  * Create the array needed for translation and passing other settings to JS.
  * @return $data array the dynamic data array
 private function get_translation_data()
     global $ai1ec_importer_plugin_helper;
     $lang = $this->events_helper->get_lang();
     $data = array('select_one_option' => __('Select at least one user/group/page to subscribe to.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'error_no_response' => __('An unexpected error occurred. Try reloading the page.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'no_more_subscription' => __('No subscriptions yet!', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'no_more_than_ten' => __('Please select no more than ten users/groups/pages at a time to avoid overloading Facebook requests.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'duplicate_feed_message' => esc_html__('This feed is already being imported.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'invalid_url_message' => esc_html__('Please enter a valid iCalendar URL.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'invalid_email_message' => esc_html__('Please enter a valid e-mail address.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'now' => $this->events_helper->gmt_to_local(Ai1ec_Time_Utility::current_time()), 'date_format' => $this->settings->input_date_format, 'month_names' => $this->ai1ec_locale->get_localized_month_names(), 'day_names' => $this->ai1ec_locale->get_localized_week_names(), 'week_start_day' => $this->settings->week_start_day, 'twentyfour_hour' => $this->settings->input_24h_time, 'region' => $this->settings->geo_region_biasing ? $this->events_helper->get_region() : '', 'disable_autocompletion' => $this->settings->disable_autocompletion, 'error_message_not_valid_lat' => __('Please enter a valid latitude. A valid latitude is comprised between +90 and -90.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'error_message_not_valid_long' => __('Please enter a valid longitude. A valid longitude is comprised between +180 and -180.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'error_message_not_entered_lat' => __('When the "Input coordinates" checkbox is checked, "Latitude" is a required field.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'error_message_not_entered_long' => __('When the "Input coordinates" checkbox is checked, "Longitude" is a required field.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'language' => $lang, 'page' => '', 'page_on_front_description' => __('This setting cannot be changed in Event Platform mode.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'strict_mode' => $this->settings->event_platform_strict, 'platform_active' => $this->settings->event_platform_active, 'facebook_logged_in' => $ai1ec_importer_plugin_helper->check_if_we_have_a_valid_facebook_access_token(), 'app_id_and_secret_are_required' => __("You must specify both an app ID and app secret to connect to Facebook.", AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'ajax_url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'url_not_valid' => __("The URL you have entered seems to be invalid. Please remember that URLs must start with either 'http://' or 'https://'.", AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'mail_url_required' => __("Both the <em>calendar URL</em> and <em>e-mail address</em> fields are required.", AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'confirm_reset_theme' => __("Are you sure you want to reset your theme options to their default values?", AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME));
     return $data;
  * get_instance function
  * Return singleton instance
  * @return object
 static function get_instance()
     if (self::$_instance === NULL) {
         self::$_instance = new self();
     return self::$_instance;
コード例 #3
  * Create the array needed for translation and passing other settings to JS.
