コード例 #1
  * Get own links for toolbar navigation
  * @return array
 protected function getToolbarNavigationLinks()
     $LinkList = array();
     if ($this->Configuration()->value('for_weather')) {
         $LinkList[] = '<li>' . Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.php">' . Ajax::tooltip(Icon::$LINE_CHART, __('Show temperature plots')) . '</a>') . '</li>';
     return $LinkList;
コード例 #2
  * Add info link
 protected function addInfoLink()
     if (!Request::isOnSharedPage()) {
         $Linker = new Linker($this->Context->activity());
         $InfoLink = Ajax::window('<a href="' . $Linker->urlToRoundsInfo() . '">' . __('More details about your laps') . '</a>', 'normal');
         $this->Header = HTML::info($InfoLink);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Setting.php プロジェクト: Strubbl/Runalyze
  * @param \Runalyze\Dataset\Context $context
  * @return string
  * @codeCoverageIgnore
 protected function inlineDropdownWithRealLinks(Context $context)
     $id = $context->activity()->id();
     $html = '<li>' . \Ajax::window('<a href="' . $context->linker()->editUrl() . '">' . \Icon::$EDIT . ' ' . __('Edit') . '</a> ', 'small') . '</li>';
     $html .= '<li><span class="link" data-action="privacy" data-activityid="' . $id . '">' . $this->privacyIconAndLabel($context) . '</span></li>';
     $html .= '<li><span class="link" data-action="delete" data-activityid="' . $id . '" data-confirm="' . __('Do you really want to delete this activity?') . '"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-trash"></i> ' . __('Delete activity') . '</span></li>';
     $html .= $context->activity()->isPublic() ? '<li><a href="' . $context->linker()->publicUrl() . '" target="_blank" onclick="(arguments[0] || window.event).stopPropagation();">' . \Icon::$ATTACH . ' ' . __('Public link') . '</a></li>' : '';
     return $html;
コード例 #4
  * Add info link
 protected function addInfoLink()
     if ($this->Context->dataview()->vdot()->value() > 0 || $this->Context->activity()->jdIntensity() > 0) {
         if (!Request::isOnSharedPage()) {
             $Linker = new Activity\Linker($this->Context->activity());
             $InfoLink = Ajax::window('<a href="' . $Linker->urlToVDOTInfo() . '">' . __('More about VDOT calculation') . '</a>', 'small');
             $this->Footer = HTML::info($InfoLink);
コード例 #5
  * Add info link
 protected function addInfoLink()
     if ($this->Context->trackdata()->has(Trackdata\Entity::DISTANCE) && $this->Context->trackdata()->has(Trackdata\Entity::TIME)) {
         if (!Request::isOnSharedPage()) {
             $Linker = new Linker($this->Context->activity());
             $InfoLink = Ajax::window('<a href="' . $Linker->urlToRoundsInfo() . '">' . __('More details about your laps') . '</a>', 'big');
             $this->Header = HTML::info($InfoLink);
コード例 #6
  * Get own links for toolbar navigation
  * @return array
 protected function getToolbarNavigationLinks()
     $LinkList = array();
     $LinkList[] = '<li>' . Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.php">' . Ajax::tooltip(Icon::$LINE_CHART, __('Show temperature plots')) . '</a>') . '</li>';
     $LinkList[] = '<li class="with-submenu"><span class="link">' . __('Equipment types') . '</span><ul class="submenu">';
     foreach ($this->EquipmentTypes as $EqType) {
         $LinkList[] = '<li>' . $this->getInnerLink($EqType->name(), false, false, $EqType->id()) . '</li>';
     $LinkList[] = '</ul></li>';
     return $LinkList;
コード例 #7
  * Display header
 protected function displayHeader()
     $name = $this->Plugin instanceof PluginTool ? $this->Plugin->getWindowLink() : $this->Plugin->name();
     $Links = array();
     $Links[] = array('tag' => Ajax::window('<a href="' . ConfigTabPlugins::getExternalUrl() . '">' . __('back to overview') . '</a>'));
     echo '<div class="panel-heading">';
     echo '<div class="panel-menu">';
     echo Ajax::toolbarNavigation($Links);
     echo '</div>';
     echo '<h1>' . __('Plugin configuration') . ': ' . $name . '</h1>';
     echo '</div>';
コード例 #8
  * Init toolbar links
