コード例 #1
  * Execute this filter.
  * @param      AgaviFilterChain        A FilterChain instance.
  * @param      AgaviExecutionContainer The current execution container.
  * @author     David Zülke <*****@*****.**>
  * @author     Sean Kerr <*****@*****.**>
  * @since      0.9.0
 public function execute(AgaviFilterChain $filterChain, AgaviExecutionContainer $container)
     // get the cool stuff
     $context = $this->getContext();
     $user = $context->getUser();
     // get the current action instance
     $actionInstance = $container->getActionInstance();
     // get the credential required for this action
     $credential = $actionInstance->getCredentials();
     if (!$actionInstance->isSecure()) {
         // the action instance does not require authentication, so we can continue in the chain and then bail out early
         return $filterChain->execute($container);
     // credentials can be anything you wish; a string, array, object, etc.
     // as long as you add the same exact data to the user as a credential,
     // it will use it and authorize the user as having the credential
     // NOTE: the nice thing about the Action class is that getCredential()
     //       is vague enough to describe any level of security and can be
     //       used to retrieve such data and should never have to be altered
     if ($user->isAuthenticated() && ($credential === null || $user->hasCredentials($credential))) {
         // the user has access, continue
     } else {
         if ($user->isAuthenticated()) {
             // the user doesn't have access
         } else {
             // the user is not authenticated
コード例 #2
  * Execute this filter.
  * @param      AgaviFilterChain        The filter chain.
  * @param      AgaviExecutionContainer The current execution container.
  * @throws     <b>AgaviInitializationException</b> If an error occurs during
  *                                                 View initialization.
  * @throws     <b>AgaviViewException</b>           If an error occurs while
  *                                                 executing the View.
  * @author     David Zülke <*****@*****.**>
  * @author     Felix Gilcher <*****@*****.**>
  * @author     Sean Kerr <*****@*****.**>
  * @since      0.9.0
 public function execute(AgaviFilterChain $filterChain, AgaviExecutionContainer $container)
     // $lm = $this->context->getLoggerManager();
     // get the context, controller and validator manager
     $controller = $this->context->getController();
     // get the current action information
     $actionName = $container->getActionName();
     $moduleName = $container->getModuleName();
     // the action instance
     $actionInstance = $container->getActionInstance();
     $request = $this->context->getRequest();
     $isCacheable = false;
     $cachingDotXml = AgaviToolkit::evaluateModuleDirective($moduleName, 'agavi.cache.path', array('moduleName' => $moduleName, 'actionName' => $actionName));
     if ($this->getParameter('enable_caching', true) && is_readable($cachingDotXml)) {
         // $lm->log('Caching enabled, configuration file found, loading...');
         // no _once please!
         include AgaviConfigCache::checkConfig($cachingDotXml, $this->context->getName());
     $isActionCached = false;
     if ($isCacheable) {
         try {
             $groups = $this->determineGroups($config['groups'], $container);
             $actionGroups = array_merge($groups, array(self::ACTION_CACHE_ID));
         } catch (AgaviUncacheableException $e) {
             // a group callback threw an exception. that means we're not allowed t cache
             $isCacheable = false;
         if ($isCacheable) {
             // this is not wrapped in the try/catch block above as it might throw an exception itself
             $isActionCached = $this->checkCache(array_merge($groups, array(self::ACTION_CACHE_ID)), $config['lifetime']);
             if (!$isActionCached) {
                 // cacheable, but action is not cached. notify our callback so it can prevent the stampede that follows
                 $this->startedCacheCreationCallback(self::CACHE_CALLBACK_ACTION_NOT_CACHED, $actionGroups, $config, $container);
     } else {
         // $lm->log('Action is not cacheable!');
     if ($isActionCached) {
         // $lm->log('Action is cached, loading...');
         // cache/dir/4-8-15-16-23-42 contains the action cache
         try {
             $actionCache = $this->readCache($actionGroups);
             // and restore action attributes
         } catch (AgaviException $e) {
             // cacheable, but action is not cached. notify our callback so it can prevent the stampede that follows
             $this->startedCacheCreationCallback(self::CACHE_CALLBACK_ACTION_CACHE_GONE, $actionGroups, $config, $container);
             $isActionCached = false;
     $isViewCached = false;
     $rememberTheView = null;
     while (true) {
         if (!$isActionCached) {
             $actionCache = array();
             // $lm->log('Action not cached, executing...');
             // execute the Action and get the View to execute
             list($actionCache['view_module'], $actionCache['view_name']) = $container->runAction();
             // check if we've just run the action again after a previous cache read revealed that the view is not cached for this output type and we need to go back to square one due to the lack of action attribute caching configuration...
             // if yes: is the view module/name that we got just now different from what was in the cache?
             if (isset($rememberTheView) && $actionCache != $rememberTheView) {
                 // yup. clear it!