  * @return $data array the dynamic data array
 private function get_translation_data()
     global $ai1ec_importer_plugin_helper;
     $force_ssl_admin = force_ssl_admin();
     if ($force_ssl_admin && !is_ssl()) {
     $ajax_url = admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
     $data = array('select_one_option' => __('Select at least one user/group/page to subscribe to.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'is_calendar_page' => isset($_GET[self::IS_CALENDAR_PAGE]) && $_GET[self::IS_CALENDAR_PAGE] === self::TRUE_PARAM, 'error_no_response' => __('An unexpected error occurred. Try reloading the page.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'no_more_subscription' => __('No subscriptions yet!', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'no_more_than_ten' => __('Please select no more than ten users/groups/pages at a time to avoid overloading Facebook requests.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'duplicate_feed_message' => esc_html__('This feed is already being imported.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'invalid_url_message' => esc_html__('Please enter a valid iCalendar URL.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'invalid_email_message' => esc_html__('Please enter a valid e-mail address.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'now' => $this->events_helper->gmt_to_local(Ai1ec_Time_Utility::current_time()), 'date_format' => $this->settings->input_date_format, 'month_names' => $this->ai1ec_locale->get_localized_month_names(), 'day_names' => $this->ai1ec_locale->get_localized_week_names(), 'week_start_day' => $this->settings->week_start_day, 'twentyfour_hour' => $this->settings->input_24h_time, 'region' => $this->settings->geo_region_biasing ? $this->events_helper->get_region() : '', 'disable_autocompletion' => $this->settings->disable_autocompletion, 'error_message_not_valid_lat' => __('Please enter a valid latitude. A valid latitude is comprised between +90 and -90.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'error_message_not_valid_long' => __('Please enter a valid longitude. A valid longitude is comprised between +180 and -180.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'error_message_not_entered_lat' => __('When the "Input coordinates" checkbox is checked, "Latitude" is a required field.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'error_message_not_entered_long' => __('When the "Input coordinates" checkbox is checked, "Longitude" is a required field.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'language' => $this->events_helper->get_lang(), 'page' => '', 'page_on_front_description' => __('This setting cannot be changed in Event Platform mode.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'strict_mode' => $this->settings->event_platform_strict, 'platform_active' => $this->settings->event_platform_active, 'facebook_logged_in' => $ai1ec_importer_plugin_helper->check_if_we_have_a_valid_facebook_access_token(), 'app_id_and_secret_are_required' => __('You must specify both an app ID and app secret to connect to Facebook.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'file_upload_required' => __('You must specify a valid file to upload or paste your data into the text field.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'file_upload_not_permitted' => __('Only .ics and .csv files are supported.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'ajax_url' => $ajax_url, 'url_not_valid' => __('The URL you have entered seems to be invalid. Please remember that URLs must start with either "http://" or "https://".', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'mail_url_required' => __('Both the <em>calendar URL</em> and <em>e-mail address</em> fields are required.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'confirm_reset_theme' => __('Are you sure you want to reset your theme options to their default values?', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'license_key' => $this->settings->get_license_key(), 'reset_saved_filter_text' => __('Save this filter as default', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'clear_saved_filter_text' => __('Remove default filter', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'save_filter_text_ok' => __('The active filter has been saved as your default for this calendar.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'remove_filter_text_ok' => __('Your default calendar filter has been removed.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'size_less_variable_not_ok' => __('The value you have entered is not a valid CSS length.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'week_view_starts_at' => $this->settings->week_view_starts_at, 'week_view_ends_at' => $this->settings->week_view_ends_at, 'end_must_be_after_start' => __('The end date can\'t be earlier than the start date.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'show_at_least_six_hours' => __('For week and day view, you must select an interval of at least 6 hours.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'label_buy_tickets_url' => __('Buy tickets URL (optional)', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'label_rsvp_url' => __('Registration URL (optional)', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'label_a_buy_tickets_url' => __('Buy Tickets URL:', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'label_a_rsvp_url' => __('Registration URL:', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'event_price_not_entered' => __('Please enter an event cost, or mark the event as free.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME), 'blog_timezone' => Ai1ec_Meta::get_option('gmt_offset'), 'use_select2' => $this->settings->use_select2_widgets, 'require_desclaimer' => __('If you choose to require a disclaimer on the front-end event creation form, you must provide the disclaimer text (HTML allowed) in the appropriate field.', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME));
     return $data;
コード例 #4
  * Creates a multiselect for use with Select2 widget.