 private function initToolbarLinks()
     $Linker = new Linker($this->Context->activity());
     if ($this->Context->activity()->isPublic()) {
         $this->ToolbarLinks[] = '<a href="' . $Linker->publicUrl() . '" target="_blank">' . Icon::$ATTACH . ' ' . __('Public link') . '</a>';
     if (!Request::isOnSharedPage()) {
         $this->ToolbarLinks[] = Ajax::window('<a href="' . ExporterWindow::$URL . '?id=' . $this->Context->activity()->id() . '">' . Icon::$DOWNLOAD . ' ' . __('Export') . '</a> ', 'small');
         $this->ToolbarLinks[] = Ajax::window('<a href="' . $Linker->editUrl() . '">' . Icon::$EDIT . ' ' . __('Edit') . '</a> ', 'small');
     $this->ToolbarLinks[] = Ajax::tooltip($Linker->weekLink(), '<em>' . __('Show week') . '</em><br>' . $this->Context->dataview()->weekday() . ', ' . $this->Context->dataview()->dateAndDaytime());
コード例 #9
  * Add info link
 protected function addInfoLink()
     if (!Request::isOnSharedPage()) {
         $Linker = new Linker($this->Context->activity());
         $InfoLink = Ajax::window('<a href="' . $Linker->urlToElevationInfo() . '">' . __('More about elevation') . '</a>', 'normal');
         $this->Footer = HTML::info($InfoLink);
     } else {
         $this->Footer = '';
     if ($this->Context->route()->hasCorrectedElevations()) {
         $this->Footer .= HTML::info(__('Elevation data were corrected.'));
     } elseif ($this->Context->route()->hasOriginalElevations() && Configuration::ActivityForm()->correctElevation()) {
         $this->Footer .= HTML::warning(__('Elevation data are not corrected.'));
     // TODO: Add link to correct them now!
コード例 #10
  * Get delete link for an entry
  * @param int $id
  * @return string
 public static function getDeleteLinkFor($id)
     return Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/RunalyzePluginPanel_Sportler/window.sportler.php?id=' . $id . '&delete=true">' . Icon::$DELETE . '</a>');
コード例 #11
  * Get uninstall link
  * @param string $name [optional] default: delete-icon
  * @return string
 public static function uninstallLink($key, $name = '')
     if ($name == '') {
         $name = Icon::$DELETE;
     return Ajax::window('<a href="' . self::UNINSTALL_URL . '?key=' . $key . '">' . Ajax::tooltip($name, __('Uninstall plugin')) . '</a>');
コード例 #12
ファイル: class.PlotSumData.php プロジェクト: schoch/Runalyze
  * Link to plot
  * @param string $text
  * @param int $year
  * @param int $sportid
  * @param string $group
  * @param boolean $current
  * @return string
 private function link($text, $year, $sportid, $group, $current = false, $analysis = false)
     if (!$analysis) {
         $analysis = $this->Analysis;
     if (FrontendShared::$IS_SHOWN) {
         return Ajax::window('<li' . ($current ? ' class="active"' : '') . '><a href="' . DataBrowserShared::getBaseUrl() . '?view=' . (Request::param('type') == 'week' ? 'weekkm' : 'monthkm') . '&type=' . Request::param('type') . '&y=' . $year . '&sportid=' . $sportid . '&group=' . $group . '&analysis=' . $analysis . '">' . $text . '</a></li>');
     } else {
         return Ajax::window('<li' . ($current ? ' class="active"' : '') . '><a href="' . self::$URL . '?type=' . Request::param('type') . '&y=' . $year . '&sportid=' . $sportid . '&group=' . $group . '&analysis=' . $analysis . '">' . $text . '</a></li>');
コード例 #13
  * Get link for editing a shoe
  * @param int $id
  * @return string
 private function editLinkFor($id)
     return Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.schuhe.php?id=' . $id . '">' . Ajax::tooltip(Icon::$EDIT, __('Edit')) . '</a>');
コード例 #14
ファイル: class.ExporterWindow.php プロジェクト: 9x/Runalyze
  * Display exported files
 protected function displayExportedFiles()
     $ListOfFiles = $this->getExistingFiles();
     $Fieldset = new FormularFieldset(sprintf(__('Up to now you have exported <strong>%d</strong> trainings.'), count($ListOfFiles)));
     if (strlen(Request::param('delete')) > 0) {
         $index = (int) Request::param('delete');
         if (!isset($ListOfFiles[$index - 1])) {
             $Fieldset->addWarning('Don\' do that!');
