public function loginAction() { if ($datas = $this->getRequest()->getPost()) { $canBeLoggedIn = false; try { if (empty($datas['email']) or empty($datas['password'])) { throw new Exception($this->_('Authentification impossible. Merci de vérifier votre email et/ou votre mot de passe')); } $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->findByEmail($datas['email']); if ($admin->authenticate($datas['password'])) { $application = $this->getApplication(); $datas = array('applications' => array()); $url = parse_url($application->getUrl()); $url['path'] = 'overview'; $icon = ''; if ($application->getIcon()) { $icon = $this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl() . $application->getIcon(); } $datas['application'] = array('id' => $application->getId(), 'icon' => $icon, 'startup_image' => $application->getStartupImageUrl(), 'startup_image_retina' => $application->getStartupImageUrl('retina'), 'name' => $application->getName(), 'scheme' => $url['scheme'], 'host' => $url['host'], 'path' => ltrim($url['path'], '/'), 'url' => $application->getUrl()); } else { throw new Exception($this->_('Authentification impossible. Merci de vérifier votre email et/ou votre mot de passe')); } } catch (Exception $e) { $datas = array('error' => $this->_('Authentification impossible. Merci de vérifier votre email et/ou votre mot de passe')); // $datas = array('error' => $e->getMessage()); } $this->getResponse()->setBody(Zend_Json::encode($datas))->sendResponse(); die; } }
public function listAction() { if ($data = $this->getRequest()->getPost()) { try { if (empty($data["admin_id"])) { throw new Exception($this->_("The admin_id parameter is required")); } $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($data["admin_id"]); if (!$admin->getId()) { throw new Exception($this->_("This admin does not exist")); } $applications = array(); foreach ($admin->getApplications() as $application) { if (!$application->isActive()) { continue; } $icon = null; if ($application->getIcon()) { $icon = $this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl() . $application->getIcon(); } $application->addData(array("url" => $application->getUrl(), "icon" => $icon, 'startup_image_url' => str_replace("//", "/", $this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl() . $application->getStartupImageUrl()), 'retina_startup_image_url' => str_replace("//", "/", $this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl() . $application->getStartupImageUrl("retina")))); $applications[] = $application->getData(); } $data = array("success" => 1, "applications" => $applications); } catch (Exception $e) { $data = array("error" => 1, "message" => $e->getMessage()); } $this->_sendHtml($data); } }
public function createAction() { if ($data = $this->getRequest()->getPost()) { try { if (isset($data["id"])) { unset($data["id"]); } if (isset($data["app_id"])) { unset($data["app_id"]); } if (empty($data["name"])) { throw new Exception($this->_("The name is required")); } if (empty($data["user_id"])) { throw new Exception($this->_("This admin does not exist")); } $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($data["user_id"]); if (!$admin->getId()) { throw new Exception($this->_("This admin does not exist")); } $application = new Application_Model_Application(); $this->__checkKeyAndDomain($data, $application); $application->addData($data)->addAdmin($admin)->save(); $data = array("success" => 1, "app_id" => $application->getId(), "app_url" => $application->getUrl()); } catch (Exception $e) { $data = array("error" => 1, "message" => $e->getMessage()); } $this->_sendHtml($data); } }
public function saveAction() { if ($datas = $this->getRequest()->getPost()) { try { $message = ''; // Récupère le commerçe en cours $admin = $this->getSession()->getAdmin(); if (empty($datas['url_key'])) { throw new Exception($this->_('Please enter a subdomain.')); } if (preg_match("#[^a-z0-9]#", $datas['url_key'])) { throw new Exception($this->_('Your mobile address should not contain special characters')); } $dummy = new Admin_Model_Admin(); if ($dummy->find($datas['url_key'], 'url_key')->getId()) { throw new Exception($this->_('We are sorry but this address is already used.')); } $admin->setUrlKey($datas['url_key'])->save(); $html = array('success' => '1', 'success_message' => $message, 'message_timeout' => 2, 'message_button' => 0, 'message_loader' => 0); } catch (Exception $e) { $html = array('message' => $e->getMessage()); } $this->getLayout()->setHtml(Zend_Json::encode($html)); } }