  * @return Ai1ec_Html_Element
 public static function create_select2_multiselect(array $args, array $options, array $view_args = null)
     // if no data is present and we are in the frontend, return a blank element.
     if (empty($options) && null !== $view_args) {
         return self::create_blank_html_element();
     $ai1ec_events_helper = Ai1ec_Events_Helper::get_instance();
     static $cached_flips = array();
     $select2 = Ai1ec_Helper_Factory::create_select_instance($args['id'], $args['name']);
     $use_id = isset($args['use_id']);
     foreach ($options as $term) {
         $option_arguments = array();
         $color = false;
         if ($args['type'] === 'category') {
             $color = $ai1ec_events_helper->get_category_color($term->term_id);
         if ($color) {
             $option_arguments["data-color"] = $color;
         if (null !== $view_args) {
             // create the href for ajax loading
             $href = self::create_href_helper_instance($view_args, $args['type']);
             $option_arguments["data-href"] = $href->generate_href();
             // check if the option is selected
             $type_to_check = '';
             // first let's check the correct type
             switch ($args['type']) {
                 case 'category':
                     $type_to_check = 'cat_ids';
                 case 'tag':
                     $type_to_check = 'tag_ids';
                 case 'author':
                     $type_to_check = 'auth_ids';
             // let's flip the array. Just once for performance sake,
             // the categories doesn't change in the same request
             if (!isset($cached_flips[$type_to_check])) {
                 $cached_flips[$type_to_check] = array_flip($view_args[$type_to_check]);
             if (isset($cached_flips[$type_to_check][$term->term_id])) {
                 $option_arguments["selected"] = 'selected';
         if (true === $use_id) {
             $select2->add_option($term->name, $term->term_id, $option_arguments);
         } else {
             $select2->add_option($term->name, $term->name, $option_arguments);
     $select2->set_attribute("multiple", "multiple");
     $select2->set_attribute("data-placeholder", $args['placeholder']);
     $select2->add_class('ai1ec-select2-multiselect-selector span12');
     $container = Ai1ec_Helper_Factory::create_generic_html_tag('div');
     if (isset($args['type'])) {
         $container->add_class('ai1ec-' . $args['type'] . '-filter');
     return $container;
コード例 #5
// there and i might break things
if (isset($_POST['ai1ec_save_settings'])) {
    $ai1ec_settings->event_platform = isset($_POST['event_platform']);
    $ai1ec_settings->event_platform_strict = isset($_POST['event_platform_strict']);
// Set up the Routing Factory
// ================================
// = Initialize and setup HELPERS =
// ================================
global $ai1ec_view_helper, $ai1ec_settings_helper, $ai1ec_calendar_helper, $ai1ec_app_helper, $ai1ec_events_helper, $ai1ec_importer_helper, $ai1ec_exporter_helper, $ai1ec_platform_helper, $ai1ec_localization_helper, $ai1ec_importer_plugin_helper, $ai1ec_events_list_helper;
$ai1ec_view_helper = Ai1ec_View_Helper::get_instance();
$ai1ec_settings_helper = Ai1ec_Settings_Helper::get_instance();
$ai1ec_calendar_helper = Ai1ec_Calendar_Helper::get_instance();
$ai1ec_app_helper = Ai1ec_App_Helper::get_instance();
$ai1ec_events_helper = Ai1ec_Events_Helper::get_instance();
$ai1ec_importer_helper = Ai1ec_Importer_Helper::get_instance();
$ai1ec_exporter_helper = Ai1ec_Exporter_Helper::get_instance();
$ai1ec_platform_helper = Ai1ec_Platform_Helper::get_instance();
$ai1ec_localization_helper = Ai1ec_Localization_Helper::get_instance();
$ai1ec_importer_plugin_helper = Ai1ec_Importer_Plugin_Helper::get_instance();
$ai1ec_events_list_helper = Ai1ec_Events_List_Helper::get_instance();
if ('admin-ajax.php' === basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) && isset($_REQUEST['lang'])) {
// ====================================
// = Initialize and setup CONTROLLERS =
// ====================================
global $ai1ec_app_controller, $ai1ec_settings_controller, $ai1ec_events_controller, $ai1ec_calendar_controller, $ai1ec_importer_controller, $ai1ec_exporter_controller, $ai1ec_platform_controller, $ai1ec_duplicate_controller, $ai1ec_oauth_controller, $ai1ec_logging_controller;
$ai1ec_settings_controller = Ai1ec_Settings_Controller::get_instance();
$ai1ec_events_controller = Ai1ec_Events_Controller::get_instance();