         } else {
             $Fieldset->addInfo(__('The file has been removed.'));
             Filesystem::deleteFile('export/files/' . $ListOfFiles[$index - 1]);
             unset($ListOfFiles[$index - 1]);
     } else {
     if (empty($ListOfFiles)) {
         $Fieldset->addFileBlock('<em>' . __('You did not export any training.') . '</em>');
     } else {
         foreach ($ListOfFiles as $i => $File) {
             $String = $File . ', ' . Filesystem::getFilesize(FRONTEND_PATH . 'export/files/' . $File);
             $Link = '<a href="inc/export/files/' . $File . '" target="_blank">' . $String . '</a>';
             $Delete = Ajax::window('<a class="right small" href="' . self::$URL . '?id=' . $this->TrainingID . '&delete=' . ($i + 1) . '">[' . __('delete') . ']</a>', 'small');
             $Fieldset->addFileBlock($Delete . $Link);
     $Formular = new Formular();
コード例 #15
  * Method for getting the right symbol(s)
  * @see PluginPanel::getRightSymbol()
 protected function getRightSymbol()
     $Links = '';
     $Links .= '<li>' . Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.plot.php" ' . Ajax::tooltip('', __('Show form'), true, true) . '>' . Icon::$LINE_CHART . '</a>') . '</li>';
     $Links .= '<li>' . Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.php" ' . Ajax::tooltip('', __('How are these values calculated?'), true, true) . '>' . Icon::$MAGIC . '</a>') . '</li>';
     $Links .= '<li>' . Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.info.php" ' . Ajax::tooltip('', __('Explanations: What are VDOT and TRIMP?'), true, true) . '>' . Icon::$INFO . '</a>') . '</li>';
     return '<ul>' . $Links . '</ul>';
コード例 #16
ファイル: class.Plugin.php プロジェクト: guancio/Runalyze
  * Get link for the config-window
  * @param string $name [optional], default: settings-icon
  * @param string $add_param [optional] additional parameter starting with '&...'
  * @return string
 public final function getConfigLink($name = '', $add_param = '')
     if ($name == '') {
         $name = Icon::$CONF;
     return Ajax::window('<a href="' . self::$CONFIG_URL . '?id=' . $this->id() . $add_param . '">' . $name . '</a>', 'small');
コード例 #17
  * Get link for create window for a given date
  * @param int $timestamp
  * @return string
 public static function linkForDate($timestamp)
     if ($timestamp > time()) {
         return '<span style="opacity:.25;">' . Icon::$ADD_SMALL . '</span>';
     $date = date('d.m.Y', $timestamp);
     return Ajax::window('<a href="' . self::$URL . '?date=' . $date . '">' . Icon::$ADD_SMALL . '</a>', 'small');
コード例 #18
  * Set all fieldsets and fields
 public function setFieldsetsAndFields()
     $Data = AccountHandler::getDataForId(SessionAccountHandler::getId());
     $UsernameField = new FormularInput('name', __('Username'), $Data['username']);
     $MailField = new FormularInput('name', __('Email address'), $Data['mail']);
     $NameField = new FormularInput('name', __('Name'), $Data['name']);
     $LanguageField = new FormularSelectBox('language', __('Language'), $Data['language']);
     foreach (Language::availableLanguages() as $klang => $lang) {
         $LanguageField->addOption($klang, $lang[0]);
     $SinceField = new FormularInput('name', __('Registered since'), date('d.m.Y H:i', $Data['registerdate']));
     $LastLoginField = new FormularInput('name', __('Last Login'), date('d.m.Y H:i', $Data['lastlogin']));
     $Account = new FormularFieldset(__('Your account'));
     $AllowMailsField = new FormularSelectBox('allow_mails', __('Email me'), $Data['allow_mails']);
     $AllowMailsField->addOption('1', __('Yes'));
     $AllowMailsField->addOption('0', __('No'));
     $Notifications = new FormularFieldset(__('Notifications'));
     $Notifications->addInfo(__('At irregular intervals we are sending mails to you. We will never send you spam or advertisement.'));
     $Password = new FormularFieldset(__('Change your password'));
     if (empty($_POST['old_pw']) && empty($_POST['new_pw']) && empty($_POST['new_pw_repeat'])) {
     } else {
         // Don't show passwords as 'value="..."'