public function findAction() { $application = Application_Model_Application::getInstance(); $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); if (Siberian_Version::is("sae")) { $admins = $admin->findAll()->toArray(); $admin_owner = $admin; $admin_owner->setData(current($admins)); } else { $admins = $admin->getAllApplicationAdmins($this->getRequest()->getParam("app_id")); $admin_owner = $application->getOwner(); } $admin_list = array(); foreach ($admins as $admin) { $admin_list[] = $admin; } $admin = array("name" => $admin_owner->getFirstname() . " " . $admin_owner->getLastname(), "email" => $admin_owner->getEmail(), "company" => $admin_owner->getCompany(), "phone" => $admin_owner->getPhone()); $store_categories = Application_Model_Device_Ios::getStoreCategeories(); $devices = array(); foreach ($application->getDevices() as $device) { $device->setName($device->getName()); $device->setBrandName($device->getBrandName()); $device->setStoreName($device->getStoreName()); $device->setHasMissingInformation(!$device->getUseOurDeveloperAccount() && (!$device->getDeveloperAccountUsername() || !$device->getDeveloperAccountPassword())); $devices[] = $device->getData(); } $data = array('admin' => $admin, 'admin_list' => $admin_list, 'app_store_icon' => $application->getAppStoreIcon(), 'google_play_icon' => $application->getGooglePlayIcon(), 'devices' => $devices, 'url' => $application->getUrl(), 'has_ios_certificate' => Push_Model_Certificate::getiOSCertificat() !== null); foreach ($store_categories as $name => $store_category) { if ($store_category->getId() == $application->getMainCategoryId()) { $data['main_category_name'] = $name; } else { if ($store_category->getId() == $application->getSecondaryCategoryId()) { $data['secondary_category_name'] = $name; } } } $folder_name = $application->getDevice(2)->getTmpFolderName(); $apk_path = null; $date_mod = null; if ($folder_name != "") { $apk_base_path = Core_Model_Directory::getBasePathTo("var/tmp/applications/android/{$folder_name}/Siberian/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk"); } if (file_exists($apk_base_path)) { $apk_path = Core_Model_Directory::getPathTo("var/tmp/applications/android/{$folder_name}/Siberian/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk"); $date = new Zend_Date(filemtime($apk_base_path), Zend_Date::TIMESTAMP); $date_mod = $date->toString($this->_("MM/dd/y 'at' hh:mm a")); } $data["bundle_id"] = $application->getBundleId(); $data["is_active"] = $application->isActive(); $data["is_locked"] = $application->isLocked(); $data["can_be_published"] = $application->canBePublished(); if ($application->getFreeUntil()) { $date = new Zend_Date($application->getFreeUntil(), Zend_Date::ISO_8601); $data["free_until"] = $date->toString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } $data["apk"] = array("link" => $apk_path, 'date' => $date_mod); $application->addData($data); $data = array("application" => $application->getData(), 'statuses' => Application_Model_Device::getStatuses()); $this->_sendHtml($data); }
public function findAction() { $notification = new Backoffice_Model_Notification(); $unread_number = $notification->findAll(array("is_read = ?" => 0))->count(); $unread_message = $unread_number > 1 ? $this->_("%d Unread Messages", $unread_number) : $this->_("%d Unread Message", $unread_number); $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admins = $admin->getStats(); $array_admin = array(); foreach ($admins as $admin) { $array_admin[$admin->getDay()] = $admin->getCount(); } $dateKey = new Siberian_Date(); $dateEnd = new Siberian_Date(); $dateKey = $dateKey->setDay(1); $dateEnd = $dateEnd->setDay(1); $dateEnd->addMonth(1); $dateEnd = $dateEnd->subDay(1); $stats = array(); $i = 0; while (strcmp($dateKey->toString("yyyy-MM-dd"), $dateEnd->toString("yyyy-MM-dd")) <= 0) { $admin = isset($array_admin[$dateKey->toString("yyyy-MM-dd")]) ? $array_admin[$dateKey->toString("yyyy-MM-dd")] : 0; $stats[] = array($dateKey->toString("EEE. MMM, dSS"), $admin); $dateKey->addDay(1); } $data = array("stats" => $stats, "notif" => array("unread_number" => $unread_number, "message" => $unread_message)); $this->_sendHtml($data); }