                 $ourClass = get_class($this);
                 call_user_func(array($ourClass, 'clearCache'), $groups);
             // check if the returned view is cacheable
             if ($isCacheable && is_array($config['views']) && !in_array(array('module' => $actionCache['view_module'], 'name' => $actionCache['view_name']), $config['views'], true)) {
                 $isCacheable = false;
                 $this->abortedCacheCreationCallback(self::CACHE_CALLBACK_VIEW_NOT_CACHEABLE, $actionGroups, $config, $container);
                 // so that view is not cacheable? okay then:
                 // check if we've just run the action again after a previous cache read revealed that the view is not cached for this output type and we need to go back to square one due to the lack of action attribute caching configuration...
                 // 'cause then we need to flush all those existing caches - obviously, that data is stale now, as we learned, since we are not allowed to cache anymore for the view that was returned now
                 if (isset($rememberTheView)) {
                     // yup. clear it!
                     $ourClass = get_class($this);
                     call_user_func(array($ourClass, 'clearCache'), $groups);
                 // $lm->log('Returned View is not cleared for caching, setting cacheable status to false.');
             } else {
                 // $lm->log('Returned View is cleared for caching, proceeding...');
             $actionAttributes = $actionInstance->getAttributes();
         // clear the response
         $response = $container->getResponse();
         // clear any forward set, it's ze view's job
         if ($actionCache['view_name'] !== AgaviView::NONE) {
             $key = $request->toggleLock();
             try {
                 // get the view instance
                 $viewInstance = $controller->createViewInstance($actionCache['view_module'], $actionCache['view_name']);
                 // initialize the view
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // we caught an exception... unlock the request and rethrow!
                 throw $e;
             // Set the View Instance in the container
             $outputType = $container->getOutputType()->getName();
             if ($isCacheable) {
                 if (isset($config['output_types'][$otConfig = $outputType]) || isset($config['output_types'][$otConfig = '*'])) {
                     $otConfig = $config['output_types'][$otConfig];
                     $viewGroups = array_merge($groups, array($outputType));
                     if ($isActionCached) {
                         $isViewCached = $this->checkCache($viewGroups, $config['lifetime']);
                         if (!$isViewCached) {
                             // cacheable, but view is not cached. notify our callback so it can prevent the stampede that follows
                             $this->startedCacheCreationCallback(self::CACHE_CALLBACK_VIEW_NOT_CACHED, $viewGroups, $config, $container);
                 } else {
                     $this->abortedCacheCreationCallback(self::CACHE_CALLBACK_OUTPUT_TYPE_NOT_CACHEABLE, $actionGroups, $config, $container);
                     $isCacheable = false;
             if ($isViewCached) {
                 // $lm->log('View is cached, loading...');
                 try {
                     $viewCache = $this->readCache($viewGroups);
                 } catch (AgaviException $e) {
                     $this->startedCacheCreationCallback(self::CACHE_CALLBACK_VIEW_CACHE_GONE, $viewGroups, $config, $container);
                     $isViewCached = false;
             if (!$isViewCached) {
                 // view not cached
                 // has the cache config a list of action attributes?
                 if ($isActionCached && !$config['action_attributes']) {
                     // no. that means we must run the action again!
                     $isActionCached = false;
                     if ($isCacheable) {
                         // notify our callback so it can remove the lock that's on the view
                         // but only if we're still marked as cacheable (if not, then that means the OT is not cacheable, so there wouldn't be a $viewGroups)
                         $this->abortedCacheCreationCallback(self::CACHE_CALLBACK_ACTION_CACHE_USELESS, $viewGroups, $config, $container);
                     // notify our callback so it can prevent the stampede that follows
                     $this->startedCacheCreationCallback(self::CACHE_CALLBACK_ACTION_CACHE_USELESS, $actionGroups, $config, $container);
                     // but remember the view info, just in case it differs if we run the action again now
                     $rememberTheView = array('view_module' => $actionCache['view_module'], 'view_name' => $actionCache['view_name']);
                 $viewCache = array();
                 $viewCache['next'] = $this->executeView($container);
             if ($viewCache['next'] instanceof AgaviExecutionContainer) {
                 // $lm->log('Forwarding request, skipping rendering...');
             } else {
                 $output = array();
                 $nextOutput = null;
                 if ($isViewCached) {
                     $layers = $viewCache['layers'];
                     $response = $viewCache['response'];
                     foreach ($viewCache['template_variables'] as $name => $value) {
                         $viewInstance->setAttribute($name, $value);
                     foreach ($viewCache['request_attributes'] as $requestAttribute) {
                         $request->setAttribute($requestAttribute['name'], $requestAttribute['value'], $requestAttribute['namespace']);
                     foreach ($viewCache['request_attribute_namespaces'] as $ranName => $ranValues) {
                         $request->setAttributes($ranValues, $ranName);
                     $nextOutput = $response->getContent();
                 } else {
                     if ($viewCache['next'] !== null) {
                         // response content was returned from view execute()
                         $response->setContent($nextOutput = $viewCache['next']);
                         $viewCache['next'] = null;
                     $layers = $viewInstance->getLayers();
                     if ($isCacheable) {
                         $viewCache['template_variables'] = array();