         $_POST['old_pw'] = '';
         $_POST['new_pw'] = '';
         $_POST['new_pw_repeat'] = '';
     $Password->addField(new FormularInputPassword('old_pw', __('Old password')));
     $Password->addField(new FormularInputPassword('new_pw', __('New password')));
     $Password->addField(new FormularInputPassword('new_pw_repeat', __('Repeat new password')));
     $Backup = new FormularFieldset(__('Backup your data'));
     $Factory = new PluginFactory();
     if ($Factory->isInstalled('RunalyzePluginTool_DbBackup')) {
         $Plugin = $Factory->newInstance('RunalyzePluginTool_DbBackup');
         $Backup->addInfo(__('Please use the plugin') . ' \'<strong>' . $Plugin->getWindowLink() . '</strong>\'.');
     } else {
         $Backup->addInfo(__('The backup of all your data is not manually possible yet.<br>' . 'In important individual cases write us an e-mail to mail@runalyze.de and and we will take care of it right away!'));
     $DeleteLink = Ajax::window('<a href="call/window.delete.php"><strong>' . __('Delete your account') . ' &raquo;</strong></a>') . '<br><br>' . __('You\'ll receive an email with a link to confirm the deletion.<br>' . 'The deletion is permanent and cannot be reversed. ' . 'Therefore, you should backup your data.');
     $Delete = new FormularFieldset(__('Delete your account'));
コード例 #19
  * Table link
  * @return string
 public function tableLink()
     return Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.equipment.table.php">' . Icon::$TABLE . ' ' . __('Show all equipment') . '</a>');
コード例 #20

 * File for uninstalling plugins.
 * Call:   call.Plugin.uninstall.php?key=
require '../inc/class.Frontend.php';
$Pluginkey = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'key');
$Frontend = new Frontend();
$Installer = new PluginInstaller($Pluginkey);
echo '<h1>' . __('Uninstall') . ' ' . $Pluginkey . '</h1>';
if ($Installer->uninstall()) {
    echo HTML::okay(__('The plugin has been uninstalled.'));
    echo Ajax::getReloadCommand();
} else {
    echo HTML::error(__('There was a problem, the plugin could not be uninstalled.'));
echo '<ul class="blocklist">';
echo '<li>';
echo Ajax::window('<a href="' . ConfigTabPlugins::getExternalUrl() . '">' . Icon::$TABLE . ' ' . __('back to list') . '</a>');
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
コード例 #21
if (SessionAccountHandler::isLoggedIn()) {
<a class="tab right" href="login.php?out" title="<?php 
		<i class="fa fa-fw fa-lg fa-sign-out"></i>&nbsp;<?php 
    echo Ajax::window('<a class="tab right b" href="' . ConfigTabs::$CONFIG_URL . '?key=config_tab_account"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-lg fa-user"></i>' . NBSP . SessionAccountHandler::getUsername() . '</a>');

	<span class="left b">
echo Ajax::window('<a class="tab" href="' . ConfigTabs::$CONFIG_URL . '"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-lg fa-cog"></i>' . NBSP . __('Configuration') . '</a>');
echo Ajax::window('<a class="tab" href="' . PluginTool::$DISPLAY_URL . '"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-lg fa-dashboard"></i>' . NBSP . __('Tools') . '</a>');
echo Ajax::window('<a class="tab" href="' . Frontend::$HELP_URL . '"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-lg fa-question-circle"></i>' . NBSP . __('Help') . '</a>');
コード例 #22
  * Internal link to routenet
  * @param string $text
  * @param int $sportid
  * @param int $year
  * @return string
 private static function linkToRoutenet($text, $sportid, $year)
