コード例 #1
	public static function execute( $params ) {

		// Set progress
		Ai1wm_Status::info( __( 'Unpacking archive...', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME ) );

		// Open the archive file for reading
		$archive = new Ai1wm_Extractor( ai1wm_archive_path( $params ) );

		// Validate the archive file consistency
		if ( ! $archive->is_valid() ) {
			throw new Ai1wm_Import_Exception(
					'The archive file is corrupted. Follow this article to resolve the problem: ' .
					'<a href="https://help.servmask.com/knowledgebase/corrupted-archive/" target="_blank">https://help.servmask.com/knowledgebase/corrupted-archive/</a>',

		// Obtain the name of the archive
		$name = ai1wm_archive_name( $params );

		// Obtain the size of the archive
		$size = ai1wm_archive_bytes( $params );

		// Check file size of the archive
		if ( false === $size ) {
			throw new Ai1wm_Not_Accesible_Exception(
				sprintf( __( 'Unable to get the file size of <strong>%s</strong>', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME ), $name )

		$allowed_size = apply_filters( 'ai1wm_max_file_size', AI1WM_MAX_FILE_SIZE );

		// Let's check the size of the file to make sure it is less than the maximum allowed
		if ( ( $allowed_size > 0 ) && ( $size > $allowed_size ) ) {
			throw new Ai1wm_Import_Exception(
						'The file that you are trying to import is over the maximum upload file size limit of <strong>%s</strong>.<br />' .
						'You can remove this restriction by purchasing our ' .
						'<a href="https://servmask.com/products/unlimited-extension" target="_blank">Unlimited Extension</a>.',
					size_format( $allowed_size )

		// Unpack package.json, multisite.json and database.sql files
			ai1wm_storage_path( $params ),

		// Close the archive file

		// Check package.json file
		if ( false === is_file( ai1wm_package_path( $params ) ) ) {
			throw new Ai1wm_Import_Exception(
				__( 'Invalid archive file. It should contain <strong>package.json</strong> file.', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME )

		return $params;