                         foreach ($otConfig['template_variables'] as $varName) {
                             $viewCache['template_variables'][$varName] = $viewInstance->getAttribute($varName);
                         $viewCache['response'] = clone $response;
                         $viewCache['layers'] = array();
                         $viewCache['slots'] = array();
                         $lastCacheableLayer = -1;
                         if (is_array($otConfig['layers'])) {
                             if (count($otConfig['layers'])) {
                                 for ($i = count($layers) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
                                     $layer = $layers[$i];
                                     $layerName = $layer->getName();
                                     if (isset($otConfig['layers'][$layerName])) {
                                         if (is_array($otConfig['layers'][$layerName])) {
                                             $lastCacheableLayer = $i - 1;
                                         } else {
                                             $lastCacheableLayer = $i;
                         } else {
                             $lastCacheableLayer = count($layers) - 1;
                         for ($i = $lastCacheableLayer + 1; $i < count($layers); $i++) {
                             // $lm->log('Adding non-cacheable layer "' . $layers[$i]->getName() . '" to list');
                             $viewCache['layers'][] = clone $layers[$i];
                 $attributes =& $viewInstance->getAttributes();
                 // whether or not we should assign the previous' layer's output to the $slots array
                 $assignInnerToSlots = $this->getParameter('assign_inner_to_slots', false);
                 // $lm->log('Starting rendering...');
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($layers); $i++) {
                     $layer = $layers[$i];
                     $layerName = $layer->getName();
                     // $lm->log('Running layer "' . $layerName . '"...');
                     foreach ($layer->getSlots() as $slotName => $slotContainer) {
                         if ($isViewCached && isset($viewCache['slots'][$layerName][$slotName])) {
                             // $lm->log('Loading cached slot "' . $slotName . '"...');
                             $slotResponse = $viewCache['slots'][$layerName][$slotName];
                         } else {
                             // $lm->log('Running slot "' . $slotName . '"...');
                             $slotResponse = $slotContainer->execute();
                             if ($isCacheable && !$isViewCached && isset($otConfig['layers'][$layerName]) && is_array($otConfig['layers'][$layerName]) && in_array($slotName, $otConfig['layers'][$layerName])) {
                                 // $lm->log('Adding response of slot "' . $slotName . '" to cache...');
                                 $viewCache['slots'][$layerName][$slotName] = $slotResponse;
                         // set the presentation data as a template attribute
                         $output[$slotName] = $slotResponse->getContent();
                         // and merge the other slot's response (this used to be conditional and done only when the content was not null)
                         // $lm->log('Merging in response from slot "' . $slotName . '"...');
                     $moreAssigns = array('container' => $container, 'inner' => $nextOutput, 'request_data' => $container->getRequestData(), 'validation_manager' => $container->getValidationManager(), 'view' => $viewInstance);
                     // lock the request. can't be done outside the loop for the whole run, see #628
                     $key = $request->toggleLock();
                     try {
                         $nextOutput = $layer->getRenderer()->render($layer, $attributes, $output, $moreAssigns);
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         // we caught an exception... unlock the request and rethrow!
                         throw $e;
                     // and unlock the request again
                     if ($isCacheable && !$isViewCached && $i === $lastCacheableLayer) {
                         $viewCache['response'] = clone $response;
                     $output = array();
                     if ($assignInnerToSlots) {
                         $output[$layer->getName()] = $nextOutput;
             if ($isCacheable && !$isViewCached) {
                 // we're writing the view cache first. this is just in case we get into a situation with really bad timing on the leap of a second
                 $viewCache['request_attributes'] = array();
                 foreach ($otConfig['request_attributes'] as $requestAttribute) {
                     $viewCache['request_attributes'][] = $requestAttribute + array('value' => $request->getAttribute($requestAttribute['name'], $requestAttribute['namespace']));
                 $viewCache['request_attribute_namespaces'] = array();
                 foreach ($otConfig['request_attribute_namespaces'] as $requestAttributeNamespace) {
                     $viewCache['request_attribute_namespaces'][$requestAttributeNamespace] = $request->getAttributes($requestAttributeNamespace);
                 $this->writeCache($viewGroups, $viewCache, $config['lifetime']);
                 // notify callback that the execution has finished and caches have been written
                 $this->finishedCacheCreationCallback(self::CACHE_CALLBACK_VIEW_CACHE_WRITTEN, $viewGroups, $config, $container);
                 // $lm->log('Writing View cache...');
         // action cache writing must occur here, so actions that return AgaviView::NONE also get their cache written
         if ($isCacheable && !$isActionCached) {
             $actionCache['action_attributes'] = array();
             foreach ($config['action_attributes'] as $attributeName) {
                 $actionCache['action_attributes'][$attributeName] = $actionAttributes[$attributeName];
             // $lm->log('Writing Action cache...');
             $this->writeCache($actionGroups, $actionCache, $config['lifetime']);
             // notify callback that the execution has finished and caches have been written
             $this->finishedCacheCreationCallback(self::CACHE_CALLBACK_ACTION_CACHE_WRITTEN, $actionGroups, $config, $container);
         // we're done here. bai.