     return Ajax::window('<a class="" href="plugin/RunalyzePluginStat_Strecken/window.routenet.php?sport=' . $sportid . '&y=' . $year . '">' . $text . '</a>', 'big');
コード例 #23
  * Get link to this tool as overlay
  * @param string $name
  * @param boolean $wrapAsContainer optional
 public function getWindowLink($name = '', $wrapAsContainer = false)
     if ($name == '') {
         $name = $this->name();
     return Ajax::window('<a href="' . parent::$DISPLAY_URL . '?id=' . $this->id() . ($wrapAsContainer ? '&wrap=true' : '') . '">' . $name . '</a>', 'big');
コード例 #24
  * Get ajax-link for showing week-kilometer
  * @return string
 protected function getWeekKmLink()
     return Ajax::window('<a href="' . self::getUrlForWeekKm() . '">' . Ajax::tooltip(Icon::$BARS_SMALL, __('Activity per week')) . '</a>');
コード例 #25
  * Method for getting the right symbol(s)
  * @see PluginPanel::getRightSymbol()
 protected function getRightSymbol()
     $Links = '';
     $Links .= '<li>' . Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.plot.php" ' . Ajax::tooltip('', __('Show prognosis trend'), true, true) . '>' . Icon::$LINE_CHART . '</a>') . '</li>';
     $Links .= '<li>' . Ajax::window('<a href="plugin/' . $this->key() . '/window.php" ' . Ajax::tooltip('', __('Prognosis calculator'), true, true) . '>' . Icon::$CALCULATOR . '</a>') . '</li>';
     return '<ul>' . $Links . '</ul>';
コード例 #26
     * Display standard values
    protected function displayStandardValues()
        if ($this->manualElevation != $this->calculatedElevation) {
            $Linker = new Runalyze\View\Activity\Linker($this->Context->activity());
            $useCalculatedValueLink = Ajax::window('<a class="small as-input" href="' . $Linker->urlToElevationInfo('use-calculated-value=true') . '">&raquo; ' . __('apply data') . '</a>', 'small');
        } else {
            $useCalculatedValueLink = '';
        $Fieldset = new FormularFieldset(__('General data'));
			<div class="w50">
				<label>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('manual value'), __('If you did not insert a value by hand, this value has been calculated.')) . '</label>
				<span class="as-input">' . $this->manualElevation . '&nbsp;m</span>
			<div class="w50">
				<label>' . __('Lowest point') . '</label>
				<span class="as-input">' . $this->lowestPoint . '&nbsp;m</span>
			<div class="w50">
				<label>' . Ajax::tooltip(__('calculated value'), __('This value is calculated with your current configuration. The saved value may be outdated.')) . '</label>
				<span class="as-input">' . $this->calculatedElevation . '&nbsp;m</span> ' . $useCalculatedValueLink . '
			<div class="w50">
				<label>' . __('Highest point') . '</label>
				<span class="as-input">' . $this->highestPoint . '&nbsp;m</span>
			<div class="w50">
				<label>&oslash; ' . __('Gradient') . '</label>
				<span class="as-input">' . $this->Context->dataview()->gradientInPercent() . '</span>
			<div class="w50">
				<label>' . __('Up/Down') . '</label>
				<span class="as-input">+' . $this->Context->route()->elevationUp() . 'm / -' . $this->Context->route()->elevationDown() . 'm</span>
コード例 #27
ファイル: class.DataBrowser.php プロジェクト: 9x/Runalyze
  * Get ajax-link for searching
  * @return string
 protected function getNaviSearchLink()
     return Ajax::window('<a href="' . SearchLink::$WINDOW_URL . '" ' . Ajax::tooltip('', __('Search for an activity'), false, true) . '>' . Icon::$SEARCH . '</a>', 'big');
コード例 #28
ファイル: window.plot.php プロジェクト: guancio/Runalyze
use Runalyze\Activity\Distance;
require '../../inc/class.Frontend.php';