public function canPublishThemself() { $publication_type = System_Model_Config::getValueFor("system_publication_access_type"); $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($this->getApplication()->getAdminId()); $publish_rights = $admin->getPublicationAccessType() ? $admin->getPublicationAccessType() : $publication_type; return $publish_rights == 'sources'; }
/** * Find admin * * @param int $applicationId * @param string $username * @param Admin_Model_Admin $admin * @return boolean */ public function find($applicationId, $username, Admin_Model_Admin $admin) { $select = $this->_dbTable->select(); $select->setIntegrityCheck(false)->from(array('a' => 'admin'), array('a.*'))->joinLeft(array("aa" => "admin_application"), "aa.admin_id =")->where('a.username = ?', $username)->where('aa.application_id = ?', $applicationId); $resultSet = $this->_dbTable->fetchAll($select); if (0 == count($resultSet)) { return false; } //get first row from resultSet $row = $resultSet->current(); $admin->setOptions($row->toArray()); return true; }
public function loginAction() { try { $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost(); if (!$this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $data = Zend_Json::decode($this->getRequest()->getRawBody()); $this->getResponse()->setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", true, true); $this->getResponse()->setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "PUT", true); $this->getResponse()->setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*", true); $this->getResponse()->setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Pragma", true); } if (!empty($data)) { $canBeLoggedIn = false; if (empty($data['email']) or empty($data['password'])) { throw new Exception($this->_('Authentication failed. Please check your email and/or your password')); } $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->findByEmail($data['email']); if ($admin->authenticate($data['password'])) { $applications = $admin->getApplications(); $data = array('applications' => array()); foreach ($applications as $application) { if (!$application->isActive()) { continue; } $url = parse_url($application->getUrl()); $key = ""; if (stripos($url["path"], $application->getKey())) { $url["path"] = str_replace($application->getKey(), "", $url["path"]); $key = $application->getKey(); } $icon = ''; if ($application->getIcon()) { $icon = $this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl() . $application->getIcon(); } $data['applications'][] = array('id' => $application->getId(), 'icon' => $icon, 'startup_image' => str_replace("//", "/", $application->getStartupImageUrl()), 'startup_image_retina' => str_replace("//", "/", $application->getStartupImageUrl("retina")), 'name' => $application->getName(), 'scheme' => $url['scheme'], 'domain' => $url['host'], 'path' => ltrim($url['path'], '/'), 'key' => $key, 'url' => $application->getUrl()); } } else { throw new Exception($this->_('Authentication failed. Please check your email and/or your password')); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $data = array('error' => $this->_('Authentication failed. Please check your email and/or your password')); } $this->getResponse()->setBody(Zend_Json::encode($data))->sendResponse(); die; }
public function deleteAction() { if ($admin_id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('admin_id')) { try { $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($admin_id); if (!$admin->getId()) { throw new Exception($this->_("This administrator does not exist")); } $admin->delete(); $html = array('success' => 1, 'admin_id' => $admin_id); } catch (Exception $e) { $html = array('error' => 1, 'message' => $e->getMessage()); } $this->_sendHtml($html); } }
public function saveAction() { if ($data = Zend_Json::decode($this->getRequest()->getRawBody())) { try { if (!Zend_Validate::is($data["email"], "emailAddress")) { throw new Exception($this->_("Please, enter a correct email address.")); } $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $dummy = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $dummy->find($data["email"], "email"); $isNew = true; $data["confirm_password"] = !empty($data["confirm_password"]) ? $data["confirm_password"] : ""; if (!empty($data["id"])) { $admin->find($data["id"]); $isNew = !