コード例 #1
ファイル: Edit.php プロジェクト: kevindragon221/Webdesktop
  * Setup the edit action form
  * @param Admin_Model_DbRow_Action $action
  * @param Admin_Model_DbRow_Controller $controller
 public function __construct(Admin_Model_DbRow_Controller $controller, Admin_Model_DbRow_Action $action)
     $this->addElement(new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden('id', array('required' => true, 'value' => $action->get('id'), 'order' => 11)));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Delete.php プロジェクト: kevindragon221/Webdesktop
  * Generate the Delete form
  * @param Admin_Model_DbRow_Controller $controller
  * @param Admin_Model_DbRow_Action $action
 public function __construct(Admin_Model_DbRow_Controller $controller, Admin_Model_DbRow_Action $action)
     $this->addElements(array(new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden('id', array('required' => true, 'value' => $action->get('id'), 'order' => 11)), new Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox('chkdelete', array('required' => true, 'label' => 'Really Delete?', 'checked' => false, 'order' => 6))));
     $this->getElement('description')->setValue($action->get('description'))->setAttrib('readonly', 'true');
コード例 #3
  * create the form to change permission
  * in this form we can set the acl roles, which are allowed or denied
  * for this action
  * @param Admin_Model_DbRow_Controller $controller
  * @param Admin_Model_DbRow_Action $action
  * @param array $roles array of Admin_Model_DbTable_Acl_Role Objects
  * @param array $rulesAllow
  * @param array $rulesDeny
 public function __construct(Admin_Model_DbRow_Controller $controller, Admin_Model_DbRow_Action $action, array $roles, array $rulesAllow, array $rulesDeny)
     $rolesAllow = new Zend_Form_Element_MultiCheckbox('rolesallow', array('label' => 'Allow access', 'order' => 7));
     $rolesDeny = new Zend_Form_Element_MultiCheckbox('rolesdeny', array('label' => 'Explicit Deny Access', 'order' => 8));
     foreach ($roles as $role) {
         $rolesAllow->addMultiOption($role->get('id'), $role->get('name'));
         $rolesDeny->addMultiOption($role->get('id'), $role->get('name'));
     $this->addElements(array($rolesAllow, $rolesDeny, new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden('id', array('required' => true, 'value' => $action->get('id'), 'order' => 11))));
     // remove description element (from base form)
コード例 #4
  * Change the Status of a controller (enabled/disabled)
  * @view views/scripts/controller/status.phtml
  * @access public
 public function statusAction()
     $ctrlRow = new Admin_Model_DbRow_Controller($this->dbCtrl->find($this->checkControllerIdParam()));
     $ctrlRow->set('enabled', $ctrlRow->get('enabled') == 1 ? 0 : 1);
     $this->dbCtrl->update($ctrlRow->toDbArray(array('enabled')), $ctrlRow->get('id'));
     // disabled all actions too, they are relevant in the ACL
     if ($ctrlRow->get('enabled') === 0) {
         $actionRow = new Admin_Model_DbRow_Action(array('enabled' => 0));
         $actionDbModel = new Admin_Model_DbTable_Acl_Action();
         $actionDbModel->updateWithControllerId($actionRow->toDbArray(array('enabled')), $ctrlRow->get('id'));
コード例 #5
  * Save the Permission for an action
  * @return array
 public function saveActionPermissionsAction()
     $ruleModel = new Admin_Model_DbTable_Acl_Rule();
     $roleModel = new Admin_Model_DbTable_Acl_Role();
     $actionModel = new Admin_Model_DbTable_Acl_Action();
     $data = Zend_Json::decode($this->request->getParam('permissions', array()));
     $return = array();
     if (!is_array($data) || !empty($data['aId'])) {
         // if we have no array or the controller id is directly in the array
         // we nest the array in an array to get the foreach to work
