXml(array('skip_instruct' => true)); } } } } } $xml .= $current_padding . '</' . $root . ">\n"; return $xml; }
function getValueForDateColumn($column_name, $value) { if (!$this->isNewRecord()) { if (($column_name == 'updated_on' || $column_name == 'updated_at') && empty($value)) { return null; } } elseif (($column_name == 'created_on' || $column_name == 'created_at') && empty($value)) { return Ak::time(); } elseif ($column_name == 'expires_on' || $column_name == 'expires_at') { return empty($value) ? Ak::getTimestamp('9999-12-31 23:59:59') : Ak::getTimestamp($value); } return Ak::getTimestamp($value); }