$admin->getId(); } if ($isNew and empty($data["password"])) { throw new Exception($this->_("Please, enter a password.")); } if (empty($data["password"]) and empty($data["confirm_password"])) { unset($data["password"]); unset($data["confirm_password"]); } if (!empty($data["password"]) and $data["password"] != $data["confirm_password"]) { throw new Exception($this->_("Passwords don't match")); } $admin->addData($data); if ($dummy->getEmail() == $admin->getEmail() and $dummy->getId() != $admin->getId()) { throw new Exception($this->_("We are sorry but this email address already exists.")); } if (!empty($data["password"])) { $admin->setPassword($data["password"]); } if (!empty($data["publication_access_type"])) { $admin->setPublicationAccessType($data["publication_access_type"]); } $admin->save(); $data = array("success" => 1, "message" => $this->_("User successfully saved")); } catch (Exception $e) { $data = array("error" => 1, "message" => $e->getMessage()); } $this->_sendHtml($data); } }
public function setaddpageAction() { if ($data = Zend_Json::decode($this->getRequest()->getRawBody())) { try { if (empty($data["admin_id"]) or empty($data["app_id"])) { throw new Exception($this->_("An error occurred while saving. Please try again later.")); } $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($data["admin_id"]); $application = new Application_Model_Application(); $application->find($data["app_id"]); if (!$admin->getId() or !$application->getId()) { throw new Exception($this->_("An error occurred while saving. Please try again later.")); } $admin->setIsAllowedToAddPages(!empty($data["can_add_page"]))->save(); $data = array("success" => 1, "message" => $this->_("Data saved successfully.")); } catch (Exception $e) { $data = array("error" => 1, "message" => $e->getMessage()); } $this->_sendHtml($data); } }
public function createAction() { if ($datas = $this->getRequest()->getPost()) { $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); try { if (empty($datas['email']) or empty($datas['password']) or empty($datas['confirm_password'])) { throw new Exception($this->_('Please, fill out all fields')); } if (!Zend_Validate::is($datas['email'], 'emailAddress')) { throw new Exception($this->_('Please enter a valid email address')); } if ($datas['password'] != $datas['confirm_password']) { throw new Exception($this->_("The entered password confirmation does not match the entered password.")); } $admin->setData($datas)->setPassword($datas['password'])->save(); $this->getSession()->setAdmin($admin); $html = array('success' => 1); } catch (Exception $e) { $html = array('message' => $e->getMessage()); $this->getResponse()->setHttpResponseCode(400); } $this->getLayout()->setHtml(Zend_Json::encode($html)); } }
public function loginasAction() { if ($admin_id = $this->getRequest()->getParam("admin_id")) { $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($admin_id); if ($admin->getId()) { $key = sha1($admin->getFirstname() . $admin->getId()); if ($key == $this->getRequest()->getParam('key', 'aa')) { $front_session = $this->getSession('front'); $front_session->resetInstance()->setAdmin($admin); $this->_redirect(''); return $this; } } } }
public function editAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $id = $request->getParam('NODEID', -1); $ntid = $request->getParam('NODETYPEID'); Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_Dojo::setUseDeclarative(); $this->view->addHelperPath('Uman/Dojo/View/Helper/', 'Uman_Dojo_View_Helper'); $form = new Uman_Admin_Form(); $form->setName('nodeEditorForm'); $form->setAttrib('jsId', 'nodeEditorForm'); $form->setAction('/admin/editor/save'); $form->setMethod('post'); $form->setEnctype('multipart/form-data'); $dbModel = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $nodeeditorInfo = $dbModel->getNodeEditorInfo($ntid); $fields = $dbModel->getEditorFields($nodeeditorInfo['DEFAULT_EDITOR_NODEID']); $parentidExists = false; $nodetypeidExists = false; $js_oncreate = ''; $js_beforesubmit = ''; foreach ($fields as $field) { if (!$field['VISIBLE']) { continue; } if ($field['FIELDNAME'] == 'PARENTID') { $parentidExists = true; } else { if ($field['FIELDNAME'] == 'NODETYPEID') { $nodetypeidExists = true; } } $class = $field['ELEMENT_CLASS']; $e = new $class($field['FIELDNAME']); // $e->setName($fieldName); if (!empty($field['ELEMENT_CONFIG'])) { /* * In php.ini must be: * allow_url_include = on; * allow_url_fopen = on; */ $elem_cfg = new Zend_Config_Ini('data://,' . $field['ELEMENT_CONFIG']); $elem_cfg = $elem_cfg->toArray(); $e->setOptions($elem_cfg); } $e->setLabel($field['TITLE']); // if (@$field['REQUIRED']) $e->setRequired($field['REQUIRED']); switch ($class) { case 'Zend_Form_Element_Hidden': $decor = array('ViewHelper'); break; case 'Zend_Form_Element_File': // $e->setMaxFileSize(1024); $decor = $form->elementFileDecorators; break; default: $decor = $form->elementDecorators; } $e->setDecorators($decor); $form->addElement($e); $js_oncreate .