         // extjs is sending object if only 1 row has changed and an array of object
         // if multiple changes occure
         $data = array($data);
     foreach ($data as $el) {
         $role = $roleModel->find($el['roleId']);
         $action = $actionModel->find($el['aId']);
         // not an action provided or multiple controller found
         if ($action->count() !== 1) {
         // not a roleId provided or multiple roles found
         if ($role->count() !== 1) {
         $action = new Admin_Model_DbRow_Action($action->current());
         $role = new Admin_Model_DbRow_Role($role->current());
         if ($el['rule'] == Admin_Model_DbTable_Acl_Rule::RULE_DENY) {
             $rule = Admin_Model_DbTable_Acl_Rule::RULE_DB_DENY;
         } elseif ($el['rule'] == Admin_Model_DbTable_Acl_Rule::RULE_ALLOW) {
             $rule = Admin_Model_DbTable_Acl_Rule::RULE_DB_ALLOW;
         } else {
             $rule = NULL;
         $ruleModel->deleteWithActionRole($action->get('id'), $role->get('id'));
         if ($rule !== NULL) {
             $permission = new Admin_Model_DbRow_Rule(array('mcId' => $action->get('mcId'), 'aId' => $action->get('id'), 'roleId' => $role->get('id'), 'rule' => $rule));
         $return[] = array('ident' => join("_", array($role->get('id'), $action->get('mcId'), $action->get('id'))), 'mcId' => $action->get('mcId'), 'aId' => $action->get('id'), 'roleName' => $role->get('name'), 'roleId' => $role->get('id'), 'rule' => $rule);
     return $this->responseSuccess(array('permissions' => $return));
コード例 #6
  * change to permission for this action
  * @view views/scripts/action/permission.phtml
  * @access public
 public function permissionAction()
     $actionRow = new Admin_Model_DbRow_Action($this->dbAction->find($this->checkActionIdParam()));
     $ctrlRow = new Admin_Model_DbRow_Controller($this->dbController->find($actionRow->get('mcId')));
     $dbRoles = new Admin_Model_DbTable_Acl_Role();
     $dbRules = new Admin_Model_DbTable_Acl_Rule();
     $roles = array();
     $rules = array();
     $allowRules = array();
     $denyRules = array();
     foreach ($dbRoles->fetchActiveRoles() as $row) {
         $roles[] = new Admin_Model_DbRow_Role($row);
     foreach ($dbRules->fetchRulesForAction($actionRow->get('id')) as $row) {
         $rules[] = new Admin_Model_DbRow_Rule($row);
     foreach ($rules as $rule) {
         if ($rule->get('rule') === Admin_Model_DbTable_Acl_Rule::RULE_DB_ALLOW) {
             $allowRules[] = $rule->get('roleId');
         } elseif ($rule->get('rule') === Admin_Model_DbTable_Acl_Rule::RULE_DB_DENY) {
             $denyRules[] = $rule->get('roleId');
     $form = new Admin_Form_Action_Permission($ctrlRow, $actionRow, $roles, $allowRules, $denyRules);
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         if ($form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getParams()) && $form->hasPermissionCollision($this->getRequest()) === FALSE) {
             $allow = (array) $form->getElement('rolesallow')->getValue();
             $deny = (array) $form->getElement('rolesdeny')->getValue();
             foreach ($allow as $roleId) {
                 $dbRules->addRule($ctrlRow->get('id'), $actionRow->get('id'), $roleId, Admin_Model_DbTable_Acl_Rule::RULE_DB_ALLOW);
             foreach ($deny as $roleId) {
                 $dbRules->addRule($ctrlRow->get('id'), $actionRow->get('id'), $roleId, Admin_Model_DbTable_Acl_Rule::RULE_DB_DENY);
             $this->_redirect(sprintf('admin/action/index/control/%d/id/%d', $ctrlRow->get('id'), $actionRow->get('id')));
         } else {
             $form->addError('Mindestens eine Rolle wurde der Zugriff erlaubt und verweigert.');
     $this->view->form = $form;
     $this->view->controller = $ctrlRow;