$Frontend = new Frontend();
$Factory = new PluginFactory();
$Plugin = $Factory->newInstance('RunalyzePluginPanel_Prognose');
$distances = $Plugin->getDistances();
if (!isset($_GET['distance'])) {
    $distance = in_array(10, $distances) ? 10 : trim($distances[0]);
} else {
    $distance = (double) $_GET['distance'];
$Submenu = '';
foreach ($distances as $km) {
    $km = trim($km);
    $link = 'plugin/RunalyzePluginPanel_Prognose/window.plot.php?distance=' . $km;
    $Submenu .= '<li' . ($km == $distance ? ' class="active"' : '') . '>' . Ajax::window('<a href="' . $link . '">' . (new Distance($km))->stringAuto() . '</a>') . '</li>';
<div class="panel-heading">
	<div class="panel-menu">
			<li class="with-submenu"><span class="link"><?php 
_e('Choose distance');
</span><ul class="submenu"><?php 
echo $Submenu;
コード例 #29
ファイル: window.plot.php プロジェクト: n0rthface/Runalyze
 * @package Runalyze\Plugins\Panels
require '../../inc/class.Frontend.php';
$Frontend = new Frontend();
if (!isset($_GET['y'])) {
    $_GET['y'] = 'lasthalf';
$link = 'plugin/RunalyzePluginPanel_Rechenspiele/window.plot.php?y=all';
$Submenu = '<li' . ('all' == $_GET['y'] ? ' class="active"' : '') . '>' . Ajax::window('<a href="' . $link . '">' . __('All years') . '</a>') . '</li>';
$link = 'plugin/RunalyzePluginPanel_Rechenspiele/window.plot.php?y=lasthalf';
$Submenu .= '<li' . ('lasthalf' == $_GET['y'] ? ' class="active"' : '') . '>' . Ajax::window('<a href="' . $link . '">' . __('Last half year') . '</a>') . '</li>';
$link = 'plugin/RunalyzePluginPanel_Rechenspiele/window.plot.php?y=lastyear';
$Submenu .= '<li' . ('lastyear' == $_GET['y'] ? ' class="active"' : '') . '>' . Ajax::window('<a href="' . $link . '">' . __('Last year') . '</a>') . '</li>';
for ($j = date('Y'); $j >= START_YEAR; $j--) {
    $link = 'plugin/RunalyzePluginPanel_Rechenspiele/window.plot.php?y=' . $j;
    $Submenu .= '<li' . ($j == $_GET['y'] ? ' class="active"' : '') . '>' . Ajax::window('<a href="' . $link . '">' . $j . '</a>') . '</li>';
<div class="panel-heading">
	<div class="panel-menu">
			<li class="with-submenu"><span class="link"><?php 
_e('Choose year');
</span><ul class="submenu"><?php 
echo $Submenu;
コード例 #30
  * Init edit links
  * @param \Runalyze\View\Activity\Linker $linker
 protected function initEditLinks(Linker $linker)
     if ($this->Context->activity()->isPublic()) {
         $privacyLabel = __('Make private');
         $privacyIcon = 'fa-lock';
     } else {
         $privacyLabel = __('Make public');
         $privacyIcon = 'fa-unlock';
     $this->ToolbarLinks[] = '<li class="with-submenu"><span class="link"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-wrench"></i></span><ul class="submenu">';
     $this->ToolbarLinks[] = '<li>' . Ajax::window('<a class="link" href="' . $linker->editUrl() . '">' . Icon::$EDIT . ' ' . __('Edit') . '</a> ', 'small') . '</li>';
     $this->ToolbarLinks[] = '<li><a class="ajax" target="statistics-inner" href="call/call.Training.display.php?id=' . $this->Context->activity()->id() . '&action=changePrivacy"><i class="fa fa-fw ' . $privacyIcon . '"></i> ' . $privacyLabel . '</a></li>';
     $this->ToolbarLinks[] = '<li><a class="ajax" target="statistics-inner" href="call/call.Training.display.php?id=' . $this->Context->activity()->id() . '&action=delete" data-confirm="' . __('Do you really want to delete this activity?') . '"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-trash"></i> ' . __('Delete activity') . '</a></li>';
     $this->ToolbarLinks[] = '</ul></li>';