= isset($field['JS_ONCREATE']) ? $field['JS_ONCREATE'] . "\n" : ''; $js_beforesubmit .= isset($field['JS_BEFORESUBMIT']) ? $field['JS_BEFORESUBMIT'] . "\n" : ''; } $e = new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_SubmitButton('save', array('label' => 'Сохранить')); $e->setDecorators($form->buttonDecorators); $form->addElement($e); /* $e = new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_Button('cancel', array('label' => 'Отмена', 'onClick' => "dijit.byId('editorDialog').onCancel()")); $e->setDecorators($form->buttonDecorators); $form->addElement($e);*/ $form->addElements(array($form->createElement('hidden', 'NODEID')->setDecorators(array('ViewHelper')), $form->createElement('hidden', 'MODE')->setDecorators(array('ViewHelper')))); if (!$nodetypeidExists) { $form->addElement($form->createElement('hidden', 'NODETYPEID')->setDecorators(array('ViewHelper'))); } if (!$parentidExists) { $form->addElement($form->createElement('hidden', 'PARENTID')->setDecorators(array('ViewHelper'))); } if ($request->isPost()) { $res = $form->processAjax($request->getPost()); if ($res != 'true') { echo $res; exit; } else { // if($form->isValid ( $request->getPost () )) { $dbModel->saveFieldsValues($fields, $request->getPost(), $nodeeditorInfo); // $dbModel->copyResources ( $id, false ); echo $res; // "<textarea>$res</textarea"; //OK for AJAX request exit; } } else { if ($id == -1) { // New page $pid = $request->getParam('PARENTID'); $dbModel->checkRight($pid); $id = $dbModel->getNextId('GEN_TEMP_UID'); $values = array_merge($dbModel->getNewValues($fields, $nodeeditorInfo), array('NODEID' => $id, 'PARENTID' => $pid, 'NODETYPEID' => $ntid, 'MODE' => 'ADD', 'SORTORDER' => $dbModel->getNextSortOrder($pid))); // mkdir($this->_cfg['temp']['path'] . $id); } else { $dbModel->checkRight($id); $values = array_merge($dbModel->getFieldsValues($fields, $id, $nodeeditorInfo), array('MODE' => 'EDIT')); $dbModel->copyResources($id, $id, true); } $form->populate($values); $this->view->assign('form', $form); $this->view->assign('title', $nodeeditorInfo['TITLE']); if (!empty($js_oncreate)) { $this->view->assign('js_oncreate', $js_oncreate); $this->view->assign('id', $id); $this->view->assign('baseUrl', $request->getBaseUrl()); } if (!empty($js_beforesubmit)) { $this->view->assign('js_beforesubmit', $js_beforesubmit); } } }
public function getOwner() { $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($this->getAdminId()); return $admin; }
public function autologinAction() { if ($email = $this->getRequest()->getParam("email") and $token = $this->getRequest()->getParam("token")) { try { $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($email, "email"); if (!$admin->getId()) { throw new Exception($this->_("The user doesn't exist.")); } if ($admin->getLoginToken() != $token) { throw new Exception($this->_("Authentication failed")); } $this->getSession()->setAdmin($admin); $this->_redirect("admin/application/list"); } catch (Exception $e) { } } }
public function forgotpasswordpostAction() { if ($datas = $this->getRequest()->getPost() and !$this->getSession()->isLoggedIn('admin') and !$this->getSession()->isLoggedIn('pos')) { try { if (empty($datas['email'])) { throw new Exception($this->_('Please enter your email address')); } $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->findByEmail($datas['email']); if (!$admin->getId()) { throw new Exception($this->_("Your email address does not exist")); } $password = Core_Model_Lib_String::generate(8); $admin->setPassword($password)->save(); $sender = System_Model_Config::getValueFor("support_email"); $support_name = System_Model_Config::getValueFor("support_name"); $layout = $this->getLayout()->loadEmail('admin', 'forgot_password'); $subject = $this->_('%s - Your new password', $support_name); $layout->getPartial('content_email')->setPassword($password); $content = $layout->render(); $mail = new Zend_Mail('UTF-8'); $mail->setBodyHtml($content); $mail->setFrom($sender, $support_name); $mail->addTo($admin->getEmail(), $admin->getName()); $mail->setSubject($subject); $mail->send(); $this->getSession()->addSuccess($this->_('Your new password has been sent to the entered email address')); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->getSession()->addError($e->getMessage()); } } $this->_redirect('/'); return $this; }
public function getAllowedTypes($id) { $dbModel = new Admin_Model_Admin(); return $dbModel->getAllowedTypes($id); }
public function showAction() { set_time_limit(600); // 10 min // ini_set('output_buffering', '4096'); $nodeid = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id', -1); $this->_zip = new Uman_ZipStream("pack_{$nodeid}.pkg"); $xml = new DomDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $root = $xml->appendChild(new DOMElement('package')); $content = $xml->createElement('content'); $content = $root->appendChild($content); $this->addLevel($this->_db->fetchAll($this->_rootsql, $nodeid), $content, $this->getRequest()->getParam('contentinc', false)); $packid = $this->_db->nextSequenceId('GEN_UID'); $this->addInfo($nodeid, $root, $packid); $this->addTypes($root); $this->_zip->add_file('info.xml', $xml->saveXML()); $this->_zip->finish(); $AdminDbModel = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $AdminDbModel->exportPackage($nodeid, $packid); /* header("Content-type: application/x-zip"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment;"); $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open('php://output', ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)!==TRUE) { // Пока не работает запись в поток echo "cannot open \n"; exit; } $zip->addFromString('test.txt', '11111111111'); $zip->close(); */ exit; }
public function __construct($params) { $admin = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $admin->find($params['id']); $this->setObject($admin); }
private function import($zip) { if (!($xmlfile = $zip->getFromName($this->infoxmlfile))) { echo "file '" . $this->infoxmlfile . "' in the package not found"; exit; } else { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlfile); } $time_start = microtime(1); $this->log = "Start log....\n"; if (strcmp($this->packagetype, (string) $xml->packageinfo->packagetype) != 0) { echo "Package type error.\n Expected: '" . $this->packagetype . "', found: '" . (string) $xml->packageinfo->packagetype . "'."; exit; } else { $this->log .= "Package type: " . (string) $xml->packageinfo->packagetype . "\n"; } if (strcmp($this->version, (string) $xml->packageinfo->version) != 0) { echo "Package version error.\n Expected: '" . $this->version . "', found: '" . (string) $xml->packageinfo->version . "'."; exit; } else { $this->log .= "Package version: " . (string) $xml->packageinfo->version . "\n"; } if (strcmp("", (string) $xml->packageinfo->finalization) === 0) { echo "Package is not finalized"; exit; } $packid = (string) $xml->packageinfo->packid; $sql = "select P.STATUS, P.PACKAGEID, CT.TITLE, P.EXPORTDATE, \n\t\tP.IMPORTDATE, IIU.USERNAME as IMPORTUSERNAME, \n\t\tEIU.USERNAME as EXPORTUSERNAME from PACKAGES P \n\t\tleft join CONTENTTREE CT \n\t\ton (CT.NODEID = P.NODEID) \n\t\tleft join INFO_USERS IIU \n\t\ton (IIU.NODEID = P.IMPORTUSERID) \n\t\tleft join INFO_USERS EIU \n\t\ton (EIU.NODEID = P.EXPORTUSERID) \n\t\twhere P.PACKAGEID = ?"; $res = $this->_db->fetchRow($sql, $packid); if (!$res) { echo "Export of package not found. Package id = " . $packid; exit; } if (trim($res['STATUS']) == $this->db_status_import) { echo "Package was imported. \n\t\t\tInformation: \n \n\t\t\texport from: " . $res['EXPORTDATE'] . " By: '" . $res['EXPORTUSERNAME'] . "'\n. \n\t\t\tImport from: " . $res['IMPORTDATE'] . " \n\t\t\tBy: '" . $res['IMPORTUSERNAME'] . "'\n for node title: " . $res['TITLE'] . "\n. Package ID: " . $res['PACKAGEID']; exit; } else { $this->log .= " Information: \n export from: " . $res['EXPORTDATE'] . " By: '" . $res['EXPORTUSERNAME'] . "'.\n for node title: " . $res['TITLE'] . "\n"; } $this->_db->beginTransaction(); $sql = "select RDB\$SET_CONTEXT('USER_TRANSACTION', 'CURRENT_USERID', ?) from RDB\$DATABASE"; $this->_db->fetchCol($sql, $this->_acl->userid); $this->log .= "------------------------- begin\n"; $this->importLevel($zip, $xml->content->children()); $this->ImportLevelDel($zip, $xml->content->children()); $this->log .= "------------------------- end\n"; $time_end = microtime(1); $time = $time_end - $time_start; $this->log .= "-> Package load: " . $time . " sec"; // $AdminDbModel = new Admin_Model_Admin(); $AdminDbModel->importPackage($packid, (string) $xml->packageinfo->guid, $this->log, $this->db_status_import); $this->_db->commit(); echo $this->log; }